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Authors: Scarlet Black

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires (16 page)

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“You could say that.”

“Can I ask you a question Dorian?”

“Go ahead.”

“How did you learn how to make a French braid so efficiently? How many women have you done that for?” She heard the jealousy in her voice, but couldn’t help it.

“I used to do it for my mother when she became too ill to do it herself. She had the most beautiful long flowing hair, even at the very end.”

She was a little sorry she’d asked when she saw the sadness in his eyes. But, then again, he was showing her he was capable of true emotional depth and she was glad for it.

She took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. He seemed surprised by such a simple gesture of comfort, as if he wasn’t used to it.

“I’m sorry if I made you sad. I understand how you feel. I lost my mother too, remember?”

“Were you with her when she died?” He asked.

“Yes, I was. I held her hand until she took her last breath. I remember how tightly she held onto me and how scared she was and there was nothing I could do. I felt her hand go slack in mine. I heard her exhale and it was . . . over.” Jennifer felt tears stream slowly down her cheeks. She put her hand up to wipe them away.

He grabbed it in mid-air and with extraordinary tenderness, wiped them away with his own.

“You’re a good person, Jennifer Reese. I knew it the moment I laid eyes on you. I wish I was half as good a person. I’m not a good guy Jennifer, not at all . . .” His voice trailed away.

She was stunned. Dorian Taylor who was the epitome of confidence and seemed at times like an arrogant control freak was opening up to her. But, did she really want him to? Was he carrying guilt over minor things he’d done or was he really a bad guy? She asked anyway.

“Why don’t you think you’re a good man?  Enrique thinks you are.”

“Enrique doesn’t know about my past. Not many do.”

“What did you do that was so bad?” She asked softly.

“I wasn’t with my mother when she died, not like you.”

She paused before speaking, seeing the torment in his eyes. It really bothered him. Still, that didn’t make him a horrible person.
“Not everyone is with their loved ones when they pass away, Dorian. I’m sure you had a good reason.”

“You don’t understand. I
her. My father stayed away the whole time she was ill. It was my sister and me who were there for her. My sister was there when she passed. I swore I’d be there and I wasn’t.”

“If you were truly bad, you wouldn’t feel remorse over it,” she said soothingly. “What about your father? Were you there when he died?”

He stared at her. She saw the muscles in his jaw tense. His tone was cold when he spoke. “Yes I was.”

“Well, that’s something.”

“Oh, it was something alright,” he said sarcastically.

She was puzzled. At the mention of his father, his entire demeanor changed. His eyes were a million miles away and appeared completely void of emotion. “I’ve done . . . other things too. I’ve hurt people.”

He was no longer looking at her at all, which was unusual. Instead, he stared out at the ocean.

He’d hurt people? Just what did that mean? She didn’t want to know. In her eyes, he was the most amazing man she’d ever met.

“Do you mean . . . at e.Vampire?  Did you do things to women in those rooms I saw there?” Her heart beat fast.

She was curious about what went on behind those closed doors. She wanted to see the rooms. Although, she didn’t want to picture Dorian with any other women in any way, shape or form. However, he was really talking to her and she’d get answers, whether she liked those answers or not.

He said nothing for a minute. It was a very long minute. His gaze was intense and unsettling. 

“Yes, I’ve hurt women there and in other places as well.” His eyes searched hers for something. Was it redemption, absolution or maybe just acceptance? Perhaps he was begging her to challenge him; to ask for specifics about what he’d done that was so bad. 

She looked down at her hands and murmured, “Would you ever hurt me?”

“No. At least not on purpose.”

“What does that mean?”

He sighed and quickly composed himself. “I told you
, I’m a very demanding lover. I’m also very strong and I don’t say that out of vanity. It’s just the way it is. I’m 6’ and 195 pounds. You must be all of what 5’2 and 110 pounds soaking wet? And I like adventurous sex. What I’m trying to say is I wouldn’t hurt you. If I ever cause you pain when we’re intimate you need to tell me to stop and I will.”

She pondered these words. He was the best lover she’d ever had, although she was for the most part inexperienced. Yet, she knew full well her high school boyfriend and the few men she’d almost gone all the way with in college were crappy lovers.  Dorian was obviously skilled in pleasing women. Again, a stab of jealousy pierced her heart.

“These other women. Were there any you were serious about?”

“No. To tell you the truth, I don’t normally participate in e.Vampire’s masked balls nor do get involved with the members. Then I saw you and I wanted to know you. I wanted you to know me.  You’re the only woman I’ve wanted to have a real relationship with.”

His words set her entire body, heart and mind on fire. He wanted her and only her. She ignored the “adventurous sex” remark.
I’ll find out about that later
, she thought.

peered into his eyes, the smoldering, almost threatening look she’d seen a lot of the previous night was back.

“Tell me you’re mine. Tell me you want me to possess you, that you trust me completely.
,” he whispered vehemently.

“I can’t say that Dorian. I want to trust you, but trust needs to be earned.”

“I see. I promise, you
trust me.”

grabbed the tops of her arms, pulled her to him and kissed her roughly. He thrust his tongue past her lips, kissing her deeply before abruptly ending the kiss. Still he held her arms. His hands on her arms and that searing gaze immobilized her. His eyes glittered like cold ice in the light. She knew resistance was futile.

“I’m . . . yours,” she whispered breathlessly.

“Then do as I’ve asked.
me you want me. Tell me you trust me.”

“I . . . want you and I trust you as much as I can. I need to know you better.”

And then she said something that shocked even her. “I want you to take me to your house and fuck me.”

“Jennifer Reese! Did you just ask me to
you?” He cocked his head in obvious amusement. One corner of his mouth swept up in a half smile.

“Yes. I did.” She looked down, feeling the heat on her face and neck. She must be blushing
like a school girl.

“It would be my pleasure. Literally.” He smiled, his eyes gleaming wickedly in the moonlight.

He turned her around and pulled her tightly against him. She felt his lips as soft as velvet brushing the nape of her neck, and then at her ear. “Do you feel me against you?” he whispered. “Do you feel how hard my cock is?”

My God!
His erection was as solid as a rock against her. She nodded.

“Tell me you want me to fuck your mouth,” he murmured, kissing all around the outside of her ear.

She hesitated.

“It’s only words Jennifer. You’ve already asked me to fuck you.” His voice was husky with desire.

“I . . . want you to fuck my mouth.”

Together, they sped off into the night. Jennifer went with the flow this time, feeling utterly exhilarated by the rate of speed, the man she held tight to
, and the promise of what was yet to come.









hapter 14


By the time they arrived at Dorian’s house, it was 10:00 pm. It was Sunday night and Jennifer had to work the next morning. She’d never finished the work she’d intended to get done over the weekend.

Are you insane, girl?
She thought.
You’re thinking of work now?

They were greeted at the door by a rather large middle-aged woman who grinned widely at them. Her salt and pepper hair was pulled back in an impeccable upsweep, her brown eyes twinkled. She had a tropical smock and open toe shoes on. Jennifer liked her immediately.

“This is Barbara. She manages the household. Barbara, this is Jennifer Reese.”

“Nice to meet you.” Jennifer held her hand out to her. The woman took it in both of hers and shook it enthusiastically.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Jennifer. Mr. Taylor has been going on and on about you. Now I can see why.”

“Now Barbara, don’t tell Jennifer all my secrets.”

“Your secrets are safe with me, seeing as you don’t call me the maid anymore.” She winked at Jennifer.

“You know you’re more than that. I’d live in filth if I were left to my own devices.”


“Are you heading home for the night?”

“Yes, Sir. Unless you need me for anything else.”

“No. I’m good. Did you finish that project for me?” Dorian was so comfortable with this woman.

Jennifer thought maybe she’d become a mother figure to him. Her cheerful nature and warmth were obviously good for him.

“Everything is done.”

“Splendid. I’ll see you at some point tomorrow.” Dorian gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

“Take care of her
, Mr. Taylor.” She smiled at Jennifer and left.

“Geez, Barbara acted as if you’d never brought a girl home before,” Jennifer remarked.

“That’s because I haven’t. I told you the truth when I said I’ve not brought another woman into my home or my bed.”

After they’d removed their helmets, Dorian led her by the hand through the cool, dark and quiet house. He stopped just short of his closed bedroom door.

He let go of her hand, turned her around so her back was to him. He swiftly undid her braid and ran his fingers through it. His touch was so unhurried and sensual.

“Close your eyes,” he commanded.

She did and felt some kind of cloth cover them, felt his hands tying it at the back of her head. She opened her eyes and saw nothing.
What the hell?

“Did you just blindfold me?” she asked.

“I did. I don’t want you to see anything. Not yet.”

“Should I be scared? Because I am! I’ve never been blindfolded before.”

“You can trust me, Jennifer,” he said solemnly.

Again, with the trust!
She thought.
“I’m trying to trust you Dorian. But this is freaking me out!”

She heard the slight creak of the bedroom door as it opened and smelled the sweet scent of flowers.

He led her to his bed and laid her down gently, kissing her mouth, her neck and her cheeks. He took her top off, undid her bra and slowly drew her panties down her legs, while planting soft, leisurely kisses along the inside of her thighs.

Surely he was trying to drive her mad. Because she couldn’t see what he was doing, her body quivered with pure sensation at his touch. 

She felt him ease down on the bed, felt something cool and as soft as velvet against her nose. She smelled the fragrant scent of roses. Breathing deeply she savored the sensuality of the delicate petals as they moved past her mouth, her throat and down to the crevasse between her breasts. He swirled the flower around each nipple, in a slow, tantalizing motion, trailing it down her stomach and coming to rest just short of her sex.

His fingers parted her vagina. She held her breath as the petals touched her clitoris like the stroke of a feather. He moved the rose in slow circles all along it and lightly pushed the petals against the opening of her sex. Her breathing became shallow and she raised her hips up off the bed wanting more of this incredible feeling. That’s when he stopped.

“Sit up Jennifer.”

She did. Immediately she felt his fingers at the back of her head untying the blindfold.

“Open your eyes.” His voice was soft and seductive.

“This is . . . wow!” Jennifer looked around the room, awestruck. The entire room was lit with candles. There had to be over a hundred of them. And roses, red, pink, yellow and white were strewn about in beautiful glistening crystal vases. More roses were entwined in a downward spiral along the bed posts. It was amazing and magical. Again, she felt as if she were in a fairy tale.

“I take it you’re pleased?” He raised his brows.

“I’m floored Dorian. It’s so

“And here you thought I was all about sex.” He teased.

“No. I didn’t think that. Well, maybe a little.”

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