Everything You've Got: Anything & Everything, Book 2 (9 page)

BOOK: Everything You've Got: Anything & Everything, Book 2
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The point of no return.

That was exactly where she was afraid she was headed. RV or not.



Luke was surprised by how quiet Kat was. It should probably make him nervous, but the whole thing had been going so smoothly that he couldn’t help but feel smug. She’d tried negotiating—the blow job offer had taken some willpower on his part to decline—but they both knew that she could have really fought him if she didn’t want to go. She hadn’t even struggled against the handcuffs that much.

He liked that.

It showed a level of trust. And had fueled a few new fantasies for him.

“Do you know anyone in Marshall?” he asked her, looking into the rearview mirror. She looked so sexy bound to the chair that he had to pull his eyes back to the road to avoid the ditch.

“No, why?”

“Good. That’s where we’ll stop then.”

She rolled her eyes. He wondered if she really would call anyone to come get her if she had the chance. Maybe. Kat wasn’t the type of woman to take too kindly to not being in control.

It was better to just not give her the chance to change his plans. This trip was a brilliant idea. If he did say so himself.

Five minutes later he pulled into the parking lot of a café off the highway. It was a typical small-town diner with good food and outdated décor. In spite of the fact that he took great pride in making his own restaurant shine with the most modern interior and exterior design, immaculate cleaning staff and updated everything, Luke appreciated places like this. Their focus was food and community. That was at the heart of his restaurant as well.

He climbed into the back of the RV. “Here’s how this is going to go,” he said, hands on his hips. “I’m going to unlock you, then we’re going to go in, get a table and have coffee together. There will be no cell phone allowed, no pay phone usage, no flirting with any truckers headed west. We’re leaving here together, in this RV. Or I’ll keep you out here and bring you a to-go cup when I’m finished.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You know that I’m not going to Nashville with you.”

“I don’t know that at all.”

“This is very overbearing of you,” she said.

It was overbearing and not like him. Luke didn’t generally operate this way. He would never think of kidnapping someone else and forcing them into taking a road trip with him. He would never dream of interfering with someone’s work schedule like this.

But this was Kat. Dealing with such a unique woman required a unique approach and mindset.

“Good thing that overbearing men turn you on,” he told her.

Overbearing men drove Kat crazy.

“Sure. I was just thinking about how hot I am for you right now,” she said sarcastically.

But her gaze dropped to his mouth and Luke felt awareness and heat charge through him. Her cheeks flushed pink and she licked her lips. He held back a groan. She certainly seemed hot for him right now. She was breathing hard now, just like when he’d initially blindfolded her.

Maybe Kat Dayton didn’t mind having a man who was willing to take charge once in a while.

“Are you going to be good in the diner?” he asked, his voice husky.

She sighed. “Yeah.” She seemed disappointed to have to admit that.

Luke smiled and unlocked the handcuffs. “The trip could be fun, you know.”

She looked away and got to her feet. “We’ll see, I guess.”

Kat ducked into the RV’s small bathroom with the bag Sabrina had packed her and changed into something a bit more modest.

It didn’t do a thing to keep Luke from reacting though. She wore a flared skirt that hit just above her knees, a fitted cotton T-shirt and calf-high leather boots. All in black.

And she still turned heads when they entered the diner.

They were seated in a booth by the front windows and had both ordered coffee and pie when Kat leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms.

“Okay, what exactly do you think is going to happen on this trip?”

He put his elbows on the table and leaned in. “We’re going to make memories to tell our grandkids about.”

He watched her pull in a quick breath. “True or false,” she said. “You think we’re going to have a lot of hot, the-neighbors-can’t-hear-us-so-let’s-get-loud road-trip sex?”

“You seem really focused on having sex with me lately,” he said with a grin. Not that he was objecting.

She nodded. “I am.”

He also didn’t object a bit to her blunt honesty. “Yes, we’re going to have a lot of sex.”

She took a deep breath. “And true or false, you think I’m going to tell you all my deep, dark secrets?”

“And your shallow, light ones,” he tossed back. He wanted to know everything about her. He wasn’t crazy enough to think that knowing her all these years meant he knew every tiny detail about what made her tick. He knew enough, but yeah, he wanted to know it all.

“And true or false,” she continued. “You think this trip is going to end with us madly in love with one another?”


She raised an eyebrow. “False?”

“We’re already there. You’re not admitting it, but that doesn’t make it untrue.”

Kat sighed. “You’re nuts.”

But she didn’t deny being in love with him.

Luke would take what he could get. For now.

She pushed her hand through her pink-streaked hair that she’d crimped into tight waves around her face today. It drove him a little crazy that he never knew what to expect. Sometimes her hair was dark, sometimes light, sometimes crazy colors. She wore it in spikes, curly, straight, wavy Sometimes she even put extensions in, making it longer.

He liked things predictable, truly hated change. But underneath, Kat was always the same—dependable, loyal, sexy and smart. So he could live with a little hair dye.

This close he could see the deep brown of her eyes behind the thick eyeliner and dark shadow. She’d transformed her appearance over the summer between eighth and ninth grade and he hadn’t seen her without makeup and hair dye since. He
to see her without makeup and hair dye. He wasn’t sure why. She turned him on just walking into a room no matter what she wore, but he wanted to see her underneath the stuff. Or maybe it was that he wanted her to
him see underneath.

Kat cleared her throat. “And are you going to tell me all your deep, dark secrets too?”

“I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

She got a contemplative look in her eye, then slowly leaned in too. “Well since you’re the one who wants to speed everything along, I’m going to jump to a question that I would usually wait several dates to ask.”

“Bring it on.”

“Is it possible that there will be a time when we’re sitting on the couch kissing and suddenly Sabrina calls needing a ride home from somewhere and you jump up to go get her?”

The kiss. That night in college. They’d never talked about it, and they’d never repeated it—until now.

He remembered it clearly though. He and Kat had been in his dorm room while Marc was on a date and Sabrina was at a dance. Dorm rooms were small and the only place to really sit comfortably had been on the bed. Together. They’d been watching a movie and he’d looked over to ask her something and suddenly he had to kiss her. He remembered that distinctly. The need had swept through him and he couldn’t resist. So he’d kissed her. It had gotten really hot, really fast. Their mouths had been hungry, their hands bold. There had even been some bare skin. They both knew they were on their way to much, much more than a stolen kiss. And they were both completely okay with that. It was going to change everything between them and they’d gone full speed ahead.

Then Sabrina had called. She’d needed a ride home.

He’d been torn. He wanted to be with Kat, but there was no way he could leave a friend stranded.

And now it was coming back to bite him in the ass.

“Your friends are important to you and I’m sure you appreciate the fact that they’re important to me. In fact, I would hope you would
me to help a friend out, no matter when they need me or what I’m doing.” He tried to gauge her reaction but she was just watching him. “That’s just one more reason you’re the perfect woman. All of my friends are your friends. You would do that same thing if Marc called and needed your help.”

“Well, don’t forget to add that to your list of criteria,” she said dryly. “Someone who will put up with the short leash Sabrina has on you.”

That wasn’t fair. Now. “Marc is the only one on any leash,” he said. “She’s his handful now.”

“And yet, here we are driving that thing—” she gestured out the window at the RV, “—to
so she can sleep a little more comfortably and eat more fruit.”

“You don’t care if she’s eating well?”

“I’m guessing they have apples in Tennessee.” Kat leaned closer, pinning him with that look that made her patients confess all their sins. “Want to know something else? This is going to shock you, but I don’t give a bat’s behind what Sabrina eats while she’s in Nashville.
whole world doesn’t revolve around her.”

Right. Neither did his. Now.

“Okay, you want to know how I feel about Sabrina,” he said. “Here it is.” He pushed his cup to the side and met her stare. “I fell in love with giving her the stability she needed when she was a kid. She didn’t have anyone else and I got to be the most important person for her. I liked that. It made me feel good. As we grew up, I think it was natural to envision us together. She was always there and I figured she always would be.”

He took a deep breath. Even though Kat was the perfect person to confess the rest to, his ego wasn’t large enough for the truth to not sting a little.

“When she went to Seattle it was a great excuse. We weren’t together because she was too far away, wanted other things. But when she came home I had to face something—it wasn’t Justice, or marriage and family, or any of that she didn’t want. She’s got all of that with Marc. I realized that she didn’t want

Kat’s gaze wavered. “She—they—”

“But,” he continued, not letting her interrupt. “I also realized that once she was settled, happy, taken care of, I felt…done. It was like I’d been waiting to be sure she didn’t need me to really move on. With Marc, I know she doesn’t need me anymore.”

Kat was staring at him, her expression unreadable.

“You okay?” he finally asked.

She took a deep breath. “She was never right for you.”

He knew that. He really did. “You are.”

Kat swallowed hard. “That certainly seems to be the case,” she agreed.

Thank God. He smiled. “Absolutely.”

“Because I fit, what, nine of your top ten?” she went on.

“My top ten?” he asked.

“The top ten things you look for in a woman.” She took a bite of pie while watching him. She chewed and swallowed. “I bet I can get six of your top ten without even thinking too hard.”

“Do you have a top ten?” he asked, distracted by the thought.

“Of course.”

“What’s on it?”

“Why?” She looked at him closely. “You worried?”

“Maybe. You’re not like other women.” God, that was the truth.

“That’s the second time you’ve said that to me in two days. But thank you. Again.”

He chuckled. “It
a compliment.” He loved that she was different and celebrated it. But he was very interested in this list of hers. He thought he was perfect for her—but what if she thought the perfect man could quote Shakespeare or juggle or speak French? He’d work on changing her mind, of course, but he’d like to know what he was working with—or against.

“Why are you worried about my list? You’re so convinced we’re perfect for each other.” She was watching him closely in spite of the light tone of voice.

“It takes more than charm to get your attention.” Luke had plenty of charm. That wasn’t the problem.

She chuckled. “True. If charm was all I needed, Chad Watson and I would be happily hitched right now.”

“Chad Watson is a dumb-ass.” She’d gone to their senior prom with Chad.

“A charming dumb-ass, but yeah, I knew within two dates that I couldn’t stand him.”

He smiled. “Okay, charm is important but we’ve got nine more to go. Spill.”

“Some are about sex.”

He coughed on a bite of apple pie. After he took a sip of coffee he said honestly, “Some of them better be about sex.” If she didn’t think sex was important enough to put on her top ten, he had some work to do.

“You have to promise not to think I’m a slut,” she said.

“Of course. Great sex is every person’s God-given right.”

“Alleluia, brother.”

He grinned at her. “I love that you love sex and aren’t shy about it.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet you do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Women who are uptight about sex can’t give good blow jobs. Physically impossible. So, I’m sure you’re glad I’m not uptight.”

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