Fearless (21 page)

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Authors: Brynley Bush

BOOK: Fearless
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“Okay, thank you,” I say with relief. I will do anything to see my daughter out of pain.

Beckett says something to the nurse who had treated me so dismissively and she immediately calls Nikki's name. Nikki and Tim come to the nurse's station and the nurse takes Nikki's vitals.

“Tim Hart,” Tim said to Beckett, extending his hand to Beckett.

“Dr. Black,” Beckett says, extending his hand to shake Tim's, although he still looks like he might bite someone's head off. Probably mine.

“This is Dr. Black,” I say to Tim. “I've done some work for his urology practice.”

If it's possible, Beckett looks even more annoyed.

“Hmff,” Tim says. “Are you qualified to treat whatever's going on with my daughter if you're a urologist?”

“I did my residency in the ER and I am a fully trained doctor. But if you'd prefer to wait another two hours to see the ER doctor, be my guest,” Beckett replies coolly.

Tim shakes his head with a muttered apology, and we all follow the nurse as she leads Nikki into a small curtained room. Once the curtain is closed, Beckett introduces himself to Nikki and asks her a few questions about when her pain had started and where exactly it is.

“She needs a sonogram to rule out appendicitis, although I don't think that's what it is,” he explains to me and Tim, all professional seriousness again. “I'm also going to have them do a pelvic sonogram to check for cysts on her ovaries. Those can be quite painful. The nurse will be here in a minute to take her for the sonogram. I'll let you know as soon as I get the results.”

Turning, he leaves the curtained room without a backward glance. I know I should feel relieved that he didn't acknowledge that I am anything special to him—after all, I'm the one who introduced him as a work associate—but I can't help but feel a little deserted when he walks out.

In a few minutes the nurse comes to get Nikki, and Tim and I sit together in an awkward silence in the small room. Finally, Tim stands up and announces that he's going to get a cup of coffee before stalking out.

“Sure, I'd love a cup. Thank you,” I say sarcastically to myself.

Five and then ten minutes pass. Finally Beckett comes back in. I look up at him questioningly and his eyes soften a little.

“Her appendix looks fine,” he says gently, “but she does have a five centimeter cyst on her left ovary that has burst.”

I nod, trying to keep calm, waiting to freak out until I've heard the rest.

“It can be quite painful when they burst, but she will be fine in a day or two. The fluid will slowly be absorbed back into her body. She does need to follow up with a gynecologist in about five days to make sure it continues to go down. I can give you a recommendation if you need one.”

I shake my head. “That's okay. I have one.”

“Good. I will give her some pain medicine to take today and tomorrow, if she needs it.”

Relief washes over me knowing Nikki's going to be okay, and I am filled with gratitude that Beckett came just when I needed him most, even though I never asked him to.

“Thank you,” I say, giving in and wrapping my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. He feels so good, so safe, and I bury my face in his chest. “I should have woken you up.” I sigh in relief when his arms go around me.

“Yes, you should have,” he says, his voice gruff but tender. His hand rubs my back comfortingly. “I went through hell when I woke up and you were gone, until I found your note. I was afraid I'd pushed you too far last night.”

“No, last night was amazing,” I say, glad that my cheek is still comfortably pressed to his chest where he can't see the flush that is undoubtedly creeping across my cheeks at the memory of last night. “I want to do it again.”

“In that case, perhaps I will punish you for your breach of etiquette in sneaking out in the middle of the night,” he says mischievously. “And next time I'll make sure I tie you to the bed so you can't get away.”

Despite the fact that we're in a hospital room, I feel my stomach drop in delicious anticipation at his words.

“What the fuck?!”

Springing away from Beckett as if he's suddenly on fire, I guiltily turn toward the doorway where Tim stands, his face contorted with rage.

I don't know how much, if any, of our conversation he has overheard. Hopefully none.

“Excuse me if I'm interrupting your discussion with the
,” he says scathingly.

“Tim, stop it,” I say wearily. “I do know Dr. Black from some work I did for his practice, but we've also been seeing each other, not that it's any business of yours. He was nice enough to come up to the hospital on his day off for Nikki so please stop being such an ass.”

“You little slut,” Tim says softly. “All those years you were saving it for someone else.”

Before I have a chance to respond, Beckett has crossed the room and has Tim pinned to the wall, his hand gripping my ex-husband's shoulder. To anyone walking by, the gesture looks like a concerned doctor comforting a father, but I can see Beckett's steely grip is just short of painful.

“If you ever speak to Emmaline that way again I can promise you will regret it,” Beckett says to Tim, his voice soft but menacing. “The only thing stopping me from beating the shit out of you right now is the fact that I am on duty and your daughter will be back in any minute. Now apologize.”

Watching him go all dominant on someone else is definitely a turn on, especially since it's on my behalf.

“Sorry,” Tim says churlishly to me. “Look, I'm going to take off. Rebecca and I have plans this afternoon so you can take Nikki home with you when she's released. I'll say goodbye to her on my way out.”

I let out a shaky breath as he leaves. “Sorry about that,” I say to Beckett.

“No need for you to apologize,” he says, running the pad of his thumb tenderly across my cheekbone. “It's not your fault your ex-husband is an asshole. I have never wished I could punch someone more.”

We are interrupted by the nurse and Nikki's arrival back in the room.

“How are you feeling?” Beckett asks Nikki.

“A little better,” she says, and I am glad to see a small smile on her wan face.

Beckett smiles back at her. “You have your mother's smile,” he says. “I'll let your mom fill you in on the details while I go get your prescription called in, but in a nutshell you have a small cyst on your ovary that burst. That's what was causing you to hurt. It will continue to get smaller and smaller and you should feel much better in a day or two. Okay?”

“Okay,” Nikki says.

Beckett and the nurse leave and I help Nikki get dressed. The nurse comes back with her discharge papers and we are free to go. I look around as we check out, hoping to see Beckett, but he is nowhere to be found.

“Were you with him when I called?” Nikki asks as we drive home.

My daughter is far too perceptive. I keep my eyes on the road, not sure how to respond. I have always told Nikki that she can ask me anything and I will always give her an honest answer, but this is uncharted territory. Am I ready for Nikki to know about Beckett? I always assumed I would wait to introduce her to anyone I might become involved with until it was serious, and I'm not sure whatever Beckett and I have qualifies. I can't exactly introduce him to her as the man I'm exploring my sexual fantasies with.

“Who?” I ask, stalling.

“The hot doctor,” Nikki answers teasingly. “That was him, wasn't it?”

“Yes,” I say with a sigh. “That was him.”

“He's just as good-looking as you described,” she says with a giggle.

“Well you're clearly feeling better,” I say sarcastically, but I can't stop smiling. “He is good-looking, isn't he? Are you okay with me seeing him?”

“Of course,” Nikki says. “Dad's already married to someone else. Why shouldn't you be happy too?”

“Thanks, sweetheart,” I say, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “He does make me happy,” I add, and I realize that he does.

Beckett calls later in the afternoon, asking if he can come over and bring dinner. I know my answer has huge ramifications. If I say yes, it will mean including him in my real life with Nikki. Although Nikki may be ready, I'm not sure if I am. What if our relationship isn't anything more than mind-blowing sex? What if it can't survive reality? The potential for heartbreak is great and will be even greater if Nikki gets attached to him; but if I'm being honest with myself I have to admit I'm already past the point of no return. I'm falling for him. The way I felt when I saw him in the ER was more than sexual attraction. He came through for me, physically and emotionally, without me even asking. Besides, now that Nikki knows about our relationship and seems fine with it, I'm not sure I'm strong enough to pass up an opportunity to be with him. He's like a drug that I can't go for too long without.

He arrives at six o'clock with boxes of Chinese takeout. He gives me a quick kiss and follows me into the living room where Nikki is sprawled on the couch.

“How are you feeling?” he asks her, his solemn and professional doctor demeanor in place. It makes me want to crumble that façade of his.

“A lot better,” Nikki admits. “Except the medicine makes me sleepy.”

“That's pretty normal,” he says, sitting down comfortably on the loveseat, completely at ease.

Throughout the evening, I enjoy watching him with my daughter. He still retains that commanding, professional demeanor that seems to be ingrained in him, but he's a little softer and more relaxed with Nikki. He would have made a good father.

However, he makes it clear that there aren't going to be any pretenses about our relationship in front of Nikki. He pulls me down next to him on the loveseat and places his hand possessively on my thigh while we eat and watch reality shows on TV. I'm glad the show is pretty mindless; his touch on my jean-clad leg makes it hard for me to focus on anything but him. At nine, Nikki's falling asleep so I usher her off to bed, making sure she takes some more pain medicine.

When I come back into the living room Beckett is sprawled on the loveseat, his feet propped on my coffee table, looking perfectly at home. And perfectly sexy. The look he gives me sends a jolt of electricity all the way to my toes.

“Come here,” he says huskily.

I let him pull me down next to him and his arm curves around my shoulder as I curl into his side, my head on his chest.

“Thank you for everything you did for me today,” I say. “You have no idea how much it means to me.”

“Thank you for letting me into your life,” he says softly. “Your daughter is as beautiful and charming and feisty as her mom.” He trails his fingers down my jawline, lifting my chin so that he can kiss me. I'm not used to this softer, gentler Beckett. His lips feel good against mine, soft but unyielding, and his tongue is warm and supple as it strokes mine. I feel an ache in my core that I know is only going to lead to frustration tonight. It's too bad the vibrator is at his house.

“We can't….” I begin, my hand on his chest.

His places his hand on my leg and caresses my outer thigh firmly, stroking up my side and cupping my breast possessively.

“I know,” he whispers. He rubs his thumb across my nipple and it pebbles under his touch despite my bra.

I writhe slightly under his hand. “How do you do this to me?” I groan. “You barely touch me and I'm a quivering bundle of need.”

He smiles a very male smile of satisfaction and shifts so he's half lying down, his head pillowed by the arm of the couch and me on top of him. He cups my breast again, holding me still, and I doze as we watch sitcoms, feeling utterly safe and content in his arms.

At ten o'clock he says lazily, “I could lie here all night with you, but I'd better go.”

I reluctantly sit up, my breast feeling oddly cold without the warmth of his hand on it. I walk him to the door.

“Thank you again,” I say, standing on my tip toes to kiss him. His tongue slides into my mouth, swirling around mine. He slips his hand under my shirt, the warmth of his touch against my bare skin making me arch slightly as he runs his hand up my back and unhooks my bra. He rubs a thumb across one bared nipple and then the other, pulling back from our kiss to smile at me lazily as my nipples instantly harden. He bends his head and takes one in his mouth through the thin fabric of my tank top. He nips it hard, making me cry out.

“Don't ever leave without waking me up again,” he says bluntly, his warm mouth moving to my other breast.

He sucks the nipple through my shirt and I tense, knowing what's coming. His teeth close around the hardened point and bear down just enough to make me squirm.

“Okay,” I manage breathlessly. “I'm sorry.”

His lips release my nipple and find my mouth again.

“I'll call you,” he says softly. “Sweet dreams.”

I groan as I close the door behind him. I know my dreams will be filled with the dark, sexy pirate who has stolen my heart.

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