Read Ever After Online

Authors: Jude Deveraux

Ever After (31 page)

BOOK: Ever After
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Jamie groaned. “See what I have to put up with?”

Out of the corner of her eye, Hallie saw Kit and Jilly smile at each other.

All in all, it had been a lovely evening—and Jamie had agreed with the idea of his dear aunt Jilly staying the night. Kit said he'd drive Jamie to a house where he could spend the night.

“I'll see you tomorrow for the wedding,” Hallie said as they parted at the door.

“Yeah,” Jamie said hesitantly. “Maybe.” Before she could ask what he meant, he turned to Kit. “We better go.”

Kit took Hallie's car and drove Jamie away, and Jilly stayed behind. Hallie took one look at her and sent her upstairs to bed.

“But I should help clean up.”

“No, you shouldn't,” Hallie said and stood there waiting as she went upstairs.

When Jilly was out of sight, Hallie returned to the tea room and began to put things away. The house was eerily quiet and she couldn't help wishing Jamie was there. He'd make jokes and the chores would be easier.

She was halfway finished when she sat down on the couch and put her head in her hands. It had been a long day! Seeing Jamie's scars, running away from him, and feeling so very angry, then…then feeling his lips on hers, his naked body against hers. Later, being together on the couch, legs entwined, the
storm outside, the fire inside. She remembered his attack and how helpless she'd felt, but at the same time he'd made her feel needed.

She looked around the room. The fire was dead, most of the candles were out, and the plates on the table were empty.

had Jamie been so angry about Braden? Surely, Jamie knew that here and now was temporary. It was all a fantasy. The romance of the old house with its beautiful ghosts, the gorgeous young men wandering about, the scrumptious meals that seemed to appear out of nowhere…None of it was

She couldn't help thinking that it was like her life with her grandparents. It had been happy and fun and carefree. But it had all ended in a single day.

She had no doubt that when Jamie's knee healed he'd leave too.

Getting up, she paused at the table. She was too tired to do any more. She'd clean it in the morning. She blew out the few remaining candles and went upstairs. Ten minutes later, she was sound asleep.

Now it was morning and she wished she could stay in bed, but she heard water running and knew Jilly was up. She should see if she was all right.

Hallie quickly dressed and went through the sitting room. The bedroom was open and Jilly was just climbing back into the bed.

“I agree,” Hallie said and Jilly nodded to the other side. Hallie went around to the far side and stretched out on top of the covers by Jilly.

“I think this is the first morning that having another baby has felt real to me,” Jilly said.

“You didn't plan it?”

“I'm forty-three. No, I didn't.”

Turning their heads, they looked at each other and smiled.

“You're making me remember my daughter,” Jilly said.
“She's at college now and has little need for her mother. And you?”

“I don't remember my mother, but I had a young, energetic grandmother and that was enough. Will Ken be happy when you tell him?”

“Ecstatic. He and his first wife, Victoria, have only one child. Have you met either of them?”

“No. I just seem to meet tall, beautiful men who take their clothes off at the first sight of me.”

Jilly laughed. “Except for Jamie.”

Hallie groaned. “Getting his clothes off was an ordeal! I wanted to strangle Todd. Why does he dislike me so much?”

“He's just protective of his brother. When Jamie told him he was going to serve a tour in Afghanistan, Todd nearly went crazy. He was terrified of losing Jamie.”

“But isn't Todd in a profession where he gets shot at?”

“If you're asking me to explain male logic,” Jilly said, “I can't do it. Todd's wanted to be a policeman or a sheriff since he was a kid. Every Halloween he wore the same costume. When he was little, Cale bought him the whole set of Mayberry videotapes. He watched them and Jamie watched cartoons.”

“Not videos of being a soldier?”

“No,” Jilly said, “and I think that's part of why Todd was so upset. He's a very orderly young man. He doesn't like surprises.” She looked at Hallie. “Are you ready for today?”

“I guess so. I haven't thought about it. Jamie and I have been so wrapped up in the ghosts that we've barely talked about his cousin's wedding. It seems like a lot of work to set up TVs so they can stream it. I guess the bride and groom hired professionals to do the video.”

Jilly lifted on her elbows to look at Hallie. “You don't know, do you? No one has told you?”

“I guess not, since I have no idea what you're talking about.”

Jilly lay back down. “If they weren't so big, I think I'd paddle
my nephews. Where should I begin? During World War II, J.T. Montgomery married Princess Aria of Lanconia and they became king and queen. When their son was forty, they turned the throne over to him.”

Hallie was watching Jilly in shock as she was beginning to see where this story was going.

“Graydon Montgomery, the groom, is J.T.'s grandson.”

“Oh,” Hallie said. “Oh.”

“Exactly,” Jilly answered. “It is a
wedding. Graydon will be the next king of Lanconia and Toby will be the queen. And no one told you of this?”

“Not so much as a hint.”

“I can understand. To them, Graydon was just one of the kids in the summers. The family switches back and forth from Maine to Colorado. Mostly we just leave the doors open and keep food out and the kids run wild. A bit chaotic, I guess.”

“It sounds heavenly,” Hallie said, her mind still on the big wedding. “I invited Adam and the rest of them over to see the wedding here. How many do you think will show up?”

Jilly took a moment before answering. “They'll be respectful of Jamie so there won't be too many.”

“Just the big guys who can physically deal with him if…if something happens?”

“Yes,” Jilly said. She was looking at Hallie's frown. “Please tell me what you're thinking.”

“No wonder Jamie snaps at his cousins,” Hallie said. “He must know why it's only big, strong, healthy young men who hang around him. And the two little ones who can be taken away so they don't see. I guess that's why the men showed up the morning the kids climbed in the bed with us.” She closed her eyes.

“You were in bed with Jamie?” Jilly asked.

Hallie waved her hand. “Not like that. I was a leftover from his nightmares.” She was thinking about what she'd just learned.

“Hallie, I don't mean to turn motherly on you, but if you and Jamie do become sexually active, you need to be sure to use protection.”

“He has an STD?”

“No, that's not possible. The hospital checked everything about him and since then there haven't been any…Sorry to give out confidences. No, the problem is that we Taggerts seem to be extraordinarily fertile. I'm a living example. Cale swears her youngest two came because she and my brother shared a spoon. It's none of my business, but sometimes in the heat of a moment people can be overcome and forget things.”

Hallie let out a sigh. “Right. Towels fall to the floor and there's all that warm, golden skin.”

“I do understand,” Jilly said. “A man steps out of a shower and he has a face full of whiskers and suddenly you're glad you just washed the bathroom rug because it's up against your back.”

“What is it about men's muscles that have a direct connection to a woman's knees? Flex a bicep; bend a knee.”

“Ken can look at me over a cup of coffee and I'm on my back. It's as though my mind takes a holiday.”

“I figure it's procreation,” Hallie said.

“If we women didn't enjoy how men look and all we could do was
to them, no babies would ever get made,” Jilly said.

Hallie laughed. “I think you're right.”

Jilly said, “Not to be nosy, but have any towels fallen around you?”

“Uh…” Hallie began.

“Is anybody here?” came a male voice from downstairs. “We have food.”

“And beer,” came another voice.

Hallie sat up on the bed. “Take your time getting dressed. I'll deal with the men.”

“Your face just lit up,” Jilly said. “Who are you hoping to see downstairs?”

Hallie started to answer truthfully, but then said, “Max,” and ran from the room. She went to her own bathroom and put on makeup that she hoped would look like she wasn't wearing any. She reached for her curling iron but didn't pick it up. Instead, she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. “Pulled back flat,” as Jamie called it.

Raine was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs and smiling up at her. What a sight to wake up to! Men's muscles and women's knees, she thought. “Good morning,” she said.

He put his hands about her waist and swung her down the last two steps. “Good morning. Aunt Cale talked to your cousin, Leland, and he's going to come to Aunt Jilly's wedding.”

“That's wonderful,” Hallie said. “Please thank her for me.”

Adam stepped around Raine. “These were baked last night. Tell me what you think.” He held out a cookie to her, but when she tried to take it, he moved it away. She bit while he was holding it.

Ian came from behind her. “Try this.” He held up a glass for her to drink out of. It was a fruity white wine.


“Hallie!” screamed Max and Cory as they ran at her at full speed.

Raine grabbed a collar of each child and only released them when they stopped running.

When Hallie knelt, they both hugged her. “Mom said we could stay only if you said it was okay,” Cory said.

“More than okay. But you have to tell me who everyone in the wedding is. I don't know anyone.”

Adam and Ian had left, but Raine was still standing there smiling at her.

“Some of the people we don't know,” Cory said seriously.
“Uncle Graydon is a Montgomery, but he doesn't live in Maine.” She said this as though it were a very strange thing.

Max leaned toward Hallie's ear. “Jamie isn't here,” he whispered.

“Does that make you sad?” Hallie whispered back.

“Yes. Our brother almost died. We saw him in the hospital and Mom and Dad cried a lot.”

Cory stepped away and Hallie drew the little boy into her arms. “Jamie's better now, isn't he?”

Max pulled away to look at Hallie, his little face close to hers. “My mom says you make Jamie laugh and she loves you for that.”

“Does she?”

“Max!” Cory yelled. “Dad sent cupcakes and he said not to tell Mom.” The two children went running.

Hallie stood up and looked at Raine. “I lost out to chocolate sprinkles.”

Raine leaned over and kissed her cheek. “All of us thank you,” he said softly, then stepped back. “Come on and let's eat, then we'll watch a Montgomery get married.”

He sounded as if he couldn't believe such a thing could happen. “Sometimes when you kiss a frog you actually do get a prince,” she said.

Raine laughed. “I don't know about the prince part, but you have the frogs right.”

For the next hour everything was so busy that Hallie didn't have time to think. Another Montgomery, named Tynan, and a Taggert named Roan showed up, both of them young and beautiful. Part of Hallie was annoyed that none of the women came.

When she asked about them, Roan said, “I think they're doing their nails and hair. We decided to leave them to it.”

Adam leaned over and whispered, “He's young. The women
are doing shots of tequila and reading naughty books. They banished us. We can't live up to their fantasies.”

Hallie was still laughing at the image when Jilly came downstairs. “I think I'll go to Kingsley House. My brothers set up a private screen for Kit and me and a few other quiet-loving people. You can go with me, if you want.”

“No, I'll stay,” Hallie said.

Jilly looked at her hard. “If it's Jamie you want, my guess is he won't show up. There's too much noise and too many people for him. You could go to where he's staying, but you'd miss the wedding.”

“I'd like to see it.”

“Aunt Jilly!” Ian said, then picked her up and whirled her around. “Are you going to dance with me at your wedding?”

“And me?” Adam said as soon as Ian set her down. He began to dance her around the room. He led her through the big pantry and into the tea room.

Hallie followed behind them and was pleased to see that someone had cleaned up from last night's dinner. The tables were pushed back against the wall.

Raine took Hallie in his arms and began to dance her round and round. For someone so big, he was certainly light on his feet. Music came from somewhere and Hallie was passed from one man to another. She was laughing and enjoying every second of it!

“The wedding's about to start,” someone called and they all went to the living room—except for Jilly, who escaped out the side doors.

Hallie was escorted to the sofa directly in front of the big-screen TV. Adam was about to sit on one side of her and Raine on the other, but the kids made a flying leap and took their places.

“Brats!” Adam murmured. “Isn't it your bedtime?”

“It's morning and I can outride you,” Cory said.

“And I can outswim you,” Adam said as he sat down beside her. He kissed the top of her head—then wiped his mouth. “You have sand in your hair.”

“Keeps the boys away,” Cory said.

“I'll have to remember that trick,” Hallie said.

“Wouldn't work for you,” Raine said softly, his eyes on the TV.

“Roan!” Adam bellowed over the back of the couch. “Popcorn.” He looked at Hallie. “Only thing kids like him are good for.”

BOOK: Ever After
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