Fate Changer (The Lost Witch Trilogy #3) (25 page)

BOOK: Fate Changer (The Lost Witch Trilogy #3)
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Sarah sighed in relief. She didn’t trust her father any more than she trusted Charles, but at least Charles wanted to keep her alive for the time being. Her father wanted her dead as soon as possible. She glanced at her father as she passed him and he was staring at her with a strange look on his face. Almost as if he was pleading with her. She looked quickly away and walked down the stairs to the main floor. She refused to let Charles touch her arm, so she hurried ahead of him.

She reached the front room within moments and glanced around the room quickly. Jenny and Teresa were seated on a white leather couch by the fireplace, while Ethan stood next to Jenny and Jericho stood next to Teresa. The witch sisters were nowhere to be seen. She couldn’t see Zane, but she felt his words come into her mind,
Stay calm. You’ll be fine

Jericho nodded to her as if he’d never seen her before as did Ethan. She ignored Jenny and Teresa and went to stand in a corner by the far window as Charles and Race walked in the room. Sarah watched Jenny and Teresa’s faces, but they were giving nothing away.

Charles looked stunned to see Teresa and she was surprised to see real, human emotions swim across his features. Yearning, regret, desire and anger. Teresa stared back at him calmly, not speaking and not giving anything away.

Jenny cleared her throat. “Hello Father.”

Charles tore his gaze from Teresa and glanced at his daughter. “Why did you bring your mother here today? Last time I checked she was in a facility at the edge of town. What is this? A field trip for the disabled? What did you hope to accomplish in bringing her to me?” he demanded, sounding upset.

Race leaned against the doorway leading into the foyer as he studied all the people in the room. His gaze went back and forth between Ethan and Jericho and then stayed on Jericho. Jericho glanced at Race and smiled politely and then ignored him.

Sarah hugged her arms to her chest, not knowing what to do or what was going to happen now. She hoped the sisters were able to do the lines on their own.

“So you remember my mother then. Wonderful. Because she remembers you too,” Jenny said coldly, turning to look at her mother.

Teresa glanced at her daughter and patted her knee with a quick smile before looking back at Charles with disgust. “I came here today Charles to demand an apology from you. I want an apology for killing the man that I loved and the parents I adored and for stealing my life from me,” she said clearly in a strong voice as she stood up to face the man who had done everything he could to destroy her.

Charles looked stunned and walked forward a few steps. “
? What happened? How did you regain your memories?” he asked, shaking his head in confusion.

Teresa shook her head. “What is broken can be healed. And now I demand an apology. I want you to admit what you did,” she said, her cheeks turning rosy and her eyes bright.

Sarah smiled noting how beautiful she looked. Teresa was stunning and Charles looked as affected by Teresa’s beauty as he must have been eighteen years ago.

“Teresa, you refused me. What choice did you give me but to take? I wanted you more than a man has ever wanted a woman before. I couldn’t live if I didn’t have you,” he whispered, reaching out a hand to her.

Teresa shook her head. “I didn’t love you Charles. The answer was no. You should never take what isn’t offered freely. And you will pay for what you did to me and my daughter.”

Charles lowered his hand and blinked in surprise at Jenny. “I’ve never done anything to Charlie. I’ve stayed out of her life completely.”

Teresa glared at the tall, pale man in front of her with disgust. “You allowed my daughter to grow up without a mother and for that I will never forgive you,” she said, her voice trembling with fury.

Charles looked down at his feet and shook his head, almost as if he felt bad. “What would you have me do Teresa? Say I’m sorry?
I’m not
. You gave your love to Bryce instead of me and for that he had to die. You want me to be sorry for killing your parents?
I’d do it again today if I could. They stood in my way when all I wanted was to love you. Do you really expect me to regret taking your mind from you?
How can I?
You refused
Teresa. There had to be consequences for being so selfish. But I do have a heart. Seeing you today has made me remember how much I adored you. I won’t punish you for showing up here unannounced. I’ll let you leave. I’ll even let you keep your memories. But you’d better run far and fast. Because I’ve been known to change my mind,” he said, smiling at her as if she were a naughty child.

Teresa stared at the man as if he were a worm and turned and looked at Jenny. “Jenny, I think it’s time we go. I’ve said what I needed to say,” she said quietly and held her hand out for her daughter.

“Wait,” Charles said, holding up his hand as if he’d just barely noticed the two men standing on either side of his daughter and her mother.

“Who are these gentlemen you’ve brought with you into my home?” he asked smiling at the two men curiously.

Jericho stood up and held out his hand to shake. “My name is Jericho McLaren and I’m a friend of your daughter’s,” he said with a charming smile on his face.

Charles ignored the hand and turned to Ethan, looking him up and down suspiciously. “And you sir? Who are you and what is your purpose in my home?” he asked, his voice cold and silky.

Ethan didn’t bother holding his hand out, but he bowed his head and said, “My name is Ethan Jefferson and my purpose is to bring you to justice for the crimes you have committed against these women and many others,” he said simply and with dignity.

Charles tilted his head back and laughed as if he’d just heard the most amusing joke in the world. Sarah winced at the grating sound, noting her father was staring at Ethan and Jericho as if he were sizing them up. Race had switched allegiance obviously. He was no longer fighting against Charles. Now he would be fighting
his cousin.

Charles stopped laughing and wiped a tear from his eye before speaking. “You and what army?” he said, still sputtering with amusement as Jericho lifted his hand and sent a fireball streaming from his hand straight toward Charles’s head.

Charles flicked a finger at the ball of flames and it disappeared into a circle of smoke. Sarah’s mouth fell open in surprise and Jericho looked a little taken aback as well. Jenny took the opportunity to drag her mother from the room and out the front door as Ethan, Jericho and Charles faced off. Sarah swallowed nervously and looked at her father who had stepped back from the two witches. At least he had done nothing to stop Jenny and Teresa from leaving.

Charles looked angry and shook his head. “You’re going to regret that,” he promised softly as he lifted his hand to point at Jericho. “You’re not the only one who likes to set things on fire.”

Ethan raised his hand and said, “Stop Charles. I will not let you hurt the boy.”

Sarah’s eyes widened at the confidence and strength she heard in Ethan’s voice. She glanced at her father but he was gone now. He no longer stood in the doorway. It was as if he had just disappeared into thin air. She frowned but then forgot about him as she realized she was about to see a real witch fight and this one could be deadly.

Charles raised an eyebrow at Ethan and tilted his head. “I’m curious. How do you plan to stop me from turning him to ash right this second?”

Ethan bowed his head again as if in deference, before looking up. His eyes glowed bright gold and Charles began to scream in agony, his head tilted back with his hands held rigidly to his sides. Sarah gasped and then jumped to help Ethan. She sent her energy hurtling towards Charles too, hoping their combined efforts would stop him. Jericho glanced at her in approval and then added his own energy. He sent small balls of energy towards Charles that blasted his frozen body backwards, until he was held up against the wall, stiff, his eyes rolled back in his head and his arms held out as if in surrender.

Sarah kept her energy on Charles but looked quickly at Ethan and Jericho in surprise. It had been so easy. Jericho’s vision had been right. No one would be hurt and Charles would be taken out. She felt herself relax a little and she smiled just as Charles crossed his arms over his chest, yelled something incoherent and threw enough energy back at them to send Ethan, Jericho and herself slamming back into chairs and the wall with the force of his power.

Sarah rubbed the knot on the back of her head and stood up on wobbly legs, staring in fear at the man now smiling at them. His smile made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. His façade was down and she could see the evil lurking behind his eyes. The temperature in the room dropped suddenly and she started to shiver as he walked toward Ethan and Jericho, ignoring her completely.

“I hate to waste a powerful witch, but you’ll have to pay for that. The last time someone had the audacity to stand up to me, well . . .
they died
,” he said, looking regretful as he pointed at Jericho who was still on the floor. Jericho immediately began screaming as his clothes began to smoke and burst into flame.

Ethan jumped to his feet and with both hands up, pushed his power up against Charles’s, fighting against the evil magic. Sarah ran to Jericho and wrapped him in a hug, ignoring Ethan and Charles as she used her energy to soothe the burns and extinguish the fire.

Jericho sighed in relief and patted her hand before standing up. Sarah nodded and took his hand as they both moved to stand on either side of Ethan who was shaking with the effort it took to hold off Charles’s power. Charles smiled at Ethan and looked bored before he glanced at his watch and then raised a hand, pointing a finger at Ethan.

“I hope you told your family good bye before coming to see me because you’ll never see them again in this life,” Charles said with a menacing grin.

Jericho roared and threw himself at Charles, surprising him and sending him smashing onto the hardwood floors. Ethan collapsed to his knees, exhausted and depleted while Sarah jumped towards the two men rolling on the floor. Jericho had resorted to using his fists on Charles. “This is for Zinnia!” he screamed as he punched Charles in the gut and then let his fists fly into his face.

Sarah stared in shock at the physical violence fueled by hatred pouring out of Jericho. Charles looked very close to being knocked senseless. Zane hurried in looking tense and upset until he saw Sarah, but when he saw Charles on the ground, he relaxed. Zane stood next to Jericho and Charles and stared coldly down at the man who had caused so much pain. Charles stopped covering his face and froze, his eyes going glassy and opaque. Jericho didn’t pause in his assault though until Zane tapped him on the shoulder before pulling him off.

Sarah hurried to Zane’s side and threw herself in his arms. “Zane, he was up on the roof with me. Where were you?” she asked, holding onto him tightly.

Zane still stared at Charles concentrating, but he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before answering. “I was running to you, but I came upon Laurel and Lavina. They were really messed up. My mom and grandma are with them right now, but we’re not healers. They were covered with blood and Laurel was barely breathing. I don’t know what Charles did to them, but he wanted to make a statement. For that alone he deserves to die,” Zane said.

Sarah swallowed sickly, thinking of the sweet, elderly sisters and what Charles had done to them just because they had chosen to support her.

“He is so evil,” she whispered edging away from Charles.

Sarah became aware of Jericho standing beside her and grimaced. He looked like a Celtic warrior just back from a battle.

“Let’s take him outside Zane,” Jericho said, moving to pick up Charles.

“No need,” Zane said and used his power to pick Charles up. He levitated him through the room, out into the foyer and out the front door. Sarah, Ethan and Jericho followed quickly behind.

All of the other witches were waiting for them, standing in a circle, with Lash at the head, staring at Charles somberly. Zane walked into the middle of the circle and lowered Charles’s body, so he was standing upright.

“Charles has a right to say something before he’s dealt with,” Zane said, standing close to Charles. Zane let go of his hold over Charles and he shook his head a little as if he couldn’t quite see straight.

Sarah frowned as Charles stood before them. He was breathing heavy, his hair was messed up and his face was red, purple and bloody as he turned in a slow circle to survey the witches surrounding him his eyes resting on Zane the longest.

“So you’re all here to bring me to repentance, is that it? For erasing the mind of a woman too stupid to live? I did that woman a favor. For insisting that I be able to mentor one of the most dangerously powerful witches known today? I’m doing you a favor by monitoring her power and her education. These are not crimes my friends. This has all been a horrible and might I add,
mistake. Now let’s all go in the house. I’ll pour everyone some wine and we can discuss our differences in a civilized manner. There is no reason to be a part of this degrading lynch mob. What you’re trying to do here is beneath you. You’re all powerful witches. Be logical. Everything you’ve heard about me is a vicious lie, perpetuated by this young man who is acting out of jealousy. Why in the world would you listen to anything a
has to say?” he said pointing to Zane.

Zane snorted and motioned towards Charles, shutting his mouth for him. Charles attempted to talk and looked in surprise at Zane.

Zane ignored him and motioned for the witches in charge of the binding to come forward. “Let’s begin. Bind him and then break his power. I don’t want anything left. I never want him to be able to use or manipulate another witch again,” he said, his voice ringing out.

Charles held his hand over his mouth for a moment and then was able to speak again. “If I may offer a suggestion? I’d like to suggest that we bind and break Zane instead because there’s no way you’re breaking me,” he said with a friendly smile before turning around quickly. He held his hands up ready to disappear when he was quickly tackled by Lash from the side.

BOOK: Fate Changer (The Lost Witch Trilogy #3)
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