Everything You've Got: Anything & Everything, Book 2 (8 page)

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He was part of her tension so he could, by God, help her get rid of some of it.

“I was wondering if you know where the handcuffs are.”

He looked up to where she was standing with her shoulder propped against his open office door. Only one corner of his mouth curled up but even across the room she could see the heat in his eyes. “Is it someone else’s birthday?”

“Don’t know…or care. Those cuffs are only for you and me.” She pushed away from the door and moved into the office.

“I knew it was going to happen one way or the other.” He pushed his chair back and stood, coming around the desk to meet her in the middle of the room.

Damn right it was going to happen. She was glad he was giving in so easily.

“It was inevitable,” she agreed. Her voice was a little husky already, but hey, she’d had feelings for this guy for
. She wanted him, he wanted her and the idea of being with him was the best thing she’d thought about in a really long time.

“Inevitable. I like that word.” He reached for her arm and drew her up against him. “And the sooner we get started the better.”

“Yeah, I’m thinking right now.” She grinned at him. “Like
right now
.” They didn’t need to drive to one of their houses. His desk was sturdy. And here.

She started to nudge him backwards toward that sturdy desk, but his hands went to her shoulders and stopped her.

“You want to leave right now? Tonight?”

“Yes, I want… No, we don’t have to—” She looked up at him in confusion. Something didn’t sound quite right. “Leave? You mean go to your house? And of course I mean tonight.”

“To go to Nashville.”

She blinked up at him. Then started shaking her head. “No. No Nashville. No
.” No small spaces where she couldn’t get away from him, where she might be tempted to tell him…everything.

“I want you all to myself,” he said huskily, drawing his thumb along her bottom lip and making ribbons of heat swirl through her. Then he grinned. “And I want to be all you have to think about, see and…do for a few days.”

She took a step back from him. A big step. “Whoa. This all sounds… You want to…” Too many thoughts were tumbling through her mind. “I get it. You’re trying to cram months of dating into a few days on a road trip. What are we going to do first when we get back—order the wedding cake or pick out the china pattern we want?” She turned and stomped toward the door. Of course this couldn’t just be sex. Of course he couldn’t just focus on the no-panties thing. This was Luke. He always had a plan and he knew nothing about not getting his way.

He sighed. “Don’t be ridiculous. Marc will make the cake, so obviously we’ll pick china out first.”

She swung back to face him, prepared to tell him what he could do with the cake, but the heat in his eyes stopped her words. He reached up and unknotted his tie as he started forward. “Turn around.”

Something in his tone, or in his eyes, or both made her heart kick against her chest. The air heated as he approached and she felt her breathing quicken.

He slid his tie free from his collar and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt.

Okay, clothing being removed was good.

“Turn around?” she repeated even as she turned. Hey, this was Luke Hamilton and he was taking stuff off. She was very okay with that.

“Now just hold still.”

No problem. As long as he shut up about Nashville—and well, maybe everything. He needed to use his mouth in other ways.

“Close your eyes,” he said, his lips against her ear.

She did, shivering a little though she was feeling anything but cold.

Then she felt the brush of silk against her cheek and felt him slide what she assumed to be his tie over her eyes. She was sure of it as she felt the gentle tug of him tying the ends behind her head.

“Uh, Luke?”


“Did you just blindfold me?”


“You’re actually


Her heart sped up. Okay, now they were moving in the direction she wanted.

“It’s very likely I’ll peek,” she told him.

“I’m sure you’re right.”

Then he leaned in.

Kat felt her breath catch and she felt herself drift closer to him, seeking his heat.

“This will fix that.”

But she didn’t ask what he was talking about because his lips met the back of her neck. Tingles spread quickly. She found herself wanting more, tipping her head forward to be sure he knew she was
with this. His response was to slide his hands down her arms bringing her hands behind her back. Then his tongue licked a spot behind her ear and she lost track of anything else.

A moment later, she felt the cold metal of the handcuffs click around her wrists.

She couldn’t have really explained to anyone how it happened. It was fast and smooth.

She tugged on her wrists. “What are you doing?”

“Handcuffing you.”

“What is going on?” she demanded, trying to sound annoyed.

She didn’t think she pulled it off. She sounded breathless and turned on. Which made sense since that was exactly what she was.

Suddenly she felt him move in front of her and the next thing she knew her world tipped—literally—and she was being carried over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“Whatever I want,” he said putting a big palm on her right butt cheek.

Yeah, she couldn’t argue with that assessment of the situation.

Oh, sure, she could scream, kick, run, try to get away. But then she might actually
get away
which, she was honest enough to admit, was the last thing she really wanted.



Twenty minutes later she’d changed her mind.

She was handcuffed to a chair in the kitchen area of Sabrina and Marc’s RV.

Luke sat in the driver’s seat. Driving. Away from Justice.

She’d tried everything to get him to free her. She’d even offered him a blow job.

He’d turned the radio up at that point and hadn’t turned it down since.

She saw the sign for Martinsburg—he’d removed the blindfold as soon as she was secured to the chair—so she knew they were headed east.

Finally she sighed. Whatever he had planned, he was winning so far. The farther they got from Justice the lower her chances were of hitchhiking back or calling for a ride.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going at least?” she yelled over Green Day’s latest hit.

He leaned forward and lowered the volume. “Nashville.” Apparently he could hear better than he’d let on.

Then she focused on what he’d said. Nashville? Well, of course they were going to Nashville.

Son of a bitch. She tugged on the bindings at her wrists. He was
her to Nashville.

“You don’t think that Marc will notice when the RV is gone?”

“Marc helped me pack all the supplies.”

Dammit. Then a thought occurred to her. “What about clothes? I don’t have anything packed.”

He glanced in the rearview mirror with a grin. “I hope you’re not thinking that will convince me this is a bad idea.”

She rolled her eyes. Okay, being naked with Luke for several days straight was not much of a deterrent for her either.

“But Sabrina packed your bag,” he added.

“She did? She knew about this? That you were

“Well—” He shrugged. “Yeah. And I told Diane you were taking a few days off, so it’s all covered.”

“Diane?” Kat repeated. “As in the office manager for AMP?”

“Yep. She said it was all fine, that Dr. Davidson could cover you.” Sure he could. Since he was going to be anyway. She supposed she should be grateful that Diane hadn’t spilled that little detail.

Until this moment Kat hadn’t even thought of work since stepping into Luke’s office. Which just went to show how crazy all of this was. She
thought about work, even when none of her patients were in the ICU with a massive stroke. She was a small-town doctor. It was pretty much a twenty-four seven gig. She’d run into patients at the grocery store and post office and they’d “just take a minute” to ask her a medical question. She had been having dinner at The Camelot one night and a patient had asked her to talk to the pharmacist—who was sitting three tables away—about refilling the woman’s prescription.

“She was having dinner and I asked for help getting you a few days off for a surprise trip out of town.”

The time off was supposed to seem as if it had been planned before Tom’s stroke. She wondered how many people had been sitting with Diane and how many in the close proximity had heard the conversation. She breathed in and out trying not to yell. “I certainly hope everyone knows that I’m not there to treat their medical issues because I’m off having sex with you—handcuffed and blindfolded.”

Luke chuckled.


“I didn’t say it quite that way.”

Kat tugged on her wrists but they held tight. “I am not driving Sabrina and Marc’s RV to Nashville with you.”

“They need the RV and you know that Sabrina can’t ride eighteen hours,” he said.

“I don’t do RVs.”

He chuckled at that. “This is a hotel on wheels.”

It was true that Marc had spared no expense. He’d purchased the RV as proof to Sabrina that he would go wherever she went, whenever she went, because he was in love with her.

It had cost more than their wedding.

And of course Luke was willing to drive the damned thing eighteen hours one way so that Sabrina would be comfortable but still be able to perform.

Luke had no ridiculous-meter when it came to Sabrina.

“She should be close to home at this point,” Kat said with a scowl.

“Not if her doctor’s there with her.”

And of course he wouldn’t hesitate to drag her down there too if it was good for Sabrina. “Why can’t they just stay in a hotel down there? Why do they need the RV?”

“She sleeps better in the RV than in hotels. She’s used to this bed and she likes having all her stuff with her. Plus, the festival is four days long but they only perform a couple times a day. She needs a place where she can go lie down and relax during their off time. Not to mention that she’ll eat better if she can cook in the RV. Right?”

“You can take it down there yourself, can’t you?” she snapped.

“Marc really wants you to come so you can check on her, make sure things are okay.”


He was perhaps the only sane person among them. He was Sabrina’s soul mate, knew she wasn’t perfect and loved her anyway. He was also a great friend to Kat.

And he thought she should give Luke a chance.

“Total crap,” Kat muttered. Marc and Sabrina hadn’t said a word about Kat’s being there to check on things. In fact, they hadn’t mentioned the trip at all. Probably because they knew she would have advised against it.

Still, Sabrina and the baby were healthy and these music festivals made Sabrina incredibly happy—those things were all that mattered to Marc. They would have gone whether Kat gave her blessing or not.

She shook her head. This was out of hand.

“Are you going to keep me handcuffed the entire time?” An hour ago she would have thought that sounded kind of hot. Now she was pretty sure she’d gotten herself into more than she’d bargained for.

“I’m thinking I should keep you back there until we’re more than an hour from Justice. That’s probably far enough that you won’t consider hitchhiking or calling for a ride.”

Exactly what she’d been thinking.

Calling for a ride didn’t seem to be an option. Apparently Sabrina and Marc were off the list of people she could count on. She’d never tell her parents about this. Obviously Diane thought it was all fine.

Who else could she call? That was easy—no one.

Not that she didn’t know people who’d come get her if she was in trouble. But no one would believe she was in trouble with Luke.

She supposed she could call her sister. But Isabelle was in Omaha. Which was another four and a half hours east. Not really on Isabelle’s way to come get Kat and take her back to Justice. But even though it was ridiculous and Kat would never ask her to do it, Isa would come if Kat called. She was the one person in the world that would do absolutely anything for Kat.

Well, other than Luke himself.

A hot flash shot through her at that realization. It was a bit out of the blue, but it was nonetheless completely true. Luke would do anything for her. He would drive four and a half, or more, hours to pick her up if she needed him.

And she really liked knowing that.

“My hands are going to sleep,” she lied. She was feeling very vulnerable and out of control here—two things she detested.

“Good thing it’s only another twenty miles or so to the point of no return,” he said.

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