Every Soul (27 page)

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Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Every Soul
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The trembles from within finally stop and I stay placed, in my heaven, atop Bain, where his love exudes from him and into me.

“Come on, A, we need to shower and get going.”

Reluctantly, I get off of him and he follows right behind me.

Finally, I take my first real look around this magnificent room. It’s gorgeous. A contemporary décor in a scheme of browns and whites.

Since I’m a bit lost in the room, Bain smacks my naked ass and walks ahead of me, starting the shower.

Sitting next to Bain as we head to the workout facility, I feel nervous. What am I really supposed to say to the coaches and where do I stand? They are all going to know that I’m there because I’m his girlfriend. I don’t want anyone to think he’s not taking things seriously. Especially when I don’t know the first thing about the game. All I know is the ball is supposed to go into the damn basket.

“Thank you for coming,” he says.

“Of course, but if I’m being honest, I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be, babe.”

“But I’m your girlfriend.”

“So? You can also say you work for James. Tell them he couldn’t be here on this trip so you came to make sure things go okay. If they start to ask you a bunch of questions, then you tell them firmly they might want to ask James that.”

“Okay,” I say as he engulfs my hand, wrapping his tightly around mine.

“Can I ask you something on a serious note?”

“You know you can. I told you last night from now on I’m an open book.”

“No matter where I get drafted, are you coming?”

“Yes,” I answer right away, because I am.

“What is your gut telling you about Memphis, though?”

“Honestly, I don’t know yet. Maybe we could drive around tonight and check things out?”

“Definitely. If we have time before our flight, for sure. If not and we had to decide right now. Where would you pick?” he asks me.

“I would rather stay in New Jersey to be honest. It’s home to me. I’ve never really had a good, solid home. But right now, with Aubrey, I somewhat have that.”

“I can’t wait to buy you a house – a home. Somewhere you will always be comfortable.”

Bain puts the car in park and I look out the window, observing the massive facility. “Holy shit, this place is fucking huge.”

“Yup, now let’s go see if I can concentrate with your fine ass here.”

“You better be able to focus because you know I’ll be at all of your games.”

Returning home feels so good. I can’t even put into words how much I’ve missed New Jersey. The weather, noises, and even the people. Who would have ever thought I would’ve said that? Bain is practicing with the Nets today and deep down I’m hoping that’s where he gets drafted.

Checking the clock, I’m running right on time to meet with James. He agreed with Bain that there are definitely certain things I can help with, so he thought it would be a good idea for us to talk. Aubrey’s working – of course she fucking is, that’s all that girl does. Since coming home, I’ve barely had a chance to talk to her. I really want her to know how much I appreciate her support. It means the world to me.

Looking in the mirror, I’ve got a knee-length, black, tight dress on and a pair of heels. I want James to know that I’m taking this seriously. Before I head out, I also grab a sweater from Aubrey’s closet so I look modest, and do one last scrunch on my messy, blonde hair.

James and I are meeting at a local Italian restaurant. I guess that’s where you handle these types of things. On the drive, I get a call from Bain. “Hey you,” I answer, so happy to hear from him.

“Hey to you. I just wanted to call and wish you good luck with James.”

“Thanks, babe.”

“Of course. I like hearing you call me that, A.”

“Well, I’ll keep trying. How’s the workout going?”

“I don’t want to get my hopes up, but this place is fucking unreal.”


“Yeah, really. I wish you could’ve come to this one, for sure.”

“I’ll talk to James about it. I mean, it is my job after all and we don’t have much time before the draft. Seven days, right?”

“Yup, not long at all. Have I told you how much I love you?”

“Love you, too. I’m gonna go meet with James. Call me when you’re done. Love you.”

“Okay, baby, love you, too.”

Walking in, I find James. He already has a table for us. Sitting in front of him is an iPad and a Blackberry box. I know already this will be a whirlwind of a meeting. With the brand new electronics, he means business. I exhale deeply, knowing all I can do is listen and pray some of this clicks.

“So, we’ll see you tomorrow morning?” Ron, the shooting coach asks me.

“Of course. I’m gonna rest tonight and I’ll be back.” I shake his hand and walk into the underground parking garage of this new facility, in the heart of downtown Brooklyn. Getting in my car, I grab my phone and quickly go to my baby’s number.

“This is Ari—”

She stops and begins to laugh.

“Are you all right?” I ask her.

“Oh my God, yes. It’s been a crazy day, baby. Let’s just say the second I turned on the phone James gave me, it’s been ringing off the hook. I guess I now answer my phone like that.”


“Yeah, like seriously, we need to talk about a lot of things tonight.”

“Can we talk on a date?”

“Of course. What did you have in mind?”

“It’s a surprise. Let me run home and shower, then I’ll pick you up in an hour or so?”

“Come on, just tell me where we are we going.”

“Not telling you, baby. I love you, I’ll see you soon.” I hang up before she can get out another word. I know she’s fuming and wants to know what we are doing. She’s not a big fan of surprises, but tonight I want to have fun with her. I know we both need it. We went through so much, breaking up and separating and not knowing what the next day would bring. So now that we are back together and our relationship is different and stronger than ever, I want to get out and have some fun. I just want to see her smile.

Traffic is a fucking bitch trying to leave the city. I call my dad on the way, to see if everything is all set for my mom’s homecoming tomorrow. He’s set to pick her up in the morning and has a long trip ahead. I’m excited and proud of my mom. It’s amazing that she has completed her treatment, and that it’s gone so smoothly. I had so many doubts and now only hope that she stays on the right path going forward.

Thinking back on the day, I really can’t believe that I worked out with the Nets. They have been my all-time favorite team and where I’ve always wanted to play. I can honestly say, regardless of where I get drafted, I know being fortunate enough to have visited their facility and met everyone has fulfilled one of my lifelong dreams. Not many people in the world can say they did something like that.

Fuck, most men can’t even fathom being drafted into the NBA. With a smile on my face, I pull into the driveway. My dad’s car is gone; he must still be working. Rushing inside, I shower quickly and dress before getting back into the car and darting to Arion’s.

On the way, I stop and pick up a bouquet of flowers, just like I gave her on our first date. Walking up to her house, I knock like a gentleman, when really I want to barge in and show her I’m the boss.

My beautiful girl answers in a pair of tight ass jean shorts and a tank top.

“Hi, gorgeous,” I say handing her the flowers.

She pulls me in and responds with a kiss, no words, she just holds our lips tightly together. I can’t help the animalistic noises that ensue from deep within me. I’m horny as fuck and want to have my way with her right now.

“Hey, Bain,” Aubrey interrupts as she walks in from her room.

Reluctantly, I pull away and say, “Hey, Aubrey, how are you?”

“Good. Are you getting excited for the draft? Your name is all over the news.”

I bust out laughing. “I try and not watch that shit anymore.”

“I’d do the same thing if I were you.”

“It’s the smartest thing to do,” I tell her, then Arion asks me, “Are you ready to get going?”

I nod my head and she grabs my hand. “Bye Aubrey,” I say, then walk out into the warm June evening.

“Where are we headed?” she asks.

“I’m about to take you to my bed dressed like that.”

“Not yet, you promised me a date night. You have to deliver.”

“Are you saying I wouldn’t deliver in my bed?”

“Absolutely not. I know you would deliver there, you always do. But I was looking forward to going out with you.”

“Then out we shall go, beautiful.”

We make the short drive to our special date spot and I ask her, “How did things go with James?”

“Really well. He definitely needs the help.”

“Good, baby,” I respond and lean over, giving her a kiss as we wait at a light. She’s not looking around; she’s only focusing in me. “Ready?” I ask, pulling into a parking spot. She nods her head and I hop out of the car, taking in a few deep breaths of the fresh salt-water air. Walking around, Arion meets me at the back of the car, and I can tell she’s trying to get a look and feel of where we are.

The lights catch her eye as we round the corner. “Oh my God,” she squeals, almost like a child would if you brought them here. I just shake my head, thankful that she’s so happy. As we step onto the boardwalk, it feels nice to just be another couple in the mix of the crowd. I know after the draft, my life – our life – will never be the same.

“What do you want to do first?”


I chuckle at her comment, trying to decide what to do. There are shops we could go in, or we could grab a bite to eat. Looking around I see the arcade and next to it is a basketball game. Those games are nearly impossible to win for most people, but not for me. “Come on, I tell her.”

Walking over, I ask the guy, “How much for one game?”

He stares at me briefly and then responds, “Five dollars for one ball or three balls for ten dollars.”

Passing him a five I say, “I’ll take one please.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure,” I tell him and he hands me a ball.

Stepping back to the line, I eye the net knowing that in order to make this shot, I’ll have to pop this baby up. The ball needs to drop in effortlessly and not hit one bit of the rim. I bounce it once, purely out of habit. Then eyeing my target, I shoot and make the basket look easy. It drops right through. The guy looks at me like he just got bamboozled.

Arion hugs me so excitedly and he grumbles, “Pick your prize.” I know it’s because no one ever wins these games, it’s really just luck or skill in my case.

Arion picks a huge brown teddy bear, which I can tell she loves. It has a basketball jersey on, so I’m sure that’s why.

“Thank you, baby,” she says. “I had no idea you could make a shot like that.”

“Never doubt my skills,” I respond wrapping my arm around her waist and walking us right for the ticket counter for the Ferris wheel. Being with her like this, I think about how far the two of us have come. What used to be a mix of pain and anger has now turned to love and trust. I can see it when she looks at me, she trusts me.

Waiting in line she looks up at the massive wheel. It’s lit up and one of my favorite things to do at the boardwalk. But I can’t keep my eyes off of her and catch guy after guy walk by staring at her. She’s simply gorgeous, naturally and beautifully gorgeous, and all mine.

Resting my hands back on the hard metal railing behind me, I watch her look up at the height of the Ferris wheel. “Are you scared?” I ask.

“No. Are you?”

“Absolutely not.”

We are next in line and our bucket arrives. The family that was in there gets out and Arion and I slide in. She sets her huge bear down next to her and the wheel moves a little, I can’t help but want to fuck her on this thing at the top. One day I’ll rent out an entire Ferris wheel and make her come from the top screaming my name.

“Do you have any idea how hot you are?” I ask, sitting across from her.

“What do you mean?”

“Look at you. For starters, your shorts are so short; I can see your pussy when you sit like that.” She closes her legs, but I tell her, “No, no, open them wider.”

“Like this?” she asks, out of breath, leaning back. My cock begins to get hard and I just nod my head.

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