Farmers & Mercenaries

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Authors: Maxwell Alexander Drake

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Farmers & Mercenaries
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In a sleepy farming stead, a young man, Alant Cor, is found to be one of the few Humans who can manipulate the Essence. And, not simply manipulate it. Alant has more power over this magical force than any Human in known history. Does his younger brother, Arderi Cor, possess the same ability, or something more sinister?

Clytus Rillion, the commander of a mercenary troop, embarks on a quest to cure his dying son, Sindian. Though he doubts he will survive the journey, he will pay any price to save his son’s life.

The beast, known only as Klain, born a slave and now used to entertain the masses in a bloodthirsty sport known as the Games, finds out his true value to those who own him lies with his death.

All are resigned to walk the paths fate has put them upon. Yet, is this of their own accord? Or, is an ancient and powerful race, the Elmorr’Antiens, manipulating the other inhabitants of Talic’Nauth? Change is falling upon the Plane. Some Elmorr’Antiens are making preparations to weather the storms ahead - others intend to use the coming chaos to seize power over all the races.

Follow these seemingly unrelated lives as their paths are set on a course that none can hope to survive. Readers of the Genesis of Oblivion Saga will immerse themselves in the depth of a unique world culture, the grandeur of its civilizations, and the sheer awe of more than ninety-six thousand years of history!

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are either fictitious or are used fictitiously.



Text copyright © by Imagined Interprises, Inc.

Jacket art copyright © by Imagined Interprises, Inc.

Jacket art by Lars Grant-West

Illustrations in book © by Imagined Interprises, Inc.

Illustrations by Maxwell Alexander Drake

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. This includes the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Content Editor - Patrick LoBrutto

Line Editor - Jo Wilkins

Proof Editor - Lorraine Stalians

Published in the United States by Imagined Interprises, Inc.,

6955 N. Durango Dr. Suite. 1115-717

Las Vegas, NV 89149

I.I.I. fantasy is a registered trademark of

Imagined Interprises, Inc.

Genesis Of Oblivion is a registered trademark of

Maxwell Alexander Drake

ISBN: 978-0-9819548-0-6 (Kindle eBook Edition)

Second Revision: December 2010

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Available upon Request

s this is my first novel, you will have to suffer through a long-winded dedication page, so here it goes…

First and foremost, I want to thank all the professionals who helped, in large ways and small, for making this series a reality. Patrick LoBrutto for giving me courage, Jo Wilkins for giving me direction, David Compton for giving me confidence – though he may not even remember me, Lorraine Stalians for giving me encouragement, and the Henderson Writer’s Group for giving me my first fans. I would like to give a special thanks to Lars Grant-West for giving me such an awesome cover and worlds of help!

My thanks goes out to “The Group”—Paul, Jon, Ethan, Nick, and Kane. Without you having been in my life, I would not have had the imagination to create this. Always remember that a day does not pass without you being in my thoughts as well as my heart.

To those who gave me the spark for the love of fantasy, Charlie, Shannon, and Jonathan. I will always cherish our night-long gaming sessions. Though we have not seen each other in many a year, I hope that you have found all the adventure we sought as children.

Finally, to my family. To my grandparents and mother for their continued support, both emotionally and financially. My lovely wife, who is the Joy of my life. And my two boys, who are more than worth “paying what needs be paid.”


ello and thank you for purchasing this eBook edition of
Farmers & Mercenaries - Book One of the Genesis of Oblivion Saga

Just a note before you start reading. For those who have been following I.I.I. since its inception in 2008, you will know that we take great pride in not only producing an entertaining product, but a high quality one as well. This is evident in the quality of our print and audio books. We are attempting to be as diligent with our electronic books.

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So, to make you aware of this, below is a sample picture of how the text "should" look.

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The following is the same text, but in code and displayed by your eBook reader. Please note if there are any differences, you may not see our special fonts later in this book.

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Normal Text - Most of the book

Italic Text - For inner monologue

Dialogue - Elmorr'Antien dialogue

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Starting in chapter forty, you will see the Elmorr'Antien dialogue. Please take note of how it is displayed above. This will enhance your reading enjoyment. We have also found a few instances where the above text displays correctly on this page, yet incorrectly later in the book. We do not know why certain eBook readers have this issue. We simply wanted to make you aware of it. If you find that something is not working on your device, find an error, or have some advice on improving this eBook edition, please feel free to email us at [email protected].

"Good. You are ready."
Prince Aritian smiled down at him with his thin, dark-black lips.

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