Fervor (12 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Fervor
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She was holding
onto my shoulders, her hips moving in time with mine, her head tossing back and
forth in wild abandon, just how I liked her.

yours." She bit her fucking lip and I lost it.

I flipped her
over bringing her to her hands and knees and drove back into her with one long
stroke. She screamed, I groaned as my body took over, there was no control, no
finesse I fucked her like an animal. Holding her hair in one hand I pulled her
body back onto mine, I fleetingly wondered if I might be hurting her, but I
couldn't seem to stop. She was tearing into the sheets now mewling as she
rocked back and forth on my dick. She was so wet every time I entered and
pulled out there was more of her juices escaping down her legs onto the bed. I
pounded her so hard the bed didn't slide, it jumped, but still I couldn't stop,
her sweet pussy felt so fucking amazing, how had I forgotten that?

It had never
been like this before, this was new, I liked the fuck out of this. I was so
close I felt it building in my spine, but not without her.

"Come for
me baby, I need you to come." I pinched her clit and pulled her nipple at
the same time and she bucked against me almost throwing me off as she screamed
out her release. I unloaded everything that was in me in three long hard

baby." I couldn't even fucking talk, so I just rolled onto my back
bringing her down to my chest, calming her racing heart with soothing caresses.
We were both limp as a motherfucker but somehow my dick was on the rise again
greedy motherfucker, then again my boy had been deprived. Before we were calm
all the way I was pushing her down on my engorged cock.



Needless to say
we spent the rest of that day fucking like bunnies, we couldn't seem to get
enough of each other. My dick was seriously rubbed raw and I had to give
butterfly a good soak in the Jacuzzi because she said her pussy was tore up. Of
course I had to bend her over the side and hit it again, my dick didn't have
sense enough to stay down, he was like a heat seeking missile all day and into
the night. I felt that shit the next day though, my shit was fucked but in a
good way.

sunshine." I rubbed my morning wood against her tight ass. Of course I
wasn't going to do anything, my poor dick needed a vacation, plus as hard as I
was I knew if I fucked her again I might do serious damage to myself not to
mention her. I never knew two people could fuck so much without some type of
drug damn and my boy was still looking for more. I wonder if...

"Get away
from me you fiend." She scrunched up her neck where I was busy nibbling

"Who me
you sure it's me or that snapper pussy?" She wiggled back against me
rubbing her ass against my dick and the poor sucker fell for it. Fuck it there
were worst things than a sore dick. I went back for more. Maybe we'd spend another
day in bed, my family would understand, and if they didn't who gives a fuck? I
had my girl back I had to make sure every motherfucker out there knew that, and
I'd made a good start, I left my mark all over her body, her breast her hips,
and especially her neck where it was sure to be visible unless she wore a
turtleneck and I was gonna make sure she didn't, fuck that, I'd reclaimed what
was mine. Now that things were settled I was determined to plant a baby in her,
as much of my seed that had spilled in her already I'd say I had a good head

My mom is a
fucking saint at every mealtime I'd get a text telling me there was a tray of
food waiting outside our door. Other than that no one disturbed us, it was like
getting room service in a hotel.

My girl and I
pigged out on all kinds of shit, from fruit and cheese to steak and potatoes. I
was glad as fuck to see my baby eating again, nothing like marathon sex to get
your appetite back. I loved that fat ass of hers too much to see it disappear.

We played and
laughed together, rolling around on the bed that we'd changed for the second
time. I gave some thought to getting Rex but thought better of it, he didn't
need to see his parents fucking hardcore.

Did I mention I
like the new motherfucking us? I liked being able to let go without worrying
that I was hurting her, far from it, she gave as good as she got, my baby is a

We didn't
discuss anything heavy, we left all that shit alone, as a matter of fact I
thought it might be a good idea not to discuss that fuckery in our bedroom.
This was our sanctuary our escape from the rest of the world, it belonged to
only us. No one and nothing would be allowed to breach our haven.

Wow I think
Gage killed me, my legs were so weak I couldn't even attempt to walk, and my
puss, forget about it. But everything hurt so good. He was a maniac, never
seeming to get enough, not that I’m complaining, I was enjoying the hell out of
this new us. This raw animalistic passion not that we weren't passionate
before, it's just, this was different this was more.

He'd left his
mark on me, like this last time before he left me a listless lump on the bed
before swaggering into the shower. He had every right to be cocky he'd left me
beyond satisfied. I smiled and hugged myself, happier than I'd ever been,
secure in our love knowing that nothing would ever tear us apart.

We'd weathered
the storm we'd come out on the other side together intact. I wanted to shout it
from the rooftop, but first there was something I needed to do. I had to ask my
love if he'd marry me.


Fuck, I think I
broke my dick. I'm in the shower after leaving butterfly rung out on the bed,
I'm feeling on top of the fucking world, but my boy was crying. The water felt
good and then again not so good. My girl hadn't been grooming herself in the
last two weeks if you know what I mean, so there was a bit of a muff going on
down there, my boy put up a valiant effort, but I'm not sure he was up to
tackling a snapping pussy and a bear muff together again. One trip to the
waxing chair coming up; until then I'll just have to shave her myself. That was
always fun but usually led to me eating her out before fucking her silly I
think that shit was out for at least the next few hours. Okay maybe two, there
was still life left in my boy yet, stupid fuck.

I was also
thinking about the fact that with the way things were butterfly probably hadn't
been remembering to take her pills. I'm a dick I know but I was really hoping
I'd fucked at least one kid in her. There was no reason we couldn't have a kid,
I was twenty six she was twenty two, a bit young yes but I was ready before
this fuckery started and see no reason not to go ahead now that we'd committed
to each other. We were also financially stable even if neither of us ever
worked another day in our lives. I wasn't sure how she would feel about a baby
right now, but I don't think she would mind too much, we'd always talked about
having our kids young.

It might seem
like I was moving too fast after the fuckery, but I saw no reason to wait and I
could give a fuck what anyone else thought. This was my motherfucking life if I
want to have a kid with my girl that's our business everyone else could go fuck

I ended up
shaving butterfly not long after my shower and just as I expected we ended up
fucking on the bathroom floor, the vanity, the shower stall, damn I really
needed to take it easy for real she could hardly walk and my nuts were sore, I
had to sneak an ice pack, just saying.

"Gage can
I ask you something?" We were lying around barely watching some action
flick on my big ass flat screen in the sitting room.

babe, anything." I was playing with her hair as she laid in my lap.

what you said before, about forever?"

"Babe if
you want to have a conversation you're gonna have to stop biting your lip, you
know what that shit does to me. "

couldn't possibly." She laughed while cupping herself as if that would
keep me out.

"My boy
might be out for the count but I've still got a perfectly good working tongue
and ten ready and willing fingers." I wiggled them at her before tickling
the shit out of her.

okay, stop tickling I have to ask you something serious."

"Uh uh uh,
remember our deal, no heavy stuff in the bedroom."

"I know
but this is a good something I promise." She sat up next to me. She was so
fucking gorgeous I just had to reach over and kiss her.

"Hhmmmm, I
love you baby girl. " I nuzzled her for good measure and gave her boobs a
little finger action before settling down again.

"Okay shoot."

Now she was all
nervous and shit, I wonder what the hell was on her mind? And she was still
biting her lip.


"Will you
marry me?" Well fuck, I didn't see that one coming, she looked a little
uncertain when I didn't answer her right away but I wasn't prepared for her to
ask me that, I'd always been prepared to be the one...oh fuck it Maddox stop
being a bitch.

'ere, is that what you want? Are you one hundred percent sure?"

"Yes, it's
what I've always wanted more than anything."

"That's good
then because that's what I want too." Fuck yeah, we were back, she's
talking marriage and I'm thinking babies; right on track again. Fuck the


After our talk
we started making out like horny teenagers, I was determined to stay out of her
pants this time for real though. It was a good thing we had planned to spend
today in seclusion as well since neither of us were fit for company. She
couldn't wear pants and I had wet crotch from the ice pack.

"How's my
pussy feeling?" She blushed for me just as I knew she would.

sore, she said to tell you she'll be open for business sometime this

"Nice try
but I'm not fucking you for at least two days." I kissed her pouty lip,
drawing it into my mouth. Fuck it felt amazing to have her back in my arms. I
knew we still had a few hurdles in our path, but as far as I was concerned we'd
tackled the hardest one and won that round.

I had a better
understanding and respect for those people who claimed they stayed in fucked up
situations because of love. It would be hard as fuck living without my heart. I
really did make peace with this whole fuckery, the bottom line for me was my
love for her, that shit was real, it was solid and I was sure as fuck that if
we could survive this shit, there probably wasn't much that we couldn't.



"I want to
make a baby."

She lit up like a fucking Xmas tree, that's what I'm talking about.

really, why the fuck you think I was riding you so hard last night and

"I don't
know I thought you missed me." She knew I was teasing the shit out of her.

"So do you
wanna?" I wriggled my brow at her making her crack the hell up. Sweet
Suzette she could fucking laugh again, I bet not more than two days ago she
never imagined that was possible. Damn life is strange I didn't feel one ounce
of the angst I'd been carrying around for the past two weeks, in fact I felt
better than I had in a long fucking time. My girl was okay and I was going to
see to it that she stayed that way. I didn't kid myself, I knew just because we
straightened shit out between us that didn't mean the fuckers who put this shit
on blast were going to let us go gently into the motherfucking night. I was
going to talk to James about hiring some bodyguards for us; I wasn't taking any
chances with her safety. I could look out for myself, I'm the Motherfucker who
would run a fucking scumbag paparazzo over without blinking they could test me
at their own peril.

"Of course
I want to. Thank you, thank you, thank you." She peppered my face with

that for?" She was so damn cute.

loving me enough to give me a second chance." I didn't like that her voice
had gone all small and shit.

"Babe cut
that shit out, if you want me to let that shit go then you have to let it go
too. We're moving forward remember? No more scared voice outta you we're solid,
fuck everybody else and that includes everybody no matter who, if they're not
with us fuck ‘em."

"But I
know it's gonna be bad."

"Uh uh, no
heavy stuff in the bedroom remember? Besides we were talking about me putting
my daughter inside you, which I might have already done." I picked her up
and kissed her tummy making her giggle. Fuck that sounded good.


All good things
must come to an end and our little pre-honeymoon ended the next day.

My family was
cool as fuck, no one said anything about our fucked up shit, we all sat around
the breakfast table gabbing like old times. I saw mom's secret smiles and felt
pretty sure she was in our corner the only wild card was Connie like I said
before that bitch is insane.

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