Fearless (23 page)

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Authors: Brynley Bush

BOOK: Fearless
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I look dubiously at my daughter's friend. Thanks to my love of running, I'm in pretty good shape, and I'm about the same size as Madison, but I'm pretty sure that after having a child I don't have the body or the nerve to wear a teenager's swimsuit. But the three of them gang up on me, begging me to swim with them until I take the two scraps of material Madison hands me and go inside to change. Of course it's an itty bitty bikini that shows way more skin than I'm comfortable with, but it fits, and when I walk back outside the heat in Beckett's eyes makes me glad I wore it.

We swim with the girls, Beckett shamelessly taking advantage of every opportunity to touch me, igniting my senses. Afterwards, he grills burgers to go with the potato salad and watermelon that Agnes brings out, and the six of us talk and laugh as we eat. The sun is going down when Beckett finally joins me on the chaise lounge where I am stretched out lazily watching the girls, who have finally tired of the pool and are talking quietly in the hot tub. He links hands with me, threading his fingers with mine, and the heat of his warm skin against mine wakes some primitive female part of me.

“Are you coming to Lainey's party with me tomorrow night?” I ask. I‘ve mentioned it to him before, but I want to make sure.

Absolutely,” Beckett says. “I can't wait to meet your friends.”

“You should maybe bring some extra clothes for Saturday,” I add nonchalantly. “Nikki is sleeping over at Lainey's after the party.”

Lainey had said she didn't get to spend enough time with her adoptive niece, and Nikki and Lainey's oldest daughter are good friends despite their two year age difference, but I know Lainey made the offer to give me time with Beckett.

His eyes light up. “Duly noted,” he says huskily.

We sit together, our hands linked, until stars dot the night sky and the girls drift over, hungry again. This evening has been perfect. I tell myself that I haven't brought up the fact that Beckett has kept a huge part of himself and his past from me because I don't want to ruin the evening, and because I'm confident he will tell me when he's ready. But deep down, I know it's because I'm falling in love with him, and it doesn't matter.

I take the day off on Friday and treat the girls to breakfast out before taking Madison home and then taking Nikki shopping. We have barely been home for five minutes when the doorbell rings.

“It's a flower delivery,” Nikki says excitedly, looking out the window before running to open the door.

I sign for the flowers, a beautiful bouquet of two dozen orchids for me and a smaller bouquet of pink tea roses for Nikki. The delivery man hands me a small brown box along with the flowers. I carry the flowers inside and open the card.


Counting the hours until I see you again.

Love, Beckett

P.S. Open the box when you're alone.


Luckily Nikki is too busy taking pictures of her flowers and texting them to her friends to notice when I surreptitiously take the package into my bedroom. Closing the door, I open it. Inside is a folded note and what appears to be a small pink bullet. Intrigued, I open the note.


Wear this for me tonight. It goes where you think it does. I'll pick you up at 7.


Needless to say, I have trouble concentrating the rest of day, and a little before seven I lock myself in my bathroom and carefully slide the soft bullet shaped object into my vagina. It feels thick inside of me, but otherwise it's not very exciting. It's definitely not as erotic as the pleasure balls. I slip on a lacy dress and cowboy boots and join Nikki to wait for Beckett, who, not surprisingly, arrives promptly at seven o'clock. Nikki oohs and aahs over his sports car and he delights her by putting the top down and turning the radio up as we drive to Lainey's. Unfortunately, with Nikki in the back seat and the radio blaring, I don't have a chance to ask Beckett about his gift.

When we arrive at Lainey's, the party is in full swing. I open the door without knocking, and as Nikki disappears upstairs to find Lainey's daughter Zoe, I grab Beckett's hand and lead him through the house and out onto the patio where Lainey is pouring bright green liquid into the margarita machine.

“I thought you said it was just going to be a few people,” I say teasingly, raising my voice over the music pulsing from the outdoor speakers.

“I know, right?” Lainey says with a laugh. “Cam kept inviting people. I don't even know half of them. Thank goodness you're here to save me.” Wiping her hands on a towel, she makes her way around the machine to hug me.

I hug her back and then turn to Beckett. “This is Beckett,” I say. “Beckett, Lainey.”

Lainey hugs him and he looks at me with a mixture of surprise and discomfiture. I can't help but giggle. You just can't be formal around Lainey.

She lets go of him and says, “It's nice to meet you, Beckett. You're good for Em. Don't break her heart. She's one of the good ones.”

“Yes, I know,” he says, settling his hands possessively on my hips. “I promise I'll take care of her.”

“Excuse me, I'm standing right here,” I say, exasperated. “I don't need two of you bossing me around!”

“I don't boss you around,” Beckett objects mildly. Smiling deliberately he adds, “I just like you to do whatever I tell you to do.”

My cheeks flame. “You did not just say that in front of my best friend!”

Thankfully, Lainey's husband Cam arrives then, kissing Lainey lustfully before saying, “Who invited all of these people?”

I laugh. “I love you guys! By the way, where are my favorite little Wyatts?”

“With grandma so mama can have a margarita,” Lainey says. “Zoe's around here somewhere, probably with your daughter. Thanks for letting Nikki sleep over and hang out with her. She's missed you guys.” Barely stopping for a breath she says, “Can you help me with the appetizers? Cam will take care of Beckett.”

I throw an apologetic look at Beckett before following Lainey into the kitchen.

“He's gorgeous!” Lainey whispers loudly once we're in the kitchen. “And so alpha male. He just exudes control.”

“I know,” I whisper back. I feel like we're back in college. “Who knew I'd get off on that?”

I head back outside and see that Beckett and Cam are where we left them, deep in conversation, although Beckett looks up at me and winks as I walk outside, completely attuned to where I am at all times. Seeing a friend I know from college, I stop to talk when a pleasant hum sizzles through my vagina. Shocked by the unexpected vibration, it takes me a minute to remember the pink bullet and figure out that it's what's vibrating inside me. It stops as quickly and unexpectedly as it started, and my eyes immediately seek out Beckett. He's watching me, his eyes hooded, a small smile playing around his lips.

“Excuse me,” I say to the woman I'm talking to, making a beeline for Beckett.

“What did you just do?” I demand in a whisper when I reach him.

“I don't know what you're talking about, Angel,” he says casually.

“Yes you do! The thing you gave me to wear. It vibrated.”

“Did it?” He pulls something partially out of his pocket and I can see that it's a small remote control. With a flick of his finger, the vibrations start again with more intensity this time.

My breath hitches at the sudden onslaught of pleasure.

“You have a remote control for it?” I ask, incredulous.

Beckett smiles. “Your pleasure is at my discretion tonight.” The vibration stops and I sag against him.

“That one was stronger,” I say breathlessly.

“There are ten speeds and ten different pulsations patterns. I think it will be a very….” he pauses, “fun evening.”

“Fun?” I say, looking at him incredulously.

“Fun,” he confirms. “Unless you can think of another way to describe it. I told you I'd help you with your vocabulary.”

I can't quite contain the shiver of anticipation that reverberates through me at the thought of him controlling my arousal at a party full of people.

He uses the remote throughout the evening to tease and arouse me, varying the speed and intensity each time, looking immensely smug when I shoot him looks of pure desire across the room. I talk and laugh, trying to act normal despite the fact that I am completely and totally turned on, every pleasure receptor in my body on high alert.

I play darts with Beckett and not surprisingly I lose, since he sends pulsing vibrations to my already aroused center every time I'm about to take a shot. Not knowing when the vibrating pulse is coming makes the game all the more erotic. At one point he leaves it on so long and at such a high intensity that I almost come, but he turns it off just as I'm about to explode, leaning over to whisper sternly in my ear, "Do not come without my permission, Angel."

I pout at him and he runs a finger over my lips, adding, "I promise it will be worth the wait."

At eleven, I can't take it anymore and hunt down Lainey, telling her we have to go. She gives me a knowing look. "You have seemed a little on edge tonight. Thanks for coming," she says, hugging first me and then Beckett. “It was nice to meet you, Beckett,” she says. She gives me a pointed look and says, "What time is it safe to bring Nikki home?"

Blushing, I say, "Anytime is fine."

"Oh no!" Lainey says with a laugh. "I am not bringing that poor child home to a den of iniquity! I'll bring her home at eleven and then we can go to lunch. You have been warned. Please don't be naked when we get there."

I laugh as I wave goodbye and look for Nikki. Once I've found her and said goodnight, I can't get out of there fast enough. He keeps the vibrations pulsing on and then off as we drive home, and I reach over to squeeze his hard cock as he drives. I shouldn't be the only one suffering. We are barely inside my house when I all but launch myself into Beckett's arms, kissing him with all of the passion and need that has been building in me all night. My tongue strokes his and he holds my face between his hands as he plunges his tongue into my eager mouth, giving me what I crave. He sucks my bottom lip, nipping it and then licking away the tiny pain his sharp teeth delivered as I press against him, feeling his hard cock against me.

“Take your clothes off,” he commands softly. “I don't want anything to come between me and your skin.”

Turned on by the vibrations that have teased me all evening and his commanding tone, I do as he says, boldly staring into his eyes as I slowly peel off my dress, letting it slide down over my hips erotically. Without breaking our gaze, I unhook my bra and let it fall to the floor, exposing my breasts to him. This time I don't cover myself. I am shamelessly his. I shimmy out of my panties and then stand brazenly before him, panting with need, my eyes looking at him questioningly.

“I want you on all fours,” he says softly but uncompromisingly. “The table or the bed, it's your choice.”

I feel myself grow wetter as I contemplate my choices. Although the thought of me naked on my hands and knees on my kitchen table sounds almost intoxicatingly forbidden, it also sounds a little uncomfortable.

“Bed,” I manage to squeak.

“After you,” he says, his dark eyes smoldering.

I walk slowly into the bedroom, conscious of his eyes on me as he follows me, and climb onto my bed on my hands and knees. He walks around me and secures a blindfold over my eyes, throwing me into darkness. My pulse races. I have no idea what he's going to do.

“We're going to play a little game,” he says softly. “Are you good with numbers?”

I shrug, wondering what he's getting at. “I don't know,” I say. “I guess.”

“I'm going to turn the vibrator onto a random number and you are going to try to guess the number it's on. If you're wrong I will spank you. If you're right, I will pleasure your clit. Keep in mind there are ten speeds. Are you ready?”

“Okay,” I whisper. Every nerve in my body is at attention.

The pulsing starts and I try to gauge the intensity. It isn't much compared to what I know from experience the vibrator is capable of.

“Three,” I guess.

Smack. His hand hits the bare flesh of my bottom and I gasp. The vibrator turns off for a moment and then back on again. It's much more intense this time. Beckett runs his hand up my thigh to my behind and back down again, lightly stroking me. Oh god. I can't think clearly.


Smack. Another blow, to my other cheek this time, sends pleasure sizzling across my nerve endings.

Twice more I guess wrong, and twice more he spanks me, rubbing my bottom erotically between each spank. Between the spankings and the vibrator, I am getting more and more aroused.

“You're not very good at this,” he observes with a chuckle.

“Math has never been my best subject,” I say breathlessly, more intent on the waves of desire flowing through me than making conversation.

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