Everyone Deserves a Second Chance (13 page)

BOOK: Everyone Deserves a Second Chance
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"I'll kill him and
make it look like it was a fit of a mother's jealous rage. Do you
understand me?" He jerked hard on her hair until she nodded.

The sound of police
sirens grew to a wail outside. Kurt grabbed her arm and jerked
her to her feet. He wiped the tears from her face in a tender
motion and then kissed her gently against her bruised cheek.
"That's a good girl. Now go tell the police what they want
to hear." He pushed her towards the door with a gentle pat
on the butt.

Lindsey winced and bit at
her bottom lip against the pain as she walked on shaky legs to
the police who were now knocking on the door. She pushed a strand
of her hair behind her ear as she pulled the door open and put on
a straight face.

"Ms. Norman?"
The police officer asked.

He looked vaguely
familiar to her as she replied, "Yes, this is she. How can I
help you guys?" She nodded at both of them.

"We got a call from
the neighbor that there was a problem. Can we come in?"

"Yes, yes of
course." She held the door open and motioned for them to
come in. Kurt was in the kitchen calmly putting the groceries
away as if it was the most routine thing in the world.

"What's going on
honey?" He asked with a concerned frown as he paused with a
head of lettuce in his hand.

Lindsey drew in a shaky
breath. "These men said their neighbor called." She
replied in a whisper as her body shook with fear. Kurt arched an
eyebrow at her in warning then turned and gave the police
officers a smile.

"Why don't you come
with us sir." One of the officers said, the unfamiliar one,
and he beckoned Kurt forwards.

"Sure officer."
Kurt set the lettuce down, crossed the room to where Lindsey
stood and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll be back soon
honey." He told her then turned back to the officer. "Lead
the way."

Lindsey and the police
officer that looked familiar watched as his partner led Kurt out
of the house and towards the police car. When he was out of sight
the officer turned back to her. "You're a brave woman Mrs.
Larson. We can't keep him for more then a night if you don't
press charges." He motioned the bruise forming on her

Lindsey pressed her hand
over her cheek and shook her head no. "I can't press
charges. You don't understand."

The officer nodded. "Then
I strongly suggest you go to a friends house for a while."
He exchanged a hard look with her until she nodded in return.

"You're son is out
in the car. Why don't you pack a few things and I'll take you
where you need to go."

Lindsey nodded and
wandered off in a daze to get her stuff.

"Where should I drop
you off?" The officer's voice broke her out of her dazed
state and she found herself sitting in his car with Garrett in
her arms and a stuffed suitcase beside her.

"Mark." She
said suddenly, recognizing the face of the man in the driver's
seat who was turned to look at her and Garrett in the back. "Tim

"That's right."

She cleared her throat.
"I have no where to go." She hugged Garrett closer to
her chest and looked back at him.

Tim nodded his head. "I
know where to take you. You just sit back and relax and let me
take care of you."

Marcus looked up when the police car started down the driveway.
He gave Tonka his head and let the gelding set his own pace
towards the approaching visitor. When the car pulled to a stop
and Tim Gentner stepped out Marcus's first fretful thought was
that something bad had happened to Brenda or Lauren.

He dismounted and walked
the few steps forwards in obvious distress. "Is everything
okay?" He questioned.

Tim nodded and glanced
back at the car. Marcus followed his gaze and saw what he'd
missed before. Lindsey sat in the back seat with Garrett in her

"There was an
incident at her place." Tim coughed, and shuffled his feet
in the dirt. "There's no easy way to say this to you Marcus.
We got a call from her neighbor. Apparently she helped Garrett
out the window so he could go get help. Her husband will spend
the night in jail but that's all we can hold him for if she won't
press charges. I'm counting on you to change her mind." He
turned back to the car and motioned for Lindsey to get out.
"You're not gonna like what you see. Just forewarning you."

Marcus watched as Lindsey
slowly got out of the car, wincing as she shifted Garrett and
finally put him down on the ground. When she walked up to them,
Garrett in one hand and the suitcase in the other, he could
clearly see the bruises forming across her jaw and cheek and
arms. Her bottom lip was cut and her left eye was already dark
purple underneath.

"That fucking
bastard, I'm going to rip his head off." Marcus clenched his
hands into fists as she stopped in front of him and tried to hold
back tears.

"That's enough
Marcus." Tim warned him. "You let us take care of this,
you hear?" He gave Marcus a wary look. "You just get
her to change her mind and me and the boys will take care of the
rest." He finally nodded, got into the car and left the
three of them standing there looking at each other.

"Don't say I told
you so." Lindsey said although she had difficulty forming
the words with her lips so swollen.

"You have to press
charges." Marcus said with a sigh as he bent and picked
Garrett up into his arms.

"I can't."
Lindsey said in a near whisper. Tears came to her eyes. "I
can't Marcus. You don't understand."

"Then make me
understand Lindsey."

Lindsey took in a heavy breath then turned towards the house.
Garrett squirmed in Marcus's arms until he set him down. The
little boy ran after his mom and grabbed her hand before they
disappeared inside.

Marcus turned towards
Tonka who stood patiently a ways off grazing what was left of the
yellowing grass. Marcus found himself torn in two directions. He
swore and went to put Tonka out to pasture. He promised himself
he'd pick a direction, and soon.

"Ouch!" Lindsey
pulled away from his ministrations and covered her hand over her
sore ribs.

"Sit still or I'll
never be able to get this stuff on." Marcus said as he tried
again to rub the pain medication on the scratches on her cheek.

"I can't sit still.
I'm sore everywhere." She signed and stood up with some

Marcus eyed her.
"Everywhere? He didn't—"

"It's not like its
never happened before. I'll be fine." Lindsey brushed his
hand away when he reached for her.

"You've got to be
kidding me." He reached for her again and this time she was
too exhausted to resist when he pulled her towards him. "You
have to press charges."

"What does that buy
me Marcus? A week? Two? He'll be back. He always comes back. You
think I've never pressed charges before? It doesn't work! Nothing
works!" She started to cry but it hurt too much to cry.
Instead she found herself with her arms around his neck and her
head resting against his shoulder.

"We'll make it work
this time Lindsey. I swear he won't hurt you again if you press

Slowly Lindsey pulled
away from him and sadly she shook her head. "Before or after
you propose to Brenda?" At the look in his eyes her heart
sank. "You've already proposed to her."

"I was going to tell
you Lindsey. I didn't want you to find out like this.

Lindsey kissed him on the
cheek. "Good night, Marcus."

Marcus found himself pulled back, remembering. It was the night
before her twentieth birthday. They'd been out all day, shopping
and going to dinner and made love all night. She'd pressed
herself up against him and whispered good night.

The next morning he got
up early to make her breakfast in bed. He fed her himself and
she'd been surprised.

"I've never seen you
this sincere." She said with a laugh as he buttered her
toast and fed it to her.

"You deserve the
best." He said with a twinkle in his eye. When she was done
they took a shower together until the water turned cold and his
body heat could no longer keep her warm.

They dried each other off
and dressed when he said, "I have a surprise for you."

"Another one?"
She lifted an eyebrow.

"You think I'm that
cheap? That breakfast was your present? I've made you breakfast
before." He grinned.

"Sure you have."
She laughed at his antics as he pulled her down the stairs and
outside into the crisp spring air. The horses called from the
barn as he tried to hurry her along.

"Slow down Marcus!"
She laughed as he tugged her along. Whatever it is, its not going
to walk away before I get there."

"It might," he
teased stopping her outside the barn. "Close your eyes."

"Marcus." She
shook her head in surprise at his excitement. "I'm not going
to close my eyes."

"Close your eyes or
I'll take it back." He teased.

"It's that saddle I
wanted isn't it?" She said, her eyes going wide in delight.

"Close you eyes and
you'll find out in a second." Marcus winked at her and
finally she gave in.

"Okay, okay. You
win. See, look, I'm closing my eyes." She closed her eyes
and allowed him to lead her into the barn.

"Don't open them
yet." He said turning back every few steps to make sure she
wasn't peeking. "No peeking."

"They're closed,
they're closed." She smiled and continued to follow the tug
of his hand. Finally he stopped her and stepped around behind
her, putting both his hands on her shoulders.

"Okay, open them."

Lindsey gasped as she
opened her eyes. "Marcuse Michael Whitman! We can't afford

"We already have."
He kissed her neck and pushed her forwards. "Go ahead, say

Lindsey looked at him in

"Go on." He
smiled at the look on her face.

Lindsey approached the
horse slowly. He was a beautiful gray with a silky gray mane and
tail. His expressive eyes followed her movements as she lowered
her hand for him to smell. The empty stall now had a plaque with
his name engraved upon it. The saddle rack beside it was up and
in the morning light the new saddle and bridle were gleaming
black leather and brand-new.

"He'll jump six
foot. I saw it myself."

"Marcus we can't
afford this."

"Stop worrying about
that. I've already paid for him."

Lindsey ran her hand up
the gelding's neck and down across his shoulder. He sniffed at
her and shifted in place. "What's his name?"

"Mercury Silver."
Marcus smiled at her and came up beside her.

"He's beautiful."
She stood on her tiptoes to kiss Marcus on the lips.

"Now you can show in
the A class, like you should be."

"What about Dixie?
She's going to be so jealous."

"Connie already said
she'd come down and ride her with you when she has time. The
baby's not going to be a baby forever." Marcus smiled down
at her as Lindsey continued to run her hands over the horse's
back and withers.

"He's so beautiful.
I don't deserve this." She glared at Marcus.

"You deserve the
moon and the stars. If I could reach those I'd give you those

"Marcuse Whitman
what happened that made you so sweet?"

"You happened."
He kissed her. When they parted they were both flushed and

"Now if only I could
ride him. I hate to stick him out to pasture for three months."
She took the currycomb he handed her and started to rub it over
the horse's smooth silver-gray coat.

"You're the one who
is so set about not riding. You could ride him right now for all
I care. After all, he's your birthday present, you should be able
to enjoy him on your birthday."

"Really? You
wouldn't mind if I rode him?"

"Of course not!"
He picked up the saddle and brought it to her. "I'd love to
see how you two look together."

Together they saddled the
gray gelding as he stood patiently for them. When he was saddled
and his feet clean Marcus gave Lindsey a leg up into the hunter
saddle and held the gelding while she strapped the helmet on her

"I promise I'll take
it easy."

"Its your birthday
present, you do what you want. Enjoy it." Marcus gave the
horse a pat on the rump as she walked him out of the stable and
led him into the jumping ring she'd constructed for herself over
the year.

"Come on now, put
him through his paces." Marcus called from where he leaned
against the rail. He watched as Lindsey pushed her heels down and
asked for a trot.

"Oh, he's wonderful
Marcus! He has the smoothest trot…" Lindsey called in
delight. She took him around the ring several times.

"Lets see how you
look at the canter." Marcus called to her. She smiled at him
as she leaned forwards and the horse lengthened his stride for
his well-collected canter, not too long and not too short. His
breeding was impeccable. For the fifteen thousand dollars Marcus
had spent on him, it better have been.

"Take him over a
jump or two, just to get a feel of him." Marcus called as
she slowed him back down until he was stopped in front of him.

"Don't you think
that's a little too risky?"

"You want to jump
him don't you?" Marcus asked raising a quizzical eyebrow.

"Of course!"

"Then why are you
still standing there?"

Lindsey laughed as she
urged the horse off again. The first jump looked as effortless as
it was for both horse and rider. The second and the third were
the same.

"Put it up Marcus."
Lindsey called. "Let's see what he can do."

Marcus ducked under the
fence and went to the jump, raising it up to a good four foot
that she was used to jumping on her smaller horse Dixie. As soon
as he was out of the way Lindsey cantered him around and then
turned him for the jump. He took the fourth jump as effortlessly
as the first three.

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