Evil Intent (2 page)

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Authors: Robert Olsen

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Evil Intent
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“What Richard?”

“She was a type one diabetic.”


“You heard me. I think that’s what you saw in her face, Kathryn. That familiar look was insulin shock. She died of a massive dose of insulin.”

“But, how the hell could that have happened?”

“We don’t know, but, she was wearing a diabetic pump. A Diage diabetic pump. One from your company, Kathryn.”

Chapter 2

Four Weeks Prior

ood morning Thelma. I brought you something special today.”

“Who you kidding, honey, you always have something special in your bag of tricks. I’ll take you back there dearie as soon as Martha returns,” answered Thelma who was preoccupied with a patient’s file as Kathryn Becker approached the counter.

Thelma Thomson was the office manager at Physician Associates Medical Group, a large medical team on Third Avenue and 57th Street, in the wealthy Sutton Place district of New York. She was a sweetheart of a woman, considerably overweight, with the happiest disposition you ever saw. People just adored Thelma, with her distinct southern black woman’s accent and fast mind that could put you into hysterics quicker than the squirrels could snatch the birdseed from her porch feeder back home in Louisiana. But, this morning, she was busier than a bee with no time for story telling or having fun. Monday mornings inevitably were helter-skelter, because of processing, or scheduling follow-up appointments, from the calls and emergencies received over the weekend.

Thelma had just finished the diagnostic report she was working on, turned to place it back into the patient’s file, when the phone rang again. As she turned to answer it, Martha walked in.

“I got it,” Martha said as she entered the area behind the counter.

“Thank the Lord you’re back dearie. I thought I was gonna have the big one honey with all this coming and going every two seconds.”

“Now, you young lady,” Thelma said turning and looking up at Kathryn still standing nearby. “Where did you ever find such a pretty little dress child? You look lovely in yellow. I wish I could wear something like that, but my friends might mistake me for a school bus, or maybe a yellow jacket or some giant bumble bee if I had a dress like that. I might sting like a bumble bee at times, but I sure don’t need to look like one. Now, let’s hear all about this surprise you have for Dr. Marks.”

“It’s not for Dr. Marks, Thelma, it’s for you. I just so happen to have two tickets to a Broadway musical next weekend, and I thought you might like to go see the play,” Kathryn said watching Thelma break out into the biggest smile.

“Oh, Lord, bless this lovely child standing here before me. How does she know how much me and my Melvin love musicals? What did I do to deserve this, woman?”

“Just being your wonderful self, Thelma. Every now and then my company purchases some wonderful little presents for our clients and you have just been so kind to us, for so many years, I thought it was time for us to thank you for your graciousness.”

“Thank you so much, Ms. Becker. Me and Mr. Melvin will have the greatest time, I promise you. Now you just come yonder, dear, and I’ll let you in.” Thelma said as she opened a doorway and proceeded to walk Kathryn down the hallway.

Kathryn Becker was a sales executive for Rockne Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Physician Associates Medical Group was a long-time client that purchased Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostic Equipment from Rockne.

“Second right honey, and you know where you can put your products. Come see me at the desk when you’re finished, ok?”

“Thank you, Thelma. I won’t be long.”

Kathryn immediately spotted shelves containing popular brands of medication but she was searching out the medical devices. She specifically knew Physician Associates stocked their Gemini One-Step diabetic pumps and today she had brought with her several of those devices for restocking, as well as spare component parts that the office typically carried. She could not help but notice one of the competitor brands on the shelf, that somewhat displaced from view her company’s device, and quickly placed her brand in front.

Further down the hallway, Dr. Richard Marks just happened to step out of his office and was looking down reading a chart, when out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone standing a few doors away. Kathryn did not notice him standing there with his head cocked in an unusual position. He had removed his glasses and was staring in her direction, not immediately recognizing her face. Although Dr. Marks was familiar with her company, he rarely, if at all, engaged directly with Kathryn, at least from what he could remember. Dr. Marks most likely would have looked familiar to Kathryn, had she noticed him staring, from the numerous pictures in medical journals, articles, or the like, even though she had only seen him in person on few occasions.

Kathryn was aware of the renowned doctor and would definitely have recognized him. After all, he was considered the number one diabetes specialist in the country and she was proud to serve him as her client. Kathryn personally met Dr. Marks once in the office and again during a presentation he gave at a local university. She also had, more than once, engaged in conversation with the ladies, typically discussing openly, how attractive and wealthy Dr. Marks appeared to be. He was a tall, man, slim and athletic looking, with broad shoulders, who appeared to be in his late thirties or early forties. With glasses, and hair that had already started turning grey at the edges, he had a very distinguished look about him. Of course, being single, rich, and looking that hot, he would definitely receive attention and inspire conversation among the ladies, more than usual.

Kathryn knew of his academic credentials, too. Dr. Marks had a reputation of being one of the most highly regarded surgeons in the city. His reputation was impeccable, graduating from Columbia University with honors, which, of course, is among the top ten medical schools in the country. Marks was also a current adjunct visiting professor at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, an active board member of several associations, as well as a board member of a leading NY Hospital.

“Excuse me, miss. What are you doing back here, may I ask?” the doctor, who owned Physician Associates said, staring at the stranger in the hallway.

“Good morning Dr. Marks, I’m Kathryn Becker, Rockne Pharmaceuticals,” I was just restocking your Gemini One-Step diabetic pumps. Thelma signed the order. I have it here.”
Wow, he looks a hell of a lot better than I remember.

“THELMA?” Marks cried out loud. “Do you know this young lady, who should not be back here without someone on my staff accompanying her?”

“Doctor, Thelma was trying to find you, sir. I was also hoping to update you on the latest new device we’re getting from Diage Labs, too,” Kathryn blurted out, feeling intimidated by the good doctor, and not realizing what she had just revealed.

Kathryn didn’t think of the confidentiality required with any new development because her thoughts were still preoccupied by her personal attraction to Dr. Marks.

“Oh I see, and I suppose Thelma suggested we go downstairs and have a little coffee and cake as we chat about the latest advances in medical practices?” Dr. Marks said with his eyebrows raised, still holding his glasses in one hand.

Kathryn hesitated thinking she blew it, as her sub-conscience whispered in her ear.

Oh no, you blew it. And this guy is so cute too! Hell, what am I thinking, this man is incredibly sexy and adorable, and very attractive when he gets worked up over something. You need to do something NOW! Don’t let him slip away. You’ll only make matters worse!

Now, completely mortified, Kathryn scrambled to apologize.

“I’m sorry, sir,” was all that emerged from her voice.

Oh brother!

“You need to leave this area at once or I’ll have to call security!” The doctor shouted at Kathryn.

Kathryn suddenly turned a deep shade of pink, and, leaving the alcove immediately, headed back into the lobby to get Thelma.

“I don’t know what I did Thelma, but Dr. Marks seems furious with me. Maybe I better just leave the products with you.”

That’s a cop-out girl. This has never happened before. Just forget it. He’s going to forget the entire ordeal and you’ll have another chance to talk with him.

“Don’t you worry about the doctor yelling like that. Lordy, he acts like he owns this place.”

“Doesn’t he?” Kathryn asked looking up at Thelma still cringing with embarrassment.

“What’d ya say, honey?”

“Oh, nothing Thelma. I best be going. I hope you enjoy the musical.”

“Most definitely, dearie. Me and Melvin gonna luv it! Thanks again, honey. You take care, ya hear? And don’t you worry ‘bout your products. Thelma’ll take care of everything.”

Kathryn tried to smile as she left the office feeling discombobulated.

Once back in her own office, Kathryn told her secretary what had happened and how embarrassed she became when Dr. Marks started yelling at her.

“I can’t believe I just let him yell at me like that. After all, it wasn’t my fault. I was told I could go back there.”

“I’d just forget it if I were you.”

“All I could think of is the doctor canceling our orders. I did see our competitor’s products on the shelf. Actually, they really don’t need us.” She went on, rambling a bit too much.

“Yes they do,” the secretary interjected. “Just forget it, Kathryn.”

Not even hearing her secretary’s words, Kathryn continued. “That would just be ducky if I lost the account. I can hear what the guys will say about this.

marty pants Vice President goes in the field to show us all how it should be done and she loses the entire account.

Our salesmen would just have a field day laughing at me over this one. It’s bad enough knowing they resent a woman in this position.”

“Fine. I give up, I think you’re right, Kathryn. If I were you, I’d head back over there tomorrow and apologize to Dr. Marks. On second thought, call that Thelma gal and find out when Marks goes to lunch, or leaves the office. You could catch him on his way out the door and tell him then. Drop down, kiss his feet and beg forgiveness!”

Kathryn heard her wise crack but liked what her secretary Barbara said.

“Excellent idea Barbara. That’s exactly what I’m going to do. Thank you. I’m really glad we had this discussion,” she told her secretary, marching into her office and closing the door behind her. She sat down at her desk and immediately called Thelma just to gather a little information.

Kathryn was in her office, quietly working for about an hour, before Ted Duncan appeared, wanting to see her immediately.

“She’s in her office sir,” Barbara told the Senior Executive. “Go on in, she’s alone.”

“Thank you, Barbara.”

“Good morning Kathryn. By any chance do you have lunch plans?”

“Why, no sir. Do you want to go somewhere?”

“Yes, can you be at my office at noon? I need you to attend a meeting at 1 PM this afternoon. I can brief you right before the meeting.”

“Certainly, I’ll be at your office shortly. Is everything ok sir?”

“Of course, no problem. You’ll do fine. See you then.”

Duncan turned and left her office before she could even contemplate what he was referring to. As expected, she was pissed over another last minute surprise. Kathryn walked out to her secretary’s desk.

“Do you have any idea what that was all about? He always does that to me, damn it! Did I have a meeting on my calendar?”

“No, there’s nothing at all on your calendar. But, I know a couple of technical guys that I’m friendly with, and they told me yesterday that some big training lecture was supposed to occur this afternoon - mandatory that everyone in their department attend. I think they said it’s a talk from that new scientist we hired. Maybe Ted’s urgency is related to that.”

“Oh shit, I think you’re right. I did hear something. It’s Dr. Andreyushkin. He is presenting something about this new device we introduced. Damn it Barbara. Why the hell would Duncan have me go to that?”

At 11:55 she promptly headed to his office, stopping at his secretary’s desk.

“Go on in, he’s expecting you.”

“Hello sir, should I close the door?”

“No, it’s alright, take a seat, please.” Ted Duncan got up from behind his desk, walked around closing the door as he passed, then sat down on a small sofa adjacent to two chairs. Kathryn had sat down in one of the chairs, rolling her eyes over the door remark.

“By any chance, did you hear that Dr. Andreyushkin is planning to give several technical lectures about one of our newest medical devices?”

“Yes sir, I did hear that.”

“As you know, Dr. Andreyushkin is the inventor of a programmable diabetic pump that is being manufactured by our Diage Labs division. We are the sole distributor of the Diage Diabetic Pumps or DDPs. And, this could be just the thing our company has been looking for to generate a sales increase. Dr. Andreyushkin’s expertise in the field and his proven creativity on medical computerized and programmable devices, are exactly why we hired him to lead our GPMD Division. He’s responsible for all research and development of the Global Programmable Medical Devices. I am asking you to attend the first of his lectures, this afternoon, because we want you, Kathryn, to lead the Sales Division training efforts for this device. We believe sales will be stronger than ever, and we need our top sales person to stay on top of the training. That person would be you.”

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