Read Evenfall Online

Authors: Sonny,Ais

Evenfall (97 page)

BOOK: Evenfall
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Boyd's eyebrows lifted. "Are you calling me psychotic?"

Sin smirked. "You might be. Or masochistic."

"Masochistic?" Boyd echoed in a drawl, his lips lifting into a wry smile. "You think so?"

"You must be if you want to screw around with a half deranged assassin," he replied with a raised brow.

A smirk drew across Boyd's face and he stepped closer. "It must be so, then. Especially since all I can think about is how I want to screw around with that assassin again."

Sin's eyebrows raised. "Then I think I'm glad you're a masochist."

"Good," Boyd said with a slight, pleased smirk. He stepped closer and rested his hands on Sin's hips. "So, what are you going to do with that information?"

Strong hands reached out and gripped Boyd's upper arms, pulling him forward until their bodies were pressed together. "I'm not sure," Sin admitted slowly. "But... after months of wondering what it would be like to put my hands on you and my mouth on you, I think... I just want to touch you."

The words came out almost faintly and Boyd's mouth went dry, heart skipping a beat as Sin released one of his arms and raised a hand to his face. Callused fingers traced the shape of his lips and parted them as Sin stared at his mouth with the same intense fervor that he'd had earlier. But this time Sin didn't pull away or hide it.

When Sin spoke, his voice was low and had the hypnotic, seductive quality that Boyd had always imagined it would have in a situation like this.

"I think I just want to taste you."

"So do it," Boyd replied, the timbre of his voice rough with desire. "I want it too."

There was a brief pause, Sin's eyes seeming to intensify even further as their attention narrowed in solely on each other. Their lips met again, tongues twining together hungrily. Long fingers and strong hands moved over each other as if they were trying to memorize every contour, every muscle, every hard line. The kiss was almost violent in its need and lasted long enough that it left them both panting as they finally pulled apart. Boyd left a lingering slide of his tongue against the ring wrapped around Sin's full, lower lip.

Sin groaned. He rolled his hips boldly and for the first time the hesitance was completely absent from his motions. "You're making it hard for me to take my hands off you," he rasped when Boyd released his lip.

Boyd tilted his head back, eyes still fastened on Sin's lips as his own mouth hung slightly open. "Then don't," he said quietly, fingers digging into Sin and eyes shuttering as he felt Sin's erection press against his own.

"Are you sure?" Sin asked, voice low and thick with lust. "Because I won't." He clutched Boyd's ass with one hand, pounding his hips against Boyd's roughly, causing Boyd to hiss an expletive as his eyes shut and his fingers dug into Sin's skin.

"I've been jerking off thinking about touching you for months," Sin growled, lips hot against Boyd's as his other hand slid up and under Boyd's shirt, teasing the soft, smooth skin at his back. His fingers stilled and drew away almost immediately.

Boyd's skin tingled where Sin's fingers had briefly touched his back and even though some part of him recoiled at the idea of being touched anywhere beneath his shirt, Sin had stopped without being told to. That alone meant more to him than he could explain. Added to that, the spike of desire he felt at Sin's confession burned away the discomfort he may otherwise have felt.

When he pulled away from the kiss, he watched Sin with heated, half-lidded eyes. "If my shirt stays on," he muttered, his voice thick with arousal, "and you only touch my back, it's okay."

Sin nodded, eyes slightly unfocused and fogged over with passion as he drew Boyd in for another lingering kiss. A low growl escaped his lips and he pulled back for air after several long moments, gazing at Boyd from under heavy-lidded eyes. "What now?"

"I don't kn..." Boyd started to say, too dazed by the entire situation to process questions quickly enough. He breathed heavily and for a moment could hardly comprehend that Sin wanted to do more.

As Sin caught his breath, Boyd trailed his mouth across his strong jaw; let the pounding of his heart be the tempo to which he kissed along Sin's ear and sucked on his earlobe. He let the taste of Sin's skin mix with the metallic flavor of
earrings. Sin's eyes rolled backwards, a low sound escaping his mouth as his grip on Boyd tightened.

"Anything," Boyd murmured against his ear. "I can suck you off again," a kiss against the corner of his jaw, "or I can jerk you off... Or if there's anything else you want..." There were, of course, any number of options, but most of them he didn't want to push at the moment.

"I don't know," Sin mumbled as he reached down to adjust the way his erection was pressing uncomfortably against his jeans, panting as Boyd's mouth continued to tease his obviously sensitive ear. "You don't have to do anything."

Noting the reaction, Boyd smirked almost wickedly to himself and began sucking on Sin's earlobe slowly and thoroughly. "Maybe I want to," he said softly, pulling away just enough to speak but keeping his lips against Sin's skin. He slid his fingers into Sin's hair to pull him closer. "I like touching you." His breath was hot against Sin's ear. "I've been jerking off thinking about you for months too. The feel of your skin," his fingers dipped down briefly to tingle along the back of Sin's neck before he tangled them in his hair again, "your incredibly hot body, your eyes... Everything."

Sin's breath hitched and he actually fell backwards against the counter, a strange, strangled sound escaping his throat. His chest was heaving as he stared at Boyd, mouth hanging open and lips wet, mildly swollen. It was strange to see him like that; to see someone who was usually so controlled and serious turn into someone who seemed completely consumed by desire. Somehow he almost seemed powerless against Boyd; like he didn't know what to do and he was leaving it all up to Boyd. Seeing him like that made Boyd so hard it was nearly uncomfortable.

"Really?" Sin muttered.

"Yes." Boyd pulled Sin forward by the back of the neck as he stared at him with an expression overcome with desire. "You're so--" He broke off for another needy kiss, his tongue practically ravishing Sin's mouth, and for another stretch of time they were lost to each other.

Boyd was the first to pull away with a murmured, "Come here," as he moved backwards towards the couch, dragging Sin along with him. They stumbled slightly, unwilling to part long enough to walk properly, bodies tight against each other.

Sin stared at him with sleepy-looking bedroom eyes and lapped at Boyd's mouth like a cat as he gripped Boyd's tight ass hard enough to most likely leave bruises. Sin grunted, and growled, "My dick is so fucking hard right now."

Boyd almost fell over the table at that and had to grab Sin's arms to regain his stability. They practically collapsed onto the sofa, groping and kissing each other with abandon. They sprawled facing each other, both of Boyd's long, lightly tanned legs spread on either side of Sin's as their lips moved together feverishly, hands roaming everywhere. For a long time the only sounds in the room were soft panting, moans and their wet, sloppy kisses.

Sin slid his hand under one of the legs of Boyd's shorts, long fingers teasing upwards against where Boyd's hard cock strained against his briefs.

"Ahh fuck," Boyd groaned, arching his back at that and resting his forehead against Sin's, panting harshly against his mouth. A low, lingering shudder of a breath escaped him, but for a moment he could not speak. Sin caused a fire within him that made him insane with passion.

It was already dizzying feeling Sin's lips and hands on him, but those strong fingers, which could easily rip a person apart, were a gentle torture against his tingling skin. He let out a helpless moan, incredibly turned on by the contrast of what Sin was capable of and what he was doing, and he didn't even stop to wonder if it was strange that the idea aroused him so much. He couldn't help it. The fact that someone who could be so fucking intimidating and violent, who could inspire complete terror in a grown man with a single, stormy glare, was touching him with the sliding, gentle brush of fingers up his thigh and under his clothing... It was almost too much.

Sin's fingers traced the length of Boyd's cock through the fabric in slow, teasing gestures, his tongue sliding against Boyd's as he let his fingers go slowly beneath Boyd's briefs. He splayed his hand out and let his fingers spread on either side of Boyd's erection although he didn't touch it, instead lightly toying with his pubic hair.

Boyd made a half-whimpering noise and jerked his hips to try to rub Sin's hand closer to his erection but it didn't work and a strangled, desperate moan was muffled by Sin's lips. He squeezed his eyes shut and his heart skipped and sped. He almost couldn't breathe properly; his mind was so overloaded by what Sin was doing. Boyd didn't want to break the kiss; it was wet and hot and he wanted to taste every centimeter of Sin and then start all over by exploring his mouth again. Sin's kisses were so addictive.

Sin pulled away slightly and trailed wet, open mouthed kisses along Boyd's jaw and down to his neck as he finally wrapped his strong fingers around Boyd's erection. As his mouth fastened on the side of Boyd's neck and sucked, he slowly began to pump his cock, fingers tightening around it. Boyd threw his head back and let out a long, shuddering moan. The feeling of that callused hand
sliding up and down him was min
d blowing and suddenly he was overwhelmed by the fact that this was Sin, this was
Sin was touching him and kissing him and—

His eyes snapped open and he looked down almost wildly. Sin was watching him with lust-filled eyes and Boyd's entire body trembled. "Oh God..." he groaned huskily, absolutely incapable of looking away.

He arched into Sin's touch, his legs falling open to give better access, and he stared at Sin with half-lidded eyes burning with desire as he started pumping his hips. His lips were swollen and red, his mouth open as he panted and moaned unabashedly. Sin's presence was completely sucking him in and he had no defenses against it; it didn't even occur to him to try to hide how much Sin was turning him on, how much he wanted him and how little he could resist him. Half-formed words became moans and whimpers and every expression, every thought was there for Sin to see and hear.

Sin took his fingers away abruptly, ripping his hand out from under Boyd's shorts. "Take them off," he ordered in a low, throaty whisper.

Boyd's breath hitched and, not looking away from Sin, he didn't even question the order. His fingers fumbled shakily with the button and zipper but he managed to lift his hips and push his shorts down, all without saying a word.

Sin licked his lips, eyes darkening. "Underwear too."

"Fuck," Boyd hissed impatiently, eyes narrowed toward Sin as if he wanted to glare but was too clouded by lust to bother. He didn't question that either, though. He just hooked his thumbs beneath the waistband at his hips and pushed them down unceremoniously. Sin's gaze dropped and focused on Boyd's erection; he panted softly as his eyes feasted on his partner's body. He wrapped his hand around Boyd again and began sliding it up and down his cock, rubbing the pad of his thumb against the head slowly. His own erection strained in his jeans and he rubbed it idly with his free hand.

"Do you like when I touch you?" he asked Boyd softly, eyes burning intensely from under his messy hair.

Boyd arched his back like a pleased cat and watched Sin with eyes nearly turned black from dilation. His mouth fell open and his gaze drifted to where Sin was touching himself. The sight aroused him further, causing his stomach to clench as he grunted softly. He still couldn't quite believe this was happening; it felt like it had to be a particularly vivid wet dream.

"Jesus fuck, yes," Boyd groaned, jerking his hips up insistently.

He rocked his hips against Sin, his hands curling and his fingers digging into the cushions. He opened his legs as far as he could and braced his feet against the couch for leverage.

Sin responded to him immediately and began pumping Boyd's erection harder, faster, even as he impatiently unzipped his own jeans with his free hand. His breath was coming fast enough to rival Boyd's and when he lifted his hips and shimmied out of his jeans and underwear, he grabbed one of Boyd's hands and guided it to his erection. It was rock hard and swollen, clear liquid oozing from the tip as he wrapped Boyd's fingers around it. Sin's eyes rolled back in his head as Boyd slid his hand along the length.

Sin's hand began moving faster, sliding up and down Boyd's cock as he fucked Boyd's hand. He leaned forward to run his tongue along Boyd's neck as he licked down and sucked lightly on his Adam's apple, causing Boyd to groan and arch into the touch. The slick heat of Sin's tongue and breath against his skin made a shudder run through him.

A loud, husky moan escaped Sin's mouth and he began slamming his hips up against Boyd violently, moving his own hand faster as he panted against Boyd's lips. He muttered in a language Boyd didn't understand; urgent words that Boyd could still tell were saying how good this felt and how close he was to coming.

He pumped his hips against Sin's hand wildly, lost to the feel of callused fingers on his skin, lips pressed against his mouth hungrily, that sexy voice murmuring in another language, Sin's erection in his hand as he jerked his hand even faster... Boyd's eyes rolled back as he felt the moment build within him powerfully. He could think of nothing but the intensity of the feelings coursing through him. The way this all felt, the sweaty, sliding heat of his skin and the hungry, muffled pants caught between their lips.

BOOK: Evenfall
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