Fairy Prey (8 page)

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Authors: Anna Keraleigh

BOOK: Fairy Prey
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“If we break that open,
the ceiling will cave in,” Whisper said.

Morrigan’s hope faded.
He was right. There wasn’t much holding that ceiling up, and when it did go,
the whole place would be crumbled and they’d be back on the main floor with the
kelpie. “Damn it.” She was just about out of optimism.

“We will survive,”
Whisper said without an ounce of sarcasm.

“Can you see the future
now? Some crystal ball I don’t know about?” She sat back against the rock wall.

“My balls are not
crystal.” He grinned, showing some fang. “And we will not die because I have
yet to get you in my bed. Tied down...” He leaned closer. “Legs spread, breasts
bared to my eyes with small wooden clamps squeezing them.”

Morrigan blanched. She
swallowed hard and stared at Whisper. He really was a dominant. “I am not subservient.”
She tried for tough, unflinching, but it came out rather hoarse.

“You are my submissive.”
He closed the gap between them. His mouth on her created a wild erotic ride as
he ravaged her lips. His tongue and fangs gave the kiss more depth, and by the
time he pulled away, she was creaming between her legs and clenching her thighs
together. She knew just how good the sex with him could be. Her cheeks grew hot
as she thought of their first time, fucking on the battlefield like animals.
What would it be like if Whisper took his time? Morrigan bit her bottom lip.
She could only imagine the heights he could bring her. He leaned closer, this
time his lips lingering on her neck. He suckled her tanned skin, and she felt
the sting of his fangs sliding across her delicate flesh.

“What’s with the fangs?”
There. She asked.

He stopped his sensual
exploration of her neck. Their eyes locked, and he parted his lips to show her
the white, sharp teeth. He seemed to be debating the answer. She wasn’t sure
she was prepared for the answer.

“I am...mutated. I carry
several troll traits.”

“You’re part troll?”

“Not by choice,” he said
harshly and then kicked the nearest rock through the hole. There was a thunk as
it landed below them and a plop as it bounced into the water. “I was...born in
the fairy kingdom, but my parents were not in agreement with the old king’s
policies. We moved away, alone in the woods, and it wasn’t long before the
trolls found us. Two old fairies and a young boy.” He shook his head. “They
were killed and I was taken.” Whisper slipped a strap off his shoulder and over
his arm. “They kept me alive, unwilling and scared out of my mind. I lost all
sense of time as they fed off me.” He pulled the armor that he always wore off
his chest.

Morrigan’s mouth fell
open. On his muscular chest were bite marks. She could see the outline of the
mouth and two sharp puncture holes. “They bit you.”

“The king did not tell the
whole truth. The trolls do want our territory, but they also want our blood.
For them it’s an aphrodisiac, a pleasure enhancer.”

Morrigan reached out to
touch his chest. Her fingertips dragged along his skin and over the old wounds.
“They didn’t come to look for you, the other fairies?”

“They did not know I was
taken. I grew up with the trolls in a dark cave where they would periodically
come in to feed me or feed off me. When I matured they put me in a big cavern
along with other creatures. Leprechauns, banshees, other fairies and even other
trolls. We fought, battles spurred on by the trolls who kept us captive. I
spent my… what do you call them?... teenage years fighting for my life for
their entertainment.”

Morrigan’s palm caressed
his abs, hard and smooth.

“All the feeding took a
toll, and I needed blood to continue fighting. Therefore, they gave me theirs
and things started changing. I won every single fight.” Whisper grinned. It was
malicious and slightly disturbing. “I became the champion, and when I was
strong enough to escape, I did. I killed everyone in that cavern. Anything that
took a breath to cheer on the bloodshed was dead by my hands, and then I found
the entrance and walked into the sunlight.” He closed his eyes. “It was amazing
to feel the sun on my face again and the wind… oh, how I missed the wind.” He
opened his eyes and looked at Morrigan. “I rejoined the fairy kingdom and kept
the past to myself. I do not know if they would trust someone so dark.”

Morrigan touched the
side of his torso then pulled her hand away. “So you hate the trolls.”

“Stronger than hate.”

“You can’t be the
traitor!” Morrigan was relieved, scared, and horny at the same time.


There was a hiss from
below them and Morrigan stared over the edge to see the kelpie, this time with
large breasts, bouncing them around like she-slash-it was on a trampoline.
“Yeah, real nice!” Morrigan said, full of sarcasm, before returning to Whisper.
“Brook thinks Carrick’s death wasn’t from the trolls.”

Whisper lifted a brow.
“She noted the lack of troll tracks as well? Smart girl...queen.” He cleared
his throat.

“You knew?”

“Suspected.” He leaned
forward and shook his wings like a wet dog. Droplets sprayed everywhere.

“So now she’s up there
was a baby and a traitor, and we’re still fucking stuck down here.” Morrigan
was so fed up with this crap, between her ardent feelings for a dominant and
the crazy shit going on with the trolls. “Okay, how the hell are we going to
get out of here?” She had to think, stop focusing on the shirtless fairy who
made her nipples harden, and concentrate on a plan. “We could kill it and swim
back to the surface.”

Whisper nodded. “Good.”
He shifted to the edge of the entrance.

“What? Wait. How are you
going to kill it?”

He turned toward her and
pulled his sword free. “With you safe up here, I am able to focus on the
enemy.” With that, he hopped down the hole and landed right in front of the
freaky kelpie.

Morrigan knew Whisper
was a badass but watching him battle this thing was astounding. Even without
his wings, he moved with the speed and grace of a big cat. Each movement was
precise and followed by a slice or punch. The kelpie bit at Whisper’s
appendages, but he retreated from each lunge. Morrigan was holding her knife
know, watching with spellbound terror as Whisper fought for their lives. He
wasn’t even breaking a sweat. Lunge, retreat, spin, punch and lunge again,
repeatedly until the kelpie’s arms were bloodied. Red liquid pooled on the rock
floor. Whisper opened his mouth, revealing white fangs, and leapt at the

Morrigan held her

He sunk his fangs into
its neck, pulling at the skin until arterial spray shot out like lightning. He
back flipped away from the howling creature. Red drenched the walls and parts
of Whisper. The thing fell to its knees and then landed with a wet plop.
Whisper shoved it with his foot, sending the lifeless body into the water with
a splash.

“And you couldn’t kick
its ass before we got into the cave!” Damn it, he was scary good.

“I cannot fight in water.”
He stated matter-of-factly.

“And when we were in the

He splashed water over
his body to rid it of blood. “You were in the strike zone.” He looked up at
her. “Remain there.” Whisper began to climb the wall.

“Shouldn’t we be
swimming to the surface?” She moved back and leaned against the rock wall.

“We must wait for the
mate to smell the blood and kill that one too.”

Oh, shit.

“They are always in

Morrigan rubbed her face
with her cold hands. Great, now they could add pissed-off kelpie mate to their
list of problems.

“With you up here, I
will kill it just as quickly.” He pulled himself through the hole.

Morrigan got a fantastic
view of his back and found more bite marks like the ones on his chest. Four in
total and she reached out as if to caress them with her fingertips. She pulled
her hand back to her side when she realized what she was doing. When had her
libido gotten to such power that it ruled over her head?

Whisper began to remove
his leg armor.

Morrigan was speechless,
entranced by his movements as he pulled the armor down his legs to reveal slim
but muscular thighs and well-defined calves. There were no marks here but she
let her sight linger. That was until she saw the patch of skin that was his
ass. She pulled her head to the left so quickly she got whiplash and a sharp
pain in her shoulder.

He was naked.

Whisper was naked!

Next to her.


Morrigan swallowed hard,
squeezing her thighs together at the thought of him turning around and showing
her the thick cock that brought her so much pleasure.

“It will be some time
before the mate smells the blood and returns.” He spoke and then Morrigan felt
his breath fanning her cheek. “I have an idea of what we can do until then.”

“I think we should focus

“Hush.” His voice went
deeper, hoarse, and his lips pressed against her jaw, little kisses followed by
a long lick of his tongue. “Look at me.”

That sounded like a
command, an order, and Morrigan wanted so badly to ignore it, but her body
shivered and she turned her head slightly. There, she wasn’t exactly giving in.
She could see Whisper grinning at her, wickedly and sensually. His fangs were
out. He licked his bottom lip, and Morrigan slowly drew her sight downward.
That amazingly muscled chest, killer abs, outward belly button and...

Morrigan swallowed hard,
her mouth watering.
Well, hello, big boy!
Her lips parted. His cock was primed and ready. The tip was tinted red and
mushroom-shaped with a small hole that leaked white fluid. The shaft was hard,
jutting forward, and thick enough that she wouldn’t be able to wrap her hand
around him. At the base were a few neatly trimmed blue hairs, and to her
surprise, a piercing. She lifted a brow and grinned. “Now where does a fairy
get that?” The piercing looked gold and was in the shape of a miniature dagger.

“I am always with
weapons,” he said slowly. “Now take off your shirt.”

Morrigan obeyed. Well,
sort of. She wanted her shirt off, so it’s not as if she was really obeying him
as much as agreeing with him. She pulled the shirt over her head. Her breasts
were bare, the nipples hardened long ago, and she knew the moment his eyes fell
on her belly button piercing. It was rather comical as hers was a miniature
silver dagger that dangled from short chain to tickle the top of her jeans.

“We are fated.” Whisper
reached out, touching the jewelry with his fingertip. He tugged ever so lightly
before running his hands up her torso. His palms came over her breasts like an
eclipse. He rubbed, his fingers finding her nipples and pinching. The pressure
increased and the pleasure blended with pain. He twisted. She groaned and her
head fell back. When had she become so addicted to the blending of passion and pain?

Whisper leaned forward,
wrapping his lips around a taut nipple and sucking. Her core trembled, and she
grabbed onto his shoulders for balance. He did wicked things with his tongue
and fangs. She could hardly breathe from the satisfaction as he turned his
attention to the other nipple. When his mouth left her body, she groaned, feeling
the loss so heavy she ached. Morrigan opened her eyes, glancing at Whisper.
Blue locks had fallen over his eyes again. They made him look so dangerous and
sexy. She struggled with her jeans. In the cramped quarters, she had to sit
down, pull everything off, and then move back to her knees. She was facing him,
both as naked as the day they were born.

Whisper grabbed his
cock. He stroked it from base to tip and back again. “Your mouth...here.”

Again, an order, but
Morrigan wanted so badly to suck his cock. She ignored the warning bells in her
head. This wasn’t being submissive, just sexual. She wanted this too. Morrigan
went down to her hands and knees, her neck craning so she could close her lips
over the tip of his cock. Whisper groaned. The sound echoed in the small
chamber. Her tongue swirled, and she glided her mouth down the shaft. Morrigan
found that sweet spot under his head and massaged. Whisper’s hips jerked
forward, and his hand fisted in her hair. He pulled her up and she moaned, not
yet finished with that big beautiful dick.

His lips were on hers.
The kiss was animalistic. His hand lowered between her legs. Oh, fuck, she was
so ready to come without much attention at all. His fingers skimmed over her
slit, pressing her pussy lips apart, and then two fingers pierced her core.
Morrigan gasped, her head falling back.

“On your back. Hands
above your head.”

Was that a command? She
frowned, shifting to her butt and then her back. Her legs spread wide, giving
him a view of her pussy. Just the thought of him seeing her most intimate parts
made Morrigan wetter. His thumb caressed her entrance but didn’t penetrate then
skated in her juices up to her clit. Whisper circled the bud and Morrigan found
herself writhing in eagerness, the hard floor forgotten as an orgasm began to

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