Fenella J Miller (16 page)

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Authors: Lady Eleanor's Secret

BOOK: Fenella J Miller
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Chapter Sixteen

The sound of gentle breathing on the pillow beside her told Eleanor she was not dreaming. Alex was sleeping there; he hadn’t returned to his bedchamber this time. She rolled on to her side in order to watch him.

How she adored this man! After such an unpromising start this was now a true love match.

A cockerel crowed in the distance; dawn would come soon. Her abigail knew better than to disturb her before being summoned. Reaching out, she brushed her fingers against his naked shoulder. Instantly his eyes opened and a lazy smile curled his lips.

“Good morning, my darling. Is it time for me to go?”

“Not yet, it’s scarcely light.”

He yawned, watching her, his eyes reflecting that strange glitter she now recognized as passion. “Excellent, than I have time to return to the land of nod.”

Two could play this game. She stretched, raising her hands above her head, making certain her breasts were visible through the thin cloth of her nightgown. “I had not realized; I am also fatigued.” Deliberately turning her back she made a pretence of settling into the pillows.

How long before he reached for her? Her skin twitched in anticipation of his touch. A familiar warmth rippled through her.

Waiting was unbearable.

Why did he not make love to her? Surely he hadn’t gone back to sleep? Had she imagined the darkness in his eyes, the flush across his cheek bones? Unable to wait another second, she rolled back.

He was propped up on one elbow watching her, waiting to see if
time she would take the initiative. For the past four nights he had come to her, and each time they made love she had enjoyed it more. She was certain he shared her delight; it was so much harder for him to hold back then it was for her.

“Are you fatigued, Alex, my love? I am inexperienced in these matters, I would not dream of asking you to overexert yourself. After all, you are a deal older than myself, I expect a man of your advanced years—”

In one sinuous motion he was on top of her, his desire more than evident.

“Baggage! Too old indeed? You shall be the one to call quits before I leave your bed.”

What the servants thought of the fact they did not rise until noon bothered her not one jot. She rang the bell as soon as he closed the communicating door behind him. Sally appeared immediately.

“Is my bath ready? Put out my habit, we are riding this morning.” Eleanor barely contained her giggles. By the time they reached the stables it would be afternoon.

Downstairs, she met the housekeeper about her business. “Is everything ready for the arrival of Lady Thorrington and the children tomorrow?”

“Yes, my lady. As requested I have put the children upstairs in the nursery wing, the governess in a chamber on the floor below. Lady Thorrington has the butterfly apartment; there is a small room for her maid there.”

“Thank you, is Lord Bentley downstairs?”

“Indeed I am. I have been waiting this age for you, my dear.” He spoke from directly behind her forcing her to stumble forwards in shock. His arms clasped her waist to steady her.

Eleanor deliberately relaxed against him, knowing this would cause him to react in a most interesting way. She wondered how he would disguise his arousal in front of the housekeeper. She attempted to move away, leaving him exposed, but he tightened his grip, using her to hide his embarrassment.

“Come along, we must not keep the horses waiting any longer.”

She found herself whisked away to a side door and unceremoniously bundled outside. In full view of any gardener that might be lurking in the shrubbery he pinned her to the wall. “I had no idea you were insatiable, my love. I had thought your passion spent this morning.”

He pressed himself closer. He was more than ready to continue their lovemaking but she certainly was not. How could he think she would wish to indulge in such a pastime
, for heaven’s sake? “Let me go at once, Alex. I admit defeat. Now who is keeping the horses waiting?”

His mouth found hers and she returned his kiss. She had not known physical love could be so addictive. Fortunately he reined in his passion and with a final tender embrace stepped back.

“Sweetheart, you should know by now that I find you irresistible. Every moment we are apart I can think of nothing else. I’m like a green boy once more; you have given me back something I thought lost forever. I love you, Eleanor, promise me you will never leave me?”

She thought he must be jesting, but his face was serious and her flippant answer remained unsaid. “I shall never leave you, Alex. I love you more than my own life. As I explained to you, that is why I disobeyed your orders and followed you into the village.”

“Then I must be imagining you are holding something from me. I see such sadness in your eyes it breaks my heart. I wish you could share this dark secret with me, I am here to protect you. I give you my word, you shall never be unhappy again.”

His kindness was almost too much to bear. She could never tell him her secret because then he would hate her and send her away. Foster had been wrong. The closer they became the more this terrible deceit weighed on her soul. Whatever the outcome, in the New Year she would reveal everything to him.

One Christmas with the children around them, then she would destroy both their lives. He might forgive her eventually for her lies. Keeping it from him was not an option, truth would always out. Already she knew him so well; for every month she deceived him he would hate her more. Her only chance of salvaging her happiness lay in honesty.

But not yet. However wrong it was she had decided to give herself the remainder of the year to enjoy the bliss of being loved unconditionally. Alexander had his name day in two weeks and Elizabeth’s was two weeks later. She must not ruin any of these forthcoming celebrations. After all, had she not already spoilt Lucy’s party?

Edward paced his study. Several days had passed with no news from Suffolk. Surely the deed was done by now? He must find out what had transpired. Why did his men not return and tell him?

Edward’s temper became more fragile and his wife flinched every time he came near her. Of his children there was no sign, but then in a house this size it was perfectly possible to avoid meeting another resident if that was the desired objective. Miss Smithson’s presence meant he was obliged to keep his temper in check. No doubt a relief to his wife and staff.

When Jane received a personal letter, he was tempted to remove it from her hand, but the governess was in the hall and he didn’t wish to appear brutal in front of her.

“My lord, this is from Eleanor. She is so happy, it appears hers is a love match after all. She has invited myself and the children to visit, is that not kind of her?”

“When was this letter written?”

She blinked, obviously surprised by his abrupt question. “Yesterday, sir. Lord Bentley is obliged to go to Town on business for a few days, and he suggests the children and I go to Blakely Hall. Do I have your permission, my lord?”

Bile rose in his throat. He nodded his consent, not trusting himself to speak. His well-laid plans had gone awry and yet he had employed the best he could find. The only explanation was that Hudson had turned traitor and vanished with his money.

He sought refuge in his study, his mind in turmoil. He could do nothing more until quarter day when he received his rents, he had invested everything in this first venture. Next time he would go himself.

He stopped.

Hadn’t Jane just asked if she could visit Blakely Hall? The invitation hadn’t included him but they could hardly turn him away if he accompanied them.

His world righted. He had no need to employ further unreliable minions; he would see to the matter himself. Perhaps there would be an opportunity to arrange a tragic accident to remove Bentley.

It took all Alex’s willpower to restrain himself from making love to Eleanor right there. He had never felt this way about any other woman, not even Anna or Sarah. The first time he shared Eleanor’s bed had been a revelation.

He kept his arm firmly around Eleanor’s waist as they resumed their walk to the stables. For all her protests he knew there was something she was hiding from him. He guessed it was concerning her life under her brother’s control. She would tell him in her own time, perhaps the visit of her sister-in-law and niece and nephews would provide the ideal opportunity.

“Sweetheart, I can cancel my visit to Town. My lawyers could come down to me this time; I could also rearrange my appointment with the Minister. I promise I shall not be
de trop
; you shall have as much private time with your sister as you wish.” She stiffened, he was sure of it. Did she wish him away from home for some reason?

“Please, Alex, do not discommode yourself in any way. Lady Thorrington is not the one I wish to spend time with. I can’t wait to see my niece and nephews for I’ve missed them desperately.”

She looked up at him, and for a moment he thought he detected fear in her expression.

“You will be gone little more than a week. When you return we shall have the house to ourselves again. My guests will have gone back to Colchester. Edward and Jonathan must depart for school after that. This is the last opportunity I’ll have to be with them. They will not wish to visit with me once they’re more independent.”

“In which case, my love, I shall leave as planned tomorrow. However, I’ll not stay any longer than I have to.” His lips curved and in spite of his good intentions he lifted her from her feet in order to kiss her properly.

Buckets clattering in the yard prevented the inevitable. Sliding her to the ground, his voice was constrained as he whispered in her ear. “We shall ride to the charcoal maker’s hut, it’s disused at the moment.”

She was as breathless as him, her eyes dark with passion. She nodded her understanding and, leaving her hand in his, they hurried into the stable yard where

Lucifer and Silver were waiting impatiently.

Eleanor’s heart almost stopped when Alex suggested he not go to town. She couldn’t risk him being on the premises when the children arrived. They had seen what took place that dreadful day and might let the truth slip.

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