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Authors: Desiree Holt

Escape the Night (2 page)

BOOK: Escape the Night
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"Wow!" was all she could manage.

Gus came up behind her, almost but not quite touching her. "I sometimes forget how impressive this is. Would you like a drink? Coffee? Tea?"

"Just a glass of ice water, please."


Escape the Night

He led her to a long leather couch and waited until she'd settled at one end of it. Anya was grateful for the fact that he hadn't asked her one question during the ride from the shopping center. Only an FBI agent would simply pick her up, no questions asked, and bring her back to his place to ask her what kind of trouble she was in. She was still trembling so badly that she nearly spilled the glass of water he handed her. Gus sat down beside her and cupped his hand around hers, helping her steady the glass while she drank.

"Thank you." She set the glass down on the coaster he slid along the coffee table. Now she had to figure out the best way to explain her situation. While she was trying to put her thoughts in some kind of order, she took her first really good look at the man who'd hired her only a few short weeks ago yet had come for her tonight without hesitation.

Without the standard suit and tie all FBI agents seem to favor he looked...different. Tonight he had on faded jeans and a black t-shirt that clung to his well-muscled body like a second skin. His thick, brown, sun-streaked hair was slightly disheveled, enough so that Anya just wanted to run her fingers through it. Whiskey-brown eyes looked out from a face more masculine than handsome, with its square jaw, high cheekbones and now a sexy five o'clock shadow. Muscles rippled in his arms as he lifted the bottle of beer he'd fetched with her water.


She was literally running for her life, terrified, with the only person she dared to ask for help and yet here she was ogling him and trying to imagine him naked. Her boss, of all people! Totally off limits under any circumstance. Virgil must have really rattled her brains with that hard smack to her face.

"I hate to damage the merchandise," he'd said, "but you have to learn to take orders. Ya know?"

Thinking of it now she touched her cheek where it was still sore and flinched at the contact.


Desiree Holt

Instantly Gus set his beer down, slid over next to her and cupped her chin. His eyes studied her carefully. When his thumb brushed over the shadow beneath her makeup she winced and his eyes darkened.

"Don't move," he told her and headed for the kitchen. He returned holding an ice bag and a small towel. "Hold this to your face. It will help."

"Thank you." She took it, embarrassed for him to see her like this. But what choice did she have?

Gus sipped on his beer for a moment or two, giving her a chance to pull herself together.

"All right." His voice was calm. Soothing. "It looks like you're in some kind of trouble or you wouldn't be calling me after hours. And I'm also guessing it's either something you don't want friends or family to know about, or else there's no one you can call."

She nodded, lowering the ice pack enough to take another drink of water. Gus smiled, the curve of his lips warming his face. "You haven't worked for me all that long, Anya, but I got a good feeling when I interviewed you and in the few weeks you've worked for me you've really impressed me. I'm guessing you trust me to a degree--or my job--or you wouldn't have called me, so how about telling me what the problem is. Let's see how I can help you."

Anya put the glass down and swiped at the tears burning her eyelids. She was so embarrassed, at both her stupidity and gullibility, and she wasn't even sure where to begin.

Gus was still sitting close to her on the couch. He reached out a hand and gently wiped away the moisture on her cheeks. For a moment tiny jolts of awareness sizzled through her, a reaction so unexpected it shocked her. Then, just as swiftly it disappeared, and he was Mr. D'Amato, the man she worked for, and she was living in a nightmare.

"Come on," he urged in a soft voice. "Let's see how bad this really is."


Escape the Night

Anya knew she had to tell him. He was her only source of help. And certainly his job put him in a position to rescue her, even if it was from her own stupidity. She lowered her gaze, unable to look at him while she talked. "I-I moved to San Antonio a while ago because I wanted something more than Burdette had to offer. Two of my girlfriends moved up here, too, and we see each other once a week."

"Doesn't sound too bad so far." His voice was deep and slow, wrapping around her like a velvet cloth. For a moment she just wanted to dive into him and shut out the ugly world.

"I haven't even gotten to the bad part yet." She drew in a shaky breath and let it out. "I've always been a little...shy. Not the one at the top of everyone's date list. So when I ran into Virgil and he asked me out, I didn't pay any attention to what Stella and Amy said." Tears gathered again and rolled down her cheeks. "Then tonight..."

She drew in another shaky breath.

"Take your time. We're in no hurry."

She gave him a watery grin. "You must do this a lot."

He smiled. "Save beautiful maidens?"

The grin disappeared. "I'm far from beautiful. That's why I was so flattered when Virgil... When he... But then he brought those men... He hit me... Those men..."

She dissolved into tears, unable to go on.

Gus drew her gently into his arms, his hands soothing her, but she felt a sudden tension in his body. "You wouldn't by any chance be talking about Virgil Branson, would you?"

She lifted her head. "Yes, why? How do you know Virgil?"

His hands tightened on her for a brief moment. "Darlin', Virgil Branson has been a thorn in my side for longer than I can remember. I never believed in fate before, but I damn sure do now. Otherwise what would have made you call me tonight?"

"You know Virgil?" She frowned, puzzled.


Desiree Holt

"I'm going to know him even better. Let's get you some hot tea, with a little brandy in it, and we're going to have a long talk. I want to hear everything you can tell me about Virgil Branson. Everything."


Escape the Night

Chapter Two

Six months later

Anya smiled as Gus turned out the bathroom light, stripped off his boxers and slid into bed beside her. She loved the feel of his big, hard body and the warmth it exuded. She still could hardly believe everything that had happened since that night she'd called him afraid for her life. In the past six months Virgil Branson had been arrested for running a prostitution ring, one that was backed by a major cartel and that sent its women all over the world. Sold them off like a piece of merchandise. Anya, Stella and Amy had been star witnesses in his trial. Now her friends had been relocated, Virgil was in a federal prison, and she and Gus were building a life together. Something she never could have imagined in her wildest dreams. Gus slipped an arm beneath her and pulled her toward him. She loved the feel of his body against hers, hard muscles beneath smooth skin. And he always smelled so good--that delicious combination of soap, outdoors and male that was distinctively Gus. Pressing her nose against his shoulder she inhaled deeply, taking his scent inside her.

"I wonder if I'll ever get enough of touching you." His voice was already deepening with desire.

"I still have to pinch myself to believe that this is happening," she told him.

"Oh, I think I should be the one to do the pinching." He took one nipple between thumb and forefinger and squeezed it lightly.

Heat arrowed straight to her cunt, moisture flooding her and her pulse kicking into overdrive. He could do that to her with just one touch?


Desiree Holt

Anya ran one hand lightly over the thick hair on his chest, curling her fingertips into it and seeking his nipples. When she scraped gently over the surface of them his breath hissed out slowly.

"Darlin', you do like to light my fire, don't you." He dipped his head to capture the lobe of her ear in his teeth, then trailed his tongue along the column of her neck. Anya shivered in anticipation. She never would have dreamed that a woman of such sexuality lived beneath her skin. Her experience had been limited and her selfesteem low, especially after Virgil sweet-talked her for the sole purpose of selling her body to the highest bidders.

But from that first night when she'd called him for help, Gus had been caring and protective, coaxing her out of her shyness. He'd taught her that sex with the right person could be wonderful. That most men weren't like the very few she'd been with, fumbling and inexperienced. Or brutal, like Virgil and his customers. He'd taught her to learn how to respond to the needs of both her body and his. And to welcome his touch. And Gus had given her the strength to testify against Virgil and to convince Amy and Stella to do the same. He'd sheltered her in his apartment and then in his bed, teaching her the pleasures of erotic love. As the emotional bond between them had grown, she'd opened for him like a flower. Now a day never passed that she didn't crave the touch of his mouth on her, his fingers, his cock inside her. She'd had to transfer to another office, of course, but luckily there was an opening in one on the same floor. Whenever he stopped by to check on her she wondered if anyone noticed the smoldering glances they exchanged.

Now she rubbed her body against his in a way that fed the pleasure in both of them. Gus moved one hand along her curves with a light, feathery stroke that sent shivers through her.

"You always feel so good to me," he murmured, his head dipping to capture one nipple between his lips. "Your skin feels like cool silk but there's such heat beneath it."

He nipped at her jawline. "But that heat's just for me, right, darlin'?"


Escape the Night

"Of course," she breathed. As if any other man would ever appeal to her. His mouth continued its sensuous journey along her neck, pausing at the hollow of her throat to press his tongue to the spot where her pulse beat so furiously. And all the while his hand traveled everywhere--her thighs, her arms, her shoulders. Anya anchored her fingers in the thick warmth of his hair, holding on to him tightly as little ripples of pleasure raced through her.

One palm cupped a breast as his mouth found the nipple, his tongue licking it, his lips pulling on it, his teeth nibbling in tiny little nips. Anya felt the liquid gathering in her cunt and the lips there swelling with need. When he'd teased the nipple into a swollen, aching point he moved to the other one, kneading the soft flesh of her breast while using his mouth and teeth on the swelling bud.

Anya moved against him, pressing herself into his mouth and hands. She let one of her own hands drift lower, reaching for the thick hard shaft against her thigh, wanting to touch him, too.

"Uh-uh," Gus murmured, his mouth against her body. "This is my play time."

His lips traveled further down her body, until they reached the soft curls covering her pussy. Moving so he knelt between her thighs, he spread them wide, bent his head and spread her cunt lips. Anya had discovered he loved to look at her fully exposed, his eyes eating her up. Tiny shimmers of heat rippled through her.

"I could spend the rest of my life eating your cunt." Gus' voice was low and raw with need. "Bend your knees for me, darlin'. Just the way I like it."

Anya planted her feet on the mattress, knees bent and legs as far apart as she could get them. Gus took a long, slow, delicious sweep of his tongue the length of her slit, not hurrying, not rushing. Taking his time to enjoy every morsel. Anya wanted to scream at him to hurry, but she knew by now that slow and easy was his favorite way to make love. He knew how it drove her crazy. By the time he was ready to enter her she would be so aroused she would climax at once, then again as he fucked her. 17

Desiree Holt

With his thumbs Gus spread the lips of her pussy, and then closed his lips over her throbbing clit. Anya bucked, her hips rising from the mattress as she lifted to meet his mouth. Gus took leisurely swipes at her demanding flesh, alternately sucking the hot bud and lapping each inch of her inner pussy lips. By the time he plunged his tongue inside her wet channel she was half crazy with desire. He was so clever with that tongue, thrusting it in and out as he would do later with his cock. It brushed rhythmically against her flexing pussy walls, reaching in deep and curling the tip to reach that oh, so sweet spot that sent her spinning up the spiral. Pushing her hips at him she tried to draw him deeper inside. Instead he withdrew his tongue and drew concentric circles with it around her clit. Again and again, around and around. Anya clutched at the sheet, digging her fists into it and bracing her feet on the mattress. She wanted him to let her come, to carry her to that wonderful place with fireworks and black velvet, but that wasn't Gus' style. She'd already learned that.

Lifting his head, he licked the inside of each thigh with tantalizing swipes of his broad, flat tongue, leaving her pussy vibrating with need. Planting kisses on the inside of each knee, he slid his hands up the outside of her thighs then around to the cheeks of her ass. With one deft movement he flipped her over onto her stomach and pulled her up to her knees. Then he was kissing her ass, those light butterfly touches that made the pulse low in her belly thrum with excitement.

Gus shifted so his body was over hers, circled her wrists and lifted her hands, clamping her fingers around the slats in the headboard.

"Hold on tight, darlin'." His voice was husky and raw. "Stay just like that."

He reached for their pillows and pulled them beneath her, piling them so her body could rest on them. Anya shivered with anticipation. The first time Gus had taken her from behind she'd been scared, aroused, panicked, a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. But as with everything else, he'd been slow, loving, tamping down his own rising need to arouse her to the point where she wanted it as much as he did. 18

Escape the Night

But still, he'd never taken her
. Would tonight be the night? As she'd come to know Gus over the past six months she'd learned he was a man of great sexual appetites. She'd also discovered he kept a large part of himself tucked away, leery of frightening her, knowing how her short brush with Virgil and his operation had traumatized her. Didn't he know she trusted him more than any other man she'd ever met? That she was ready for whatever he wanted? Desired?

BOOK: Escape the Night
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