Fate Changer (The Lost Witch Trilogy #3) (30 page)

BOOK: Fate Changer (The Lost Witch Trilogy #3)
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Cyrus looked surprised and he stared at her curiously, not letting go of her hand as he studied her face carefully.

? Interesting,” he said softly, still holding her hand. He stepped closer to her, leaning down as if he were trying to see inside of her.

Was he smelling her?
Ava lost her smile as she stared up into his ice blue eyes. This guy had no clue about personal space. She pulled on her hand, but he refused to let go.

“Are you going to let go of my hand now, or are you going to tell me my future?” she asked, jerking hard one more time on her hand forcing Cyrus to let go.

Cyrus looked down at his now empty hand and frowned at her, before his face cleared and he smiled.

“I see a summer filled with excitement and nights filled with mystery and romance,” he said with a grin before stepping back and shoving his hands into his jeans pockets.

Ava laughed and rolled her eyes as she glanced at the cottage. “With my dad watching every move I make?
Yeah, right

Cyrus glanced at the cottage and stared at the door as a second later it opened and her father walked out.

“There you are. I was wondering when you were going to show up,” Harry called out as he ran lightly down the pathway to the beach.

Ava smiled in surprise. Sometimes she forgot just how fast her father could move when he wanted to. Within seconds he was shaking Cyrus’s hand and looking at her quickly with a warning in his eyes.

Ava moved back from Cyrus and stood next to her father as she studied the man who was still looking right at her.

“Harry, you never told my father that you had a daughter. How old is Ava? Eighteen, nineteen?” he asked, his eyes bright with curiosity.

Harry waited until Cyrus looked back at him before answering. Harry’s eyes had narrowed to slits and his shoulders seemed larger somehow as he stepped closer to Cyrus. “Ava is eighteen and my having a daughter is nobody’s business but my own. By birth she belongs to no one but herself. She’s half. She’s of no interest to anyone.
Especially you
,” he said, his voice sounding hard, dangerous and violent.

Ava’s mouth fell open in surprise. Her father sounded like he was almost threatening Cyrus.
But why?
And what the heck did he mean by her being half? Half Canadian? Like that was a big deal.

Cyrus’s welcoming smile stayed in place as he looked at her again and she felt a little zip of adrenaline flicker down her arms. “I might disagree with you. My father wants to give you the files himself tonight after dinner but he wanted me to show you the sight of the last attack since it’s the freshest. Follow me,” he said and then walked past them and down the shoreline.

Ava looked at her father silently, waiting for some kind of explanation. Harry stared at her for a moment before walking to her and grasping her shoulders in his strong hands. “Cyrus isn’t the type of man you’re used to being around. You should never be alone with him,” he said quietly, glancing at Cyrus.

Ava frowned. “
Is he dangerous?” she whispered back staring in sudden fear at Cyrus.

Harry closed his eyes for a moment and then shook his head. “No, not in the way you’re thinking. Ava, you’re a beautiful young woman and you’re innocent. I’ve made sure of that. There are men who would take advantage of that and of the fact that you’re, well . . .
. Be on your guard,” he said and then hurried after Cyrus, catching up within seconds.

Ava huffed out a breath and ran back to get her back pack before following her father. She’d felt different her whole life and she was sick to death of it. She wondered sadly if there was anywhere in the world where she could fit in.




There are many people I’d like to thank who helped me along my way. I’d like to thank Zach Hill for editing and Jessica G. for her feedback. I also want to thank LFD Designs for Authors for the amazing covers they came up with for The Lost Witch Trilogy. Love them. I also want to thank my kids for giving me a reason to push beyond myself. Without them, I’d just be sitting around reading everyone else’s books.


About the Author

Katie Lee O’Guinn has lived in many places but enjoys living in the Rocky Mountains now with her children. For more info on Katie Lee’s books check out
. She has two favorite quotes: “The Creative Adult is the Child Who Survived” and "We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." – Elie Wiesel

Katie Lee spends her time being a mother, a writer and volunteering for The Millstone Foundation, a foundation for the protection of children from Sexual Abuse, Sex Trafficking and Child Pornography. For more information on The Millstone Foundation, go to


Books by Katie Lee O’Guinn


Freak of Nature

Blood Rush

Fate Changer

Werewolf Dreams

Werewolf Rage

Werewolf Revenge


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - A Change in Plans

Chapter 2 - Teresa

Chapter 3 – Eighteen Again

Chapter 4 - Lines

Chapter 5 – Letting Go

Chapter 6 - Hunting

Chapter 7 - Lightening

Chapter 8 - Jealousy

Chapter 9 - Revenge

Chapter 10 - Panic

Chapter 11 – Blutraush

Chapter 12 – Witch Fight

Chapter 13 - Sucking

Chapter 14 – Found and Lost

Chapter 15 – Broken

Chapter 16 – Race

Chapter 17 – The Calm

Chapter 18 – Jenny

Chapter 19 – The Help

Chapter 20 – Bait

Chapter 21 – The Storm

Chapter 22 - Darkness

Chapter 23 – Into the Light

Chapter 24 – New Beginnings


Sneak Peak Book 1 in the Taming The Wolf Trilogy, Werewolf Dreams

Chapter 1 – Summer Vacation
About the Author

Books by Katie Lee O’Guinn

BOOK: Fate Changer (The Lost Witch Trilogy #3)
7.4Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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