Facade (14 page)

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Authors: Kim Carmichael

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fairytale, #Hollywood, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Facade
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Their tongues intertwined, he pulled her in tighter then skimmed his hands down her side, taking in the swell of her breasts and delectable curves that made up her waist and hips. The woman was gorgeous in every way, inside and out.

“Christine.” At the edge since her little display at breakfast, his body reacted, his need increasing every second. He bucked his hips up to her.

She leaned back and ran her fingers down the buttons of his shirt unfastening them as she went.

Her palms rubbed over his skin and he arched his back. Every time they made love he tried to keep her touches to a minimum, because she could slip at any time and uncover something he wasn’t prepared to share with her, ever, but now with her caressing him, he couldn’t stop her.

She straddled his legs, slid back and reached for his belt buckle.

Before she went further, he caught her hand. “What happened to practicing?”

Her gaze fixed on him, she freed her hand and pulled her dress over her head, revealing all her naked glory. “I want to practice something else first.” A slight smile on her lips, she unbuckled his belt and pulled the buttons of his fly open. His erection sprang into her waiting hands. “You never let me just explore.” She proceeded to stroke him, then leaned over and kissed his neck.

“Ah.” For all the times they’d been together, he made sure to set the pace, keep control, never allowed her hands to wander. Whether he wanted to or not, he knew he couldn’t always keep her at bay.

“Relax, Erik.” She trailed light, but sexy, kisses along the exposed side of his face, and he tried not to flinch.

When at last she kissed down his neck and chest, he allowed himself the luxury of closing his eyes. He relaxed, simply taking in the way every one of her actions heightened his arousal and stoked his desire, but when she got down on her knees and took him into her mouth, he nearly lost it then and there. “Christine!”

After his accident, he never ever thought he would be close to this position ever again. Christine was magic, everything he could ever want. For the first time since the night that took everything from him, he could honestly say that with the woman before him, he might have reclaimed some of what he lost. He tangled his hand in her hair, relishing in everything she gave him willingly.

With the way she sucked and slid her tongue over him as if she were taking in a great delicacy, he throbbed as she took him closer and closer to that one moment everyone craved. Before he went over the edge, he had to have her. “Christine, wait.”

As if knowing what he needed, she reached into his pocket, pulled out a condom, tore it open with her teeth and sheathed him before crawling on top of him once more.

Without even giving him time to think, she lowered herself upon him and he was then treated to the most magnificent performance that ever graced his theatre in the form of her making love to him.

Warm, wet and ready she encompassed him, braced her hands on his chest and rode him. She alternated between a slow grind, and raising and lowering her body down upon him.

Every time their bodies met he was pushed closer and closer to his climax. The combination of her little coos and pants, her speeding up with her own needs and watching her breasts bounce as she propelled herself on him drove him quickly to his end. He needed to release, explode within her in ecstasy and he reached between them, offering her some extra stimulation to bring her with him.

The second his fingertips made contact on her hard, swollen bud, she cried out. “Erik!”

“Come, Christine.” He moved with her and pressed down, giving her the relief she needed.

“I’m there!” Her hips jerked, and she grabbed his wrist to keep him in place.

At seeing her overwhelmed with her orgasm, he had no choice but to join her. He thrust up into her, and in a rush he was overwhelmed with a burst of euphoria, knocking the breath out of him.

The pulses continued. Christine collapsed against him, and he held on, gasping for air as the last few vestiges of pleasures radiated through him.

Spent, it took all of his energy to wrap his arms around her and kiss the side of her head. “Oh, my God, Christine.”

She pushed herself up and stared into his face. “I love that we can do that in the middle of the day. I love that we can just do that.”

A normal act, making love to his woman on a whim. It was something he never wanted to lose. He moved her hair out of her face and traced her nose and mouth with his fingers. “You, my dear, are very beautiful. I will never tire of looking at you.”

She mimicked his actions, first outlining his eye, part of his nose and his mouth lightly with her nail. Then, in a move he didn’t expect, she did the same down his side of his mask.

He tensed and lifted his hand to grab her hand.

“No.” She shook her head. “Trust me, Erik.”

With no choice, he clutched the arm of the seat and allowed her to feather her fingertips down his mask, causing him to shudder with the expected attention to nerve endings that were rarely touched.

At last, she lowered her hand, leaned forward, and kissed him. “You never told me if you would take me to the masquerade party.”

His heart racing, he exhaled. “What if I say no?”

“Then I say that’s okay. I understand.”

Yes, she would understand to a point, while this was new, then one day it would get old. “I’ll take you.”

“Thank you.” She hugged him and rested her head on his shoulder.

Once more, he found himself staring up at the ceiling. One day he would have to be there for more than a party, and one day he would have to show her what lay behind the mask,. He just had to make sure that when that time came, it meant forever. Finite wouldn’t work for him.


Chapter Seventeen

The production assistant pointed to the door. “Why don’t you go wait in the green room? You’ll be the final soloist.”

Without having to do hair, makeup or wardrobe, Christine was a bit early. Things went smoother this week on all counts and all she wanted was an easy taping, one where she could go out, sing her song, hopefully make it through the elimination and go home.

The second she stepped inside the holding tank, she knew it wasn’t going to be smooth sailing.

“I was wondering when at last you would have the guts to show your face.” Bottle of water held up like a fine martini glass, Carly sat reclined on the couch with Ramon and the rest of the band around her.

Christine willed her heart not to speed, her stomach not to twist. In truth, she brought this confrontation on herself by not facing the music in the first place, and she wouldn’t do herself or Erik the disservice of running away again. “We just haven’t crossed paths.”

Ramon turned away, while the other two members of the band didn’t even acknowledge her.

“I can’t believe you actually had the gall to audition after vanishing into thin air.” Carly snapped her fingers. “I suppose the show had a void to fill with a needy, doe-eyed singer. Everyone here has a role.”

Others in the room looked over at them.

“It’s true.” Carly let out a snicker. “Don’t any of you think any different.”

“What’s your role?” Christine attempted to keep her voice even, because she couldn’t come off as weak.

The door opened and the production assistant peeked his head inside. “Rat Race get on deck.”

Carly stood. The rest of her band parroted her action, and they all headed toward the door. Before exiting, she turned back. “Our role is that of winner. As I always suspected, we didn’t need a backup singer at all, and I’m so glad we got rid of the dead weight. We will see some of you at the Masquerade party.” With a flip of her hair, Carly and the rest of the band left.

All eyes on her, Christine stared straight ahead and took a seat on the couch. The competition was down to eight contestants, four bands and four singers. On the monitor, she watched the country singer from the week before and then Rat Race. They did a fine rendition of their song, but while it seemed like some of the other artists tried to step outside and add something new to their chosen genre, they chose to sing their popular song closer to the original.

One by one the contestants were called on stage, until she was alone in the green room. Rather than focus on Carly and Rat Race, she focused on nailing her song. All the work Erik put in recording her music ensured it would be just right. She had to do right by him and his musical legacy and she wondered when it would be the right time to tell him she knew about his past. Lost in her own thoughts, she jumped when the door opened once more.

“Christine, you’re on deck. The show is running long, so right after your performance stay on stage. During the commercial break everyone else will join you for the eliminations.” The production assistant stepped back.

She nodded and followed the man to the side of the stage. Chimera’s Dungeon was receiving the last of their critiques from the judges.

Justin, the pop singer, clapped. “You guys nailed that country tune, the edge you put to it was perfect.”

“Great job!” The emcee motioned for the group to go off stage. “We’re going to take a quick break, and then we will be back with our final performance of the night.”

“Get ready,” the production assistant whispered.

The lights went down and Christine took her spot and waited. Rather than the dramatic cloak from her last performance, Erik dressed her in a form-fitting vintage 1940s lipstick red gown. She appeared as if she could have stepped off an old time musical where the women were dressed way too formally, but it was perfect for a Broadway song.

As they returned from break, the cameras moved, the emcee came on stage, and a little twitch of nerves tickled her stomach. She chose to focus on where Erik could be tonight. Not that it mattered, she knew he was watching her, she knew he would be there.

“Ladies and gentleman, Christine Day singing a Broadway show tune.” The emcee held out his arm and backed away.

The instant Christine’s music started, she knew something was off. The beat was slightly fast, the tone a little off. Maybe to an untrained ear it wouldn’t have been noticeable, but she had now sung with this music enough to detect the slightest variation.

Right before her cue, the music sped as if someone hit the fast forward button, then slowed to crawl, then stopped all together.

Her heart seized, her muscles tightened, as she stood frozen with every spotlight on her. As the last act of the night, there wasn’t any time to spare. What did she do now?

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the emcee coming out on stage, and the audience began to rumble. But one voice, the only voice that mattered, whispered in her ear.


Instinct alone caused her to glance behind her and she swore in the far corner she saw of flicker of something white in the darkness, a mask.

Without further delay, she turned back, took a breath and did as Erik demanded.

She sang.

In her mind, the music played, and when she closed her eyes, she could practically see the notes hanging in the air. She visualized Erik as he recorded the music playing each instrument and mixing it all together to fit her voice. Above all else, she did what she needed to do, she sang. With Erik there, she could do anything.

Somehow, with only the music of her mind, she got the entire tune out, and as the last of her notes echoed through the stage, she opened her eyes.

The crowd burst into applause, the judges stood and the emcee rushed to her side. “Well, this gives a new meaning to what live television is about. I know I’m floored, judges?”

Breathless, Christine waited for the verdict.

Justin, the pop star, weighed in first. “The definition of a star is someone who can roll with the punches. I didn’t even realize the music was missing.”

Christine couldn’t stop a smile.

The writer shook his head. “I have no words except, bravo.”

“I have a question.” Michelle Mitchell, the last judge put her hands on her hips.

Unsure if she could even utter a word, Christine waited.

“Who were you looking for when you turned around?” The woman raised her eyebrows.

No way would she ever tell the truth. Rather than answer, Christine smiled and shrugged. The crowd went wild.

“I think I can speak for the rest of the judges when I say you are definitely in our final six.” Michelle gave her a thumbs-up.

“Let’s bring out the rest of the contestants for the elimination.” The emcee put his arm around her.

The elimination happened in a blur, with the requisite flame and some smoke for good measure. By this point, she knew she was set and barely paid attention except for the fact that the nice girl who originally sang the country song was safe as was Rat Race and the group she saw as her largest competition, Chimera’s Dungeon.

Once the lights went down, they all made their way off the stage. A couple of the other acts offered their congratulations, while out of the corner of her eye she spied Carly staring at her with narrowed eyes and shaking her head.

Rather than have another run-in, and wanting to get to Erik, Christine stepped up to receive her next assignment.

“Congratulations!” One of the production assistants handed her a pink card. “Here’s your song. We’ll see you at the Masquerade.”

She glanced at the card. Rock ballad. Erik should like this one. Maybe it would give her the opportunity to reveal she knew his past, but before that she and Erik deserved their first night out together as a couple.

With the commotion of everyone receiving their assignments, she walked straight back to her meeting place. She didn’t even bother to pause or call out his name before stepping through the trap door.

The most magnificent set of arms caught her. “Barely a warning.” Erik chuckled and kissed her.

“I knew you would be there.” She tucked the card into his coat and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“You did well tonight. I suppose I now I have no choice but to escort my diva to a party.” As always, he carried her out to the waiting car.

Maybe once they overcame the hurdle of going out like a real couple, he could trust her with the rest of his secrets like who he really was and what lay behind the mask.

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