Fairy Prey (5 page)

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Authors: Anna Keraleigh

BOOK: Fairy Prey
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Whisper flew them to the
edge of the forest, and they landed with a gentle thump. His hands were still
on her hips, and she glared up at him ready to reprimand. There was a sizzle in
the direction of the caves and another collapse. Their actions must have sent
the entire circuit of tunnels up. More boulders tumbled from the cliffs into
the waters below and dirt began to pour into every crevice. The ground beneath
them rumbled, and Morrigan found herself struggling to stay upright. Whisper’s
hands were once again around her waist, and they shot off into the sky like a
rocket. Her hair was plastered to her head, and she felt the cool breeze shift
down her billowing shirt. Once at the treetops they came to an abrupt stop.

Morrigan glanced down.
The ground was broken and uneven. Talk about a cave in. She frowned and looked
at Whisper. “Sorry.” Morrigan hated saying that word, but considering what she
just set off and nearly got them both injured, she said the damn apology.

“I’m not. I got to hold
you again.” His voice was low, and his eyes were trained on her lips.

Damn it, she would not
play with this fairy. Whisper tilted his head and leaned closer. His breath
fanned her cheek and his fingers caressed her hips. She would have pushed away
if it weren’t for the long fall beneath her and her lack of wings, but that
protest began to lose strength as his lips brushed over her check. Gentle and
tender. She swallowed hard. This was a horrible mistake. This would turn out to
be such a catastrophe.

Whisper pressed his hand
against her throat, his fingers digging into the delicate column of her neck.
His lips were on hers and strength left her like a deep breath. Whisper’s kiss
was consuming. His lips and tongue forced her to open her mouth wider. She
tilted her head further to the right. The passion was so intense she closed her
eyes and gave over to the command of his touch. His hand tightened. Could he
feel her pulse pumping wildly beneath his palm? Pleasure made her womanhood
come alive and she squeezed her thighs together, flexing her inner muscles.
Something sharp rasped across her tongue and the sting only added to the
growing lust.

Just as Whisper swept
her from the world, he pulled away. She felt the loss of his lips like a hammer
to her heart. Her lungs were burning and she took a deep breath as he released
her neck. His eyes were boring into her, black as night. Morrigan swallowed the
small drops of blood on her tongue. She wasn’t crazy. He did have fangs!

“We must return,” he
said quietly.

Morrigan nodded,
stunned, confused, and horny all in one. She held onto his waist as they flew
away from the destroyed caves. His muscles flexed beneath her palms, and the
warmth from his body increased her zeal. She wanted him like no other, but the
dominance he displayed scared the crap out of her. What if he was just as
ruthless in bed? Would he tie her up? Would he fuck her until she screamed out
in abandon? Did she really want such a thing? Thoughts ruined the moment, and
she fought down the desire as they made their way over treetops toward the
fairy kingdom.

The sun was still in the
sky as they passed the willow tree and descended into the area. She was still
awed by the demolition of this place. There were leprechauns running all
around. She counted at least ten as they flew toward home base. Morrigan
watched them scurry this way and that. She was stunned by how friendly and
rather cute they were. It was a quick flight before they were beside the
waterfall. Morrigan hesitated to let go of him, and when she realized how her
hands lingered, she quickly pulled away. He smiled down at her, keeping those
fangs hidden. When she reached the door, Whisper held it open for her. It was
old-school, what a true gentleman would do, and she hid the small smile on her
face. This was not time to be thinking about sexy fairies and getting laid.
This was a war! Now if only she could tell her emotions that.

“How did it go?” Brook

Morrigan jumped as if she
were caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Technically she was. Morrigan
jerked her sight from Whisper and addressed her cousin. “Complete. They’re

She perked up. “No

“Nope.” Well, no troll
issues, but the kiss between them had added a completely new complication.

“Good. There’s more
caves to the south. I’d like you both to head there next. That’ll give them
nowhere to hide but the forest.” Brook turned on her heel but spoke over her
shoulder. “When you return, you should think about getting sword lessons.”

“Sword?” Morrigan cocked
a brow.

“That magic weapon you
hold did not help you last time,” Whisper said from the door. “I can teach

Great, just what she
needed. The sexy, dark fairy teaching her to wield a sword when all she could
think about was sucking his “sword.” Morrigan hung her head as she went back
out into the sunshine. She shivered as Whisper held her close and tried not to
get hypnotized by his eyes. They were back in the air, heading toward the
second set of caves. It didn’t take long. She could have probably jogged the
distance, but they landed a few feet away. Once again, there was a narrow path,
but this one widened to disappear into a dark cave. Below this entrance was a
sharp cliff that ended with a hard landing upon a jagged, rocky beach. Morrigan
peeked over the edge and frowned.

“You remain here. I will
destroy it.”

She was going to protest
but she did screw up their last plan. Morrigan nodded, pulled out her gun, and
watched the surrounding area as Whisper flew to the cave entrance. She couldn’t
help but be sidetracked by the sight of him. He wore light, flexible armor, and
his black wings were fluttering quickly. His blue hair was bright in the
sunlight, almost as if he had highlights. Morrigan shook her head as he faded
into the caves darkness. Her head was once again not in the moment.

This time it cost her.




Chapter Five


Something smelly and
bulky came out of the forest. It slammed into her side and knocked her to the
very edge of the cliff. Morrigan cursed as she rolled from the brink and
slammed the gun into the troll’s head. “Stupid. Smelly. Fucker.” Morrigan
pulled the trigger. The proximity blew a gaping hole in the troll’s head. She
spun and found another one charging toward her. There was an inhumane roar and
the next thing Morrigan knew, the troll charging her cried out. Its head parted
from its body with a single blow from Whisper’s sword. She turned toward
another stampeding beast. Apparently, they had just stumbled upon the trolls’

At least
this would stop her lusty appetite.

The gun was knocked out
of her hand and she fell back, pulling the knife free from her ankle sheath.
She landed roughly but pulled the blade up and slammed it into the troll’s
neck. Black oozed from the wound, and she pushed him off her. The body tumbled,
began to roll, and rocketed right off the cliff. She quickly got to her feet
and saw Whisper in a battle of swords with six different trolls. He was holding
his own, maybe even kicking some ass.

Morrigan decided it was
time to even the odds.

She ran toward them,
leaping at the last moment to land on a troll’s back. It hissed and spun. She
sank the blade into its head. The thing abruptly stopped moving and fell head
first into the dirt. Morrigan turned around, ready for the fight, but when she
returned to brawl, the trolls were already dead. They lay scattered about the
ground with Whisper in the center of the morbid circle. He killed them all that
quickly? Her lips parted to gasp.

Whisper looked up from
the dead. Locks of hair blocked his eyes as he watched her intensely. He
grinned, his lips parting, his fangs protruding like a damn vampire. Morrigan couldn’t
breathe as his black wings began to flutter. He rushed toward her, his head
partly lowered like an animal charging. In seconds, he was before her, wrapping
his arms around her body and kissing her. His fangs pierced the delicate skin
of her lip but she didn’t care. Drops of her blood blended with their saliva as
he stole her very soul. Her hands slipped in the blood on his arms. She hissed
as he fisted her shirt and tugged. The material ripped, fell to each side of
her body, revealing her small breasts and pebbled nipples. Whisper pulled away
then growled as his mouth suckled at one of the hard buds.

Morrigan’s head fell
back. She could hardly breathe as he pulled that nipple into his mouth and
created such amazing sensations. His fangs slid along her responsive flesh but
didn’t break the skin. It was a tease, a torment.

Whisper groaned as he
landed on his knees before her, his tongue swirling along her skin. He shoved
her pants down her hips in one swoop. Morrigan gasped as the warm sunrays
touched the most intimate parts of her body. She couldn’t control the quiver as
his hands traced each hip and then his finger probed between her legs. Two
fingers pierced her core. Her inner muscles flexed and her knees began to

Whisper caught her
falling body, spinning her and shoving her onto her belly. Morrigan couldn’t
think, couldn’t speak. She could only feel as he propped her ass up and
fingered her pussy. Delightful, overwhelming pleasure consumed every damn
thought as she felt his warm bare thighs against her skin. She called out his
name. Over and over, his name left her lips and then Morrigan felt it, felt
him. His cock head pressed at her entrance. She felt the silky skin press
against her wet core and dip inside. His name became a series of continual
moans as his cock slowly pushed into her. He was big! Her core was being
stretched, and there was pleasure with pulses of pain.

Her skin burned like a
fever. Whisper grabbed her hair and tugged her head back. She bared her neck to
the cliffs as he speared into her. All of him. Deep and thick, his cock thrust
within her, and Morrigan came. The relief was intense. Her body clamped around
his hardness, and she squeezed with every ounce of her being.

She gasped long and hard
when the orgasm faded. Whisper then began to move. In and out, he slammed into
her and made her cry out with the sheer gratification of his touch. He let go
of her hair and her head fell forward. She was still gasping as he grabbed her
hips and fucked her from behind like a wild animal. Her core trembled as
another orgasm gripped her. This time she milked his cock and felt him stiffen
behind her. Whisper let out this enormous roar as he emptied his semen into her

Morrigan jerked back,
the climax so extreme she closed her eyes and held her breath. Her toes curled,
and Morrigan’s fingers dug into the dirt beneath her. She gasped. Her heart
pounded in her ears as Whisper pulled his thick, satisfied cock from her body.

What the hell just
happened? Her breaths were still gulps of air as she rushed to her feet. She
shoved her jeans up her hips and avoided looking at him. She just had sex with
the man she wanted to avoid. The fairy with dark eyes and darker intentions
just blew her fucking mind. Morrigan pulled the shirt together and glanced at
the dead bodies around them. They had sex in the middle of this. The trolls’
lifeless eyes had watched her on her knees begging for Whisper’s dick.
Embarrassment joined with shame. She was so consumed by lust her mind had fled
and her body had taken control.

“I must tend to the
cave,” he said in his deep, sultry tone.

Morrigan didn’t trust
her voice so she just nodded. He flew off into the cave, and she took a long,
deep breath. That had been the best sex of her life. She loved the way he
dominated her. Her hands shook as she closed the edges of her torn shirt as
best as possible. Morrigan had been submissive and that scared her. Submission
meant weak, pathetic, victim. Tears welled in her eyes, but she fought them and
blinked rapidly to dispel any resemblance of crying. She was not weak like her
father told her numerous times. Morrigan refused to let anyone beat her. She
had been subjected to so much blood in her childhood. Her mother’s words rang
in her ears.
It was my fault. I shouldn’t
have angered him.
So many excuses that her ears had rung and eventually, as
Morrigan grew, she knew her mother had been too weak to stand up to him. Too
pathetic to protect herself. When Morrigan understood what was going on, that
fathers beating mothers was wrong, he died. Struck by a damn car on the highway
the day she planned to throw the hairdryer in the tub with him. Morrigan
snorted at the irony. A few years later, her mother passed and then it was just
her and Brook.

Still those memories of
mopping up blood off the kitchen tiles while trying to hide the tears from
everyone returned. She vowed never to be feeble again and then came Whisper.
The dark fairy that threw all those years of self-sufficiency and strength out
the window because with him she lost control. In one thrust, he took all her
power away, and she had let him. Hell, Morrigan had enjoyed it, and that is
what scared her the most. She lost the control, handed it to Whisper on a
silver damn platter, and she liked it. Morrigan was so overwhelmed with emotion
she hardly heard the cave implode or the beat of the wings as he approached.
“I’ll walk,” she said suddenly, still avoiding his eyes.

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