Read Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Evelyn Adams,Christine Bell,Rhian Cahill,Mari Carr,Margo Bond Collins,Jennifer Dawson,Cathryn Fox,Allison Gatta,Molly McLain,Cari Quinn,Taryn Elliot,Katherine Reid,Gina Robinson,Willow Summers,Zoe York

Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology (88 page)

BOOK: Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology
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e was kissing
her before he could stop himself. Her lips were soft against his, and she tasted like coffee. Breakfast might forever give him a hard-on now. Small price to pay for having another shot at Tori in his arms.

Logan knew the smart thing to do was sit down, eat waffles, and talk about their feelings.

Fuck that shit. He wasn’t waiting a minute more to show Tori what was in his heart.

Besides, his words were always getting twisted up. But when he kissed her yesterday—and touched her today, or anytime—it was like all the pieces fell together.

He had to trust that she’d feel it too.

With a little sigh, she opened for him, and he delved deeper, showing her how much he wanted her before back off again. His lips never stopped moving against hers, though, tasting and sipping. Teasing a little. They had all the time in the world, and he was going to take his damn time in loving her the way she deserved.

She was soft and smooth beneath his touch as he began a delicate, careful exploration of her skin. Her chest rose and fell as he traced his fingertips up her thighs and around the sweet swell of her hips. Her waist fit perfectly in his cupped hands, and when she hitched her legs around his hips and pulled him in, he knew they weren’t going to stop until she screamed his name.

How had he kept his feelings a secret for so long? How had he almost let her
marry someone else?
He was damn lucky, and never again would he let himself be blind to how potent their connection was. Now that he’d stormed through the brick wall around his desire for her, it was madness to think about retreating.

His fingers hooked under the fabric of her tank, and they both froze. “May I?” he asked, his voice raw. She nodded, her hair brushing against his face as they looked down together and he peeled the fabric up.

It wasn’t like he hadn’t already imagined her breasts a million times before. Seen them up close in his peripheral vision. Felt them pressed against him.

But this was the first time it was okay. This was the first time he’d be allowed to cup them and taste them, and his cock was throbbing at the promise.

His fingertips found them first as he worked the snug, thin fabric up her torso. A soft crease of skin, then warm, swollen curves. He twisted his wrists around and went palm-first under her shirt, suddenly desperate for the heavy flesh to fill his hands.

Two things happened at once. He found Tori’s nipples, firm buds that sent an almost painful jolt through his core, and she slid to the edge of the counter, finding his erection between her legs.

And that was just about enough of so-called kissing that Logan could handle.

“Come back to bed with me,” he whispered against her mouth. “Let me take you to my bed, Tor.” He was pleading now, rocking hard against her as she sucked on his lower lip and writhed against his touch under her shirt.

But damn it, if he didn’t get her horizontal, he was going to end up fucking here right there in the kitchenette, and that wasn’t how it was going to be their first time.

Maybe their second or third, after breakfast.

* * *

,” Logan ground out, and she tried to drag herself out of the kiss long enough to think about what he’d just said.

Oh right, his room. She nodded. “Yes.”

Then she was in the air, his hands under her bottom, and he was carrying her to his bed. The blankets were shoved to the bottom of it, the sheets still warm from where he slept on them, and she only had a split-second to process all of that before he was on top of her again, crowding her into the mattress.

. She wanted him on top of her, big and heavy and real.

This was happening. Holy crap. She and Logan were making out in his bed. Half-way to naked and it felt totally right.

This time, their kisses were harder. Deeper. She couldn’t stop touching him, and every time she hit the waistband of his shorts, she nudged them a touch lower. Edged her fingers inside and stroked new-to-her Logan skin.

A hot thrill chased through her as he mimicked her movements, rubbing his knuckles along the elastic of her panties inside her sleep shorts.

“Is this okay?”

She registered his touch first, then his words. Everything was happening a beat before she knew it, like she was underwater.

Was your first time with someone supposed to be perfect? Didn’t that set the bar too high? And they hadn’t even gotten all the way naked yet.

She arched her hips, rolling her mound against his questing fingers. “Please.”

He tugged at the skimpy fabric and slid his hand inside, making her tummy quiver before he circled her hips and palmed her bare ass. He braced his other arm on the mattress next to her head, his fingers playing with her hair as he gave her slow-as-molasses, dirty-as-hell kisses. His tongue fucked into her mouth, his teeth scraped against her lips, and in between each filthy pass, he dragged his eyes over her face, turning her insides to molten lava with each hungry glance.

She was so ready for the panties and shorts to disappear, but Logan had other ideas. He swallowed her moan of dissent as he removed his hand from her panties and grabbed her questing fingers. “Hang on,” he whispered. “I need to taste the rest of you first.”

He tugged her tank top up her torso and she helped him get rid of it. He paused, a look of surprise passing over his face. It was almost reverent, and her heart softened as he rolled his glance back up to her face. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” he whispered. “I’ve always thought that, Tor. But this is blowing my mind.” His eyes darkened. “You’ve got the prettiest tits. Seriously.”

She giggled. “Classy.”

“Classy is overrated.”

True story. He ducked his head, his stubble scratching against her neck and down her chest as he breathed her in, and she didn’t want anything else. No roses or fancy suits, romantic words or polite distance. She just wanted Logan’s body on hers, every inch of him loving every inch of her. Real and hot and blowing her mind.

He cupped her breasts together, groaning about the size of them in a good way, and she arched her back. Yes. She needed
. She needed him to tell her she was perfect for him. Big boobs, strong legs, soft tummy. All of it. She wanted him to worship her.

Tell him that
. Easier said than done. She compromised with her internal girl-power dictator by rubbing her fingers through his hair, urging him closer to her nipples.

He got the message in a serious way. “You like it hard or soft?” he asked as he circled her peak with the tip of his tongue.

“Yes,” she retorted. Seriously, both sounded just fine by her.

He laughed and sucked her into his mouth. Soft, and then hard. And both were amazing. His tongue pulsed against her flesh as he pulled on her, sending a sharp stab of want straight to her clit. She wanted his mouth there, too.

“Oh, that feels so good,” she breathed.

“You like that?”


“You like my mouth? God, you taste better than I imagined.” He fluttered his tongue against her nipple, then let go of her with a wet slurp that she’d never forget. Rising above her, he finally pulled off her bottoms. She reached for his waistband but he gently stopped her with his fingers around her wrist. “Not done with my mouth yet, babe.”

Mind reader. She shook as she lay back on the bed. Her legs were splayed wide open, and he was looking at her in the bright morning light, but the shyness she expected didn’t come. His gaze was too warm to let anything but good feelings linger.

He shifted backward on the bed, lowering himself between her legs. The air crackled as he kissed her belly, her thighs, and when he ducked his head to kiss her in between,
right there
, she wanted to just die from the goodness of it.

“Oh, I like that…” she licked her lips and rolled her hips. “Yes, just like…oh my
. Logan!”

He lazily circled his tongue again through the languorous path he’d just blazed before lifting his head. “Yes?”

“Never stop doing that.”

“That’s the plan.”

It didn’t take him long to work her up and send her flying into a sustained climax that he masterfully stretched for her until she clutched at his head and begged him to stop.

“But you said never stop,” he laughed as he crawled back up her body.

She kissed him soundly, licking the taste of herself off his mouth, and shook her head. “That was crazy talk from a desperate woman. Besides, that made me hungry for a taste of my own.”

He let her shove him onto his back, lacing his hands behind his head as she reached for his shorts. The casual pose belied a tension in his body, though, and she felt it too. Her heart hammered in her chest. They were really doing this. All the way naked. Both of them.

She couldn’t wait. And she was terrified, too. She squeezed her hands tighter in the fabric, then abandoned that and just went for his waistband. She needed her hands on his cock. Needed to feel his vulnerability pulsing against her palm.

“This okay?” she asked under her breath, teasing him as she got her first look at the erection she’d been grinding against. He groaned something about touching him already, but she needed to look first.

He was beautiful. Long and thick, with a pink crown and a slight curve. The heavy length bobbed to a firm stand as she tugged his shorts down to his hips. He made her mouth water, and she slowly curled her fingers around his erection.

Oh yes. Hot and hard. Smooth skin and throbbing muscle. Her first stroke made him groan, and she slid her attention up to his face, watching as he reacted to her touch. The muscles in his chest and shoulders and neck all strained as he held himself back.

“Good?” she asked. “Softer or harder?”

He laughed roughly, sounding quite affected. “Yes.”

Turnabout was the most fun game ever. She lowered her head and sucked just the head into her mouth, soft and sweet, then bobbed a little deeper and tugged a little harder.

His hands tangled in her hair and she felt his torso flex as he tried to sit up. Blindly, she reached up and pushed him back down again.

She knew what he wanted. She wanted it, too. But the taste of him, little bursts of Logan against her tongue as she worked him up and down with her mouth and her hand… she wanted to imprint this on her memory before they went further.

Inhaling deeply, she pushed him into her throat, letting him feel her work to take him. He shouted her name and she smiled—sort of—around his length. Yes, yes, yes.

“Enough,” he pleaded. “More later. Please. I want inside you, Tori. Let me love you.”

Magic words. Healing words. She pulled off, her mouth wet, and she let him spin her around so he was on top again.

They fit together exactly right. He was hard where she was soft, and their limbs seemed to naturally entwine as they kissed. But they needed something else before they satisfied their shared desire, and unless Logan was a total dog, they weren’t immediately at hand.

“Condom,” she breathed.

“Fuck.” Logan spit out the curse, then shoved himself up onto his knees. His eyes glittered as he looked down at her, his eyes wide. God, she loved how his mind worked. She could see the gears twisting, thinking about alternatives. “Didn’t bring any. Wasn’t planning on this. But we’ll make do. Get creative.”

She grinned. “It’s fine. I have some.” She wiggled out from beneath him and scampered to her room. She’d thought about taking them out of her suitcase when she did her last once-over. Thank God she hadn’t.

When she came back, he was frowning slightly, and he’d tilted his head to the side. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why do you have condoms?”

She turned pink. She didn’t want to talk about her sex life with Stephen. “We used them,” she mumbled.

“You and Steve?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes.”

He reached for her, snagging the box and tossing it onto the far side of the bed. Then he returned them to their previous position—legs entwined, his hands tracing her body, his mouth lowering to hers…

And stopping.

Her breath caught in her throat as he searched her face. “He wanted to use condoms on your honeymoon?”

God, she didn’t want to have this conversation. “Yeah.”

“Did you ever…not use them?”

An achy awareness bloomed low in her belly. “No.”

“Were they your only form of birth control?”

This conversation shouldn’t be making her wet. “No,” she breathed. It was totally making her wet. God, this was dirty.

He nodded slowly. “Okay.”

The moment stretched like soft, sweet bubblegum, then snapped as he kissed her hard and fast, a claiming of her mouth, her body, her entire being. It stole her breath and did something funny to her heart as he kissed down her neck, sucking her skin into his mouth. Her pulse jumped toward his tongue, just like the rest of her. “Logan…”

He slapped his hand on the box of condoms, dragging it closer before tearing it open with one hand. She twisted her head that way and watched him deftly rip off the first of hopefully many condoms they’d use.

BOOK: Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology
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