Everyday Paleo (53 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fragoso

Tags: #Diets, #Healthy Living, #Health & Fitness, #General

BOOK: Everyday Paleo
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Intermediate Workouts


ollowing are workouts that incorporate all the movements that we have learned thus far! Follow the same guidelines as outlined in the two-week beginner’s workout program by simply replacing day 1 and day 3 with one of the workout options listed below. The key is to keep your workouts as varied as possible. Remember, the majority of these movements are full-body movements that focus on core strength and overall fitness, strength, and agility, and keeping it varied will give you the most optimal results in the shortest amount of time. Please feel free to create your own workouts, and remember, often less is more. The goal is to not overwork your body, but rather to find a good balance of intensity, rest, and normal activity.

Workout 1


Workout 1:
Warm up with a 5-minute jog. For your workout complete as many rounds as possible of the following movements within 7 minutes: 20 walking lunges (10 each leg), 20 sit-ups, 10 jumping pull-ups.

Workout 2:
Warm up with 30 jumping jacks, rest for 1 minute, and then repeat 2 more times. For your workout, perform 3 rounds of 5 knee-to-elbows, 10 push-ups, 25 jump rope skips

Workout 3


Workout 3:
Warm up with 100 jump rope skips. For your workout perform: an accumulative total of 30 seconds in the plank hold, 20 weighted walking lunges (10 on each leg), 5 shoulder presses, a sprint of 6 car lengths and then walk back, and 30 step-ups or 15 box jumps. Continue back through the above list for 20 minutes. Pace yourself; this workout should focus on technique rather than on how fast you can move through each movement.

Workout 4


Workout 4:
Warm up with a 5-minute jog. For your workout perform: 5 dumbbell dead lifts, 10 body rows, and 15 squats. Rest for 1 minute, and then repeat 3 times. While still maintaining proper form, try to move quickly through this workout, using the 1 minute of rest to catch your breath, recover, and be ready for the next round. Time yourself and see if you can complete each round a little bit faster than the last. At the very least, you want to maintain the same time.

Workout 5


Workout 5:
Warm up with 100 jump rope skips. For your workout perform 4 rounds of the following: 5 thrusters, 30 seconds of hollow rocks, 30 seconds of the super woman movement, and 50 jump rope skips

Workout 6


Workout 6:
Warm up with a 5-minute jog. For your workout perform 4 rounds of 10 dumbbell squats, hold the L-sit or a modification of the L-sit for an accumulative total of 30 seconds, and 5 broad jumps.

Workout 7


Workout 7:
Warm up with 200 jump rope skips. For your workout perform 3 rounds of 15 dumbbell swings, 20 overhead dumbbell walking lunges (10 on each leg), and 15 push-ups

Workout 8


Workout 8:
Warm up with a 5-minute jog. For your workout perform 10 push presses, 10 knee-to-elbows, 9 push presses, 9 knee-to-elbows, 8 push presses, 8 knee-to-elbows, etc. Keep going until you finish with 1 push press and 1 knee-to-elbow.

Workout 9


Workout 9
Warm up with 50 jumping jacks followed by 30 squats. For your workout perform 3 rounds of: 15 jumping pull-ups, 10 dumbbell dead lifts, and 100 jump rope skips. Rest 1 minute in between each round.

Workout 10


Workout 10:
Warm up with 100 jump rope skips followed by 30 jumping jacks. For your workout: run 400 meters (around the block), perform 20 push-ups, 15 dumbbell squats, 40 box step-ups or 20 box jumps, and finish with an 800-meter run (twice around the block).

Workout 11


Workout 11:
Warm up with a 10-minute walk/jog. For your workout perform 6 rounds of: a 100-meter sprint and walk back (sprint to the end of the block and walk back), followed by 10 thrusters.

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