Exposed (22 page)

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Authors: Naomi Chase

BOOK: Exposed
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They stared at each other, speculating, considering possibilities.

“He might have read about it in the newspaper or heard an announcement on the radio,”Tamia suggested. “Doesn’t your wife promote her charity events?”

“She does,” Dominic confirmed.

Tamia nodded briskly.“Then that’s how he found out.”

“Maybe.” Dominic eyed her over the rim of his glass.“Or maybe he tapped your cell phone.”

Chilled by the thought, Tamia dropped heavily into a rattan chair and massaged her throbbing temple.“God, I can’t believe this is happening. How the hell did I let you get me into this damn mess?”

Dominic sucked his teeth. “You’re not the only one with something to lose.”

Tamia glared at him.“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?
the one who started all this shit. It would serve you right if your wife divorced your lying, cheating ass!”

He scowled.“I wasn’t talking about Isabel. Your boyfriend is tampering with my business, and I don’t appreciate it.”

Tamia frowned.“What the hell are you talking about?”

Dominic walked over and sat on the sofa adjacent to her. “Two weeks ago, my area research team located some land that would be the perfect site for the company’s new production plant. We submitted a bid and were practically assured that we’d get the property because there were no other comparable bids. But as I was leaving for the airport yesterday morning, I received a call informing me that we’d lost the bid to another buyer—some mysterious land developer who came out of nowhere.”

Tamia eyed him skeptically. “And you think Brandon was behind that?”

“I don’t
” Dominic snapped.“I know.”


“My attorney did some research on the developer, and it turns out that he’s one of the governor’s biggest campaign donors. Brandon’s father is the lieutenant governor. Get the connection? Or do I have to spell it out for you?”

Tamia bristled at his condescending tone. “I can’t believe you’re sitting over there pouting because Brandon used his connections to block your business deal. What the hell did you expect? You’re fucking his woman!”

Fury flashed in Dominic’s eyes. “So let him return the damn favor!”

Tamia sucked in a breath. “Are you saying that your
is more important than your

Dominic clenched his jaw. “What I’m saying is that business is business, pussy is pussy. If a man fucks my woman, I can find another one. But if he fucks with my livelihood, that could hinder my chances of even
another good woman.”

Tamia stared at him contemptuously.“
Are you serious?
What kind of crazy rationale is that?”

“Is it crazy?” he challenged. “Tell me something, Tamia. Would you have considered my proposal if I were some bum off the street? Would you have sold your soul to be with Brandon if he weren’t a trust-fund baby?”

Tamia faltered, staring at him. She wished she could tell him he was dead wrong, but she knew he wasn’t.

He smiled, slow and mocking.“I didn’t think so. And Brandon understands the game as well as I do. Why do you think he’s more committed to making partner than marrying you?”

Heat stung Tamia’s face. His words had struck a raw nerve.

“I underestimated Brandon,” Dominic continued grimly. “I thought he was just a spoiled, pampered rich boy without a clue. But that nigga’s got some gangster in him. I’ll have to remember that in the future.”

Tamia shifted uncomfortably in her chair.“I honestly don’t think he blocked your business deal. He’s not vindictive like that.”

Dominic eyed her speculatively.“How well do you know Brandon?”

“Well enough,” she retorted. “We’ve been together nearly nine months.”

“Then what’s
excuse for underestimating him?”

Tamia frowned.“I’m not.”

“You must be if you can sit there and claim with a straight face that he’s not vindictive. Not only is he vindictive, he’s a damn good liar. That story he told about his sister and Isabel hitting it off at the fund-raiser dinner? He looked me right in the eye and lied so convincingly, I never doubted him for a second.” Dominic shook his head at her. “
made the mistake of underestimating him. You’d be a damn fool to do the same.”

Tamia was silent, pondering his words and trying not to think of what awaited her when she returned home. If Brandon was tapping her cell phone …

Dominic checked his watch.“Isabel went to visit her family
, so she should be gone for several hours.” He looked meaningfully at Tamia.

She arched a brow at him.“Is there a reason you’re telling me that?”

“Of course. We have time to do what we came here to do.”

She snorted.“I don’t think so.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, nigga. We ain’t doing shit!”

Dominic frowned. “What is this fuckery? Don’t tell me you’re still mad about yesterday!”

“What do
think?” she snapped.

“I already explained to you what happened.”

“And that’s supposed to make everything better? You stood me up, Dominic. Left me high and dry! The
you could have done was call to let me know what the hell was going on. But you didn’t!”

“I couldn’t! Isabel was watching me like a hawk the whole fucking day.”

“Whatever, nigga. All I know is that you promised we’d make love under a ‘breathtaking Crucian sunset,’ but when the sun went down last night, your ass was nowhere to be found. If you think you can just waltz up in here a day later and get some quick pussy, you’d better think again!”

Dominic scowled.“You’re being unreas—”

Abruptly she shot to her feet and started from the room.

“Where are you going?” he demanded.

“To take a shower and get dressed.” She spun around, hands on hips. “And then I’m catching a ferry into Chris-tiansted to do some shopping and sightseeing. I’m in need of some serious retail therapy, nigga, so you’d better get ready to pull out that platinum card!”

Dominic gave her a surly glance.“Do you really think it’s a good idea for you to come back with a suitcase full of souvenirs from St. Croix when you’re supposed to be in

She laughed.“Why do you think I’m having the packages shipped to my house? Brandon will never even see them.” She flashed a smug, triumphant smile.“See? I do know a thing or two about covering my tracks. Stick around—you might learn something.”

With that, she pivoted on her heel and strode haughtily from the room.

Chapter 29

Inside the luxurious marble bathroom, she stripped out of her bikini and twisted on the shower water faucet. When the room was filled with steam, she stepped into the glass stall and stood beneath the pounding spray, letting the heat melt the tension from her bones.

She should have locked the bathroom door.

She had her eyes closed, face upturned to the water, when she felt a cool draft across her skin. She whirled around, sputtering with angry protest.

But Dominic was already kneeling before her, his strong hands parting her thighs. When he sucked her clit into his mouth, she cried out hoarsely. Fury and loathing warred with lust as his lips and tongue quickly went to work, licking the folds of her pussy, devouring the nectar that soon flowed out of her.

Moments later, she groaned and grabbed the back of his head as she shuddered and shook with orgasm.

Dominic stood up and leaned down, kissing her hard on the mouth as the hot spray cascaded down on them like a waterfall. He pushed her back against the marble wall, the cool tile on her skin contrasting with the heat of his body pressed against hers. As he palmed her ass cheeks and lifted her off the
floor, she latched onto him like a four-legged octopus—arms wrapped around his neck, legs clamped around his waist.

She cried out with pleasure as he filled her with one deep, penetrating stroke.

Staring into her eyes, he began thrusting into her.“Thought you were gonna leave without giving up this pussy? Huh?”

“Shut up,” she panted,“and just fuck me.”

He did, his hips working feverishly as he pumped in and out of her, reminding her just why she kept coming back for more.


The shrill, enraged scream cut through the grunts and groans bouncing around the glass shower stall. As if the water had suddenly turned frigid, Tamia and Dominic stiffened with shock and whipped their heads around in time to see Isabel charging across the spacious bathroom, her face suffused with rage.

“Oh, shit!” Dominic pulled out of Tamia so fast he nearly dropped her.

“I knew your lying, whoring ass would find your way over to this bitch!” Isabel shouted furiously above the roar of the shower spray.“That’s why I followed you!”

Dominic bravely stepped out of the stall, his dick still semi-erect and glistening from Tamia’s juices. “Now, baby, just calm down—”

“Don’t tell me to calm down after I just caught you and this whore fucking like animals!” Isabel swung at him, but Dominic deflected the blow and wrapped his arms around her, re-straining her like a straitjacket.

She leveled a wild, venomous glare at Tamia.“I told you to stay the fuck away from my husband!” she screamed. “I can’t
you’d have the nerve to come here, on
home soil, and fuck
man right under my nose! Bitch, are you
I will kill you dead!”

Tamia flinched as Isabel struck her fist against the glass wall, the sound reverberating around the room.

“Come out of there, bitch!” Isabel shouted tauntingly. “Come out and face me like a goddamn woman!”

Tamia twisted off the water faucet but made no move to leave the steamy confines of the stall.

“Let’s go,” Dominic growled, dragging his wife backward as she struggled violently in his arms.

“How could you do this to me?” she shrieked with wounded outrage.
“How could you?”

There was a loud, rapid-fire exchange of Crucian patois that Tamia couldn’t begin to follow. Wiping water off her face, she cautiously stepped out of the stall.

As Dominic hauled his wife out of the bathroom, he threw a warning glance at Tamia. “Come lock the door behind us.” When she hesitated, he barked with authority,

She sprang into motion, hurrying across the room to do as he’d told her.

She didn’t like holing herself up in the bathroom like some coward. She’d never backed down from a fight in her life. But the
thing she needed was to return home with another shiner that she’d have to explain to Brandon.

“I’m gonna kill you, bitch!” Isabel shouted through the closed door. “The only way you’re leaving this island is in a fucking coffin!”

Tamia shivered and told herself that her reaction had more to do with the cool air on her naked skin than Isabel’s vicious threat.

But the sooner she got on that plane tomorrow, the safer she’d feel.

Chapter 30

“How was your trip?” Brandon asked as he slid behind the wheel of his car after stowing Tamia’s luggage in the trunk. He’d left work early on Monday evening to pick her up from the airport.

“The trip was wonderful,”Tamia lied, sighing for effect.“It was so relaxing. Just what the doctor ordered.”

“That’s good,” Brandon said cheerfully.“I’m glad you had a great time.”

But as he turned away, Tamia caught the shadow of a smile that made her wonder whether he knew better.

She swallowed nervously. “So how was your weekend? Productive?”

“Yeah. I got a lot of work done.” He gave her an amused sidelong glance. “Of course, I would have much rather preferred lying on a sunny beach with you. Nice tan, by the way.”

She forced a teasing grin.“Don’t be jealous just ’cause the good Lord made you well done and crispy.”

Brandon laughed, the first real laugh she’d heard in weeks.

She smiled quietly.“God, I miss that sound.”

Brandon glanced at her, his expression softening. “Me, too.”

Silence lapsed between them. Not even the noise of traffic penetrated the dark, luxurious interior of the Maybach.

“Are you hungry?” Brandon asked suddenly.

Tamia looked at him.“Starving.”

“Wanna stop somewhere and grab something to eat?”

She smiled with pleasure.“I’d love to.”

“Where to?”

She glanced down at her rumpled travel clothes.“Nowhere fancy.”

“I got you.”

Brandon headed south on I-45 before taking the exit toward downtown Houston. Tamia laughed with delight when she realized he was taking her to their favorite barbecue joint, where the wooden picnic tables were covered with red-checked tablecloths and the barbecue was served in red plastic baskets lined with butcher paper.

They grabbed a table near the back and ordered ribs, brisket, pinto beans, creamed corn, and a pitcher of sweet tea.

“We haven’t been here in ages,”Tamia exclaimed, grinning as she glanced around.“Why is that?”

Brandon gave her a small, bittersweet smile. “We lost our way.”

Their eyes met, and she knew he wasn’t just talking about the restaurant.

“Next time,” she said quietly,“let’s not wait so long to find our way back again.”

Brandon held her gaze for several moments.“Okay.”

They traded soft, tentative smiles.

When their food arrived, Brandon rolled up his sleeves and dug into the barbecue, heedless of his Armani shirt and suit pants.

“You’re gonna get sauce on your clothes,” Tamia warned teasingly.“And when you get back to the office, they’ll know that you—
—stopped for a dinner break.”

Brandon chuckled.“I might not go back tonight.”

Tamia brightened hopefully.“Really?”

“Really.” He polished off a juicy rib. “I have to go out of town this week.”

Disappointment washed over her.“Where?”

“Ohio. That’s where Quasar Diagnostics is headquartered. I have to meet with a bunch of different people, take some depositions, tour the facilities, reassure the company’s shareholders that the upcoming trial is in good hands.”

“Oh.” Tamia hesitated, afraid to ask the question uppermost on her mind, but knowing she had to. “Are you … going alone?”

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