Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy)

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Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Six-Alarm Sexy Book Two

BOOK: Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy)
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Two polar opposites—she’s kinky, he’s uptight—discover they share a taboo desire that may destroy both their futures


Firefighter Dani Harris has always wanted a family, but doesn’t think it’s possible because of her demanding, high-stakes career. Her sex life is as high-adrenaline as her job, and that’s just one more thing that makes her unsuitable to be a wife and mother. Her secret kink—exhibitionism—has gotten in the way of more than one relationship. Will she ever find a man who not only shares her wild fantasies, but loves her for them?


Burdened with ensuring the success of the struggling family business, William Caldwell IV needs a wife suited for a CEO—one with money and connections, who can manage his busy social life and raise their 2.5 children. He’s got everything all mapped out, but when he meets Dani, a woman who’s every kind of wrong, she taps into desires he’s only half-recognized and long-suppressed. Suddenly his carefully crafted five-year plan feels as confining as a straightjacket.


As Dani and Will’s sexual experimentation escalates, they test the limits of polite society by baring all and risking exposure—an exposure that could cost them their reputations and careers.







“EVERYTHING BARED is a delicious and edgy walk on the wild side of beautifully crafted erotica. Another 5-star achievement from gifted writer Kristine Cayne!”

—Laura Taylor, 6-Time Romantic Times Award Winner, 2-Time Maggie Award Winner, & RWA RITA Finalist


“Highly flammable and unforgettable. My favorite erotic romance of the year. Cayne’s debut erotic romance was impossible to put down.”

MsRomanticReads Romance & Erotica Book Reviews
Under His Command


“A Romantic BDSM story, Kristine Cayne’s erotica debut hits all the right spots and set them on fire.”

Provocative Pages
Under His Command


“This baby gives new meaning to the word HOT! Insanely creative, toe curling and to top that, an amazing story as well! If this is Kristine’s first erotic romance, imagine what she’ll think of next!”

—Jackie Munoz on
Under His Command


“Loved it! Really, really enjoyed this and I hope there are many more hot firefighter stories in what looks like a very promising series!”

—Laci Paige, author of the Silken Edge novels, on


“Stock up on ice cubes because this is definitely one sizzling debut…. As rich as a white chocolate cheesecake, Cayne’s entrance into the suspense genre is invigorating, explosive and simply intoxicating….”

RT Book Reviews
, 4½ stars, Top Pick! on
Deadly Obsession


“This is a read that will have you staying up late to not only enjoy Alyssa and Rémi’s out of this world chemistry, but so see what lengths some will go to in order to preserve what they feel is right.”

Night Owl Reviews
, 4.5 Stars, Top Pick! on
Deadly Addiction


“...Cayne creates an entertaining tale, packed with distinctive characters and a suspenseful storyline.”

RT Book Reviews
Deadly Addiction




Other Books in the Six-Alarm Sexy Series





Under His Command
(Book One)


Everything Bared
(Book Two)


Lover on Top
(Book Three) – coming winter 2014



Bundles and Print


Six-Alarm Sexy, Volume One

Under His Command













Copyright © 2013 Kristine Cayne

Excerpt from
Deadly Obsession
© 2012 Kristine Cayne

Excerpt from
© 2013 Dana Delamar


All rights reserved.


Book cover design by Judi Fennell, 2013



Cover image licensed from Jenn LeBlanc / Illustrated Romance, 2013




ISBN (ebook): 0989197018

ISBN-13 (ebook): 978-0-9891970-1-4


Publisher’s Note
: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.


The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the copyright owner is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.







I’ve always admired the strength and courage it takes to be a firefighter, but I also wanted to acknowledge the hardships that come with such a dangerous profession. I believe the Six-Alarm Sexy series does just that.

To my patient husband for encouraging me to continue pursuing my dream even when giving it up would make our lives easier. And to my children for sharing my new love of “Supernatural.” It’s been a blast watching the past seven seasons over summer break with you.

To Dana Delamar for being the best damn critique partner and editor a girl could have. I especially thank you for keeping a straight face even when William’s dirty talk was at its worst.

To Kyle Moore, Public Information Office for the City of Seattle Fire Department, Captain Brian Maier Recruit Coordinator for the City of Seattle Fire Department, and the Seattle Fire Department’s Technical Rescue Team for answering all my questions regarding search-and-rescue and firefighting techniques in industrial settings. The fire rescue scene in this book would have been hilariously inaccurate without your help. Stay safe!

To Michelle, Patty, Natalie for being fabulous alpha and beta readers. Your insights and suggestions made this a stronger book. I can’t thank you enough!

To my amazing Street Squad, especially Lieutenants Allyson and Patty. You keep me inspired with your hot photos, and revive my flagging determination with your happy thoughts and encouragement.

To Laura Taylor for your friendship, faith, and generosity. The Internet has allowed us to know each other, but I hope to see your warm smile in person someday.

Last but definitely not least, to all my readers who are enjoying this peek into the secret lives of the firefighters of station 44. Your support allows me to bring to life my heroes and heroines. I have many more exciting erotic romances planned for these brave men and women; all I need is for you to join me in this ride.

Chapter 1



Dani Harris squirmed on the seat of her ancient Honda Civic and tried to get comfortable. A feat that was almost impossible given the rising morning heat and the sun burning into her eyes despite the stupid cardboard sunshade she’d been forced to buy or go blind. Coco whined from her bed on the back seat. Eyes closed, Dani reached back and patted the lab’s leg. “It’s okay, girl. Just give me a few hours to rest, then we’ll spend the day at the beach.”

Coco snorted but settled down. After a jaw-cracking yawn, Dani let herself drift. God, she was tired. Usually, she was able to catch a few hours shut-eye at the station, but last night’s shift had been a nightmare, with barely a few minutes between calls. When it wasn’t a warehouse fire, it was a car accident. They’d even had to rescue some drunken idiot who’d fallen off the pier. She filled her lungs then exhaled, pushing out all that stress and emotion. In her mind, the dream formed.

A spotlight snapped on, bathing her in a harsh white light. Perched on a low wooden chair, she took in the small round platform beneath it, and the dozen shuttered openings surrounding her. Each was no more than a couple square feet in size and close enough for her to touch if she stretched out her arm. A pulsing beat filled the space and her body.

A man’s low, smooth voice broke in. “Begin.”

Begin what?
Where was she? That’s when she noticed her clothes. Or rather her lack of them. A black corset laced up her abdomen and tied between her breasts, and sheer boy shorts barely hid her important bits. Garters tied to the corset held up silky thigh-highs. All things considered, it was a pretty sexy get-up, though far more modest than what she usually wore when she went to her favorite fetish parties. Is that where she was now? At a sex club?

When the platform began to rotate, she shifted and her foot hit something on the floor. Beside the chair was a basket full of toys. Sex toys.

One of the shuttered windows slowly slid open. In the near darkness, she could make out the broad-shouldered shape of a man.

Not toys.

This was a peepshow. And she was the star attraction.

Her nails dug into her thighs as she tried to figure out if she was awake or asleep. Was she dreaming? If so, her subconscious was a right bitch to play with her fantasies like this.

The music cut out again. “Is there a problem, princess?”

That voice. It sounded so familiar, but not. She swallowed and shook her head. Since she was here, she might as well enjoy herself.

The platform had gone a full circle and she was once again facing the open square. With her eyes on the shape within, she raised one leg, pointing her toes in the ridiculously high heels, before sweeping her leg to the side and giving the man—customer?—an unobstructed view of her lace-covered pussy. The stranger’s eyes on her sent heat between her legs, and the delicious sensations had her gritting her teeth to hold back her moans.

The shutter of a window behind her slid up. She brought her foot to the floor and leaned back to smile at the newcomer. Make that newcomers. Based on the outlines she could see, there were at least two people in that booth. Hopefully, they’d enjoyed the flash of cleavage she’d given them.

The man’s voice filled the small room yet again. “Start stripping. We want to see more of you.” This time the smoothness of his tone was gone, replaced with something rougher. Lust.

Her belly clenched with excitement and arousal. She looked around, then up. Where was he? He had to be watching her, but from where? A booth? If he was, he’d better grab his hat—or better yet, his cock—because she planned on giving him the show of a lifetime.

She stood, and with her feet spread wide, she wrapped her fingers around the back of the chair and bent over at the waist. Then she began to move. Her body undulated, her ass clenching and unclenching. She dropped her shoulders to glance back between her legs and licked her lips. Slowly.

Snap. Snap.

Two more windows opened.

Straddling the chair, she whipped her hair back, arching so her breasts jutted forward. She captured each in one hand and squeezed.


The first window closed.

Row by row, she unlaced the front of the corset, but just enough to free her breasts. From their shelf on the half-open corset, they appeared ripe and ready. Her nipples begged to be pinched. Who was she to deny them?


The first window reopened and the broad-shouldered figure reappeared. Awareness surged in her veins. He was focused on her completely, giving her a thrill, a jolt of adrenaline, a sexual high like no other. After licking the index fingers of each hand, she wet her rigid nipples, circling, then pinching. Her pussy vibrated in response.

She continued to knead her breasts as the platform completed a rotation. All the windows were open. A full house. With a grin, she finished unlacing the corset and let it drop to the floor. Stripped down to her boy shorts, garters, and stockings before all these people, she felt beautiful and free. Gloriously sexual.

Her hands moved over her chest, her neck, into her hair. She leaned against the back of the chair and spread her thighs. Having all those eyes on her, on her pussy, made her belly spasm, and she could smell her own arousal. She pushed down the waistband of the boy shorts and slid a finger through her juices.

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