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Authors: BA Tortuga

Ever the Same (11 page)

BOOK: Ever the Same
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Audie was warm, and the jeans were starched, and he knew in cowboy culture that meant the man was trying to impress him. The fact that Audie would do that for a blind guy spoke volumes about him.

They didn’t say a word, even when Audie hopped out. If this was a gate, it wasn’t the normal one. That was on a gravel road and this felt like… dirt?

Audie came back to pull through, then stopped to close the gate. When he hopped back in the cab, Dixon turned toward him, straining to see.

“This is the back forty. Nothing out here but a cow or two.”

“Cool. It didn’t feel like the same road.”

“Nope. I figure we deserve a little privacy, and it’s a pretty enough night.”

“It’s starting to get dark?”

“A little. Took us longer to eat, what with moving to the diner and all.” Audie pulled off the dirt track and killed the engine, and the world got very quiet.

“Do you want to… sit here?”

“I’m so easy, man. We can blow up the air mattress in the back, which is easier than moving the car seats….” Audie cleared his throat. “We can go for a walk too, if you want. I don’t want to feel pushy.”

“I think the air mattress is a damned good idea.” And he was less likely to fall down.

“Give me two shakes of a dead lamb’s tail.” Audie hopped out, and Dixon heard the toolbox open, the sound familiar from transporting his guitar.

He slid out of the truck, following the metal back toward the bed. Thankfully, the ground remained solid under his feet, and he didn’t fall, even when the snap of the bed inflating made him jump.

“I’m right here, honey. Just come on back.”

He followed the sound, found the dropped tailgate, then the air mattress.

“Hey. Need some help up?” Audie waited for him to answer, which was nice.

“Yeah. Yeah, I have the feeling if I miss, I’d be in a world of hurt.”

“Could be, for sure.” Audie came to him, chest brushing his, and lifted him clean up into the bed of the truck.

“Oh.” Okay, that casual strength was possibly the hottest thing he’d felt in eons. His body revved right up, ready for any touch Audie might give him.

When Audie slid up next to him, hip pressing against his, he held his breath. Audie grasped his hand, holding on, palm warm and firm against his.

He explored Audie’s hand, wrist, then brought it up to lick.

The flavor of salt came through, along with a hint of coffee, Audie’s skin rough with calluses and weather. His lips found scars, tracing them.

“Dixon.” Audie sounded breathless, and a little like he’d been gargling rocks, his voice rough.

“Uh-huh?” He brushed his lips over Audie’s palm.

“That feels amazing.” Audie turned toward him a little, facing him, the rustle of those starched jeans loud.

It did. It felt damned amazing, and he nuzzled the palm again before testing the pulse at Audie’s wrist.

Audie touched his cheek with the other hand, tracing a line from his eye down to the corner of his mouth.

He opened up, turned his head, and wrapped his lips around Audie’s finger.

“Oh.” The moan came, long and drawn out, Audie making a little music for him.

Someone liked that. Excellent. He gathered his confidence and pulled, sucking in a steady rhythm.

Audie stroked his face, his hair, slow and easy. The heavy scars from the head wounds were traced, touched, not avoided. Audie seemed as curious about him as he was about Audie. Okay, maybe not that much. He needed to touch Audie’s face, to use his hands to see what his eyes couldn’t. He’d always thought that was bullshit in movies, but now he wanted to do it.

“Can I… can I touch you?”

“Of course you can.” Audie pulled away with the hand Dixon had been sucking and grabbed Dixon’s fingers in his.

“No, I want to touch your face. Please.”

“You got it.” Audie brought both his hands up to lie against his own cheeks, letting Dixon go so he could touch at will.

He was fascinated. Audie’s face was clean-shaven, nose long, straight. He traced the man’s eyebrows, surprised to find little eyeglasses. Oh God, that had to be adorable. A cowboy in spectacles.

“Oh man. I…. You look like you’re happy to see me. I’ve never had a man look at me like that.”

“No?” That was a shame. Audie deserved good moments. “Well, I think you’re hot as hell.”

“You can tell. Can I kiss you?”

“I think that would rock.”

Audie made a happy noise and touched his face again, fingers sliding behind his ear and into his hair to pull him close.

It was brand-new, to have to wait, to let someone else initiate, because he wasn’t sure where the kiss was coming from.

Audie’s breath on his lips told him which way to tilt his head, and he took this kiss full on the mouth, the brush of lips together, making him shiver. He moaned, the sound vibrating in his throat.

“Mmm.” Audie made this long, low noise, pure pleasure. The kiss went deeper, not fierce, just a slow, thorough tasting, and he traced Audie’s teeth, finding one that was the barest bit crooked.

Audie chuckled, and Dixon pulled back a few inches. “What happened?”

“Got kicked by a calf.”

“Ouch. Is there a scar?” He licked again.

“A little one. I was really young, so it healed good.” Audie touched his shoulder, palm cupping the ball of his joint, fingers rubbing gently.

Oh damn. That felt so good. So good. The simple act of touch made him want to sit there forever. He’d missed it so much, the closeness of someone else’s body.

He reached out, finding Audie’s belly. Oh. Oh, hard. The man had a flat stomach, the cotton shirt covering it had snaps, and he felt a heavy, metal belt buckle. Cowboy to the bone, this one. He traced the buckle, the heavy edges shaped like a rope. The center had some words and maybe a horse.

“Now, if you start playing with a cowboy’s buckle, you’re making inherent promises.”

“Am I?” He grinned. He was good—at playing and promises.

“You are. You don’t handle one unless you’re gonna make good.” Audie kissed his smile, tone light, touch easy. No one was pushing.

He grinned and let his palm press against the heavy ridge of Audie’s cock. This was the first time, the first touch, the first exploration.

“Uhn.” Audie’s tiny sound exploded at the base of Dixon’s skull, and he felt the throb of Audie’s pulse under the zipper.

His thumb traced the line of Audie’s prick, the tip.

“Fuck. Oh, honey, that feels good.” Audie began touching him in other places too, hands sliding down his arms, then up his belly to his chest.

He wanted to pull Audie’s cock out, jack it, touch it, suck it, but he wanted to chill the fuck out too. He wanted it to last. What if this was his only chance? Hell, what if it wasn’t? It would still be the first time.

Audie stroked his nipples through his shirt, then worked on the buttons, opening it to get skin touching skin, those calluses like tiny pieces of sandpaper.

Audie’s finger stuttered, Dixon’s pecs going tight. Fuck.

“You have such hot skin. Like a little furnace, man.”

“You have great hands. Make me wish my nipples were still pierced.” Let Audie put that in his pipe and smoke it.

“Pierced?” Audie paused, a sharp inhale sounding. “Oh wow.”

“Yeah. I had them done in school, kept them until a certain infant found them fascinating.”

“Oh, I bet.” Audie chuckled, pressing his nipples again, thumbs rubbing them. “I would play with them all the damned time.”

All Dixon could do was moan, arch up into the touch and demand another kiss. He got it too, hard and edged with need now. They were moving faster than he’d expected, but it felt good to need, to feel the pressure of his dick against his zipper.

The wind felt good, cooling his body where it brushed against his skin, making the contrast where he was touching Audie that much stronger. He shivered, tugging at Audie’s belt buckle, trying to figure out how the damned thing worked.

He got it figured out, and the fly of the jeans was that much more simple, the pressure of Audie’s cock helping the zipper down. The boxer briefs were just like his, only backward, and Dixon made a sound of triumph when he got Audie’s dick out in the open.

He wrapped his fingers around the shaft, needing to know. Thick. More thick than long, really, but Audie was well-made, and cut, no foreskin to push back. He stroked from base to tip, just getting a feel for it, for what Audie liked.

Audie moaned for him, pressing into his palm, rubbing against his fingers. “Damn. Feels good.”

“It does.” His free hand braced against Audie’s chest, and he fought to see, to catch a glimpse.

“You’re working hard, honey. Relax. You can love on me all night.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t figure out how to not try and see.”

“I bet.” Audie reached up and slid off his dark glasses. He heard Audie set them up on the tool box before Audie began to massage his temples, kissing his forehead, his nose.

The sudden release of tension made him sob. Oh God. He didn’t know it could stop hurting.

“Shh. Oh, honey, you’re so tight.” Those long fingers worked the spots behind his ears.

“Sorry. Sorry, I just… It’s amazing.”

“No reason to apologize.” Audie grabbed him around the chest and ribs with one arm, pulled him farther up into the bed, up toward where the cab would be, then eased him down on the air mattress. The massage took up where it left off, Audie working his scalp with slow strokes.

He gasped, and he let his eyes close, let himself feel, just for a second. Little tingles ran down his spine, his arms moving like he was taking on electric shocks.

“Feels so good. I didn’t know….”

“Hey, why would you? God, this has to be miserable, honey.”

“I just….” He pushed into Audie’s arms, just wanting connection for a minute.

“Shh.” Audie kissed his neck, the press of lips causing more goose bumps to rise. “I got you.”

God, he missed being held, being touched. Audie had a knack for it too, knowing when to hold back, when to press in and get his muscles to relax.

And when it was time, those heady kisses started again, Audie’s lips rubbing over his, tongue pushing into his mouth a tiny bit. He hooked one leg over Audie’s, rocked them together, and it was like dancing, but without the smoke and the pounding music.

These days that was a huge plus.

Humming, Audie pushed one hand down against his ass, pulling them closer together.

Oh. Oh, that was nice. That was… yum. The soft brush of skin on skin, the tiny bit of stubble on Audie’s face scratching him. He loved it all.

He sucked Audie’s bottom lip in, grinning as he rubbed his tongue over the softness of the inside.

Audie pushed one hand into his hair, freeing the ponytail, combing his fingers through.

Oh, that was nice. He pressed a hand to Audie’s chest, feeling the heartbeat there thumping away. Audie rocked against him, reminding him Audie was bare below the belt.

He reached down, wrapped his hand around Audie’s prick.

“Yeah. Oh, Dixon. That’s good.” Audie pushed into his touch, good and revved up now.

He kept moving his hand, fingers tight, working the tip with his thumb. The little drop that welled up at the tip made him moan, and he moved it around the skin there to ease the way.

“Damn….” Audie sucked in a breath, filled his lungs. Dixon felt the way Audie’s body moved, the way their skin touched because of it.

He knew how to touch a man, how to make him feel good. Audie seemed a little less practiced, but he had damned good instincts. Audie nipped at his jaw, licking to ease the sting.

“Bitey.” Dixon chuckled, tickled beyond what was reasonable.

“I am sometimes. Is that okay?”

Audie pulled back, and he got the feeling Audie was staring at him.

“I’ll tell you if I don’t like something. I don’t play games. I like having sex. At least I hope I still do.” What if he didn’t? What if he just hated it?

“Good. Okay. I don’t know many games when it comes to this.” Audie sounded so fucking worried.

“No. You’re lucky. They aren’t cool.”

“Kiss me again?” Audie stroked his lower lip with a thumb.

“Yes, please.” He leaned up and kissed Audie, making sure it was thorough, deep. Hungry.

Audie held him, hands on his shoulders, keeping him there. The kiss made him dizzy, going on and on. They licked at each other, lapped at each other’s lips and tongues. They were making out, as promised, learning each other, and he wanted to hum with joy.

Hell, he sort of did, moaning a melody that meant pleasure in a major key.

Audie crowded against him a little, cock rubbing into his hand, hard and hot, that silky skin fascinating his fingers. He got both hands involved, jacking steadily, surely.

“Dixon.” Audie humped, hips rocking hard before settling back, Audie obviously working to control his movements.

“It’s okay. You can take what you need. I want to know what you smell like.”

“Oh God.” Audie began to move again, hips and thighs sliding against Dixon’s. He loved the rasp of hair against him, the way they smelled together.

The noises Audie made pinged his senses, made him pant.

“Audie. You’re so fine.” He meant it. He knew it.

“I’m close, honey. I haven’t, except to jack off. In a long time. You feel so good. I need you.” Audie babbled, but he didn’t mind.

“Come on. Give it up. Then we’ll enjoy each other some more.”

“Oh. Oh God.” As if all he needed was permission, Audie shot for Dixon, cock jerking in his hands, slick, hot come jetting over his fists.

His lips dropped open, and he forced his grip to gentle. Oh fuck. That had been erotic as all get out, and now he definitely knew what Audie sounded like, smelled like when he came. Stunning.

Dixon lifted his hand to his lips, tasting salt and bitter and Audie.

“Fuck. That’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.” Audie was right there, lips brushing his hand.

“Like how you taste.” He’d know it now.

“Good deal. It would suck if you didn’t. I want to know how you taste, honey.”

He had to grin. “You said suck.”

“I did.” Audie gave him a kiss before wiggling into a whole new position.

BOOK: Ever the Same
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