Fate and Fury (38 page)

Read Fate and Fury Online

Authors: Quinn Loftis

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #werewolves, #Young Adult, #grey wolves series, #quinn loftis

BOOK: Fate and Fury
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Cypher stepped in before Thalion could argue further.

Is there anything else we should know? So far everything you have said, I understand because I myself, am that way with Lilly.”

Don’t be offended if they growl at you. They basically growl at anything that isn’t their mate,
and even at them sometimes. Oh,” Peri clapped her hands, “I almost forgot the most important rule of all. Steer clear of the tall, leggy, blonde. She is trouble with a capital PITA. Her mate is Decebel; he is the Alpha of the Serbian pack, and he’s deadly when it comes to her. She likes to get him all riled up so if you see her coming, turn and run the other way. Oh, and she’s pregnant, so, that basically means if you look at her Decebel will kill you.”

This just sounds like it’s going to be so much fun,” Lilly said, cheerily.

Oh, they are a real barrel of laughs, and by laughs I mean make you want to set your hair on fire while pulling your own teeth out.”

That good, huh?” Cypher smiled. “I think I’m going to like these wolves.”

Let’s just get this over with,” Peri huffed as she headed in the direction of the mansion.


Chapter 19

When you are young, life seems so big and full of possibilities. Those possibilities seem endless and limitless and you are fearless. As I look into the faces of my mate, my son, and my pack, I see possibilities, all of them endless and limitless, but for the first time in my life, I am fearful of those possibilities.” ~ Vasile.



Costin, please come here,” Sally asked him for the eighth time. He had been pacing since they had returned to their room, after Peri had told them the Warlock King and the Elf Prince were coming. All of the males were restless, and upon Peri’s departure, had snapped their mates up, despite their protests and hauled them off to their respective rooms. Sally, Jen, and Jacque had been texting each other, updating one another on the status of their mates and Sally tried to keep from laughing when they had all said the exact same thing.

Sally txt: ur men pacing, growling, snarling?

Jen txt: all of the above

Jacque txt: all of the above

Sally txt: Suggestions?

Jen txt: tried get n naked, no go, so I’m out of ideas

Jacque txt: lol, haven’t tried that one, hold on…

Sally txt: Way TMI Jac

Jen txt: U know u want 2 try it

Sally txt: who says I havn’t?

Jen txt: Hells bells! Did he take the bait?

Sally txt: I was being sarcastic Jen. U know better.

Jen txt: good point

Jacque txt: holy crap, he didn’t even blink

Sally/Jen/Jac all txt: we’re so screwed

Jen txt: Unfortunately not n a good way

Sally/Jac txt: ROFLMBO


The texting had gone on for nearly forty five minutes when Costin had finally acknowledged her.

What are you laughing about?” He asked as he sat down beside her. She could tell he was still keyed up, but he was trying to get it under control for her.

Nothing,” Sally told him attempting to look innocent, and failing miserably.

Costin held out his hand. “Let me see your phone, Sally mine.”

Sally shook her head.

Sally,” Costin growled.

I was texting with Jen and Jacque,” she tried to sound nonchalant.

Then why can’t I see it?”

Sally tried to think of something that would keep Costin from really being interested in reading the text. “We were talking about Jen giving birth, you know with all the fluids and blood and how her girly bits will look afterward,” Sally cringed at her own words because truthfully it was not something that she would have discussed with anyone let alone her mate.

Costin’s face never changed. He continued to hold his hand out waiting for her to hand over her phone.

Doesn’t that gross you out even a little?” She asked, perplexed by his non-reaction.

It’s a baby, what’s gross about that? I won’t be grossed out when you are giving birth to our baby.”

Uh, yeah, but that will be me, I’m talking about Jen.”

Costin shrugged. “I don’t know. All I can think about is what a miracle it is that she is pregnant and how exciting it is for them.”

Sally slapped the phone in his hand with a groan. She threw her body back on his bead and dropped her arm over her eye. “Of all the men in the world, I would get the one who is not bothered in the slightest by female fluids or girly bits.”

Costin laughed. “One day, I’ll explain it to you.”

Please don’t,” Sally squeaked.

Costin was quiet and she knew that he was reading the texts. She wanted to crawl into a hole, but nothing could be done about it now.

You got naked and I missed it?” He asked, as he turned back to look at her.

Sally didn’t respond, but could feel her face getting warmer by the second as the blood rushed up. She felt the bed shift as he lay down beside her. He took her arm and gently removed it from her face so that he could look at her, but she kept eyes were closed. Costin laughed.

Look at me Sally.”

Sally shook her head again, squeezing her eyes shut even tighter.

Costin leaned forward and she felt his body press against her side. She felt his lips against her ear and the warmth of his breath against her neck as he spoke.

If I had known that all I had to do to get you naked was pace around the room like a rabid dog I would have done it a long time ago,” he teased.

Sally tried to push him away as she attempted to roll away from him at the same time.

No, you don’t,” he teased her as he wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her to him.

Stupid werewolf strength,
she thought.

I’m sorry I ignored you,” he finally told her. “I wasn’t trying to do it purposefully. I’m just trying to figure out the most efficient ways to protect you if the need arises. My wolf is extremely unhappy about males we don’t know coming here where you are and I’m not much better than he is.”

Sally finally opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him. She reached up and brushed his hair out of his eyes. Costin leaned into her touch and she smiled.

No one is going to hurt me, or anyone else. You worry needlessly.”

You can’t know that,” he argued.

And, you can’t know that something will happen, so why stress over it? Don’t we have enough to stress over?”

Costin stared into her big, brown eyes and wished that he could put her in a bubble away from all danger, but she was a healer, and it was in her blood to be with those who needed her. And, with an imminent battle on the horizon, there were going to be many who would need her. His job as her mate was to make sure she could do what the Great Luna intended her to. He had to trust that she knew what she was doing when he put Sally in his care.

What are you thinking about?” Sally asked, him as his silence grew.

How proud and blessed I am to get to be your mate.”

Sally grinned and it was one of those smiles that made his heart dance.

Funny, that’s exactly how I feel about you,” she turned on her side so she could face him and his hand slipped under her shirt. His fingers trailed softly along her back and he smiled at her as he watched her eyes glaze over.


Hmm,” she responded huskily.

I need to ask you something.” Costin had not planned on doing this now. He had planned on waiting until the time was right, when the atmosphere was romantic and sexy. He had wanted to show her just how much she meant to him and how he wanted to shout from the mountains that she was his. But, sometimes life did not give us the perfect moments that we've longed for and so we had to turn a small part of the messed up moments into cherished ones.

Stop touching me if you want me to think clearly,” she teased him as her lips turned up in a sultry smile.

Maybe I don’t want you to think clearly when I ask you this.”

Sally’s eyes snapped open as she heard the worry in his voice.

What’s wrong Costin? Are you okay, is everything okay?” Sally didn’t like it when she felt the confidence he carried, so casually slip, it made her feel inadequate as a mate when he felt unsure about her.

Nothing is wrong, beautiful. I just wasn’t planning this, but I feel like it’s the right time.”

Okay,” Sally said cautiously. She started to sit up but Costin stopped her with his hand on her hip.

Stay here with me,” he told her, softly. He moved closer to her and raised himself up on one elbow so he could look down at her. She rolled to her back and placed her right hand on his chest, over his heart. She felt his heart beat quicken and frowned when she realized how hard it was beating.

Costin?” She asked, nervously.

I love you,” he told her. He released her hip and brushed the wispy hairs from her face. “I never imagined anyone as amazing as you, could ever be mine. But, now that you are, I will never let go. You are mine Sally and I am every bit as much yours. I will forsake all others for you. I will die for you, kill for you, and live for you. You’ve accepted me as your mate, you’ve let me claim you through the Blood Rites, you have my markings, and you bear my bite on your incredibly sexy neck. Now, I would ask that you accept me as your husband and wear my ring.”

Sally’s mouth dropped open when, seemingly from nowhere, Costin produce a small ring. A solitaire diamond, princess cut set in platinum. It was beautiful. She looked more closely and realized that there was an inscription etched into the band. She couldn’t read it though.

What does it say?”

Costin smiled. “You’re going to make me sweat aren’t you?”

Sally let out an airy laugh, and then blushed when she realized that she hadn’t answered him. “Oh, shi–,” she slapped her hand over her mouth before the word slipped out and stared wide eyed at Costin who was grinning like an idiot, obviously enjoying her embarrassment.

Sally,” he pulled her hand away, “for goodness sake, love, end my torment.”

Yes,” she told him.

Yes, you will end my torment or yes, you will be my wife?”

Yes,” she answered again.

Costin grinned and then leaned down and kissed her gently. He nipped at her lips when she refused to part them.

Sally,” he growled.

Not until you tell me what the inscription says.”

Costin held the ring over her face so she could see it. He smiled roguishly. “You want to know what the inscription on
ring says.”

I just said that,” she growled and he laughed as it made him think of an angry kitten.

Calm down brown eyes. I have a proposition for you.”

Sally’s eyes widened. “You can’t be serious. You aren’t going to tell me what
engagement ring says without making a deal with me?”

You’re a sharp one,” he joked and whipped his head away just in time to miss her teeth from biting his chin. “Play nice Sally,” he warned, though his eyes glowed with a different kind of warning. Sally quivered under his hungry gaze.

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