Read Evenfall Online

Authors: Sonny,Ais

Evenfall (95 page)

BOOK: Evenfall
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Although Boyd wasn't facing Sin anymore, he could feel that intense gaze burning into his back as he stood in front of the fridge. He didn't say anything when he heard the books drop to the floor and didn't turn even as he felt Sin's presence silently coming closer to him. He didn't do anything until Sin was standing right behind him, body slightly pressed against him as one of Sin's hands rested against the closed freezer door.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Sin demanded softly, speaking directly into Boyd's ear.

A tingle went all the way down Boyd's spine and his stomach warmed. He tilted his head just enough for his hair to brush Sin's lips. "Doing what?" he murmured.

Sin's arm slid around Boyd's waist and his hand clasped his opposite hip, pressing their bodies firmly together. "Showing off for me."

Boyd could feel Sin's erection pressing into his lower back, his breath warm and quick against his hair. He couldn't answer for a moment; Sin felt too good against him. The possessive arm crossing him should have bothered him because it was touching his stomach but it didn't, not the way he would have expected. From the angle Sin held him there was no way he could hide that he was getting hard as well, so he didn't even bother trying.

Turning his head more, he placed his hand on top of Sin's at his hip and tightened his fingers. "Tell me what I'm doing to you," he said softly.

"You know what you're doing to me," Sin snapped, voice a low growl. His breath hissed out and he clutched Boyd, fingers digging in hard enough to bruise. "Why are you playing games with me? Is it funny for you?"

"No, it's not funny." Boyd felt just a little guilty if Sin thought that. He turned his head enough to see Sin's eyes, his fingers tightening against his hand. "I like to see your emotions," he said honestly. "I can't help wanting more of that."

Sin slammed the fridge door shut and spun Boyd around, pushing him against it. He looked frustrated and confused, eyebrows drawn together as his eyes flashed. The raw emotion in his expression gave him a slightly wild look and he closed his eyes briefly as if trying to calm down. "You just don't get it."

Boyd watched him, unperturbed by the changed positions. "What don't I get?" he asked, actually wanting to know. "Stop trying to pull it all back in, just tell me."

Sin stared down at Boyd for barely a second before yanking him forward and crushing their lips together desperately. Boyd let out a half-moan and returned the kiss just as intensely. The world zeroed in on the feel of their lips moving feverishly against each other and Boyd pulled Sin closer, pressing their bodies together tightly as Sin pinned him against the fridge and tangled long fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.

The kiss was sloppy and desperate. His free hand slid down Boyd's back before cupping his ass and squeezing it hard, using his grip to crush their lower bodies together even tighter. Boyd's eyes to slid shut as he groaned into Sin's mouth. One of Boyd's hands slid down to Sin's lower back as the other gripped a shoulder almost painfully, both of their hearts beating out of control as hypersensitive skin brushed together with every movement that was made.

For that moment the heat, the mission, the miscommunication and confusion-- none of it mattered. The only thing that did matter was the way their clothed erections ground against each other. The only thing that mattered was how it felt to run his tongue against Sin's lips, silently begging for entrance.

Full lips parted and Boyd's tongue slipped inside, massaging Sin's in a manner that made Sin's grip on him tighten violently. His hands skittered up and down Boyd's back frantically, as if wanting to touch everywhere at once but not knowing what to do. Their tongues clashed, low moans and throaty whispers of breath escaping lips that refused to part for more than a brief second as their hips began to grind together wantonly. A low swear, a soft grunt and their lower bodies began slamming against each other as they continued to kiss with frantic passion.

Unnaturally brown eyes snapped open and Sin froze. He yanked away from Boyd, stumbling backwards slightly even as he stared down with eyes wild with untamed passion and lips that were wet and swollen from Boyd's kisses.

"Fuck," he uttered, dropping his hands as though they'd been burned even as Boyd reached for him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-- You don't..." He trailed off and swallowed hard, watching with wide eyes as Boyd grabbed his hand and pulled it toward the obvious erection between his legs.

"Fuck that," Boyd growled, pressing Sin's hand against his body firmly, proof that he wanted it just as badly as Sin did.

He let out a low, shuddering breath and dropped his head back against the freezer door, his eyes sliding shut and wet lips dropping open. The slight pressure on his cock was a delicious tease that could be so much better if Sin just gave them the chance. He didn't know what the hell he was going to do if it turned out Sin only liked the idea of sex with him but couldn't handle the actual physical part of it. He needed Sin, needed to touch him, needed to be touched by him. Sin was like a black hole that was sucking Boyd in and he couldn't-- wouldn't stop it.

"Don't leave me like this, Sin," he panted, opening his eyes to watch Sin's startled expression through his eyelashes. "Let me be with you. Please

His grip on Sin's hand tightened and Sin allowed his fingers to graze against the bulge slowly, hesitantly, even as he shook his head in denial and swallowed hard, Adam's apple bobbing convulsively. His expression was a picture of shock, confusion, even suspicion as he tried to pull his hand away and began to back off. He stared at Boyd with narrowed eyes as Boyd shook his head and refused to release Sin's hand even if he let it move away from his body.

"I thought you wanted it before and-- and then you didn't and it got all fucked up."

"I told you I panicked. You didn't stop when I said no and I didn't know what to do." Boyd pushed himself away from the fridge and stood right in front of Sin, searching his eyes almost desperately while his fingers tightened on Sin's hand. "I want to now, though."

Dragging his eyes away from Sin's surprised gaze, Boyd let go of Sin's hand to almost hesitantly touch Sin's chest. The pressure from his fingers was light, distracting as his hands slid down to rest at Sin's side, just below the ribs. Sin said nothing and didn't touch him again but Boyd didn't let go. He looked up at the darkening brown of Sin's contacts and brought their bodies together again. Sin's mouth opened slightly but he didn't stop him, didn't speak, so Boyd leaned in and licked slowly near Sin's nipple, enjoying the taste before he turned it into a kiss with light suction.

He could feel Sin shudder against him even as he pulled back just enough to whisper hotly against feverish skin, "Let me touch you." Another open-mouthed kiss in the center of Sin's muscular chest and a whispered, "Can I?", before he pulled back just enough to see Sin's eyes. "Please?"

There was no response but the look in Sin's eyes could only be described as needy and hungry. His mouth was hanging open slightly, breath coming hard and fast as he stared down at his partner as if he wanted to devour him. But he didn't say anything; he neither gave his consent nor told Boyd to stop.

Still, there was tension in his broad shoulders and he seemed paranoid, confused. He backed up again, eyes wide and slightly unfocused, erection obvious even in his baggy jeans as Boyd followed the movement and refused to let him get too far. Boyd waited a breath, hands still on Sin, eyes still locked. When Sin didn't push him away or move, he took that as momentary consent, resuming the slow, open-mouthed kisses down Sin's chest. He knelt slowly as his hands slid down Sin's sides and rested at the top of his jeans.

"Tell me no if I should stop," Boyd murmured against the flat, toned stomach. Sin didn't respond, only stared down at him through long black eyelashes. Boyd's fingers brushed Sin's skin lightly as they moved toward the button of his pants where he paused and looked up again with smoldering eyes. "If you don't, I'll think you mean yes." He slowly popped the button open on Sin's jeans, waiting for a sign.

Still Sin did not respond. He continued to gaze down at him silently, leaning back against the counter as he gripped it tightly. His full lips were parted, breath coming in low, shallow pants, causing his chest to heave from the effort. His tongue swept out quickly, moistening lips that were suddenly too dry. His fingers curled around the counter even tighter, causing a slight cracking sound to emanate from the cheap wood as Boyd smiled up at him before dropping unnaturally blue eyes to his slender hands poised at the waist of Sin's jeans.

He didn't rush the moment; he was reveling in the fact that he was touching Sin and that he wasn't being pushed away. His lips curled up as he began unzipping the ragged jeans and Sin's eyes shuttered closed briefly, breath hitching as fingers ghosted beneath the fabric and slid across his hips, pushing his jeans down below his ass.

The faded, threadbare jeans slid down slowly, exposing strong thighs and grey boxer-briefs that barely concealed a large erection straining against the cotton rebelliously. Boyd paused again, staring at the image before him with an almost ravenous look on his face as he let his hands rest on Sin's hips, thumbs idly sliding beneath the waistband of the briefs and rubbing slow circles against Sin's skin. He pulled back just enough to look up at Sin fully and locked gazes with the silent man again.

"One last time," he breathed in a voice that was low and hoarse. "Tell me if you don't want this."

Sin's grip on the counter was so hard that his knuckles whitened as he gazed down at Boyd. He started to speak but only a slightly hoarse sound came out. He closed his eyes again briefly, erection throbbing as Boyd's fingers continued to tease his skin. He finally shook his head and opened eyes that were dark with lust.

"Don't stop."

"I won't," Boyd promised, turning his full attention to what he was doing now that he had Sin's consent. His heart was a resounding thunder in his chest and his skin felt hot to the touch.

Boyd pushed the hem down on the sides, watching as Sin's pubic hair was revealed before his erection sprang free. He kept pushing until the underwear circled Sin's upper thighs.

He'd always known that Sin was large but now that his cock was right before his eyes, he was unable to look away as his stomach clenched in anticipation. He wanted to taste Sin more than anything, wanted to lick up and down that swollen cock and trace the protruding veins with his tongue. His hands slid along Sin's skin; he was smooth over the hard muscles and just the touch of him, just the
of him, was making Boyd so hard he wondered if he'd even make it through this. All the fantasies that had been building up over time had given him plenty of material he could finally act on.

Leaning forward, Boyd inhaled Sin's musky scent and ran his tongue along the length of his erection, teasing the tip and flicking at the drop of salty pre-come that trickled out. Sin's eyes rolled back in his head and he shuddered, stomach quaking as Boyd's fingers dug into his hips. When Boyd finally wrapped his lips around the swollen, purple head, it took him a moment to adjust.

Sin's fingers curled and jerked up to dig into Boyd's soft red hair, tangling in the strands desperately. Sin groaned loudly. Boyd's lips curled into a pleased smirk as he slid his mouth down Sin's large, pulsing cock and slowly dragged back up. Eyes falling half-shut, he pushed forward again, his mouth wet and hot; a slow torture for Sin's frazzled nerves.

Hoarse obscenities fell from Sin's mouth, "Oh fuck... Oh fucking Christ."

Sin's mouth dropped open as he began to moan unabashedly, making it impossible for Boyd to stay at the same slow pace as he listened to the sounds. His fingers itched to wrap around his own aching erection but he couldn't bring himself to take his hands off of Sin. He was like a drug for Boyd; he wanted more of him. Wanted to see, experience, taste and feel every bit of him.

Fingers tightened hard against Sin's hips and as Boyd bobbed his head and slid his mouth up and down faster, he kept his gaze riveted up to Sin's face. He felt the knot in his stomach clench, felt come begin to ooze from the tip of his own arousal while he watched Sin's expressions change as he appeared to lose more control of himself. Breathless pants mingled with throaty groans and when Sin began jerking his hips forward, thrusting as his fingers dug into Boyd's hair tighter,

Sin began moaning in Mandarin. His eyes squeezed shut and he braced himself against the counter, fucking Boyd's mouth faster and instinctively going with Boyd's movements. Boyd couldn't help a muffled moan as he allowed his mouth to be fucked with abandon. The weight of Sin's cock sliding in and out of his mouth was enough to make his stomach ache with pleasure, his blood running hot and fast. At that moment, more than anything else, he just wanted Sin to feel good. He wanted him to feel so amazing that he made more of those noises, that he couldn't think about anything but pleasure.

One hand slid down Sin's side, trailing along the nasty scar from the aborted attempt at castration, and he began rubbing his fingers along Sin's balls. He cupped them in his hand, massaging them gently and was only encouraged by the way Sin arched against him. Through the mumbled, excited moans, Boyd's name fell from his lips. He dropped his head back, panting open mouthed as he began to thrust his hips wantonly. Every muscle in his body seemed to be tensing up and clenching. His moans grew louder, more frequent, and soft swears escaped his mouth as he thrust more quickly.

BOOK: Evenfall
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