Read Fastball (Wilde Players Dirty Romance) Online

Authors: Hargrove,A.M.,Laine,Terri E.

Fastball (Wilde Players Dirty Romance) (21 page)

BOOK: Fastball (Wilde Players Dirty Romance)
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“You know, now that we’re married, I think I’m going to start withholding sex. I only used that as a means to get you.”

Then I plant a kiss on him to stop his protest. Teasing me back, he grips my hips and nudges me enough for me to get how much he’s not on board with my plan. Our lip-lock grows into something more. That gets us a round of applause and laughter as it lingers longer than appropriate. But when did we ever do anything by the rules?

“You know I’m teasing you, right?” I whisper as we walk. “I married you because you are the best man I know. And you make me a better woman. I love you for that. I love you for you.”

Walking back down the aisle, I take in the elaborate setup in the back of the hotel. With lights strung in small trees, the place is magical and sought after for weddings. I wanted a small wedding, but I’d agreed to marry him in Charlotte.

Logistically, it made sense. Many of Ryder’s former teammates as well as his family and friends are in town. The hotel could accommodate the numbers for the location of the wedding and reception in one place. Ryder had suggested Waynesville. And even though it’s home, there are too many sad memories for me to be dead set on having it there. Charlotte made more sense.

“You make a beautiful bride, Gina,” Ryder’s mom says, kissing my cheek and bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Thank you for accepting me into your family.”

And they have. Never once have they made me feel like an outsider because I didn’t grow up like they did.

Ryder kisses his mother’s cheek. “Everyone give us a minute. I would like to spend a few minutes with my wife alone.”

That gets a round of cheers and good nature catcalls from some. Ryder’s entire family is here, including Fletcher and his parents. His brother, Chase, even shows up. He’s in town for a few weeks before he flies back out of the country. We haven’t seen him since the Cougars won the pennant. He, however, doesn’t seem entirely here. And he only got into town this morning, so I haven’t had a chance to talk to him. What I do know is that he’s made a name for himself in the world of European soccer.

Ryder doesn’t take me inside the house. Instead, we head for the room that had been designated for me to get dressed in. Slipping inside, we make it just inside the door before his mouth is on mine. Before I can loose myself in his touch, I pull back.

“Wait, I need to tell you something.”

“Talk later. I need you right now. That dress…”

When he has a fist full of fabric bunched at my thigh, a knock precedes the door opening, and Fletcher pokes his head in. “I saw you guys head in this direction. The photographer wants you out here.”

Ryder groans. “Remind me again why I made you my best man.”

Fletcher only grins. We follow him back into the fray. Once we get to the bridal part for pictures, Riley gives me a look, knowing what Fletcher broke up.

“Congratulations, sister-in-law,” Riley says.

She’s gorgeous and oblivious to Mark’s prolonged gazes. The guy has it bad. I have a bit of nostalgia as I remember when he looked at me that way. However, I’m ecstatic for him. Riley reminds me of myself. But she’s a Wilde. And something tells me, she’s more of a romantic than she thinks she is.

It isn’t until the photographer takes us aside that I finally have a quiet moment with my husband.

“Wife,” he says.

Butterflies rush through me. Something about knowing we are truly and well married makes me feel girlish as heat rushes to my cheek. “Husband.”

“No kissing,” the photographer admonishes as Ryder is about to do just that. “Only a few more.”

As the man sets up the shot, I whisper, “I’m pregnant.”

The picture of Ryder’s face will turn out to be one of my favorites. It’s comical how large his eyes get and somehow with perfect timing, it is captured forever.

Ryder will never say it, but I think he wanted us to have a kid close in age to Fletcher and Cassie’s impending bundle. He wants our kids to have the bond he and Fletcher had before his family moved to the other side of the country.

And even though we settled on a place in New York I insisted on paying for, because as I told Ryder we are partners, he’s convinced me for us to make Waynesville our home base. My father and grandparents are there. And Fletcher and Cassidy have a house there. So we are scouting locations of land for us to build something. And maybe a lot large enough for me to build something for my dad, too. Riley will keep the condo once we have our place built. So Fletcher and Cassidy will be close.

The apartment we selected in Manhattan is grand, but it’s kind of hard not to find something a little over the top that has the security we will need now that Ryder will no doubt be a superstar. We have sweeping views of Central Park and the Hudson River. I’ve never lived in a high-rise, and it should be interesting. My biological mom’s company headquarters are there as well, so I’ll have time to spend learning the business when Ryder is playing his game.

Our future looks bright, and even brighter with all the changes in our life.

Ryder says, “Who’s Sam’s date?”

“I don’t know her name, but I plan to find out.”

Sam brought a woman with him. I watch them in the distance. I think about the business venture I formed with Sam to buy into the business and give the Dirty Hammer some much-needed upgrades. It’s weird not working there full-time anymore. And if I’m honest, I’m so ready to be a mom. So ready to be the best parent I can be, along with being an amazing wife. It will be a new adventure.

I wrap myself in Ryder’s arms, ignoring the protest of the photographer.

“You’ve got me so hard,” he whispers into my ear.

I giggle, which catches me off guard for a second. “You’re always hard.”

“That’s you fault,” he teases.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Which is why you’re going to stay pregnant. Soon we will have a little league formed by our children.”

“You’re crazy.” I laugh.

“It’s true, and we are going to make amazing parents.”

“We are,” I agree.

“But first, I’m going to take my beautiful wife to Tuscany.”

“Tuscany?” He hadn’t told me where we were going for our honeymoon.

“Absolutely. We have a private villa with a pool and a view. I’m going to make love to you all day and all night, so forget sightseeing.”

“Is that so?”

“Then we’ll come back in time to see our godchild born.”

“What about me visiting the headquarters of my company?”

I hadn’t gone to Italy. I did go to the New York offices of my company, which still seems weird to think it. I’ve never been out of the country. I decided I wanted to share that experience with someone and not alone. And only one person did I have in mind. My husband.

“We’ll fit that in somehow.” He laughs.

Cassie is ready to pop, which is evident by her maternity matron of honor dress.

“Uh huh. Then what?”

“Then I’ll watch my son grow in your belly.”

I raise a brow. “Son?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, so I won’t shatter your dreams yet that we’re having a girl.”

“Not going to happen. Though I would love a little girl that looks like her mother.”

Damn, if he doesn’t look at me like I am Miss Universe holding the key to his heart. And what a daunting thing that would be if I didn’t love him just as much.

“Since you are so sure, what is the first thing you’re going to teach our son?”

“That’s easy.”

“Tell me then.”

“I’ll share with him the secret to how we Wilde baseball players throw a fastball.”





Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to read our novel. Above all, we hope you loved it. If you did, we would love it back if you could spare just a minute or two to leave a spoiler-free review from wherever you purchased this. Thanks so much! If you want to stay up to date on the latest from us, please consider subscribing to our newsletters.


And now, keep reading for an excerpt from our next book in the Wilde Players Dirty Romance ...
. We’ve also included a peek at Annie’s latest book,
For The Love Of English
, and Terri’s upcoming release,
Catching Fireflies
, along with a preview of the first book in the Wlide Players Dirty Romance Series--


Sneak Peeks from
Shanked: A Wilde Players Dirty Romance, For The Love of English, Catching Fireflies, and Sidelined


And now, an Excerpt from
Shanked: A Wilde Players Dirty Romance

By A.M. Hargrove & Terri E. Laine

*This is unedited and subject to change





Mark glances at me as Gina lets out a long and loud moan. Can this get any more embarrassing? The fact that I've been crushing on Mark for weeks, no make that months, is bad enough. But my brother is upstairs fucking his fiancé, soon to be wife, and by the sounds of it, doing quite a bang up job.

I live with my twin brother, Ryder, an ace MLB pitcher. He has a huge condo in downtown Charlotte. You'd think that the sound wouldn't carry. Either the walls are super thin or they are super loud. I'd like to think the former. As that last thought leaves my mind, my brother lets out the longest groan.

“What the hell are they doing up there?” I mutter.

“I don't know, but I sure as hell would like to find out,” Mark says, as he adjusts his pants. We're standing next to the island in the kitchen as we debate whether or not he could be my stand-in caddy for a charity golf event I have coming up. My former caddy resigned and I have yet to find a replacement. Admittedly, I'm desperate. I can't help but stare at the bulge left of center in his crotch. It makes me squirm. All thoughts of the LPGA have flown my mind.

“Hey, eyes up here, Eagle.”

Being caught, red-handed, isn't something I'm proud of. But damn, it's been awhile since I've had any and Mark is hot. I do as he says, but not quickly. Taking my time, my eyes do a little roaming as they move from crotch to neck and I think about what I'd want him to do to me. Only it makes me clench my thighs together.

“What's the problem?” he asks.

Gina and Ryder moan in unison, and then they yell some unintelligible crap. This is too much for any sexually active- or inactive as in my case- and horny as hell woman to bear. One glance at Mark is all it takes and he grabs a fistful of my shirt. His mouth crashes onto mine and I push him against the counter of the island, indicating I'm all in. The kiss is hot, demanding, and potent. Lust fires my veins and there's only one ending I have in mind and it's a hard and fast fuck. I hope he's into this because if not, I'm going to have to excuse myself and take a trip to my bedroom for some vibrator time.

When his hands grab onto my hips and push my pants down, I figure we're on the same page. In the background, Gina and Ryder sound like they're at a rodeo riding the bull, but I want to ride the reverse pony on Mark. Before this gets any further, I grab my pants and pull them back up.

“Come with me.”

“I was hoping to,” he says.

“Such a comedian. Hurry.”

We run up the stairs and I push him inside the doorway of my room. Up here we really get the full Gina-Ryder effect.

“Christ. Are they always like this?” he asks.

“I don't know. I'm gone so much and when I'm here I put on my sound machine.”

“I've never heard anything like it.”

Grabbing the waist of his jeans, I unbutton and unzip them. Tugging them down at light speed, and even I didn't know I could do it that fast, I grab his stiff cock, loving the velvety firmness of it. Not giving it a second thought, I drop to my knees and wrap my lips around it as I pull his length into my mouth. His deep moans spur me on to take him in further. But he pulls me off and strips off my pants and thong. He's aggressive as he pushes me onto the edge of the bed and plants my feet there as he spreads me wide.

“Riley, I-”

“Don't talk, just do it.”

Without further urging from me, his mouth is gentle as he runs his wet tongue-and oh, what a tongue it is-along my slit, and I nearly buck off the bed. His hand presses me back down, keeping me steady, as he works over my open pussy. He does this little twirly thing while his finger seems to locate some secret hidden places inside of me, and the orgasm that hovers over me, suddenly decides to present itself in full force.

Unfortunately for Mark, my thighs clamp together and I may or may not have squished his head a bit. One thing I did do was moan very loudly. Probably loud enough to rival Gina and Ryder. But they don't notice as they're still at it like two hounds chasing a fox from the sounds of it.

Mark stands and grabs his wallet out of his pants pocket. He finds a condom and holds it up. “Are you in for this, too?”

“Oh, hell yeah.” No way would I miss out on the grand finale.

My eager eyes watch him as he rolls on the latex and I drool because it's super hot. But what he does next is even hotter. He grabs his cocks and strokes himself, up and down, making me swallow the pool of saliva that threatens to run out of my mouth.

“Jesus, that's hot,” I say.

“Not compared to what I'm looking at.”

We stare at each other for a while until I say, “You either need to do something or I'm going to have to take things into my own hand.”

His teeth glide over his lower lip and a raspy chuckle escapes from him. Right after the headboard from Ryder's room starts banging on the wall, accompanied by some ughs and ahhs.

“Think you can rival that?” I challenge.

“Only one way to find out.”

He crawls on the bed and pushes me back. Then my legs end up on his shoulders as his tip hovers at my opening. He slides his cock around, up and down, and pushes it in, slowly. Then backs out. He repeats, and I'm hypnotized by his actions. The routine is heating my veins, igniting my blood on fire. When he finally pushes in and is seated deep, he pulls out, and then slams back in, hard and fast, ripping the breath right out of me. Heart thumping in my throat, nails scoring his shoulders, I hang on for the ride of my life. And what a ride it is. My climax sends me soaring and screaming for joy. But he's not done. He flips me like a flapjack, and continues to pound into me, never breaking stride. I'm stretched out, flat on my stomach, one of his arms under my hips as he pumps into me. I arch my back with each thrust, accepting what he's willing to give.

BOOK: Fastball (Wilde Players Dirty Romance)
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