Fate and Fury (37 page)

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Authors: Quinn Loftis

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #werewolves, #Young Adult, #grey wolves series, #quinn loftis

BOOK: Fate and Fury
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Otherwise known as, Plan
Hot Freaking Elf Prince Come Light My Fire
,” Peri laughed, when Cyn crossed her arms and began tapping her foot.

You done yet?” Cyn asked, with a scowl.

Peri laughed, but finally raised her hand. “Yeah, yeah okay I’m done.” She leaned her head back, stretching her neck and feeling the slight strain in it relax just a little. “So, is Thalion able to help?”

Turns out he has the book called
.” Cyn waited for the reaction that she knew was coming.

Peri started laughing. Cyn’s brow furrowed as she watched the high Fae. This had not been the reaction she had been expecting.

Are you freaking kidding me?” Peri yelled. “Could this get any worse? So, now the book inspired by a demon that was in hiding is out in the open where Mona could get her grubby, dirty, filthy, blood covered hands on it?”

Yes, but Cypher needs it. Before he was mated, he understood the risk of opening the veil. Now, he has Lilly, and it’s a game changer. Not only has he decided not to help Mona, but he has promised not to let anything happen to Lilly’s daughter. He had to open the veil, because he'd made a blood oath, but he needed to be able to close it immediately, before anything could get through.”

Peri listened intently as her mind ran through the millions of nightmarish possibilities that were bound to happen, and by the way, things were going, they would all happen at the same freaking time.

So, what I hear you telling me is that our Warlock King needs to accomplish the impossible.”

Cyn nodded. “Essentially.”



Any more E words we could add to this little chit chat?” Peri asked dryly.

Effing perfect?”
Cyn grinned at Peri.

You took the words right out of my mouth.”

Peri motioned for Cyn to follow her. “So, your people want to come rendezvous with my people. We need to let Vasile and the other males know so that they don’t feel like they
have been snuck up upon. Have you prepped the Warlock and Prince on how to behave around possessive, butthead werewolves?”

Not exactly.”

Then I will meet with them before they meet the wolves. This is a frickin’ nightmare,” Peri muttered, as she led Cyn to Vasile and Alina’s room.



Peri stepped up to knock on the Alpha’s door, but paused, her hand in midair. She heard multiple deep voices conversing and couldn’t stifle the exasperated groan that slipped out.

Come in, Perizada,” she heard, Vasile tell her. He must have heard the groan. She grasped the handle and pushed on the latch.

Decebel, Fane, Costin, Adam, Sorin, Gavril, Alina, and Vasile’s eyes landed on her and then shifted to Cyn who was standing behind her.

Glad to see the gang’s all here. That will keep me from having to repeat myself, which as you all know, I loathe to do.” Peri walked farther into the room. Cyn moved to stand next to her and Vasile, Decebel, and the males who had been sitting moved to stand in front of Alina.

Alina growled behind them. “Move.”

Peri, who have you brought to visit us without announcement?” Vasile asked, coolly.

Vasile meet Cyn. Cyn meet Vasile,” Peri motioned between the two of them. “Cyn is one of the Fae Guardians. She has been with the Warlock King and Lilly while they’ve been on their little adventure.”

Vasile met Cyn’s gaze and waited. Cyn knew that it was a dominance thing with wolves so she dropped her eyes.

Peri raised a brow at the Alpha. “You done now?”

Vasile lifted a lip at her, flashing long canines, before he told her to proceed.

The Warlock King, Lilly, the Elf Prince, and their warriors are about thirty miles from here in the forest.”

What?” Decebel growled as he took a step towards her.

Peace wolf,” Peri snapped. “They aren’t coming to attack you. They are coming to help.” Peri explained everything that Cyn had told her, trying to keep it as short and exact as possible.

So he still plans to open the veil?” Vasile asked, unnecessarily.

He made a blood oath. It’s not like he really has a choice,” Cyn pointed out.

They point is,” Peri interrupted, “that they want to help. They are bringing more warm bodies to assist us in fighting Desdemona.”

They are unknown males around our females,” Costin snarled.

Speaking of said females,” she met Costin’s stare. “Where are your oh so precious mates?”

Costin looked away. Obviously, unhappy about the question.

They’re in the kitchen drinking hot chocolate,” Fane shot back.

Peri laughed. “So, let me guess, you’re upset, because they wanted a break from the rooms you have no doubt kept them locked up in for the past twenty four hours, or,” she laughed even harder, “you’re just jealous of the mugs they are sipping the beverage from.”

All of the males had the sense, to act somewhat guilty at their overbearing behavior, but none of them contradicted her.

Are you quite finished, Peri,” Adam spoke up for the first time.

Oh I could go on for hours; you males just make it to easy. But alas, the blasted men who have come to take your women’s virtue, if there is any left after the interesting night I’m sure you all had, are waiting for Vasile’s approval before they arrive.”

Who said it was the males taking the virtue?” A familiar voice chirped from behind Peri. Jen and the entourage of females filed into the room. The faces of the males changed instantly from irritated to worshipful. Peri shook her head at them. She would never understand the bond between mates, unless the Great Luna had her way. Peri cringed at that thought.

Jennifer, I thought I told you that I wanted you to go back to our room,” Decebel said, as he crossed the room to her.

You did,” Jen waved to Peri with a wicked grin.

Then why are you here?” He asked.

Because you told me to go back to our room, duh.” The girls all snickered at her while the men scowled. Jen ignored them and turned to face Peri and Cyn as Decebel wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her against his chest. Each of the mated pairs was in similar poses across the room.

So Peri fairy,” Jacque smiled. “What’s the news that has our men so riled up about?”

The Warlock King and the Elf Prince are waiting for permission to approach the mansion,” Peri explained.

Jacque tried to push away from Fane as she took a step towards the Fae, “Cypher is out there? That means my mom is out there too, right?”

Peri nodded.

Jacque whipped around, slapping Fane in the face with her wild hair to face Vasile. “Why have you not said they could come? That’s my mom out there, Vasile.”

I know that,” Vasile told her patiently. “But, I cannot act rashly, I always must weigh the danger a situation poses to the pack.”

Give me a break, Vasile. There are like sixty or so dominant males in this mansion at this very moment, they must be much more dangerous than the men my mom are with.”

And, you know this, how?” He asked.

Vasile,” Alina’s warning came from where she still sat shielded from view. “She is your daughter-in-law first, pack second.”

Vasile stepped aside so that Alina could be seen. She stood next to Vasile and relaxed into his touch when he tucked her under his arm.

Peri,” Vasile turned to her. “You can bring them here. They are to go to the gathering room and stay there. No wandering about.”

Cyn was gone before Peri could answer.

Where’d she go?” Sally asked.

To tell them,” Peri shrugged.


Peri flashed next to Cyn only moments after Cyn arrived, standing before Cypher and Thalion.

Well hello, handsomes,” Peri smiled at the two males.

Lilly stepped from around Cypher who had pulled her protectively behind him when Peri had arrived.

You must be Lilly,” Peri stepped forward and held out her hand.

Lilly reached forward to shake it and Cypher snaked an arm around her waist attempting to pull her back.

Cypher,” Lilly said his name in a clipped fashion and he backed off only slightly.

You have one of those too, I see,” Peri motioned to Cypher.

Too?” Lilly frowned.

Your daughter has, what she and her friends call, OBBHMs.”

Lilly laughed. “And pray tell, what does that acronym stand for.”

Overbearing butt head mates.”

Then yes, I have one of those too,” Lilly laughed as Cypher narrowed his eyes at her.

Peri stepped back so that she could address both men. “Vasile has agreed to let you come to the mansion. But, before we go, I need to fill you in on pack etiquette.”

We already know some of it,” Cypher told her.

Not with these males you don’t,” Peri countered. “These males take protective to a whole new solar system, so listen up and maybe we will all live until Mona kills us.”

Lilly grinned. “I like you. You are a breath of fresh air.”

You haven’t known her long enough yet to declare that. Just give it time,” Cyn smirked.

Peri snapped her fingers closed in front of Cyn’s face, making it clear that she wanted Cyn to shut her trap. Cyn laughed and stepped back.

The most important thing with this group of males is do not, under any circumstances, for any reason, touch any of their mates. On a good day they are touchy when it comes to other men being present around them, but they’ve been through some tough stuff the past several days so they are really on edge right now.”

Is my daughter okay?” Lilly asked, suddenly alarmed.

She’s fine, and I’m sure she will gladly fill you in on their adventures,” Peri assured. “Next, don’t hold their stare. It’s all right to meet their eyes for about five seconds. After that, avert your gaze. You don’t have to drop it and indicate submission, just look over their shoulder or off to the side to show that you aren’t going to challenge them. Even if the man in them knows that you aren’t there for a challenge, the wolf will see it differently and right now their wolves are winning the control battle more often than not.”

These men sound very unstable,” Thalion pointed out.

They are unstable. They’re werewolves, what about that would make you think they are stable?” Peri shook her head at the Prince. “Oh and please, for the love of little furry things everywhere, do not point out to them that they are unstable.” She stared at Thalion for a second more. “Actually it’s probably better if you don’t speak at all.”

Thalion looked taken aback. “Why?” He asked, genuinely confused.

Because you have not been around the Canis lupus and so your questions might sound like you think them to be barbaric animals.”

Aren’t they?”

Peri’s jaw clenched. “See, that is why it would be better if you kept your royal trap shut.”

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