Experiment In Love (6 page)

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Authors: Rita Clay Estrada

BOOK: Experiment In Love
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He reached out and pulled her close to him, a deep sigh echoing in his throat as he nuzzled her neck, filling his nostrils with the clean, sweet scent of her. Not a word was spoken as his lips finally claimed hers, teasing her slightly pouting mouth into moving perfectly against his. He gave a deep, contented sigh, suddenly realizing that he had been waiting for this moment all day long. Being in her arms was like coming home.

It seemed perfect to Victoria, too, and when he kissed her she instantly decided to lead him where her heart told her she really wanted to go.

It wasn’t that she had ever been afraid of giving herself to a man, but that she had always waited for the right man to come along. As frightening as the realization was, she was sure that Kurt was that man. Guided by instinct alone, she took his hand and led him into her bedroom. Her fingers gave his a light squeeze, silently telling him that this was what she, too, wanted.

Her smile reminded Kurt of the Mona Lisa: small, secret and very, very beautiful. A lump formed in his throat at the thought of having her wrapped in his arms, holding her close. Everything else fled his usually orderly mind, including the reason why he had come to see her in the first place.

She pulled off his suit jacket, folding it neatly over a small chintz-covered chair in the comer of the golden room. Then she turned and loosened his tie, slipping it off his neck and tossing it to rest on top of his jacket. His shirt followed. Her hands trembled at the next step, but when she reached lower his hand stilled hers, his eyes blazing down to sear through to her soul.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she said simply. Her hand cupped his chin, feeling the quickened pulse beneath his jawline, and she knew that she affected something in him just as much as he affected her.

Still he wouldn’t let it go. “Why now? Why not last night, or the night before?”

Her eyes gazed honestly into his.
“Because I wasn’t ready last night or the night before. I’m ready now.” She didn’t add that she knew in her heart that she had already committed herself to him. “Are you?”

He grinned as the realization of her capitulation hit home. “Yes,” he murmured hoarsely, enfolding her tightly in his arms. His possessive embrace clearly showed the overwhelming need he felt for her and a small answering tremor passed through her body.

His kiss was rough but restrained, his hands wandering to the sash of her short robe, allowing the fabric to fall at their feet. In moments he, too, stood naked, poised on the threshold of ecstasy.

She looked up, only to be torn apart by the hungry, open look on Kurt’s face. They stared at each other for a long time. He was the master, standing so tall and straight and beautiful that it made her heart ache. And she, she was… her mind didn’t have time to complete the thought. He bent, his large hands firmly circling her upper arms as he gently pulled her into his embrace, kissing her smile away and replacing it with a longing that grew deep inside like a slowly blown-up balloon. One arm moved to rest behind her knees as he picked-her up and carried her to the bed, placing her carefully in the center before joining her, skin exquisitely touching skin along the entire length of their bodies.

His mouth touched her eyelids, the gentle curve of her cheeks, then the hollow places of her arched throat, seeking the response he wanted and she gave so openly.

An almost unbearable tension quickened in the pit of her stomach as he continued his teasing. Suddenly she could stand no more and her hands pressed against his chest to push him back against the pillows. His eyes flew open in surprise and she smiled in reassurance as she began taunting his hair-roughened chest as he had taunted her. She explored him, her nails caressing here, biting sweetly into his flesh there. She bent her head, flicking his hardened nipples with her tongue, only to hear a gasp from his throat and feel his stomach tauten sharply in reaction. She caressed his inner thigh, her eyes locked with his. Her fingers teased his flesh from hip to knee, finding the inside crease of his hips - watching him, studying him, loving him.

Neither wanted to miss the expressions flitting across the other’s face. The hunger was there, always, but so were surprise, sweet tenderness and overwhelming warmth as they edged toward completion and fulfillment.

She smiled slowly, secretly, as she straddled his lean hips. Her long dark hair cascaded over one shoulder to brush against his chest, teasing his flesh as if it was another hand with which to taunt him. She bent down, her lips lightly stroking his without resting to complete the kiss. She tantalized him with her nearness, yet gave him only a taste of what he wanted. He reached up, holding her head still so he could capture the nectar of her mouth, taking what she had promised with her eyes.

His hands cradled her hips, pushing, pulling, lifting, as he wordlessly told her what to do. But still he didn’t complete their union, allowing her to keep the lead until he could stand no more.

Her heart beat so rapidly she thought it would jump out of her skin. Her body was so tense it called out for release, but she held out for the release that she’d been told would make her a woman.

Kurt’s woman. It sounded…right.

Suddenly he had reached his limit, and so had she. His arms encircled her and he rolled her down beneath him, his heavy body stretched over hers, the bulk of his weight resting on his strong arms as he suckled one small firm breast until she moaned her plea.

“Now, now,” she begged breathlessly.

please,” he demanded.


“Then I will. Please, Victoria?” His head bent, once more tasting her lips.

Then there was no more teasing, no more taunting of each other as the overwhelming passion that devoured both of them was brought to its fulfillment.

He entered quickly, easily, and then was startled, but not enough to stop. He soothed her with sounds that formed no words, strokes that were soft yet heated. But his meaning was clear. He didn’t move until the pain fled. She answered with kittenish noises from deep in her throat that could only be halted by his deepening kiss. His tongue battled with hers and she allowed him supremacy in the end.

She clung to his broad shoulders, feeling herself being carried to the heavens and placed on soft fluffy clouds of complete and total contentment. She was pretty sure the emotional pain would come later, but for now, she lay quietly in the curve of his strong arms as they caught their breath, hearts slowing down gradually to beat in unison. His hand brushed away the small wisps of hair at her temple; his other hand stroked her side before coming to rest, possessively cradling her breast.

She glanced up at him through her lashes, trying to gauge the depths of the man she had just given all of herself to. Did he know of her gift? Did he realize how much it meant, or was she just another woman in another bed in his life? She was afraid to know the answers, but not knowing was even worse.

He was looking down at her with half-dosed eyes, a small, triumphant smile tugging at his firm lips. He shifted slightly, holding her in a tighter grip.

“Why, Victoria?”

She ran her hand across his chest “Stop being so analytical. What
. That’s all. The time was right.”

“You’re moving into the townhouse tomorrow. I’ll take care of you from now on,” he said with satisfied conviction.

“No,” she answered softly, but with equal firmness.

“Okay, then you’ll pay me the agreed-upon rent.”


“And have the place completely to yourself,” he continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “Except when I’m invited over for dinner or come by to take you out. Or in case something else crops up and you decide you want company for the night,” he teased, but there was a thread of strength in his words.


“And we’ll take it easy, each learning the other gradually. We’ll build our relationship stone by stone until it has a strong, firm foundation.”


quirked one dark eyebrow. “You don’t want a strong foundation?”

“I don’t want to move into your townhouse,” she said with exasperation lacing her tone. Was he obtuse or just playing at it? Didn’t he see that she wanted him to recognize her as a giver, not a taker? Didn’t he see that she needed his approval of her gift, and not his bed? Did she have to spell it out?

“I don’t want to continue our relationship this way. This was just a one-time thing, Kurt.” She tried to explain, but it came out all wrong.

“You mean you want this to be a one-night-stand?” His expression was one of mock astonishment.

“No, I mean that I gave myself to you because I wanted to, not because I wanted to pay you for anything.”

He turned serious at once. “I never thought of any other reason, darling. That’s why I don’t want to let you go. Not until we’ve had a chance to explore each other as people. Why not do that where I can help protect you? You’re much too trusting and vulnerable.”

“I’ve taken care of myself since I was sixteen, Kurt. I think I can manage on my own,” she said dryly. “Besides, you have your business to think of. ‘Things to do and places to go,’ to quote a phrase. And so do I. I take care of myself; no one takes care of me.” The last sentence was stated with so much conviction Kurt obviously couldn’t think of an answer.

Somewhere along the line, he realized, she had decided that being a mistress was not for her. Instead of irritating him, it somehow made him feel more protective toward her. She was totally different from most of the women he knew. Could that difference be the one defense that he would be unable to breech? His usually clear-cut thoughts were becoming clouded with emotion and it bothered him. He had never been uncertain before, especially where women were concerned…until now.

He gave a silent grimace. They’d discuss it tomorrow. He would explain it to her until she agreed with him. But right now he needed to make her trust him, so he gave her a long kiss and then changed the subject. Better to lose this battle than lose the whole war…




Victoria pushed back a strand of hair sticking on the back of her neck. The day was hot and muggy. Los Angeles was wrapped in smog and the fumes burned her nostrils and throat. She spent the morning looking at apartments, most of which weren’t worth a tenth of what she had been paying. The few she liked had rents so high that she didn’t even want to think about it.

She thought of the offer Kurt had reiterated only last night and without warning, her face bloomed a becoming pink with the feelings and thoughts that followed. He had woken early and left while it was still dark, giving her a long kiss before regretfully pulling away. He had been so wonderful, so warm, and so tender to a novice. She grinned to herself. He had a rich, warm sense of humor and it had shone in the dark as they lay in bed, curled one against the other, and told funny stories about their childhoods and the first loves of their lives before finally falling asleep. He had promised to see
her this evening....




The Newstime Tower loomed in front of her and she parked her slightly battered moped in the lot across the street. She might as well splurge and take Gina out for a hot dog. The rest of the day didn’t promise to be any brighter than the morning had been. Besides, it was noon and she had to eat sometime.

The marble, plant-decorated lobby was filled with secretaries and reporters, each seemingly carrying out some important job or getting ready to leave for lunch, assignments or both.

“Gina!” she called and the tall lovely girl standing by the elevator turned toward her, a smile shining on her face.

“Victoria! What a surprise! What are you doing here?”

‘I’ve been apartment hunting and I’m at the end of my rope. I thought I’d take pity on you and offer you lunch at Hal’s.” Her eyes skittered back to the group Gina had been with, seeing one young man whose eyes hadn’t left her friend’s figure. “But I see you’ve already made other plans,” she teased.

Gina colored. “Well, why don’t you join us?” She waved the man over. “Hank, I’d like you to meet my best friend, Victoria
Branden Brown. She freelances and writes fiction. Vicky, Jim Henry.”

Victoria stuck out her hand.
“Hi, Jim. I bet with a name like yours you’re always getting double mail,” she teased and he laughed easily.

“I’m afraid so. Either way, Jim Henry or Henry Jim,” he admitted. “Are you joining us for lunch?”

“Miss Brown doesn’t know it, but plans have already been made for her,” a deep nerve-tingling voice spoke from behind her.

Victoria didn’t have to turn around to know who it was, but she was mesmerized by the look on her friend’s face. It was sheer, unadulterated shock.

She hadn’t expected to see Kurt until that evening when, she was sure they would resume their discussion of his townhouse. He had let the subject drop too easily, and she knew he had more to say. Her skin flushed with the other, more intimate thoughts that traveled on the heels of that one and the bottom of her stomach dropped with the heaviness of feelings. The thought of him holding her close to the lean length of his firm, strong body quickened her pulse. The thought of his head bending over her breast as his rasping breath in his throat and echoing through her body from their lovemaking pulsed through her abdomen.

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