Exposed (10 page)

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Authors: S Anders

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #beta hero, #small town romance, #sweet heroine, #family life romance, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Exposed
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"Jack," she moaned, dragging her fingers along his scalp.

"I want more than once," he got out.

"I don't understan—"

"Making love, are you ready to go that far?" His voice was getting clearer, but his hand was still playing with her breast and taut nipple. No harm in trying to tilt the scales his way, and he pressed his erection into her.

The sweet little moan she gave was worth it. "I'm not ... yes ... maybe." Her voice was stuttered and clouded with arousal. He was thrilled to be affecting her so much.

"Baby, you want us to go to your bedroom or just stay here and neck?" he asked. He had to have her agreement. He didn't want any regrets.

"Jack. Quit talking," she ordered, tugging the back of his head until their lips hit. Her leg lifted around his hip; she hooked her foot over his thigh and opened her center for his erection to sink farther into. Her kissing lips moaned around his mouth.

"Don't want to think," she mumbled through hot and heavy kissing.

He rose up and angled his mouth deeper over hers as their lips smeared, molded, and slid against each other's. Her hands rubbed over his ass through his boxers, and he forgot what he was worried about.

Nia had been so scared Jack was going back to his wife. She still clutched him a bit desperately, and she couldn't let the opportunity to have him pass. Wouldn’t think about right or wrong, or if she should or shouldn't do it. None of it but the burning need to feel Jack against her mattered. He was so fine, strong, and masculine. His body felt hot beneath her hands, as if he'd been molded in strength. His chest was carved and she could feel every edge of it pushing into her breasts. His kisses were amazing and making her toes curl.

Without even touching herself, her sex was achy and burning with need. She rubbed her mound against his erection and felt the returning aches inside her. There wasn't much cloth between them and she could feel the outline of his shaft pressed into her. Jack felt larger and thicker than what she was used to, but her lusty feelings liked it. Moans glided from her throat into his mouth, and they feverishly kissed.

His fingers tweaked her nipple, making her back arch in response as sharp pangs of pleasure ricocheted into her clit. He did it again, and she arched her back more, tearing their lips apart so she could moan.

"God, Nia," Jack growled. Then Jack was pushing her short nightie top upward.

Nia felt the cool air across her breasts, then Jack’s hot mouth closing over her nipple. At the tight draw of his lips on the torrid peak, a squealing, high sound rushed from her mouth and she rolled her hips against him. The needy aches of climax tightened inside her. Jack played with her nipples, sucking one and twirling the other between his fingertips. Her eyes squeezed shut in pleasure and she clasped his head, arching her body for more.

Jack licked the tight nub of Nia's nipple, then he bit it lightly, feeling her pushing against his erection. He kept sucking her nipple, but he used his outside hand to burrow between them, until he had it inside her nightie shorts. The next second he touched her slit and felt the slick heat. They both moaned. Her pussy felt so pretty and dainty, but what stiffened his cock with more throbbing anticipation was the creamy wetness he could feel as he moved his fingers through her slit.

"So wet for me, baby," he uttered around her nipple as he searched and found the place to thrust his finger inward.

Nia mewled, arching into his thrust. The head of his cock grew wet with the prod. A part of him that had been denied too long shifted into high gear, and he grabbed Nia's nightie shorts, pulling them off her legs. Before she could react much, he pressed her legs open and crouched on the end of the couch, lowering his head, dying to taste her.

"Jack? Jack!" She sounded uncertain, but he ignored her as she tried to clamp her legs shut, but his head stopped them. Then he licked really deep.

, God."

"Yeah, baby," he growled.

Then he burrowed his tongue back into her slit. The sound she made was startled, but moaning on the end. He followed those sounds until he had her hips jumping.
Sweet spot.
He'd found the sweet spot and he suckled it. Her fingers dug into his scalp. He'd like to have licked her pussy all over, really getting into her, but he knew a first orgasm with his mouth was very important for them.

Her pants and moans were becoming intense, and he could feel her straining toward release. He pushed her thighs farther apart, opening her more to his mouth. Then he added a couple of fingers. That got him a high, careening sound, with her pussy pushed into his face. She panted and shook as he worked his fingers and mouth together.

However, eight good minutes later and she was still riding high, hovering, but not going over the top. He growled against her hot pussy, then dragged his mouth away from it, while still thrusting his fingers inside her liquid heat.

"Stop thinking, baby," he ordered. "Let it go, just

"I ... I ... I," she stammered. "Can't."

Jack tried something he'd always wanted to try, but had never felt his marriage bed open enough to do so. He started to talk dirty.

"Your pussy’s so wet, baby. So hot and dripping with my fingers thrusting inside your sweetness." He stroked her hard several times and her hips followed him. "Going to push my hard cock right in here. Hard. Deep. Full. Fill you up with my cock, Nia." He circled her.

, Jack," she panted, arching up to meet his thrusts.

"I’ll take you on your hands and knees, your ass tilted up to me, your pussy wet and needy. I’ll thrust my hard cock deep into you from behind."

He sucked her several times and the sound of her moans grew the highest they had yet. "Going to spread your pretty pussy lips and push my hard cock deep, Nia. Deep in your tight cunt." He sucked her clit harder.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Need to
this hot pussy," he growled. Then he rubbed his tongue and lips tightly against her clit.

"Oh yes! Oh,
," she cried, humping her hips.

He kept at it, using his fingers inside her to bring her clit higher. Then she screamed and her legs clamped against his ears.
He felt her climax tremor against his mouth. Her heels beat the back of his shoulder blades while he continued to suck on her, riding it through.

Nia had never felt a climax like it in her life. It was
hot, like a pleasure burn rolling through her, and then her sensitive nerve endings ignited. An explosion of pleasure arched her upward into the magical world of oral from a man. From the first hot, lingering licks of Jack's tongue on her, she'd been converted.

That he would actually do something like that to her felt so intimate and possessive. The fact it worked was like lifting pounds of weight off her shoulders. She could have orgasms with a man. Tears pricked her clenched eyes she was so overwhelmed, but she felt the spectacular slide of Jack's muscular body rising from between her legs, moving over her tummy and breasts, until he was on top of her. His body pressed her into the couch in a delicious way as her hands explored the sinew on his back and shoulders.

"Hey." Nia opened her eyes to see pinpoints of lights in his irises looking down on her.

"Hey," he murmured back, while his hands cupped the sides of her face and she felt his hardness against her.

"Wow," she breathed.

She could just see the lift of his lips. "Yeah—wow, baby."

Her fingers dug in deep to his back when he called her "baby." "Thank you." She moved her hips, grinding up into his erection as her hand dropped to grab his ass. "More," she moaned, lifting up to nip his bottom lip.


She looked at him, wondering at his tone.

"We need to wait."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Wait now? Not do any more?" she asked, confused.

"Yeah," he said. "I want it to be perfect for you. Not just a roll on the couch."

Her heart felt his words with a deep pang. "Jack," she whispered. But he was hard. He'd not been relieved. "But you—" she started.

"I'm fine," he interrupted. "I'm fucking amazing." His head dropped and he kissed along her jaw. "This is just the beginning, baby." His mouth found hers for a long, deep kiss that dazed her senses. Then, before she knew it, he was standing, lifting her up into his arms. Carrying her!

That so amazed her, she was struck speechless as he carried her to the guest bedroom. She'd never been carried in her life. It was so hot! But she started to worry and feel a bit let down that he was just going to deposit her in the guest bedroom and then leave. Apparently there would be no after-climax cuddling or intercourse.

"Which side do you sleep on?" he asked against her ear.

Her feelings immediately sprang back to life. "On top of you would be fine," she murmured, kissing and nibbling his jaw. He chuckled, and she loved the sound as he took them onto the bed. He set her down in the middle, then he climbed in beside her.

"I’ll buy condoms tomorrow," he said, grabbing her and pulling her to his body in a deep spooning position. His arm came over her waist and his warm breath touched her ear.

"Is that why we aren't, um, doing any more?" she asked, with a husky voice because she was in bliss spooning with him.

"Just a small part, baby," he murmured, kissing behind her ear and making her quiver. His other arm burrowed under her head until her cheek lay on his bicep. "I meant what I said. Special."

Nia could still feel Jack's erection against her bottom, but apparently that didn't matter to him unless he could make this special with her.

She sighed, hardly able to believe it. A man-driven orgasm, now this!

Chapter Eleven

ack woke with Nia plastered to his back, asleep. Apparently they'd reversed the spooning positions in the middle of the night. He also had a hard-on, which he ignored, and maybe he was surprised how easy it was to ignore. Probably helped with the taste of Nia still stamped in his thoughts, plus the fact he was pretty sure she was going to be in his bed from now on. He could live with some erections to make things right between them. The way he was starting to feel about her wasn't quick and easy.

Gently, he lifted her arm from over his waist and he scooted out of the guest bed with a very satisfied smile on his face. He had a lot of things to look forward to, besides the crap he also was going to have to deal with. He was certain now, with Nia in his life, that the good was going to outweigh the bad.

He reached the door and turned back to look at her on the bed. She'd felt right in his arms and even better in bed with him. She had one long leg out of the covers and was showing skin up to a generous portion of her thigh. Lying on her side with her thick, dark hair flung across the pillow and the tiny night top she wore showing the plump tops of her breasts, she looked like ...
. More licking. More loving. More of everything.

He rubbed the top of his cock twice through his boxers, then slowly opened the door. He wasn't so noble that he couldn't jack off in the shower with the picture of Nia sprawled in bed. Just to ease up so he could start courting his woman the right way.

Nia woke slowly with a tickle on her cheek. Then she heard a husky voice in her ear. "Got to go into work early, or I'd stay here and cuddle with you." The smell of cologne tantalized her as warm lips kissed her jaw, then moved toward her mouth.

Right before they reached her lips, she murmured, "Jack."

She felt his sports coat and dress shirt when she pulled him down for deeper kisses. His lips took their time molding hers and retreating lightly, then pressing deeper. Finally, he eased back, licking her bottom lip before his mouth lifted. Now that she knew what he could do with that incredibly sexy mouth, a persistent ache centered in her core.

"You taste so sweet," Jack murmured, and she finally opened her eyes to look at him.

So handsome. He was hot. "Morning," she murmured.

He smiled, squeezing her waist where he cupped it. "Morning," he offered back, searching her face with his gaze. "You have plans tonight?" he asked while stroking her waist.

Nia stretched a little, then she murmured, "No, I don't think so."

"Good," he said, straightening to look down on her. "You now have plans with me. Seven o'clock, dinner out."

Nia grasped his forearms and pulled herself up to him. They kissed once lightly and she loved it that they were at that stage. His hand found her waist again, as if it couldn't stay away, and she liked that too, as she laid her palm on his shirt, rubbing a little. "Dressy or casual?" she asked, secretly delighted to being asked out. She couldn’t remember the last time she'd been out to dinner.

"I'll call you later," he said. "That way I can hear your voice."

She smiled. "And I can hear yours." She traced his bottom lip with her finger.

He cupped the back of her head, drawing her closer as he tilted his head.
whispered through her thoughts right before their lips touched.

Jack left after they'd kissed for nearly ten more minutes, almost going down onto the bed again before Jack pulled away, Nia lay back down and thought about all that had happened. She smiled at the way he'd forcefully dragged himself away from her with a growl and a promise there'd be more necking that night.

She'd like to have more than necking and she kind of wondered why Jack was holding off.

"Was it the orgasm thing?" she wondered aloud, looking at the ceiling.

He'd had to work so deliciously hard at it, but she had come, completely shattering with pleasure. She sighed. Maybe he was just being careful. They'd moved quite fast. But she didn't want to think about that. If she did, she'd talk herself out of moving forward with Jack. She couldn't help wondering, like most women would, whether Jack was looking for a hot fling or long term.

She growled at herself. "Don't think that!" She pointed a scolding finger toward the ceiling.

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