Every Soul (29 page)

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Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Every Soul
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“Sweet, what does this one entail?”

“A photo shoot and then you’ll get a big check and a ton of free stuff.”

“Oh, God, it better be shit I like.

“It is, I promise.”

“Good. Well, I was thinking today about what we should do this weekend. What do you think?”

“Stay in the condo, no electronics, and stare at the amazing views.”

“I love it. I’ll tell James and Benny we need some down time.”

“You’re awesome. You really think we could?”


“Here you are, Mr. Adams. I’m gonna pull around the block and park, just call me when you’re done.”

“Thanks, Carl,” Bain tells the driver. “We won’t be long.”

We hop out and he is immediately spotted. “Bain, Bain!” two young men yell, coming over to us. We start to walk inside and they ask, “Can we just get a picture?”

Bain looks at me and I nod my head. He stops and the guys look like they are on cloud nine. One of them looks around as to find someone to snap the shot. I offer to take it for them. After a few smiles and some autographs, Bain and I finally enter the store. He grabs a cart and we move through aisle after aisle, focusing on each other. I can sense he’s being recognized, but he never takes his attention off of me. I love that about him, I’m always number one in his eyes. I know I always have been and always will be.

Check out is a breeze and the drive back to the condo is quick. Once we arrive, Bain first puts his gym bag on his shoulder and then we unload the groceries. Herbert, our doorman, greets us with a friendly hello and of course starts to ask Bain how practice has been going, engaging him in talks about basketball. As I stand there with a heavy load of bags, I kiss his cheek and whisper, “I’m gonna head up, take your time.”

He nods his head in agreement and I walk off. Bain really admires how nice and kind of a man Herbert is. His brother used to play in the NBA, so the two of them always get to talking about basketball. I keep my eyes on Bain ’til the elevator doors close. God I love him. Walking down the hallway on the eighteenth floor, I search my purse for the door key. Finally, I fish it out, somehow with all of the bags still in my hand.

When I slide the key into the lock, I feel a cold hand on my upper arm. I freeze and slowly turn as the voice of a ghost says, “A.”

Instantly, I recognize it and am scared to turn around. As I do, I can’t believe my eyes.
This is not fucking possible
. I lose all control in my arms and drop the grocery bags. The milk hits the ground and busts open, tipping and splashing all over, pooling around my feet. With my eyes locked on his, I’m shocked. Taking my hands, I press them to the sides of my face and shake my head. There is no way it’s really him. “Nate?”

I’m so blessed by each and every one of you. Thank you for reading Bain and Arion’s story. I know you’re mad at me and that’s okay. I’m known for giving you hearts and flowers and a good ol’ happily ever after. But not this time, not this story, and not these characters. It just wasn’t in the cards for them – not yet. As a writer you have to follow your heart and most importantly, your characters. I did just that and hope you loved Bain and Arion’s story as much as I loved writing it. You need not worry – I won’t leave you hanging for too long. I’m working on
Every Heart,
a companion novel to
Every Soul,
that will be available early 2015.

In all honesty, did you enjoy
Every Soul
? I hope so, and would love to hear what you really think. Please consider leaving a review, both the Prezident and I read every single one of them and truly enjoy hearing your thoughts.

First and foremost, I need to thank my other half, William. God gave me a gift in you, in your support, and in your love. Everything you are means more to me than my next breath. Once again, this book is possible because of you. I don’t even know where to start or how to say
thank you.
You’ve always been my number one supporter and I know you always will be. Thank you for helping me map this baby out, and for coaching me along the way. You’ve become the world’s best beta reader and I will never share that with anyone – you’re mine and damn talented. You’ve read this story more than I have and never protested in doing so. You never complain; you support. You never bitch; you love. You are truly a blessing. I love you to infinity and beyond, babe.

Lisa, my wonderful and amazingly talented editor, I can’t even tell you how much your constant support means to me. You are one of the funniest women in the world and I absolutely fucking love working with you. When I told you we were on a time crunch, you didn’t falter. Instead you calmed me down and said everything was going to be all right. Thank you for that, and for getting this baby done so quickly. I couldn’t be happier with the outcome and can truly say that Bain and Arion’s story is one of my favorites and I owe a lot of that to you!

Leticia, you hold a very special place in my heart and always will. I can’t thank you enough for having my back and simply
me. You’re always willing to help me at the drop of a hat and you’re extremely talented at what you do. My books are published to perfection, because of your hard work. I’m indebted to you, always.

Corporal John Jennings, how oh how do I repay you? When I first told you my ideas, you had every possible thing to say about how that can’t happen and that’s not reality.
How was I supposed to know that dead bodies float?
Your attention to detail with the murder/suicide element was spot on. Thank you for making sure that I molded a perfect and believable story. I truly appreciate all of the help you gave this project.

To my sweet Pimpettes, well, if that’s even the right word to call you crazy, dirty, and inappropriate ladies. Adrean, Cheryl, Christina, Lydia, Heather, Jacki, Karrie, Keri, Kim, Letty, Lindsey, Mary, Sarah, and last but certainly not least, Tevy. Thank you for all the support, smiles, and laughs. You all mean so much to me and a lot of what I do is to make each of you happy or pant! Thank you for never judging me and always loving me. Thank you for enjoying my stories and characters just as much as I do.

Lydia, girl, I hit the damn jackpot with you. You’re amazing! That really is all that there is to say to sum up my feelings for you! Thank you for jumping on board with me at a moment’s notice and for the constant help. I couldn’t have found a better person to help introduce Bain and Arion to the world, or in a better way.

Bloggers, there are too many of you to name, but know that there are not enough words to express my gratitude. I’m indebted to you, always. The time you spend reading, reviewing, and pimping my work is unreal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I could never forget my beta readers; I couldn’t do any of this without you. Thank you for motivating me and digging deep into this story.

Lastly, to anyone who has ever lost a loved one far too soon and has been left searching for the answers, may you know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Take each moment, each breath as it comes, and live in it. Ride rainbows and smile like a kid, because you never know when your time will come. Enjoy what’s real. Enjoy the now. Enjoy those closest to you. XOXO, LK.




Author LK Collins




LK Collins

Amazon Author Page:

LK Collins


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