Ex's and O'S (14 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ex's and O'S
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Bailey Bradford



Les felt like an idiot, but he also had to wonder. He knew he didn’t have anything, and surely when Adam had been put under the microscope in the hospital, he’d been tested?

“I’m clean,” Adam said, as if he could tell what Les was thinking. Maybe he could, Les had been frowning hard enough to make his temples ache. “They tested me in the hospital.”

“Okay,” Les said slowly, “and so am I, so why—”

“Because,” Adam said as he pushed his torso up apparently just so he could glare over his shoulder at Les. “You don’t really know me, and you shouldn’t just take my word for it.

Be careful, be smart. And,” Adam’s glare softened into an expression of hope and longing. “I won’t ever bareback unless I’ve found the man I want to spend my life with.”

“Well, ain’t that a kick in the balls,” Les muttered before he could censor himself. Now he felt like a cheap fuck or something.

“Hey, Les.”

He didn’t want to look at Adam, but Les couldn’t resist the pleading in his voice.

“I’m not saying you aren’t that man,” Adam said softly, “like I said, you don’t really know me and I don’t really know you. We’ve really barely even talked.”

“Okay.” He could accept that, for now. “So maybe we can talk, after.” Les was still hard, although for a second or two there he’d thought that was about to change.

Adam smiled at him beautifully and dropped his shoulders back down onto the

mattress. “Tomorrow, ‘cause I plan on crashing into a brainless heap after you fuck me.

Condom’s on the night stand.”

Obviously Adam had brought a condom, because Les sure didn’t have any. He tried

not to think about why Adam would be carrying rubbers around as he tore open the package and carefully rolled the latex down his length. Adam sat up and turned around, scooting a few inches away from the edge of the bed. “Come here for a sec.”

Les did, then he bit back a moan as Adam did something to the tip of the condom.

Whatever it was, it involved Adam fisting one hand around his dick and that felt fricking wonderful.

“Ready to go,” Adam said, stroking down Les’ cock to tickle at his balls. “Might take it slow until you have that monster all the way in. Then I’ll tell you when to fuck me into unconsciousness.” Adam winked then resumed his previous position, presenting his

upturned ass to Les.


Bailey Bradford



“Sounds a little creepy,” Les said as he moved back into place and nudged Adam’s

hole. Adam’s laughter was cut off as Les canted his hips and began pressing into him.

“Gahhh,” Adam croaked, his mouth—the part Les could see—going slack as he

rocked his hips. “More!”

Mindful of Adam’s previous suggestion to take it slow, Les gripped the man’s ass

cheeks to keep him from rocking back and impaling himself. Les groaned as silky hot muscles clamped around his glans, pulling his length in deeper in a series of rippling constrictions.

“Fucking hell,” he muttered, his balls already climbing high. He’d thought Adam’s mouth had been unfuckingbelievable, but this—he glanced down and watched his dick sink further into Adam’s ass—
Oh fuck
! This was ecstasy multiplied to infinity! Adam’s inner muscles clamped and massaged Les’ cock, squeezing so tight he gasped a couple of times.

His hands clenched harder on Adam’s cheeks as Les struggled to go slow. All he wanted was to slam home, feel all that heat and velvet surrounding his whole length. He was shaking with the effort of holding back, and just when he thought he’d go insane from the restraint, he slid his cock in the last few inches, much to Adam’s very loudly expressed delight.

“Fuck me now, NOW!”

Who knew Adam was such a bossy little thing? When Adam yelled it a second time,

Les figured the man meant it. “Not gonna last long,” he warned, because already his spine was tingling from the sensation of Adam’s sweet little ass engulfing his cock.

“Don’t have to,” Adam grunted, working an arm underneath himself. “Fuck me now,


Les did, drawing back slowly, because it felt so damned good, not just on his dick but inside him every time Adam whimpered or whined for more. To know he’d driven the man to this needy desperation, well, Les felt like he could soar off into the night sky. He also felt like he had to fuck Adam hard, and Adam seemed to agree, rocking back despite Les’ hold on his butt cheeks.

Les rammed back in, slamming his hips against Adam’s ass, jostling the man forward on the bed. He reached up and gripped one of Adam’s shoulders, then proceeded to plough the man’s tight hole. Adam’s moans were growing louder with each surging plunge of Les’

cock. Les couldn’t look away from the sight of his dick spearing Adam’s pucker again and EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



again. The sight of that slick ring, stretched until the skin was nearly white with Les’ girth, was the most beautiful sight Les had ever seen—or so he thought until Adam keened. Les looked at Adam, the rangy muscles tensed all over his body, his back arched as he cried out.

The man was sensual perfection, his climax ripping through him.

Then Adam’s ass clamped down and contracted around Les’ dick so hard he saw

stars. Les grunted as he fucked in deeper, trying to bury his shaft so deep inside Adam he’d never be free. Ecstasy surged through him, heating his skin with a thousand tiny sparks of tingling heat, and Les thought the top of his head was going to blow off as he came, spurting his load into the condom.

“Adam,” Les thought he mumbled as one last shot of cum jetted from his dick. As

scrambled as his brain was, Les’ heart still sent it a very clear message—Adam was his, and somehow, he’d find a way to make the man see that.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Fourteen

Adam moaned as he rolled over, his sleepy brain not registering anything other than the hot zing of pain as he flopped onto his back. Before he could figure out that it was his ass hurting, a thickly muscled arm draped over his stomach and he was hauled up against a broad hairy chest. Crinkly soft hairs tickled his nose, forcing him to drag his eyes open as a heavy weight settled over his legs. Something hard and wet jabbed at his belly, stirring his cock to a lazy semi-erection. A low rumbling growl vibrated from another source into him, and as Adam blinked gritty eyes, the awareness of where he was and who he was with slammed into him, slapping the lethargy right out of him.

Les. He was in bed with Les, being held in Les’ arms, his face almost squashed against the man’s hard chest, his legs pinned under one of Les’ heavy thighs. Other little things penetrated Adam’s senses. The musky scent of the man combined with a dark mix of sweat and sex that mingled so perfectly together. Whisper-soft brushes of hair and fingertips. The long, slow breaths that made Les’ chest swell to press Adam closer for all too brief seconds.

The steady beating of Les’ heart seemed to guide Adam’s own, lulling him into a light doze until he became aware of that monster cock stabbing at his belly.

All in all, definitely not a bad way to wake up. Quite possibly, the best way to wake up ever, Adam thought as he revelled in being enveloped in Les’ heat. The man kept the AC

setting in his house on ‘frigid’, but even if he didn’t and they were both drenched in sweat, this would still be pretty awesome.

Adam flattened his hands, one on Les’ chest and the other on the small of his back, and spread his fingers, touching as much warm skin as he could. He scooted just a little closer, his mind already providing numerous options for waking Les, then grimaced at the pain in his backside.

Well, another round of fucking’s out.
As much as Adam loved it, he wasn’t a pain slut.

He grinned. Who’d have known Les was such a horny bastard? They probably hadn’t got more than a few hours sleep, and that had been around the bouts of sex.


Bailey Bradford



Les hadn’t seemed able to get enough, and he’d certainly been intent on exploring Adam’s ass very thoroughly. Between the man’s thick fingers and big dick, there hadn’t been but a few minutes throughout the night when Adam’s hole had been empty. He’d loved every bit of it, but this morning he was definitely paying the price for pleasure.

Adam nuzzled into the dense hair making his nose twitch. He inhaled deeply, the

scent of the man making his balls tingle and his cock leak. That scent, that big body—those were promises of ecstasy Adam’s body had already learned, and he had no intention of being denied now. It’d be a shame to break the conditioning last night had instilled in him.

Adam rubbed his lips over the crinkly hair then opened and caught several strands between his teeth. When he gave it a good tug, Les’ hips jerked and a morning-rough moan rumbled from him. Warm breath gusted over the top of Adam’s hair as Les’ arms tightened around him.


Adam wasn’t sure what that meant, but it was a very content sound and he

wholeheartedly agreed. He smoothed his hand over Les’ hip around to his belly, humming his approval of the soft fuzz covering the planes and ridges of Les’ abs. His fingertip grazed Les’ belly button and the big man shuddered.

“Oh yeah,” Adam murmured, smiling as he dipped his finger into that warm little

hole. Of course his mind rocketed straight to the gutter; there was a much tighter, hotter hole he’d rather be fingering. He didn’t think that would happen any time soon. Les had stiffened up any time Adam so much as ghosted a hand over the man’s crack.

Les’ hand gripped Adam’s butt cheek and he did some tensing up of his own. Best to derail that particular train of thought right now, Adam mused. He tipped his head up and lapped at one rosy pink nipple, loving the way the hard bud contrasted on his tongue against the crisp hair that tickled his lips. Adam scraped his teeth over the little nub and was rewarded by a deep moan from his lover. Adam snorted a breath out his nose as he worked Les’ nipple, sucking and biting it the way he’d discovered Les liked it.

Loved it, he corrected, as Les thrust his cock against Adam’s. He could probably make Les come just from this, he thought not without a healthy dose of smugness. He bit at the little peak again as he reached down and fondled Les’ balls, rolling them in his palm.


Bailey Bradford



“Guhh… God!” Les grunted out. He hooked his other arm around Adam’s shoulders

and rolled onto his back, settling Adam on top of him.

Delighted to find himself with such an unspoken offering, Adam wiggled, wallowing in all that warm furry skin under him. Their heights were too different for him to be able to line up their dicks and get some good friction going with Les stretched out like this, but that was okay. He brought a hand up to blindly feel for Les’ lips.

Lifting his mouth from the tempting little nipple he’d been torturing, Adam ordered,

“Lick it.” The feel of Les’ wet, slick tongue lapping at his palm was sensuous enough to have Adam’s balls pulling tight.
Fuck, the things this man does to me!
“More, get it good and wet so I can jack you off. I want you to cover me with your cum.”

It was a fetish Adam rarely indulged in because, to him, it was intensely personal, but he loved having a lover come on him, spurting on his face, his chest, his ass—anywhere, really. It was the marking or possessiveness of the act that fired all of Adam’s cylinders, though he didn’t know why. He was just engineered that way, he supposed.

“I want…” Les licked then bit the pad of Adam’s thumb, “that, too.” Then Adam’s

world spun as Les rolled them again, pinning Adam’s smaller body under his. Adam looked up into Les’ fierce expression, sucked into the burning need in his grey eyes. Les’ face was all sharp planes and angles, his lips thin and stretched in a grimace with the force of his arousal, or maybe, Adam hoped, the same need to claim Adam felt.

Les moved so quickly Adam barely had time to part his lips on a gasp before his

mouth was being plundered, the breath stolen from him as Les claimed the moist cavern for his own. Adam’s eyes crossed as pleasure swamped him, physically and emotionally. This is what it felt like to belong to someone, really belong. It wasn’t anything like using someone’s body or being used, nothing as simple as fucking. The complexities were too much to dwell on right now, when Les was kissing him with such bruising perfection—Adam knew his ass wasn’t going to be the only part of him that was sore, and that was fine with him. He opened wider as he humped against Les’ stomach, growling when the man arched his belly up and away.

“I’ll take care of you,” Les said upon ending the kiss. Adam didn’t doubt it. The sultry look the man gave him was almost enough to do it. Les’ lips tipped up in a wicked smile that let Adam know the man was well aware of the effect he was having on him. “Now…”


Bailey Bradford




Les felt like he was on fire, burning from the inside out. He wanted to devour Adam, to bite and taste every inch of his smooth skin, to lick every spot of it and learn each hidden flavour. He nipped a line of kisses down Adam’s jaw and neck, then sucked hard on the dip at the base there. Adam whimpered and shuddered beneath him, and Les felt like the most powerful man in the fucking world. He found one of Adam’s tight little brown nipples and laved it thoroughly as his fingers brushed over the other. Adam’s back arched, a keening sound tearing from his throat.

Oh yeah, Les fucking loved that sound, loved all of Adam’s sounds, the way he tasted, the way those sinewy muscles rippled and contracted, but, even more, he loved the way Adam trusted him enough to come apart for him. Adam didn’t hold back anything when Les was touching him, and Les thought that was likely the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

“Les, please,” Adam panted out, so needy and desperate that Les’ cock leaked in

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