Fallen from Grace (31 page)

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Authors: Leigh Songstad

BOOK: Fallen from Grace
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Chills spread down Grace’s spine. Ellis had
Julia? She could have easily been his next victim. “And why would Julia agree to testify?”

“A life on the run, Dr. Winters, is gruesome. Sleepless nights makes one grow weary.”

“Sounds like you know from experience,” Grace stated.

“We’re not talking about me right now,” he scolded. “Ellis has been searching for her, ambitious to tie up loose ends. I believe she’ll be keen to my offer.”

Grace hated to think what Ellis was going to do to her once he found her. The gun in his safe...but how could she trust Jack?

As if reading her mind, he attempted to ease her uncertainty. “You’re going to have to trust me. I swear on my sons life that I will let no harm come to her. By going to Durham and convincing her to accept this deal, you’ll be saving her life. I guarantee it. She needs help. Without it, he’ll find her, and with his military background no one will ever see her again.”

“Why not just go yourself, now that you know where she is?”

“Contrary to what you think of me, I’m not a monster. I’m sure she needs someone to talk to, and given your occupation, I’d say you’re the perfect candidate.”

“And what about me and Judas?”

Jack was adamant. “As long as you don’t interfere with my business, I won’t interfere with your life.”

“You’ll leave Judas alone?”

“If that’s what he wants, then yes.”

“What about Ellis?”

“You let me worry about Ellis. By the time I’m done with him, he’ll be as gentle as a pussycat.”

“Is he going to be President?”


Grace shuddered. “I’m moving out of the country.”

“There will be no need for that. So do we have an agreement?”

“I always wondered why Judas allowed you to control his life, and now I know.”


“Yeah, cause you’re a vindictive son of a bitch.”

He laughed. “I believe my son has used those same words. Perhaps you’re both right, but if it isn’t me pulling Ellis’s strings, it’ll only be someone else.” His voice was ice cold. “You will take my private plane to Durham. We wouldn’t want you using your credit card and leading the Congressman straight to Miss Burrows. I do believe he has been monitoring your every move.”

“What happened to respect for a person’s privacy?”

“Technology happened, Dr. Winters,” Jack responded dryly.

“But how did
know I was here?”

He stood, buttoning his suit. “I’ve had someone watching you too, and when you came back to the Congressman’s apartment building, he alerted me.” His statement was matter-of-fact, and Grace seethed in disdain.

. L
the pillow, he glanced beside him and rubbed his eyes. He looked around his bedroom, then the floor. Grace’s clothes were gone.

“Grace?” he called.

When there was no answer, he shot out of bed and looked inside the bathroom. Running down the hallway, his gaze devoured the small space that was his kitchen, and the living room area. The realization she was gone hit him like a cold bucket of water.

A note was lying on the coffee table; he picked it up and read it. Letting it fall to the floor, he ran to his room. Pulling on a pair of pants, t-shirt and hoodie, he grabbed a pair of socks and his sneakers.

Grabbing his keys and cell phone, he took the stairs three at a time to the street and got into his car. He thrust the key into the ignition, shifted, and peeled out of the curbside space. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he turned it on and scrolled through his contacts until he saw Grace’s name. As soon as he was about to hit send, he lowered the phone and came to a stop at a red light.

He had no idea where she was, or if she’d seen Ellis yet, but if he called her it would only condemn her. Punching his steering wheel, he tossed his phone on the passenger seat, shifted into first gear, and headed to W&W. He had no other choice but to ask Jack for help.

Stepping off the elevator, he walked past Cammie’s desk, threw open Jack’s office door and slammed it shut.

“Judas,” Jack greeted.

His father sounded…cheerful, not the normal cold, callous Jack Woods.

“I need your help.”

“Oh?” Jack stood and walked around his desk. Leaning against it, he gestured toward the vacant chairs in front of him. “Sit. Tell me what’s going on.”

“Someone I care about is in danger. I don’t know where she is, and I need to find her.”

“Slow down. Just tell me what’s going on.”

Judas leaned forward, bracing his elbows against his knees. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his racing heart and told Jack everything Grace had told him. “Congressman Randall is working with an ADA here in New York, the father of Rebecca Meyers. They’re building a case of extortion against us.” Glancing up at his father, he noted his lack of concern.

“And what does this have to do with the woman you’re looking for?”

“She’s the Congressman’s fiancé…was his fiancé. She left him, and now I think he’s going to hurt her.”

“Do you know where she last was?”

“No, he has pictures of us together. Sexual photos that he’s threatened to expose to the media if she leaves him. I think she went to get them.”

“I see.”

Judas took his phone out of his pocket and pressed play on the memo he recorded in Ellis’s car. Once it was finished he looked up to see a smile curving Jack’s lips. “I think the ADA working with Ellis is the one who was able to get me released from jail.”

“Interesting…may I?” Jack asked, holding his hand out.

Handing his father the phone, he swept his fingers through the sides of his hair. “If something happens to her, I’ll die. I love her, Dad.”

Jack stilled. It was the first time Judas had called his father that in over a decade.

“Don’t worry, she’s safe Judas,” Jack supplied.

Hearing Grace was safe calmed Judas, but at the same time he questioned how Jack could know that. “What are you talking about, how do you know?”

“Because as we speak, she’s on my plane headed to Durham, North Carolina.”

“And why is that?”

Jack sighed. “We need to talk, Judas. I don’t think you’re going to like me very much after I tell you this.”

“Well, I already despise you, so that’s nothing new.”

A toilet flushed from Jacks in suite bathroom, and a man walked out. “This is ADA Meyers, Judas. Stephen, this is my son.”

Judas shot up straight. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Language, Judas,” Jack chastised. “You may recognize him. When you were a teenager, and your mother held her dinner parties, ADA Meyers was a frequent guest and he’s also Rebecca’s father.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your mother, Judas. She was a great woman.”

Judas looked from him to Jack. “He’s the one working with Ellis.”

“Actually, it’s the other way around,” Jack supplied.

“What are you talking about?”

Jack grabbed a cigar out of a box on his desk, offering one to Judas and the ADA. Meyers took one, but Judas shook his head. After they had both taken their fucking time lighting their stogies, Jack explained.

“When I caught wind six months ago that Congressman Randall was planning to run for president, I saw an opportunity and seized it. Judges and cops are such small fish, but a president…” He whistled. “That’s power. I took a look into his past but didn’t see anything out of place. The guy’s perfect. Too perfect, and it was by chance that I came across some information regarding the woman he was engaged to prior to Grace. When I’d discovered she had suddenly gone missing, I knew I’d struck gold. I tried to find her, but I kept running into dead ends, and I nearly gave up. And then I discovered he had a girlfriend, the young and talented, Dr. Winters.” Judas balled his fists, and Jack held up his hands. “Wait, just listen. I’m getting to the best part of the story.”

Jack took a puff, then continued. “I knew a woman of her stature wouldn’t put up with someone like Ellis Randall. She graduated Maude Cum Laude in her undergrad and finished her doctorate by twenty-five. A woman like that doesn’t just take the backseat in a relationship. I knew Ellis would eventually show his true colors, and that it was just a matter of time, so I thought I would speed along the process. Hence, you.”

It took Judas a moment to understand, then it hit him. He looked at the ADA. “You’re the one that stood up, Rebecca. At the restaurant that night.” Judas’s gaze turned to Jack. “And you knew Rebecca would call me. But how did you know Grace and I would get together?”

Jack shrugged and took a draw off his stogie. “Call it a hunch. You have a tendency to attract anything in heels.”

“You vindictive, son of a bitch.”

Jack shook his head. “Interesting choice of words.”

“What?” Judas snapped.

“Nothing,” Jack said with a smug smile. “It doesn’t matter. I have everything I need. The doctor has secured my insurance policy over the Congressman, and he will no longer be a problem for you two. You and Grace are safe now.”

Judas didn’t know what to say. He’d never felt such mixed emotions. On one hand, he was relieved Grace was safe, but on the other, he wanted to kill Jack for involving her in this.

The ADA chose this moment to speak up. “Congratulations on your undefeated career, Judas. That’s quite the-”

Judas punched him in the face.

“Judas!” Jack yelled, and grabbed him around the waist, pulling him back. “What the hell are you doing?”

Judas twisted out of Jack’s grasp and turned to ADA Meyers.

“That’s for Rebecca.”

He grabbed his hoodie off the chair and walked to the door. As soon as he opened it, Cammie jumped back. Ellis was standing behind her. Judas’s jaw tightened as Ellis came to stand beside him inside the office.

“Why don’t you stay, Judas? Take a seat,” Jack said, then looked at Ellis. “Congressman Randall, thank you for coming.”

“You didn’t give me much choice,” Ellis spat.

Jack laughed and looked at Cammie. “That will be all.”

She nodded her head and closed the door behind Ellis. The Congressman stood rigidly next to the door, looking at Jack, Judas and then his hardened gaze fell on ADA Meyers. “What the hell are you doing here, Meyers?”

“We’ll be the ones asking the questions, Ellis,” Jack said. “Tell me how is your ex-girlfriend doing? What’s her name? Julia Burrows?” Ellis’s face paled. “You look as if you need a drink. Why don’t you pour us all a glass of scotch, Judas?”

For years, Judas had been providing his father with information to blackmail people, but he had never seen him in action. His father was in his element. His cocky grin, relaxed demeanor and lack of remorse said he wasn’t playing games. But if they were, Jack held all the cards.

Judas poured four drinks and handed them separately to each man. Ellis reluctantly took a seat in front of Jack’s desk and took a large gulp. “I’ve been fucking played,” he said, looking at Meyers.

“Don’t take it personally, business is business, Ellis,” ADA Meyers said.

“What do you want, Jack?” Ellis asked, downing the rest of his drink.

“I was hoping you might ask. Not too much, it’s pretty simple really,” Jack replied, taking a drink. “You’ll put a stop to the case you’ve been building against me and my son. You’ll continue on with your campaign, and I’ll put my full support behind you. Once you are president, perhaps we can discuss things further. Until then, you’ll make an announcement of an amicable split between you and the good doctor and never contact her again. If you do, I’ll make sure the world learns about your abusive nature. Agreed?”

Ellis leaned forward. “Do I even have a choice?”

“Not really,” Jack said, leaning his weight against his desk. “Don’t look so defeated. If you want run with the big dogs, you better be prepared for the bite. It’s a part of the game.”

“I don’t know how you expect me to be elected president as a single man. Name one president in the history of the US that was a bachelor,” Ellis spat.

“James Buchanan, Jr. He was the fifteenth president and a lifelong bachelor,” Jack provided. “I know you had high hopes of the good doctor furthering your chances, but don’t worry. I believe the country will be more inclined to accept a bachelor over a

“Fuck you,” Ellis seethed.

Judas had heard enough. He sat his untouched glass of scotch on the wet bar and grabbed his hoodie off the stool. Walking to the door, he looked behind him at his father, his accomplice and his newest trophy. They all deserved each other.

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