Ex's and O'S (11 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ex's and O'S
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“That was fucking hot.”

Les blinked his way through the haze of white dots dancing in front of his eyes and finally managed to focus on Adam’s upturned face. The man looked smugger than any human had a right to, his eyes sparkling and his grin wide.

“I’ve never made anyone come that fast, just from a touch,” Adam continued, “you’re amazing, you know that? Although we will have to work on control if you want to fuck me.”

Adam’s words were kind of jumbled in Les’ head, but once he got them straightened out, the humiliation hit with the force of a hurricane. Les shoved Adam back and stumbled without the man’s support. Heat scorched Les’ cheeks. He just knew they had to be bright red as he fumbled with the zipper of his pants, trying to hide his over-eager cock.
Damn thing
just had to blow as soon as Adam touched it! And that’s why I should never lose control!
Because when he did lose it, he lost it big time, apparently. But what else could he do the first time he felt another man’s hand touching him?


Bailey Bradford



Adam’s smile had dimmed somewhat, the smugness replaced by a soft look of

concern as he cautiously approached Les. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed. Wouldn’t you feel like the greatest man on Earth if our situations were reversed? I think it’s amazing, you’re amazing, and you make me feel amazing.”

“That’s a lot of amazings,” Les muttered, trying not to be flattered by Adam’s

declarations. The guy was probably only saying that because he hadn’t come yet—oh. Les darted a glance at the impressive bulge in Adam’s shorts.
That looks like it hurts…and it’s got to
be bad manners to leave your…
Les stalled in his musing. What was Adam to him? Lover?

Friend? Fuck buddy? He looked at the man’s package again. Did it matter that Adam was beyond hard and horny?

“It is”—Adam agreed—“too many to let you run off scared or embarrassed. Do you

always come like that when someone touches you, or was it just me?”

Damned if the man didn’t look hopeful, and if Les thought he was embarrassed

before, it was nothing compared to what he felt when he forced out, “No one else ever has.”

He couldn’t even look at Adam when he said it, afraid Adam would laugh at him.

Adam didn’t, but he did inhale with enough force Les was surprised he didn’t suck in half the office furnishings. “Never? No one?” Adam asked?

The suddenly deep timbre of Adam’s voice combined with the sand paper rough

quality of it had Les braving a peek at the man. To say Adam looked flabbergasted would have been an understatement.

“No,” Les forced out. How could he explain about his childhood, the way it’d left him scared of any sort of intimacy with a woman, his fears of giving anyone else control over his body? Sex seemed the ultimate submission, in whatever form, giving another person power over you—just like he’d given Adam moments ago. It’d just seemed so much safer to keep everyone at a distance, to not dwell on that aspect of himself. If he got horny enough, he beat off, that was that. At least then, he was in control of his body and his climax.

Adam had stripped that from him with one kiss.

“Why not?”

Les startled at the question, surprised to find Adam so close to him. One delicate hand came to rest on Les’ forearm as he buckled his belt. Adam’s touch felt heated, sending electric EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



tingles through the nerves in Les’ arm. “You’re so gorgeous, why hasn’t anyone taken you to bed?”

Maybe that was part of it, Les realised. No one had ever just…just latched on and had at him the way Adam had. Les had turned down offers before, getting downright rude if he had to, but Adam had just plastered himself to Les then…was that it then? Did Les need someone to take control, rip it from him with a kiss that scorched him to the soles of his feet?

Did he want that? Maybe he did, because Adam’s next words had Les’ dick trying its best to firm right back up.

“Come home with me. Let me make love to you.” Adam looked at him steadily,

confidently. It calmed the swell of panic that started in Les’ chest. He could only think of one objection just then. “Your mother wouldn’t care?”

Adam jolted as if jabbed with a cattle prod. “Oh. Ick. Take me home, to your place, then.”

It wasn’t a request, not at all, and Les liked that, at least from Adam. Coming from anyone else, he thought he might have punched them for being so forward. But there was just something about Adam—and he really needed to think about that—later.

Les finished buckling his belt then slipped his hand into Adam’s, looking down at the face he’d seen in his dreams night after night. “Okay.” And as hard as it was for him to believe it, it was as simple as that, one little word and his worries and lifetime of fears eased enough for him to let Adam lead him out of the club.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Eleven

Les started to walk towards the door that lead into the heart of the club only to find himself pulled in the opposite direction. He looked at Adam even as he followed the man to another door off to the left. “Where are we going?”

Adam laughed and gestured to his shorts. “I can’t leave like this. I need to change, and I have to get my stuff out of the locker. I’ll follow you to your place, but to do that, I need my keys, my wallet,” he stopped at the door and waggled his finely eyebrows. “It wouldn’t do for me to get pulled over by some cop and not have my licence on me, you know.”

Les grunted, darting a glance back at the other door. He really wanted to find


“Come on,” Adam said as he opened a door with a nappy little sign on it that read

‘Employees Only’. “Quit glaring at that door. If you have any brilliant ideas about confronting Randy, you need to forget them for three reasons.”

When it became clear Adam was waiting for him to ask, Les did. “And what would

those reasons be?”

Adam pulled him into the room then closed the door. Les took a couple of steps then turned to keep an eye on the door as Adam spoke.

“One: You’re still in your uniform. I’m pretty sure you’d get in some deep shit for beating Randy’s ass anyway, but in uniform? You’d probably get fired at the very least.

Two:”—Adam grinned and patted Les’ groin—“You came in your pants. Got a nice wet spot right here.” Yeah, and it was cold and icky. “And three:”—Adam gave him a sultry look as he pressed up against Les’ body, his hard cock poking Les’ thigh—“I don’t want any more delays until I can get you naked.”

Les snaked his hands down Adam’s back and lightly teased his fingers over Adam’s

pert butt. God, he wanted nothing more just then than to cup that ass, to squeeze and test the firm cheeks, to pull them apart and…


Bailey Bradford



“Mmm,” Adam purred, rubbing his cheek against Les’ chest, his hands clenching on

Les’ waist. “You’re hard again—very impressive.” He opened one hand and began sliding it down.

“Don’t,” Les warned as he caught Adam’s wrist. He’d surely die of embarrassment if he came again just from a simple touch. Adam tipped his head up, looking at him through thickly lashed lids, and Les realised there was nothing simple about Adam. The man had breached all the walls Les had built and kept carefully in place, and he’d done it before Les had even known what had happened.

Adam licked his lips, parting them in silent offering. Les couldn’t take his eyes off that glistening mouth, licking his own lips in anticipation as he bent down for the promised kiss—only to nearly snap his head off his neck jerking back when the door to the room swung open.

Jesus Christ, I’m gonna beat the crap out of both the Talbots’
, Les seethed as he glared at Adam’s boss. The other man didn’t even have the decency to look sorry for interrupting.

Instead he grinned as he looked at the two of them before focusing his attention on Adam.

“I was coming to ask if you wanted to take the rest of the night off,” Talbot said with only a hint of sarcasm. “Looks like you do. Or are you quitting?”

Les knew what he hoped the answer was to that, but he found himself disappointed.

“I dunno,” Adam said as he took a step back, letting his hands drop to his sides. “I figured I was probably fired.”

Talbot snorted as he shook his head. “Why would I fire you? My brother was the

one—” he glanced at Les, who was sure he was bristling like a possessive lover. He was possessive, and he’d soon be Adam’s lover, although not soon enough to suit him. “Anyway, you didn’t do anything wrong, but I did want to talk to you for just a minute before you leave.”

“God damn it,” Les muttered. Talbot shrugged as if to say ‘sorry’.

Adam nodded and positioned himself in front of Les. At first Les thought it was some manoeuvre to keep him from going after Talbot—which, tempting as it was, Les did have more restraint than that. Then he realised Talbot’s gaze had dipped down to his groin, no doubt noting the wet spot in his pants. Les’ cheeks burned as he glared at Talbot, whose lips twitched. If the man laughed, Les would—


Bailey Bradford



“Make it quick,” Adam snapped, and Les wondered if Adam wasn’t a little possessive himself. He sounded irritated, and from what Les could tell, Adam was glaring daggers at Talbot. He propped both hands on his hips and looked so adorably pissed off Les wanted nothing more than to toss Adam over his shoulder and run off with him. When was the last time anyone had cared enough about him to get all pissy like Adam was doing? Had anyone ever cared that much?

“I thought maybe you could take a different position on staff,” Talbot said, distracting Les from his thoughts. He looked at Adam’s boss, who nodded at him. “I don’t think your boyfriend’s going to be happy if someone else gropes you, and I’d rather not have him beating the shit out of customers.”

“What’d you have in mind?” Adam asked, sounding suspicious along with pissy now.

“Well,” Talbot drew the word out until Les growled, then the fucker grinned. “I

thought if you can sling drinks I’d put you behind the bar with Troy.”

“I can do that,” Adam assured him. After promising to call tomorrow with Adam’s

new schedule, Talbot left, and Adam turned and looked at Les. “I maybe should have told him I only know how to make like three mixed drinks.” He shrugged, his eyes sparkling with delight.

Les had waited long enough. He reached for Adam and crushed his mouth to the

smaller man’s.



Guhhh… Adam couldn’t think when he was being devoured, both by Les and by a

need so strong he was sure it was imprinting on his DNA. He whimpered as he clung to the bigger man, trembling with each plunge of Les’ tongue. When those big hands ghosted over his ass then gripped firmly below his cheeks, Adam nearly lost his mind. He’d been good, held back from coming in Talbot’s office, but now he had to come, soon, and he knew how he wanted to do it, and it wasn’t humping away on Les’ thigh.

Pushing on Les’ chest, Adam managed to end the soul-melting kiss. “Want you to

fuck me,” Adam whispered against Les’ lips. “Please,” he added when Les grew still, even EX’S AND O’S

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his breathing seeming to have stopped. “Please,” Adam begged. “There’s a lock on the door if that’s what you’re worried about, I can—”

“No,” Les said harshly, crushing Adam’s hopes. He tried to push away from the bigger man, squirming and wiggling, trying to figure out how he’d got everything so wrong.

Les’ arms tightened around him and Adam struggled harder, resisting the urge to hit and kick. He didn’t want to hurt Les, he just needed…he needed to get away before he started bawling like a baby. His disappointment and hurt were like a boulder crushing his chest, and Adam knew he couldn’t keep it together much longer.

“Adam, stop.” Les grunted as Adam accidentally elbowed him in the ribs. “Stop, will you?” Les shifted his arms until he had one around Adam’s back and his other up so he cupped the back of Adam’s head. “How many people do you think have fucked here in this room?”

The question was so weird Adam stopped trying to free himself long enough to blink up at the man. “What?” What did that have to do with anything?

Les’ smile was so tender it made Adam ache. “I said, how many people do you think have fucked in this room, just got their rocks off then went about the rest of their business like it didn’t mean anything?”

Oh. Adam’s heart skipped as he tried to keep from hoping he knew what Les meant.

“A lot, I’d bet.”

Les nodded and dropped a chaste kiss on his forehead. “Yeah, and while what

happened in Talbot’s office was hot, it wasn’t what I wanted. I don’t…” Les sighed, his gaze darting off over Adam’s head before locking with his. “I don’t want whatever this is between us to be some cheap fling. I don’t want to fuck you here like we’re both a couple of strangers looking to get off with whoever’s handy. Do you know how many people have fucked in my home?”

Adam’s stomach felt warm and fizzy, as if he’d chugged a two-litre of ginger ale.

“No,” he said softly, that hope he’d tried to squash bursting free and filling him.

“None,” Les admitted, that sweet smile still in place. “Bought it new, and never cared to bring anyone home, not that I’ve ever…you know.”

“Oh,” Adam sighed, refusing to wonder why his eyes were stinging. That’s so…

sweet. And it made him feel treasured, special, not like a cheap fuck, which he’d been often EX’S AND O’S

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enough. Too often. He cleared his suddenly tight throat as he glanced down, afraid to see Les’ reaction if his answer wasn’t what Adam wanted it to be. “So you’re saying this is something special?”

Les tucked two fingers under his chin and lifted Adam’s head, forcing him to meet the bigger man’s gaze. “I’m saying you’re special,” Les rumbled, “and you deserve better than this. We deserve something better than this, at least the first time.”

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