Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy (47 page)

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Lucas, Robert E., Jr.

Madoff, Bernard

Malaysia: economic growth of

export-led growth strategy of

investment in

managed capitalism: in Asia challenges of export-led growth strategies and investment and success of

Mandeville, Bernard,
The Fable of the Bees

capitalism; financial

markets; housing market; prices; stock



McCarthy, Nolan


medical care.
health care; physicians

medical malpractice


Merrill Lynch

Mexico: conditional cash transfers financial crisis of

Mian, Atif


middle class


mobility: economic factors restricting of workers

models, economic

Mohamad, Mahathir

monetary policy: credit expansion and financial stability and housing market and improvements in Japanese Keynesian lags in political influences on reforms of of United States,
See also
central banks; interest rates

money-market funds

moral hazard

Morgan, J. P.,
See also
JP Morgan

Morrice, Brad

mortgage-backed securities: credit risk of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac issues federal purchases of held by banks investors in ratings of risks of, subprime mortgages in tail risks of tranches of

mortgage brokers

mortgage insurance

mortgages: defaults on deregulation of thrift industry FHA foreclosures of historical evolution of interest rates on predatory lending traditional lending process for,
See also
subprime mortgage market


multilateral financial institutions: influence of lending by reforms of
See also

Monetary Fund; World Bank

mutual fund management companies

national home ownership strategy,
See also
home ownership nationalism

Nehru, Jawaharlal

New Century Financial

New Deal

New York City

No Child Left Behind Act of

noncognitive skills

Northern Rock

Obama, Barack

Obama administration

Office of Thrift Supervision

O’Neal, Stanley


organizational capital

ownership society,
See also


Park Chung Hee

Paulson, Henry J.

Paulson, John

People’s Bank of China

Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation


People’s Bank of China (PBOC)


Phillips curve

physicians: malpractice suits and salaries of
See also
health care

Pinto, Edward

A Plan of the English Commerce

Plaza Accord (1945)

political fault lines

politics: economics and of immigration pressures for easy credit, pressures for fiscal stimulus

Poole, Keith

populist credit expansion

Populist movement

poverty: cycle of in developing

countries family instability and

opportunities for escape from

Prasad, Eswar

predatory lending

prices: food functions of,
See also
asset prices; housing market; inflation

Prince, Charles

professional credentials

proprietary trading



rating agencies

Rato, Rodrigo de

recession of: Federal Reserve responses to fiscal stimulus response to jobless recovery from

recessions: of of cleansing role of jobless recoveries from Keynesian policies and overreactions to political pressure for economic stimulus during

redundancy, in financial systems

reforms: in access to credit in Brazil in China in deposit insurance educational fault lines addressed by of Federal Reserve financial in global economic governance goals of guiding principles of of health insurance in housing finance of incentives in India of monetary policy of multilateral financial institutions, need for reducing government intervention reducing search for tail risk regulatory tort of unemployment benefits

regulation: antitrust cycle-proof enforcement of failures of history of laissez-faire ideology and in New Deal reforms of
See also

regulation, banking: capital requirements central bank responsibilities for cognitive capture and Community Reinvestment Act effectiveness of enforcement of history of of new products reforms of resolution of bank failures risk monitoring and transparency of

relationship capitalism.
managed capitalism

relationship systems: of employment financial



research and development,
See also

Reserve Bank of India

resilience: of financial systems of workers

retirement savings returns: alpha relationship to risk risk: bank exposures of default effects of government intervention in financial sector incentives for taking information needed for monitoring interest rate levels and liquidity, inmortgage-backed securities relationship to return underpricing of
See also
tail risks

risk managers

Rodrik, Dani

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Rosenthal, Howard

Rubin, Robert


S&P options prices


safety net: conditional cash transfers costs of in Europe political attitudes toward social security strengthening in United States
See also
health insurance; unemployment benefits

Salam, Reihan

Salinas de Gortari, Carlos

Samuelson, Robert J.

“Save More Tomorrow” plan

savings: in Asia, government policies to encourage household increasing interest rates on rates of relationship to investment retirement, shortages of


Schumpeter, Joseph

scientific research

securitization: benefits of collateralized debt obligations collateralized loan obligations of French annuities innovative products,
See also
mortgage-backed securities


Shiller, Robert

short sellers

Sinha, Yashwant

skill-based technical change

Smith, Adam


social safety net.
safety net

social security

Social Security Act of

Sorkin, Andrew Ross

South Korea:
s in

economic growth of economic policies of exports of investment in

Soviet Union

Squam Lake Working Group

Stalin, Joseph

state-owned banks

state-owned enterprises

Stein, Herbert

Steinbeck, John,
Grapes of Wrath

sterilized intervention

stock market: bank stock prices crash of (2000) dot-com bubble in, efficient markets hypothesis and overvaluation of price volatility of students.

subprime mortgage market: boom in, classification of loans credit growth and defaults in governmentsponsored enterprises and housing prices and NINJA loans, originating companies private issuers of securitization in size of

Subramanian, Arvind

Sufi, Amir


systemically important financial institutions: bond holders of factors in importance of prevention of reducing number of risks taken by

Taibbi, Matt

tail risks: difficulties in managing incentives for taking of mortgage-backed securities public exposure of reducing search for systemic taken by banks

Taiwan: economic growth of exports of industrial development in managed capitalism in state-owned enterprises in

Troubled Asset Relief Program

Tata Steel

taxes: credits housing subsidies income, in managed capitalist systems marginal rates of raising rebates of redistributive

Taylor, John

Taylor rule

teachers: education of hiring performance measurement of
See also

Teach for America

technical change, skill-based

technological change: economic growth and in education effects on jobs productivity increases and in recent past

Texas Instruments

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