Everyday Paleo (60 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fragoso

Tags: #Diets, #Healthy Living, #Health & Fitness, #General

BOOK: Everyday Paleo
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With your weight in your heels, bend your knees and catch the ball in your outstretched arms.

Once you’ve caught the ball, push your fanny back, bend at the knees, and allow the ball to move between your legs. Before throwing the ball, make sure your torso is upright and the ball is positioned directly underneath your shoulders.

Swing your hips forward and use the power generated by your fanny and legs to propel the ball forward into the air. When doing this movement correctly, you should feel it in your fanny and legs, not your arms.

Partner Ball Toss (Overhead)


The partner ball toss is another excellent movement to warm up for a workout or get the kids exercising and having fun. In addition to being an excellent movement to train your arms and shoulders, it is also a great core strengthener.

MUSCLES USED: Abdominals, and Latissimus Dorsi

To begin this movement, stand about 10 feet away from your partner and face one another. If you are starting the movement, raise the ball directly over your head and have your partner step one foot slightly forward. If he stands with feet together, it increases the chance that he will get knocked off balance as he catches the ball.

Step forward with your left foot, hinge slightly at the hips, tighten your tummy muscles, and throw the ball forward from the overhead position. It is important not to throw the ball directly at your opponent, but rather slightly upward. This will make it easier for your partner to make a successful catch.

Your partner should catch the ball at chest level using both of his hands.

Your partner should raise the ball over his head.

As your partner returns the ball back to you, raise your arms to catch the ball. Once you catch the ball, you want to complete another repetition, but this time step forward with your opposite foot as you throw the ball.

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