Feral Hunger (2010) (4 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Bedwell-Grime

BOOK: Feral Hunger (2010)
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Why can I see myself in the mirror? she blurted, completely ruining the moment.

Vlad shook himself as if she'd splashed him with cold water. The thing about mirrors it's a myth. Vampires probably started it to throw humans off our trail. And just so you know, we show up just fine in film and digital photography as well.

All she could say was, Oh. Then, I don't suppose there are shoes to go with the dress?

He looked down at her feet and then nodded, disappearing back into the closet and emerging with a pair of spike-heeled sandals. Their owner had narrower, longer feet, but she managed to wedge hers into them.

Vlad was still staring at her, that look of desire on his face.

I don't suppose she left any diamonds to go with the outfit? Jaelyn asked, making a joke to break the sexual tension.

He gave her one last sweeping glance and then turned away, motioning for her to follow him. No, she took those with her.

Jaelyn looked beautiful, Vlad thought as he drove his sleek Porsche through the congested streets. The club district teemed with people. Throngs surged into the streets with no regard for traffic signals. He darted another look at his passenger. He'd realized she was attractive when she arrived on his doorstep, but dressed in Michaela's cast-off clothing she was simply stunning.

He was falling for her. His heart knew it even if he refused to acknowledge it. Hopefully tonight she'd have the answers she sought and life could go back to normal. Then his heart could just deal with it. He'd have to get the coffin repaired...

There! Jaelyn pointed to a car pulling out of a curbside parking spot. He maneuvered the Porsche into the space. He circled the car to open the door for her, but she'd already emerged and was teetering in Michaela's ridiculously high heels on the sidewalk. He offered her his arm.

As they walked toward the club's roped-off line, Vlad decided he liked the feel of her slender fingers curled around his arm. His heightened senses caught the sway of her hips against his as she moved. He hadn't been this aware of another being since ... well, he couldn't quite remember.

Vlad was about to flash his dazzling smile to the doorman, the way he usually did to gain entrance, when he came to a startling conclusion. The bouncer wasn't the usual hired muscle. This new doorman was a vampire. Damn.

And then he remembered. Rumor had it the club's owner had recently become a vampire. Apparently, her transformation came with a new outlook. She'd never employed vampires before. He'd pretty much had the run of the place. Not anymore. Now he was going to have to part with a hefty tip to get them inside. Damn and damn! Life as a vampire had always been easy. Until now.

They approached the line that snaked around the corner and down the block. Maybe news of the owner's transformation had increased the club's appeal, because the line had never been this long before. Jaelyn moved to take her place in the queue.

Wait. He pulled her along with him to the front of the line.

But she started to protest, then her eyes narrowed. He realized she was staring over his shoulder. He turned to glance in that direction. A low gasp escaped Jaelyn's lips. That's him!

A shadow darted through the streetlight that pooled on the sidewalk, heading for a nearby alley. You're sure? The last thing he needed to do was get in a fight with some stranger.

I'm sure. I remember his long black hair.

Lots of guys have long hair, he pointed out. Still, he moved them toward the dark, narrow space that ran between the two buildings.

It was his eyes that really convinced me. He was staring at the people in the lineup as if he was studying a buffet. I remember him watching the people on the dance floor like that before he came up to our table.

Vlad stared after the departing stranger. He wanted to know why someone had hurt Jaelyn and dumped her on his doorstep as much as she did. In fact, the thought of another vampire harming his woman made him bristle with fury. His woman? He pushed the thought aside. No time now to think about the call of her blood or his growing attachment to her. That was for later, once they'd solved this mystery and were out of danger.

Okay. He slid his arm out from under hers and grasped her firmly around the waist. No way was that vampire getting close to her again. Let's follow him and see where he goes.

They peered around the mouth of the alley in time to see the shadow pause at the back door of the club. The human bouncer thrust his arm across the door, barring the way. But after looking into the vampire's eyes for a moment, he turned and went back into the club, leaving the door unattended. Damn again, Vlad mentally kicked himself. Why hadn't he thought of that? Why pay off the doorman when he could have just mesmerized the human bouncer at the back door? He felt his carefully constructed fatade crumbling around him. He glanced down at Jaelyn. Since vampires had become public knowledge, he'd been able to coast on the fantasy of his existence. Life really hadn't been much work. Until last night, he'd been content to carry on that way, but now he found himself wanting more. Suddenly he wanted to be known for who he really was.

Later, he reminded himself, wrenching his thoughts back to the present. He'd deal with these strange new feelings later. They crept down the alley after their quarry. Luckily there were no smokers loitering around the back door. Vlad pulled his hand into his sleeve, using his cuff to grip the handle. Just in case. It wasn't locked. The door swung open. He motioned for Jaelyn to precede him inside.


The club's ambiance sucked Jaelyn into her memories. It was like stepping back into a nightmare. The throbbing beat of the music, the red sweeping lights overhead and the smoke from the dry-ice machine gave the club a hellish cast. With Halloween drawing closer, they'd ramped up the atmosphere. But the loud music and the cacophony of conversation were the same. Her eyes scanned the dance floor where the throngs in black leather and black velvet gyrated to the music. She'd been sitting right ... there. She easily located the table where Mandy and she had spent most of the night. And the dark man had been standing... She swept her gaze across the crowd to the space by the bar where she'd first seen the man with the long hair. Sure enough, there he was, watching the dancers with that same cold, calculating look she remembered.

She elbowed Vlad. He grunted in surprise. There he is! She tipped her head ever so slightly in the man's direction. She'd come to think of him as the dark man because of his dark hair and black clothing. He looked like a shadow come to life.

Jaelyn watched as Vlad's gaze swept over the room, coming to rest on the shadowy figure by the bar. You're certain?

Yes. Of course she was. She'd never forget those black eyes boring into hers.

He drew her back behind a fence of bystanders, all watching the gyrating bunch on the dance floor. We can't just walk up to him and accuse him.

Why not? He'd assaulted her. He'd all but drained her of her lifeblood. He'd nearly killed her. Because we have no proof.

Anger shot through her, hot and demanding. Aren't I proof enough?

A kid with spiked black hair who barely looked old enough to drink glanced in her direction.

Shh. Vlad's breath stirred the hair at her ear. It isn't as simple for us as it is for humans. There aren't the kinds of tests to conclusively prove that kind of thing yet. And, he lowered his voice even more. His lips brushed her ear as he spoke. She felt that tiny movement all the way down her spine. Trust me, since you've already become a vampire, the police will consider it a vampire problem. They won't be so keen to get involved.

What about the liaison office?

Oh, I imagine they'll look into it. But they're understaffed. And they've had a huge mess to clean up with that maniac who was trying to create a vampire hybrid.

Jaelyn remembered hearing about that on the news, but like much of what was reported in the newscasts, she'd never thought those distant events would touch her life. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She hadn't cared much about what went on between vampires either. Until it had become her reality. So what do we do?

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and spoke very quietly. We wait for him to make a move. Each brush of his lips felt like an intimate caress. She'd never known her ears were so sensitive. Jaelyn hauled her thoughts back to the present.

The tempo of the music slowed. Vlad held out his hand. Would you like to dance?

Dance? In these shoes? She hadn't meant for it to slip out like that. She'd been trying to tame her suddenly overactive libido, which was now insisting on exploring her conflicted feelings for Vlad. The last thing she needed was to be up close and personal with him on the dance floor.

He glanced down at her borrowed heels. She couldn't help but notice that his gaze lingered on the contours of her legs beneath the long dress.

Don't worry, I'll hold you up.

Tearing her gaze away from him, she nodded to the man standing in the shadows near the bar. Won't we be seen?

Vlad looked at the throngs on the floor. It's crowded. I'll make sure you keep your back to him, so he won't be able to recognize you.

He had a point. The club was especially busy, and they'd be less likely to be spotted if they were moving instead of standing there staring at him. Okay then.

Vlad's arm slipped around her waist as he led her out onto the floor. He kept to the periphery, hiding them behind the throngs of the gyrating crowd. The music slowed even further as a new song began. A slow dance. No chance of a fast-moving song that would allow her to put some distance between them.

As if thinking just that, his other arm came around her and he pulled tight. She brought her arms up to circle his neck. He gazed down at her, adoration shining in his eyes. You look wonderful tonight.

Thanks. His dark eyes gleamed in the red light. The glow haloed his curls, making him look like a fallen angel. No wonder women had been so eager to go home with him. You clean up good yourself.

That hadn't come out the way she wanted either, but it made him laugh. Jaelyn tried to marshal her thoughts and turn her attention to the task of flushing out her attacker.

Can you see the man with the ponytail?

Vlad brought his mouth down to her neck, pretending to nuzzle her there. He's still over by the bar. Don't worry about it, I'm on it.

It was either worry about the man with the long hair or the man holding her tightly. With her quarry out of sight, she found it difficult to think about anything but Vlad. Pressed against him, she felt every inch of his muscular body. His broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist and his chest rippled with muscle.

Taut thighs pressed against hers. He was thinking about her too. She could tell by his thickening erection. She tried to put some distance between them, but just then he moved his head and his lips brushed hers.

That feather-soft touch set every nerve on fire. She felt the whisper of his lips all the way to her core. His tongue slid between her lips as he deepened the kiss.

No one had ever kissed her so thoroughly. He all but devoured her like she was a delicious feast. Good lord, if that was how the man kissed..., she thought, her last rational thought for some time.

She returned his kiss, tempting him with her own tongue. People swirled around them on the dance floor, but she couldn't spare her attention for anything but Vlad. Oh no, this was it. Despite her vow, she was falling for him. Strangely that thought didn't bother her.

Suddenly his head came up. The loss of his mouth startled her. Then her instincts sharpened. Vlad covered his movement deftly, moving his mouth back to nuzzle her ear. Don't look, but he's on the move.

When she would have brought her head up to look, he said, Just pretend we're dancing. I'll maneuver us in his direction.

She did just that, gazing up into his eyes, pretending to chuckle at something he'd said. Vlad played the part of ardent suitor, twirling her deftly, but she noted his eyes were fixed on their prey. They turned and she caught a glimpse of the dark-haired man leading a blonde woman off toward the back hallway that led to the alley.

Memories swamped her mind. The past night's events came flooding back. He'd led her down the same hallway. It had seemed a reasonable enough idea at the time. They'd danced. He'd said he smoked, that she should come with him while he had a cigarette. Tobacco smoke bothered her asthma and made her breath hitch, but she'd gone with him anyway. Looking up into those flat dark eyes, she'd found she couldn't refuse.

The next thing she knew, they'd been out in the cool air and he'd...

Vlad's pace increased as he led them toward the hallway. He gave up the pretense of dancing and grasped her hand. Hurry, he's heading for the door.

He seemed as interested in tracking down the dark man as she was. She hurried after him, trying to keep up in his former girlfriend's spiked heels. With her enhanced eyesight she could plainly see the man in black leading the blonde woman down the hall.

Just like in her memory, he wore the same leather coat. His ponytail hung to the middle of his back. Beneath he had on dark pants and a pair of expensive-looking leather boots. His pale skin all but gleamed in the dim light. She caught a glimpse of the woman he'd tucked under his arm, a woman he was practically dragging down the tiled hall. Jaelyn smothered a gasp. The woman bore a passing resemblance to her.

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