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Authors: Naomi Chase

Exposed (26 page)

BOOK: Exposed
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Tamia was riding high, feeling on top of the world, when her bubble was burst by the sight of Cynthia heading toward them, date in tow.

Cynthia was stylishly sleek in a sleeveless black evening
gown that featured a deep V-neckline and a crisscrossed waist that made her slender hips look fuller and shapelier. Unlike Tamia, and most of the other women in attendance, she wore her hair down, parted deeply off-center and swept over to one side of her face. She looked damn good—and Tamia hated her for it.

Seeing her frown, Brandon followed the direction of her gaze. When she felt his arm tense beneath her hand, she shot him a questioning glance. But before she could inquire about his strange reaction, Cynthia and her companion reached them.

“There you are.” Cynthia’s warm smile encompassed Brandon and Tamia, but her words were addressed to him.“I didn’t realize how many partners from the firm would be here. You know I’ve been doing some serious schmoozing.”

“I bet.” Brandon flashed a lazy smile before his eyes skipped to the light-skinned, tuxedoed man at her side. “You must be Shane.”

Cynthia laughed.“Sorry! Where are my manners?”

She quickly made the introductions.

Tamia smiled at Shane, reminding him that they’d met at the bar that night. As he and Brandon shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, Tamia unconsciously compared the two men. Although Shane was very attractive, he couldn’t hold a candle to Brandon’s dark good looks and the way he rocked the hell out of a tuxedo.

Cynthia obviously agreed.

As the foursome struck up a friendly conversation, she couldn’t take her eyes off Brandon—even when he wasn’t the one speaking. Once when he cracked a joke, Cynthia laughed harder than everyone else and casually rested her hand on his arm.

Tamia’s hackles went up, eyes narrowing with displeasure.

Catching her lethal glare, Cynthia blushed and quickly dropped her hand.

They were soon joined by Bernard Chambers, a tall, handsome man with smooth, dark skin and graying temples that made him look distinguished. Exuding an aura of power, wealth, and prestige, he was one of the most visible lieutenant governors in the country, appearing in as many television spots as the governor himself. During their electoral campaign, many Houstonians believed that
should have been at the top of the ticket.

Once the introductions were out of the way, he graced Tamia with a smooth, polished smile. “Forgive my manners. I’ve been working my way over here to greet you, but I kept getting pulled in different directions. I hope you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Very much.” Tamia smiled radiantly. “Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Chambers. And congratulations on your campaign launch.”

“Thank you kindly.” He winked at her.“I trust I can count on your vote.”


Bernard chuckled, eyeing her appreciatively. “No wonder my son seems so taken with you.”

Tamia beamed with pleasure. Now she knew where Brandon got his good looks

“Dinner will be served shortly.” Bernard offered his arm to her.“Shall we?”

“By all means.”As Tamia tucked her arm through the lieutenant governor’s, it was all she could do not to shoot a triumphant look at Cynthia.

Chapter 34

She kept a close eye on Miss Thang throughout dinner.

She had to.

The bitch was up to no good, and Tamia knew it.

She’d been dismayed when Cynthia and Shane were escorted to the head table, which was supposed to be reserved for family and special guests. Cynthia was seated right across from Brandon, which Tamia knew was no coincidence. Brandon’s parents adored Cynthia and were probably hoping that she and Brandon would end up together. So it was up to Tamia to open their eyes to a new contender:

She knew the odds were seriously stacked against her. Judging by the way Cynthia’s parents were cozying up to Bernard and Gwen at the other end of the table, they were no doubt in favor of a marriage between their daughter and Brandon as well. Tomorrow morning, Bernard would formally announce his candidacy at Joseph Yarbrough’s megachurch in a strategic move to garner widespread support from the black community. So the alliance between the two families had already begun.

Tamia definitely had her work cut out for her. But she’d come too far to give up now.

Since she wasn’t seated close enough to Bernard and Gwen
to work her charms, she turned her attention to their other offspring, who sat beside her.

Beau, sexy chocolate like his older brother with a diamond stud twinkling in one ear. And Brooke, who looked like she’d just stepped off the runway in a strapless red Givenchy gown that hugged a bodacious body any woman would envy.

Tamia struck up a friendly conversation with the two siblings, all the while keeping Cynthia in her peripheral vision. When Bishop Yarbrough opened dinner with a rousing prayer, Tamia cracked one eye open. Brandon and Cynthia were peeking at each other, lips twitching with laughter as they shared some private joke.

Tamia’s blood pressure accelerated. She had to restrain herself from kicking Brandon under the table.

After the lavish five-course dinner, several men—including Brandon, his best friend Dre, Beau, and Shane—wandered out to the veranda to smoke cigars and get some fresh air. Tamia seized the opportunity to corner Cynthia near the back of the ballroom.

“I’m confused about something,” she began coolly.“Maybe you can clear it up for me.”

Cynthia eyed her cautiously.“Okay.”

“When I saw you that night at the bar, didn’t you tell me that you never mix business with pleasure? Or did I misunderstand you?”

Come on, bitch. Lie to me so I can lay your ass out!

Cynthia hesitated for a moment. “You didn’t misunderstand me. That’s what I said.”

“Then why is it that every time I turn around, you’re smiling up in Brandon’s face and pushing up on him?”Tamia demanded accusingly. “That’s mighty hypocritical behavior for someone who claims that they don’t sleep around with their colleagues.”

Cynthia kept her expression neutral. “Brandon and I are just friends.”

“Don’t give me that bullshit,” Tamia jeered. “See, heffa, I peeped your game from day one. You might have Brandon fooled with your innocent, just-one-of-the-boys act, but
not naive. I know good and damn well when a woman’s trying to seduce my man. Maybe you thought you saw an opening because Brandon and I have been going through a rough patch lately. But take a good look at me. See this dress, see these diamonds? Bought and paid for by Brandon. The nigga just dropped forty grand on me without batting an eye! And, oh yeah, he’s been fucking me properly every night he leaves
ass at the office and comes home to
So don’t get it twisted, bitch. That’s
man, and I ain’t going no-fucking-where!”

Cynthia’s face flushed with anger and humiliation. Pursing her lips tightly, she glanced around the room to make sure no one was standing close enough to overhear the hostile exchange.

“Brandon’s a wonderful man,” she said with quiet dignity. “Probably better than you deserve.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Tamia spat, raking her with a scornful glance. “You think you’re better than me just ’cause your daddy is a fake minister who made his fortune by swindling millions out of his gullible worshippers? Bitch, please.”

Cynthia’s eyes flashed with fury.“You got a problem with me? Fine. But leave my family the hell out of it!”

“What’s wrong?” Tamia taunted.“Truth hurts?”

Their stares locked.

After several seething moments, Cynthia took a step backward and shook her head in disgust.“You know what, Tamia? I don’t even know why I’m having this ridiculous conversation with you. You’re not worth the aggravation.”

“Trust me, bitch, you haven’t
aggravation. Keep pushing up on Brandon and see what happens.”

Cynthia’s eyes narrowed sharply.“Are you

Tamia stepped closer. “No, heffa, I’m
you to stop
insulting my intelligence with your hypocrisy. I see right through you, so you might as well cut the phony bullshit.”

Cynthia echoed in disbelief.“Oh no, sweetheart,
not the one who’s phony.
real. From the top of my head”—she glanced pointedly at Tamia’s fake bun—“to the soles of my feet. What you see is what you get. I’m real, and I’m honest. Can you say the same thing?”

Tamia glared at her, wondering what Brandon may have told her.“Like I said,” she snarled,“you need to leave my man alone and find your own. Is Shane not good enough for you? Not hung enough? Not rich enough?”

Cynthia’s nostrils flared with indignation.“I have no interest in Brandon’s money. I make enough of my own.”

“Then you must be feenin’ for the dick.” Tamia smirked.“I understand. And just between you and me, girlfriend, the dick is outta this world.”

Cynthia flinched, her mouth tightening at the edges.

Tamia silently regarded her, eyes narrowed in shrewd speculation. As comprehension suddenly dawned, she whispered accusingly,“Oh, hell no. You have
to be kidding me. You’re in love with Brandon!”

Cynthia was silent. But the look in her eyes said it all.

Tamia thought, disarmed and dismayed. She could deal with a scheming bitch trying to steal her man out of lust or greed. But
Love was an emotion that raised obsession to a whole new level. People did all
of crazy shit for love!

“You need to get the fuck over it,” Tamia hissed.

Cynthia smiled sadly.“I wish it were that simple.”

Bitch, you have lost your—”

“Is there a problem?” a voice coolly inquired.

Startled, both women whirled around to see Gwen standing there, eyeing them speculatively.

Cynthia was the first to regain her composure. “No, ma’am,” she said smoothly.“There’s no problem at all.”

Lips pursed, Gwen looked from one to the other. “Umm hmm.”

Tamia swallowed hard. Out of the corner of her eye, she spied Brandon and some of the others returning from the veranda.

Gwen smiled warmly at Cynthia. “Mort Chernoff has been looking for you. He and his wife are about to leave, so he wanted to say good-bye to you and Brandon. He’s been hearing nothing but wonderful things about your pretrial work on the Quasar lawsuit. I told him I’d track you down and send you his way.” Her eyes twinkled. “Better not keep one of the founding partners waiting.”

“Okay.” Cynthia nodded distractedly. “Thank you, Mrs. Chambers.”

“Of course, darling. Anything for you.”

Cynthia offered a weak smile. Darting one last glance at Tamia, she turned and strode off.

As Gwen returned her attention to Tamia, every ounce of warmth vanished from her eyes. “Well. That was quite an …
encounter I just interrupted.”

Tamia was silent, resisting the urge to fidget with her hands like a child who’d been caught misbehaving.

Gwen eyed her reproachfully. “I’ve been hosting social functions for years, and I’m pleased to say that no occasion has ever been marred by a loud argument or—heaven forbid—a
That kind of uncouth behavior simply would
be tolerated in my home, or on my watch.”

Tamia’s face burned with shame. She’d received the message loud and clear.
was the outsider, the riffraff, the hood rat who’d brought a ghetto element to the ritzy party. She’d do well to remember her place, or this would be the last function she ever attended at the Chambers estate.

“Do you and Cynthia have a problem with each other?” Gwen inquired, arching an elegantly sculpted brow.

Tamia hesitated for a moment. “No, ma’am,” she murmured, mimicking Cynthia’s earlier response.“There’s no problem at all.”

“Good.”Gwen stepped forward, slipping her arm compan-ionably through Tamia’s as they began walking. “Because she and Brandon have always been
very close, and I would hate for their friendship to be ruined because of any tension between you and Cynthia. It wouldn’t be fair to force Brandon to choose between his dear friend and his … girlfriend.”

The way she’d hesitated over the word let Tamia know which choice
make for her son if given the opportunity.

“I understand, Mrs. Chambers. Perfectly.”

“Splendid.” Gwen gently patted her hand as she glanced around the ballroom. “I want you to meet Dr. Harvey. He should be around here somewhere.”

“Dr. Harvey?”Tamia repeated.

“Why, yes.” Gwen met her blank gaze, smiling pleasantly. “You know, the president of Hampton University. Brandon told us that your younger sister attends the school, so I thought you’d appreciate an introduction to Dr. Harvey.”

“Oh, yes, of course.”Tamia plastered on a bright smile, but the calculating gleam in Gwen’s eyes made her feel like the proverbial canary about to be swallowed by the cunning cat. Did Gwen know that Tamia had lied about Fiona attending Hampton? If so, how had she found out?

More important, did Brandon know?

“Let me see if I can find someone to track down Dr. Harvey for me,” Gwen murmured.

As she signaled to one of the servants—one was always nearby, ready to do her bidding at the snap of a finger—Tamia glanced around, frantically searching through the crowd for Brandon. She was hoping he could rescue her. Now would be the perfect time for a tour of his childhood home.

But Brandon was nowhere to be found.

Neither—for that matter—was Cynthia.

Tamia spied Shane laughing and conversing with Cynthia’s parents. But there was no trace of Cynthia or Brandon.

Tamia frowned, an ugly kernel of suspicion sprouting in her mind.

She gritted her teeth and smiled graciously at Gwen. “Could you please direct me to the powder room? I’d love to freshen my makeup before meeting Dr. Harvey.”

“Of course, darling,” Gwen said smoothly.“Fitzroy will escort you.”

The servant she’d summoned smiled politely at Tamia before ushering her from the crowded ballroom.“There’s a small line leading to the ladies’ restroom over there,” he told her, pointing to the other side of the room. “So you can use the one out in the foyer.”

BOOK: Exposed
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