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Authors: Kimberly Krey

Evie's Knight (12 page)

BOOK: Evie's Knight
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“Right. But at least you hit it. You’re getting it. Find your inner strength now–I call it the fight. Find the fight within you and channel it. Think about what’s holding you back and confront it with your next hit.”

Evie focused on the red, glowing light, thinking of her mother’s absence. The way it made her feel. Worthless and unloved. Only she wasn’t worthless. It flashed … two … three. She stepped forward and swung, short and quick–and hit. Solid and square. The crack of the bat was loud, satisfying.

“Nice,” Calvin said. “Do it again.”

She readied herself, watching the light as her breaths quickened, adrenaline pulsing through her tightened limbs. Evie’s inner voice spoke out, urging her on like a loyal friend.
It’s not my fault that Mom left. I might be changed because of it, but I’m not any less than what I would have been.

The light flashed again. She tensed, and then swung–fast and strong–
The impact traveled down the length of the bat, rumbling beneath her fingers and palms.

“Very nice,” Calvin praised.

Evie looked at him, exhilarated. “This is awesome!” She readied herself again. This time she honed in on the draining atmosphere of her home. For years she’d been trying to prove that she was good enough. Doing all she could to please the one parent she had left–all to become the perfect little girl–one that no one could leave behind. Frustration fumed within her, powered her next swing where she pulled out another satisfying whack.

I don’t have to be perfect.
She stepped into the swing–another hit.

I’m not a child anymore–

I’m older now. And I’m strong

And determined
–she missed that one, and took it out on the next with a crash that earned a smile from herself.

I’m smart too. Smart enough to live a happy life no matter who’s in it.

The baseballs continued to fly, one after the next, and with each satisfying crash of contact, Evie felt more and more alive. Every hit fueled her with strength, a lifting sense of empowerment that left her high.

“This is your last one,” Calvin said. “You’ve got it.”

He was right. She would get it. There was no doubt in her mind. She’d hit that last ball, hard, right on the mark. Evie was awed by the amount of confidence she’d found in herself. She relished the gratifying sensation as she nailed the last ball, fierce and final.

She smiled at Calvin as he rose from the bench. Her bottom lip quivered. He strode toward her with a knowing grin, as if he knew the emotion that gripped her, as if he shared it.

Evie dropped the bat just before his strong arms wrapped around her waist. She embraced him while he lifted her off the ground and spun in place.

“That felt amazing,” she said against his shoulder.

Calvin let out a soft chuckle. “I’m glad.”

She sighed. In that sweet moment, wrapped in the solid warmth of Calvin’s arms, Evie felt complete.


After returning the gear at the front desk, Calvin turned to Evie. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah. Thanks again, Calvin. That was exactly what I needed, seriously.” She slipped into her raincoat.

Calvin slid his arm behind her back, pulling her closely against him. The noise from the bowling alley died down as they neared the exit. “You know,” he said, “I love the look of you in this black trench coat. You look like some undercover agent. A deadly one.”

She slowed, turning her head toward him, a serious glare set on her face. “How do you know I’m not?  What if I was hired to save the planet from destruction this very evening and you didn’t even know it?”

Calvin stopped walking altogether, fiery heat smoldering beneath his gaze. He slid a hand around the back of her neck, brought his mouth next to her ear, and teased her with his warm breath. “And what if I was hired to sabotage your entire mission by seducing you?”

A blanket of goose bumps covered her body. She bravely traced her hands along his shoulders before resting them at either side of his roughly shaven face. With her lips grazing the lobe of his ear, she answered, “I’d say, two can play that game.”

A deep laugh resonated from his throat. “Then let the games begin.”

Heat flushed up the back of her neck. “Fine. But I need a quick break first.” Evie wasn’t kidding. She felt like she was about to explode somehow. After a quick glance beyond Calvin, she spoke up once more. “Be back in five.”

Calvin grabbed her arm as she walked past. “Wait. I don’t trust you. What if you’re really sneaking out the back door and this place blows up while I’m here waiting for you? You’re putting my entire mission in jeopardy.”

“Then wait for me outside the exit. I’ll only be a minute.” She nodded toward the double doors just beyond the restrooms and then slipped into the ladies room, entirely flustered by the heated banter. As she reached into her pocket for some ChapStick, Evie found her deep red lip stain as well. Perfect. She spread the red color over her lips, followed up with a quick coat of ChapStick, and finished with a blot to a fresh paper towel. While tilting her head, she slid the band from her ponytail and let her hair drape in contrast against the sleek, leather coat, smiling with her larger-looking lips of crimson. Mission complete.

Evie walked out of the bathroom and strolled down the remainder of the hallway. Due to the darkness of the night, the glass door showed nothing but her reflection. She wondered if Calvin Knight was really there, waiting for her on the other side; it hardly seemed possible. After pressing open the door and stepping onto the wet pavement, Evie felt cool drops of rain splash against the tops of her feet; maybe the flip flops were a bad idea.

Calvin’s voice sounded from behind. “Agent Wylder?”

Evie spun around to see him step away from a shrub that lined the building. “Agent Knight?” Flutters rose in her chest.

In one quick motion, he grabbed her by the waist and recklessly pushed her backward, pinning her against the building. Tucked just beyond the rain’s reach, Calvin kept one hand on her hip, rested the other against the brick wall behind her. He looked over his shoulder as if shielding her from enemy spies, and then set his gaze back on her face.

A flash of desire shot through her, sudden and fierce.

His eyes narrowed. “Before we get into the vehicle, I have to know if you’re hiding any weapons.” He nodded toward the secured raincoat.

Reflexively, Evie took hold of the waist belt, unfastened it, and pulled both sides open, smiling as if she wasn’t secretly shocked with herself for doing so.

Calvin ran a slow gaze up and down her form. “I see.” Sliding his hand beneath the open flap, he placed it back on the curve of her hip.

Evie gulped.

“I like the lips,” he said softly, seductively, his gaze fixed on her timid smile.

She was surprised by the sudden twist in the mood. The warmth of his hand around her waist, her back pinned against the cool wall. The ever-present chemistry surging between them.

“Thanks. It’s a lip stain. It lasts all day and it doesn’t smudge,” she said, mimicking the commercial.

“That’s good.” He leaned in closer and breathed her in. “It smells good, too. Is that mint?”

“Yeah. It’s mint and vanilla actually. ChapStick.” She gulped again.

“Nice.” His warm breath flittered across her cheek.

The beat of her heart came thicker, heavier, as the fever built in her chest. She worried that, at any moment, Calvin would step away, end his flirtatious teasing, and lead her back to the Jeep.

Unwilling to let the moment slip, Evie forced herself to speak. “I could share.”

“Oh yeah?”

She nodded slowly in reply. “But, I don’t have it with me,” she lied, the heat of the moment fueling her desire. “We’d have to get creative, find a way to get it from my lips to yours.” She licked her lips, leaving them parted.

Calvin’s eyes were intense. As he leaned in, she watched his mouth, beautifully perfect and full. She let her eyes shut as he closed the gap between them. Gently, he pressed his lips to hers–soft, smooth, and warm. The sensation had her weak, melting. She breathed him in, completely alive and in the moment. The simple kiss was entirely right.

He pulled back and met her gaze.

Evie’s breaths came rapid. “Did it work?”

Calvin rubbed his lips together before pulling one side into a crooked grin. “Not yet.” He tilted his head, gently parted her lips with his own, and came in for a longer, stronger kiss.

Passion roared inside her, consumed her entirely as she tuned into every spellbinding detail. She wrapped her arms around him and reveled in the incredible sensation–the masterful movement of Calvin Knight’s lips on hers. She felt his fingers squeeze around her waist as he pulled himself closer, the intensity growing.

A pool of warmth encircled her heart. She couldn’t think about how this was not normal behavior for her, about how this kiss was one she might work up to after a month or two of dating. She could only think of the sweet taste of his lips, of how the push and pull of his perfect kiss was like kissing for the very first time.

Calvin brought his hands up to her face before pulling away, and then gazed at her. He leaned in again and brushed his lips gently along hers, back and forth, before giving her one last, sensual kiss.

“Mmm,” he moaned, brushing her cheek with the back of his fingers. “Let’s get you home before I
take advantage of you.”

As he took her by the hand, led her toward the Jeep, Evie basked in the glorious knowledge that she had just been kissed–really kissed–by Calvin Knight.

Chapter Thirteen


“Is it your move?” Evie asked, eyeing the chessboard between them. She already knew the answer–it had been Calvin’s move for the last three minutes–but she couldn’t resist giving him a hard time.

“Yes,” he answered, eyes pasted on the board. He reached for his bishop and slid it along the diagonal path toward her queen. The dining room light dangled above the board, warming the space between them with its yellowed glow.

Evie moved one of her knights forward and to the left. Closer to his king. “I love that your last name is Knight,” she said.

Calvin’s brows creased. “You do?” His eyes didn’t leave the board. He slid a pawn forward.

“Yeah. The association with the word is so positive. A knight is fierce and courageous, steadfast and strong. He protects his lady and destroys her enemies.” She moved the knight once more, taking out his pawn. “Check.”

Calvin studied the board. “You do have me, don’t you?”

She tried to hide her amusement as he made a vain effort to escape the threat, shuffling his other bishop into the mix.

She took that piece out as well. After he scooted another pawn, Evie moved in with the knight again.

“Checkmate.” She bit at her curved lip as he scrutinized the board. “Sorry.”

He nodded. “I knew you were dangerous.”

She chuckled, sliding the board to the side. “Did you say you had an interview?”

“What was that?”

“Earlier, when you got here. You were saying you had an interview somewhere.”

He tipped his head back in acknowledgment. “Yes, with Colin Web. They do graphic design.”

Evie propped her elbows onto the smooth surface of the table. “And how’d it go?”

“Well it was a second interview.” He shrugged, a smile spreading across his face.  “I start next week.”

“That’s awesome, Calvin.” She wanted to tell him that she wasn’t surprised. She’d seen his art and could barely believe how talented he was. But the moment seemed to pass before the words came. “What will your hours be like?” It might not have been any of her business, but she had to know.

“It’s a freelance position. So I’ll mostly be working on projects from home during my free time.”

“That’s,” she stopped herself from using the word awesome again, “sounds like the perfect job.”

“I know. I’m pretty happy about it.” He let out a soft chuckle before looking at her. “Hey, I’m going camping next weekend with my dad and Parker, but I’d like you to come out to my place when we get back. Meet my dad.”

 His statement thrilled and surprised her all at once. “You would?”

“Yes. We get back Sunday afternoon.”

A massive celebration erupted inside her, like a cool rush of tingling fizz bubbling through her veins. “I’d love to do that. Why don’t I make you guys dinner?”

“You wouldn’t need to do that.”

“I know, but I love to cook. Plus my dad’s going to Boise to visit his brother next Sunday. I’ll be on my own all day.”

“Oh, Parker might be there. Is that alright?”

Great. The Jackass. “Of course.”

Calvin sunk a hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, glancing at it briefly. “I should get going.” He came to a stand, and she did the same, smiling as he reached for her hand. She secretly hoped her dad would stay in the office and give her privacy as they said goodbye. Not that she should kiss him again. In fact, she probably shouldn’t.

As they walked toward the door, Evie glanced up at his handsome face, recalling their kiss like a treasured secret: The strength and warmth of his mouth, the passion behind his heavenly lips, and the force of his hand as he’d gripped at her waist. She’d never known kissing could be like that; she wanted to do it all over again.

A cool draft seeped through the crack along the front door as she stopped at the entryway. Calvin turned to face her, his dark brows straight and tense. He placed one hand on her hip and slowly traced the other up her arm, over her shoulder, and around the back of her neck, his fingertips teasing her skin.

She released an unsteady breath as goose bumps rose in a ripple over her body.

“Looks like you fulfilled your mission tonight,” he said in a low voice.


“Saving the entire planet from destruction.”

“Oh yeah. I guess you need to work on your seduction skills,” she teased.

“You’re right.” His warm breath flittered across her cheek. “You know, I’m going to think about your face, your laugh, and your smile every minute until I see you again.” 

BOOK: Evie's Knight
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