Evil Intent (3 page)

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Authors: Robert Olsen

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Evil Intent
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“I’m honored sir, but my technical and computer background is not that strong. Wouldn’t a technical person be better suited for the job?”

“Not at all Kathryn. The technical folks are needed to build it. We need folks like you to understand the basics, sell it, and turn this development into profits. We have all the confidence in the world that you can do that. As you know Kathryn, we have had a few bad years recently and with Dr. Andreyushkin joining the company the successful development of this new diabetic insulin pump, well, you understand, we have a hell of a lot riding on this device and I need our best to sell it and bring in the profits we desperately need.”

“Well, ok if you believe I’m the right person, I’ll give it my all.”

“Wonderful. We know you will. Just one more thing, Kathryn. Attending these lectures is designed to build your knowledge of how the device works. Everything we are discussing, and I mean everything, is highly confidential. Be careful about mentioning Diage or discussing this product with anyone. We have not distributed the press release, as yet.”

“I understand, sir. Thank you.” Kathryn said, leaving Ted Duncan’s office. Returning to her office, she worried about her conversation with doctor Richard Marks.

Chapter 3

athryn was sitting in her office looking out the window thinking of how much she despised going to the technical lectures Ted assigned her to. She spun around in her chair and suddenly picked up her telephone. “Hi Suki, its Kathryn. Do you have any plans this evening? If not, I thought perhaps we could have dinner.”

“Of course, Kate. That’s more exciting than what I had in mind. You know, fixing another salad when I get home tends to get so boring. Do you have any special place in mind?”

“Depends. Are you still at the office? Great, me too. Why don’t I meet you in the lobby, say 5:30?”

Suki and Kathryn were best friends for several years, now. As one of Rockne’s top sales directors, Suki worked directly for Kathryn on many of the pharmaceutical company’s top clients. Fortunately, the two had so many similarities they worked together really well and their personal friendship never became an issue. They had such a strong trust relationship they could share anything at all, and keep it just to themselves, when necessary.

Later that afternoon, Suki walked out of her office a few minutes before 5:30 and was downstairs in the lobby waiting for Kathryn. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Kathryn intentionally walked around the corner directly to the niche where Suki was sitting, as if she knew exactly where Suki would be. “Hi honey, how’d your day go?”

“The usual, which just means I need a good stiff drink!”

“I’ll drink to that comment!” Kathryn chuckled. “I guess that says a lot about what we think of the business.”

“That’s for sure. Want to run over to 55th and grab that drink at the St. Regis before it gets too busy? Then, we can decide where to eat dinner from there,” Suki suggested, knowing Kathryn liked the King Cole Bar.

“Good idea. I can get my Bloody Mary. I love that place!”

“Why not. If you’re going to have a Bloody Mary, you might as well go to the place that invented them, right? Hey, I like that pant suit. I don’t think I’ve seen that before. You really look great in grey,” she said as the girls walked off.

The St. Regis was still quiet by the time they arrived. The typical after work crowd that visited the St. Regis tended to be professionals that rarely got out of the office at five. The two ladies were lucky to get away at this hour and had no trouble finding a quiet table. They ordered their drinks and immediately began chatting.

“So, have you heard about Dr. Andreyushkin’s pow-wows, Suki?”

“I didn’t think they started yet.”

“Yep, started this afternoon, and yours truly was told in no uncertain terms that I had to be there.”

“What? You mean Ted called you in? Why do you need to be there? All the techies are going, so I heard. He’s a scientist, for gosh sake. We certainly don’t need to listen to all that technical crap!”

“Well, Duncan thinks otherwise, and said I need to understand it all so I can head up training for the Sales Division. Ugh. I already hate this after just one session. Maybe it’s me, Suki, but I can’t even understand Dr. Andreyushkin. His Russian accent is just too much! And honestly, I shouldn’t say this, but I was not in favor of hiring him for that role.”

“I understand how you feel, and I can tell you you’re not alone there. Have you seen Gingrich lately? He’s pissed.”

“Who? Oh, I know, you’re talking about Donald Gingrich, the Director of the Technical Support Group.”

“Yeah. Poor guy is fuming over the hiring of Dr. Andreyushkin. He’s going around saying it’s a big mistake, probably just because he thought he deserved that position.”

“I know. Strange fellow, but brilliant! Everyone seems to hate the poor guy, but I have to say, he is always extremely nice to me. Seems to even go out of his way to try and be nice.”

That’s odd, why is Donald so nice to me?

“He is? That’s unusual. He’s definitely a strange duck, and a loner, I thought. People say he’s a real crab ass and can be mean, too. I know a couple guys that don’t want to work with him, simply because he’s so weird.”

“Talk about mean? Dr. Andreyushkin can be down-right obnoxious and rude, too. At least, most of the time, in my opinion. Frankly, I’m already sick and tired of hearing him say,
but, of course, in my country, I would have done... “

You’re a hoot girl!”

“Seriously, I don’t give a rat’s ass what he did or what his country did, or whatever. Hello, I’m not planning to go to Moscow any time soon, so why do I give a shit what goes on over there?”

Suki started laughing as Kathryn took off on a roll.

“What,” said Kathryn, giving Suki a confused look?

“Nothing, I just love how opinionated you are. You sure know how to speak your mind!”

“Ted Duncan didn’t care how I felt, and now look, I’m stuck in these damn meetings.”

“It’ll get better I’m sure. Say, when was the last time we went down to the West Village? Remember that Mexican place over on 12th? Tortilla Flats? How would you like to go there?”

“I do like that place, good idea, Suki. Yeah, and if we go there, maybe we can go shopping on Bleecker Street or that little dress shop we like at the Chelsea Market?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

The ladies took their sweet time at the King Cole Bar, enjoying their drinks and time together. Kathryn talked more about what she learned at the lecture that afternoon, and Suki told her some of the crazy questions she was being asked when speaking with folks from several of the district offices. Kathryn always admired how smart Suki was and what a fast mind she had. She could come back with an answer to any question almost instantly. She was the perfect person to represent the district offices. Suki really understood everything there was to know about the current versions of diabetic pumps on the market, and was eager to learn about the improvements and differences between the existing devices and the new device that Dr. Andreyushkin invented.

Kathryn never questioned or tried to second guess Suki either, since she knew Suki comprehended the questions so well she could tell if someone was off-base. And, if Suki was complaining, it more than likely had to do with her expectation that people should already know the answers to the questions they were asking. Her utmost contempt for those who did not know their jobs made her incredibly demanding. Having such high expectations, is exactly why Kathryn knew Suki would do extremely well selling the new device. Her intense desire to develop expertise in the field, and her constant drive for perfection was a winning formula for success, in Kathryn’s opinion.

“That drink was so good. I needed that Suki, but I’m afraid if I order another one, we could end up staying here all night and we’ll never get to eat.”

“I know exactly how you feel. I’m almost done, so why don’t we get our check and head downtown?”

It wasn’t too long before they were getting off the subway in the West Village. The gals were walking toward Twelfth Street crossing their fingers the restaurant would have a table available. Once they arrived, they only waited about fifteen minutes.

“Wow, wasn’t that unusual, Suki? Ever since this place appeared in that HBO show,
“Sex in the City,”
the wait times have been known to be ridiculous,” Kathryn said.

“Yeah, sheer luck for a Friday night, and thank God it was quick. I’m starving! Guess its kiss the salads good bye. This needs to be a burrito night.”

“Hi,” said the waitress who walked over and placed two menus on the table. “Can I take your drink order?”

“Sure,” said Suki. “I’ll take a Margarita.”

“And a Bloody Mary for me, please.”

“How about some Nachos?” Suki suggested looking at Kathryn who already had her nose in the menu.

“Sure, that sounds good too,” Kathryn said, nodding in agreement and looking up at the waitress.

The waitress scooted off as Kathryn resumed studying the menu.

“Ah, the combo. A Burrito does sound good. I’m having the Black Bean Burrito with the Chicken Enchilada. What about you?”

Suki hesitated for a second, then answered. “Don’t know, I changed my mind. Now, it’s a toss-up between the Carne Asada, and Mushroom Fajitas.”

“Get the mushrooms, then we’ll have room for dessert!”

The two just laughed over the thought of all the calories they were about to consume.

“Why not, you said the day sucked. Might as well make up for it tonight, right?” Suki said.

The drinks and nachos arrived just as Kathryn finished telling Suki about her visit to Physician’s Associates, and how Doctor Marks confronted her in the hall way.

“How embarrassing is that? I was mortified at the way he looked at me,” she told her.

“Isn’t he the cute one? You’ve mentioned him before. Perhaps even more than once, if I recollect.”

“Oh yeah, he’s the one but I wouldn’t call him cute, he’s hot,” Kathryn said with a smile. “That’s probably why I took his yelling at me so hard.”

“That’s ok. I suspect he’s rich, too. We can tolerate so much more if they’re rich,” she said reaching for her Margarita. “I understand he is quite the up and coming doctor. Didn’t he eventually calm down and give you a chance to talk with him?”

“No. He’s very intimidating, Suki. I guess I got a little too flustered and never managed to get to say what was on my mind.”

Suki noticed Kathryn had a sad expression on her face.

“Don’t let that ever get to you, just fire back at him.”

“I started to. I thought that I was fine, but he quickly cut me off and I backed down. I guess I felt confused.”


Kathryn knew that baffled Suki, but didn’t know what to say. Kathryn was torn between the business interests, Physician Associates being a great client, and the physical attraction she had personally for Doctor Marks.

“I’m probably not making any sense, Suki.”

Suki put down the Margarita, “I’m afraid you are, girl. You just happen to like this “hot” doctor. Now, you just need to go after him!”

“Suki, don’t be crazy, I hardly know the man.”

“He’s a man, Kathryn. He wants control. Acts all aggressive, domineering, macho to get his way. You call men out on that shit, and the next thing they start whining that you don’t like the way they are, or they accuse you of wanting to change them bullshit - they’re all alike. Idiot wind blowing out their mouths. You need to let it all go in one ear and out the other, and just go after him.”

“I didn’t even have a chance. Before I knew it, he was off and running leaving the little problem child to the office administrator. Besides, I’m not after his body, just his business!”

“Oh yeah? I did recall that you mentioned him - that hot body that you have no apparent interest in - on more than one occasion, didn’t I?”

“But, I was talking about his practice. He’s a brilliant doctor, Suki, graduated Columbia, on the board of several hospitals, leading expert in the field.....”

“And now you’re defending the guy who was yelling at you. Sounds like you want him to me. Aren’t you sexually attracted to him?”

“No! I was embarrassed!”

“Maybe excited - took your breath away?”

“No, mortified over his behavior!”

“Maybe aroused by his behavior?”

“I was mad at the way he abused me!”

“Abused you? Why didn’t you stop him?”

“Oh Suki. Help me. I am so confused. What’s wrong with me? What am doing? I’m such a loser.” Kathryn said as several tears formed in her eyes.

“Come on, Kate. We’ll figure it out. You’re not a loser. Why don’t you go back and try to apologize? That way, at least you could see him again, maybe.” Suki suggested. “And if so, whether business or pleasure, you’ll have the chance to make it right.”

“That’s what Barbara said, Suki. She suggested I go there at the lunch hour and try to catch him in the cafeteria.”

“That’s perfect, Kate. That woman you mentioned, that works there, she should be able to tell you when Dr. Marks usually goes down there.”

Kathryn paused and thought about the whole idea. She wanted a chance to see Doctor Marks again, and maybe this was the best way.

Chapter 4

athryn typically arrived in the office before most employees. She was an early bird, and an extremely organized person always wanting to be thoroughly prepared in advance for whatever was required. She was not one who liked surprises at all. When her structured world fell apart, Kathryn too, had a tendency to fall apart, potentially feeling anxious and out of control. Her secretary, Barbara, always completed her schedule, the day before so that Kathryn could arrive with coffee in hand, and enjoy it while reviewing her daily itinerary. Barbara was about the same age as Kathryn, and she too, was quite organized. Kathryn simply adored her, and they worked together extremely well, keeping the office in check.

“Good morning Kathryn, are you ready for another coffee?”

“Yes, please, that sounds wonderful Barbara. When you’re ready come on in, we need to make a few changes to the schedule.”

Moments later she appeared at the door. “Here you go, fresh brewed!” Barbara said walking into Kathryn’s office. She couldn’t help but admire the way Kathryn looked this day. She was wearing a charcoal grey double breasted suit with a vented skirt, the kind Edith Head would have designed for Audrey Hepburn to show off Hepburn’s slender figure. Kathryn too had a beautiful slim figure, with short black hair and looked stunning in the suit. Black patent leather shoes with a small two inch kitten heel, and a simple neckless of white rough cut stones, was all she needed to finish the outfit off.

“Oh, I love your suit today, Kathryn. That’s simply beautiful, and looks great on you too.”

“Thank you Barbara. It’s always been one of my favorites, ever since I saw it in one of those classic old movies.”

Barbara sat down and opened her steno pad, “You said you would like to make a few changes to the schedule?”

“Yes please, I will be going to Physician Associates from 11:00 to 2:30, so can you move the appointment with Glen McKenzie? If he’s available, I can see him later in the day.”

“Certainly, Kathryn. I’ll get on it right away. Is there anything else?”

“No, that’s all”

Barbara got up from the chair and returned to her desk. Kathryn immediately picked up the phone and called Physician Associates. Once she connected with Thelma, she found out that Dr. Marks more than likely would go downstairs to the cafeteria for lunch, slightly before noon. Thelma said, he usually stays an hour, likes to read the paper.

“Thank you Thelma, I owe you big time!”

“Don’t you go worrying about Miss Thelma, ya hear? I understand what’s happening here, and I think you’ll manage just fine by yourself.”

She was nervous when she first arrived at the medical center. She stopped in the ladies room, straightened her clothes, checked her hair, and headed for the cafeteria. It wasn’t long before she spotted Dr. Marks sitting by himself, in a corner, reading his newspaper and munching on an apple.

“Why Dr. Marks, funny to see you here. Kathryn Becker, Rockne Pharmaceuticals? I saw you the other day? Actually, you saw me, I’m embarrassed to say, and I really want to apologize for my behavior. You were absolutely right, I had no business being back there.”

“No harm done, Kathryn. I hope you didn’t take anything I said personally. It’s just that I’ve given specific instructions to my staff and they must follow the rules at all times. I hope you understand that.”

“Yes sir, I do.”

“What brings you here today?”

Watch out how you answer this. You better not blow it again with him or you’re toast!

“Well, actually, I’m making a sales call to a fellow physician in the building.

“Oh? And, who might that be? I may know him or her and I can perhaps pass along a good word for you.”

Fortunately, Kathryn expected something like this happening and did her homework. “Thank you Doctor Marks. That’s very kind. He’s Doctor Benjamin Kline, suite 1102.”

“Ah, shucks, I’m afraid I’m not familiar with Doctor Kline.”

“He is interested in our Gemini One-step pumps. I need to point out why we have the most superior product on the market. As you know, the computerized pump may be a little pricy, but consider the increased flexibility in the patient’s lifestyle. And our equipment offers you a tighter blood glucose control, while reducing the risk of low blood glucose. It also reduces the wide fluctuations in blood glucose so common with other forms of diabetes maintenance.”

“Yes, I’m quite familiar with all that, and do like your product. But, what were you mentioning the other day? Something about a newer model or device? Tell me more about that. You said your company just came out with something, I can’t seem to recall.”

Oh shit! Please don’t do this to me Dr. Marks.

“Something new? Ah, oh yes, I remember what I was thinking. Our labs are working on major improvements to reduce episodes of severe hypoglycemia with the ability to accurately deliver 1/10th of a unit of insulin. We are striving to provide you with the utmost predictable and precise insulin delivery possible. You know, an improved way to help manage the classic
dawn phenomenon.”

Marks was actually impressed with Kathryn’s apparent knowledge of the disease, especially the increase in hormones that occurs in all people approximately 4 to 5 AM each morning. That so called
dawn phenomenon
is of particular concern to diabetics. If her company’s equipment was as good as she was saying it would certainly be a benefit that physicians would welcome.

“Is this new device available?”

“It should be available very soon, I would hope.”

Dr. Marks had a funny feeling about her answer. The other day he swore she was saying this new device existed, and not something under development. He thought perhaps it may be something she does not want to discuss, or perhaps can’t. While her little tangent revealed her intelligence, it did seem to imply she may be hiding something. He decided not to press the issue.

“I see. So, tell me something about you.”


“Yes, where are you from?”

“Mattituck, it’s a little town on the........”

“I know, East end. I like to visit several of the vineyards out there. Where’d you go to school?”

“Stony Brook, but I...”

I didn’t think Stony Brook had a pharmacy program - isn’t that what you would be studying?”

“Actually, I went there for pre-med.”

“You wanted to be a doctor?


“What happened?”

“My dad died, and mom was very sick and needed my help.”

“Sorry to her that. Is your mom ok today?”

“Sort of. She’s a type one diabetic. She has a pump, too.”

“How far along in school were you when you dropped out?”

“I finished my BS degree - majored in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. I entered Columbia Med, but dropped out in my second year.”

“That’s a shame Kathryn to get that far into it. Any plans to go back?”

“I guess, if I can get my life together again.”


“No. Afraid there’s no time for that either. I really don’t do the boyfriend thing very well, I guess.”

“Well, you have certainly done very well within your company. I noticed you’re a Vice President. Congratulations, that doesn’t come without hard work. You must be pretty good at what you do. But, I do hope you’ll consider returning to medical school. You’re still young, and we need all the doctors we can get.”

“You never know, doctor. I just might.”

“I’m afraid I need to be going, Kathryn. I have a conference call that I must take.” He reached for her hand as he softly spoke. “It certainly was a pleasure talking with you. You are a very interesting young lady. Maybe I’ll see you around, I hope.”

Kathryn watched as he stood up, turned, and headed for the elevator. As she watched him walk away, all she could say was, “Wow!”

It wasn’t that far to the Rockne Pharmaceutical Building, and Kathryn decided she would walk back to her office. As she stepped out of the building, she was still smitten over what had just happened inside. The fresh air was welcomed and she paused momentarily, taking a deep breath to comfort her. She felt relieved that she was able to see Dr. Marks, and delighted that he spent so much time talking with her. And though still sensing his intimidation, she felt more like she was on cloud nine, than anything else.

Perhaps it’s difficult to fully understand the gamut of her feelings. Did she appear happy because she was able to apologize to the doctor? Why would that be true? She really didn’t think that she did anything wrong. Or, maybe, she felt happy because she thought so highly of the doctor. His impeccable credentials impressed her, and she had been quite an admirer for a long time, now.

She had met the doctor once before in his office, and once again in a hospital. She attended a few presentations he gave, at a local university, and remembers an article he wrote on diabetes that was instrumental in helping her mom.

Although Kathryn definitely felt relieved and delighted, there were those other emotions that lingered on her mind. She just happened to be very attracted to Dr. Marks. The kind of attraction that stops you dead in your tracks and takes your breath away.

You are just such a dreamboat, Dr. Marks. Why can’t I find someone like you?

Once back in her office, she checked her calendar, figured she had a few minutes, and grabbed the phone and called Suki.

“Hi, it’s me. I did it. I actually went to the cafeteria as we discussed and sat and talked with Doctor Marks.”

“You’re kidding, he sat and talked?”


“I can’t wait to hear. What was he like?”

“Very intimidating. Smart and interesting. Very smooth.”


“Yeah, like very cool. Everything came out of his mouth so perfectly, as if he was expecting me. Everything seemed planned and he knew just what to say.”

“So, now you think he was hot?”


“What? Are you going to tell me he wasn’t hot looking?”

“No, of course not.”

“See what I mean? So, when are you two going to see each other again?”

“I don’t know, but I need to go. I’ll talk more about it when we’re together, ok? Bye.”

Kathryn hung up the phone and looked at the clock again. It was getting close to her appointment with Glen McKenzie and she needed to ask Barbara to make a copy of something for the meeting. She opened the file Barbara placed on her desk and retrieved the needed document. She got up to bring it to Barbara but found that Barbara had stepped away from her desk.

What’s the big deal? It isn’t going to kill you to make a copy yourself.

Kathryn headed toward the copy room.

She managed to figure out how to place the document into the machine, select the paper size, number of copies, and pushed print. But, nothing happened. Not even a squeak emerged from the machine.

“Damn it. What’s wrong now?”

“Kathryn, is there a problem? Something I can assist you with?”

Kathryn looked up toward the door and saw Donald Gingrich standing there about to enter the room.

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