Fervor (14 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Fervor
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Mom was reminding Connie that she'd told her that same thing not long ago.

"It's also
against the law to willingly set out to defame a persons' character, putting
everything we have together so far we have the connection between Poole,
O’Reilly, and Humphreys, but that can easily be explained away, and though it
might instill doubt in the public sector it wouldn't stand up in a court of
law. We know from what we've learned that it was a set up, but unless these
fucks were stupid enough to document any of this shit, there's no way to prove
any of it. Unless we can get them on tape discussing it."

"I know
one thing we could do, sort of." Derrick had on his thinking cap.

"We could
set up a sting so to speak, give them that nudge you were talking about. We
have someone send them each a cryptic note alluding to the fact that their
secret has been uncovered. Kind of like I know what you did last summer."

That shit
sounded good to me as long as I get to be the motherfucker who goes around with
a large hook jacking people's shit up. Bonus!

James seemed to
be giving it some thought. I was quietly rubbing circles on butterfly's back.
She'd calmed the fuck down somewhat but I was sure this couldn't be easy on
her, being the eye of this particular storm. No one liked being made a fool of.
I hated it for her I hated it for me.

thinking in order for any of this to work you two are going to have to lay low,
at the very least don't let anyone know of your reconciliation; give them a
false sense of success let them believe their scheme worked. You have
appearances coming up pretty soon Gage you should make them, if anyone asks
which they will, you're taking a breather to get your head together, you don't
know what the future holds."

"Fuck that
shit James, we've had enough, I've had enough, we're not hiding from those
fucks like some dirty little fucking secret, while the fuckers who orchestrated
this fuckery are walking the streets without a care in the fucking world.
You'll have to come up with another way to do your shit. No more hiding. Come
on butterfly you've had enough for the day." I grabbed my girl and jetted.

I wasn't really
mad anymore, I'd reached a place of calm don't ask me the fuck how. I just know
none of this fuckery mattered. I had my girl back, we were tight and I'd been
putting my seed to good use the last couple days. By this time next year I
should be a proud daddy. So yeah, you know what?
The rest of the world could go fuck

My first
appearance was on a late night show a week later. During that whole week my
girl kept having attacks of the nerves. She was scared of everything and no
matter how much I tried reassuring her she was still antsy as fuck. I guess
she'd just have to wait and see.

Unbeknownst to
them I had a surprise up my sleeve.

The day of my
appearance I woke up in New York. My mom and dad were here and of course I
brought butterfly with. We'd flown in to a private airstrip on Long Island in
the family jet so no one really knew where we were.

Fuck what James
had said she wasn't hiding away in Montana while I flitted around the country.

The word is
that the Pooles are headed for divorce. Fucking liars. More like the public
raising their collective eyebrows at her quick forgiveness made them rethink
their strategy. I didn't really much care about that shit right now. The time
for that would come later. It was time to take my motherfucking shit back.

I didn't tell
beautiful what I was up to until we were on our way to the studio. We had to
pull off some serious maneuvering to pull that shit off but we did it. While
the paparazzi were staked out in front of the hotel we were staying at a family
owned private residence on Central Park South. Fuckers.

The people
behind the scenes of the show were all a twitter when we showed up, even the
host had no idea I was bringing butterfly with me. No one knew we were
reconciled. I spent our time in the green room calming her the fuck down; she
was like a cat on hot coals.

When they came
back to get me that's when I put my shit in motion, as the host introduced me
to the crowd the applause started, when I walked out onto the stage holding my
fiancé's hand, my grandmother's rock shooting out sparks of light from her
finger, they brought the mother-fucker down. No one was left sitting, women
were crying, men were giving the dog pound and the host was smiling like he’d
won the fucking lottery. Fuck yeah.


Jokingly..."So you pulled off a high coup."

Gage: Grinning
from ear to ear..."I have no idea of what you speak."

I'm smiling
like a motherfucker, my girl have a death grip on my hand. She's afraid of what
he might ask. I'm not; I chose this particular venue because I trusted this guy
not to push the envelope.

Host: Laid back
and relaxed with arms crossed over lower abdomen..."You do realize you
just sent my ratings through the roof, I really wanna curse but I can't so I'll
say this. Booyah" He fist pumped the air and the audience was eating this
shit up. I knew it.

Thinking to
himself as his guests smile and hold hands looking very much together the host
had only one thought.

I knew this
motherfucker was cool always liked the kid, but this shit right here; Star
mother-fucking player.


I’d done some
maneuvering of my own behind the scenes, something I hadn’t shared not even
with my butterfly. The next week and a half was nothing but interviews and
brown nosing leading up to premiers and there was a fever in the air. Everyone
was busy running around too busy to pay too much attention to anyone else’s
shit but their own. As long as I used my head I could pull off the shit I
needed to, it wasn’t what I’d envisioned in the beginning but at least it was a
good start.

“Gage, you’re
so deep.”

“I know baby
does it hurt, am I hurting you?”

I have to keep
reminding myself that she’s still a little fragile, she was gaining back a
little weight but it was going to take time to get back to where she was.

“Not really, it
just, it feels deeper than you’ve ever been before, unghh.”

I was serious
about breeding her like yesterday I don’t know what the deepness of my strokes
have to do with it if anything but I felt the need these days to reach as far
up inside her sweet little pussy as I could. Maybe it was the position she was
in her legs were up around my neck and her ass was on my thighs leaving my
hands free for me to plant them into the bed for purchase so I could fuck as
hard and as deep s I wanted.

“Take it for me
baby, I need it, I’ve missed you, missed being inside you like this.”

“Okay kiss me.”
That took some contortion but I did it.

“Did I tell you
how much I love the way your pussy grabs onto my cock and won’t let go? I love
the wet sounds it makes when I stroke in and out of you, I love everything
about your sweet pussy, I can’t ever get enough of being in you. Can you feel
my cock? Feel how hard he is? That’s only for you, always.” My sweet words
always send her over the edge and this time was no different. She came on a
scream her nails dragging down my back no doubt drawing blood.

My wild man
fucking had a twofold purpose, I know very well that after a good hard fuck she
falls into a deep sleep and I needed her to be out for what I had planned. My target
was in the city, the furor over our appearance together a few nights ago was
still going strong, now everyone wanted a piece of us but not for the same
reasons they had the week before. Now we were on the front page for a whole
other reason, the front pages were calling it the love story of the century,
whatever. Next week they’ll be back to talking shit about us again, lying
fucks, if the public was gullible enough to buy into their shit that was on
them, I no longer felt like I had anything to prove I had what I wanted. Damn
near destroyed myself getting to this point but once I got over my pride at
what other people thought I was okay with it. What kind of man would I be to
punish the woman I love for something she was as much a victim of as I?

When I was sure
she was asleep after the bath I’d given her where I’d fingered her to another
orgasm just for insurance I slipped from the room. I’d sent Terry Poole a note
supposedly from someone else, I had had to go through hoops to arrange that
shit so it didn’t fall back on me but I had done it. Just wear a disguise and
not just any pansy ass disguise but full make up which I’d done myself, I’d
walked pass my parents and they hadn’t even known me. While in disguise I’d
filched the asshole’s wallet, now that part had been a bit tricky but once
again I’d pulled it off. You learn a lot on the sets of movies and when there’s
time between takes you can learn even more, I’ve learned a fuck of a lot. It’s
only in the last few days that I’ve realized most of what I’ve learned is

After lifting
the wallet I’d waited a couple hours and using a voice distorter had called as
a concerned citizen who had somehow found the wallet outside the restaurant
where he just happened to be having lunch that day. Learning his whereabouts
was easy I’d just lied and told my publicist she needed to know where he was
going to be because I didn’t want to run into the fuck while out and about with
my fiancé. I convinced her that if that fuckery should happen she’d be looking
for a new job. It worked because less than an hour later she’d had the info and
I was ready the next day.

He wanted me to
leave the wallet at the front desk of his hotel but I told him I wasn’t
comfortable doing that and of course since I sounded like a starry-eyed
cheerleader the horny fuck fell for it.

Now I’m off
again in another disguise this time for my late night rendezvous with the
douche. I’d chosen some place that a fan who wanted to be alone with him might
consider far away from the action but not far enough that the fucker would grow
suspicious. No I wasn’t dressed like a little girl. I waited for him to show up
and walk to the place we’d decided on. He didn’t want anyone seeing him anymore
than I did after all he was in enough shit with the press raking him over the
coals for trying to break up a sweet young love story. I watched him approach
and the old anger rose up inside me, this was the fucker that had almost
destroyed my life; I went with that momentum and attacked. The first blow
caught him in the face breaking his fucking nose, blood flew everywhere and
while he was busy grabbing at his face I kneed him in his balls, twice for good
measure. By the time I left him on the ground rolling around in pain I was at
least a little satisfied, it wasn’t the grand comeuppance I’d wanted but it was
a good start.

It was an easy
thing to walk out of there and back to the car I had parked a couple streets
over where I changed out of the bloody shirt for a new one. I tossed that shit
in the trash and went home to my woman.


It's been a
year, a year since our hell on earth, what a difference a year makes. First on
the career front things couldn't be any fucking better. Oops I'm trying to
curtail my swearing. Suzette threatened me with bodily harm if our kids’ first
word is fuckery or anything remotely similar.

Yes I said kids
plural, who the fuck...umm yeah, who knew I had super sperm? Three in one shot,
I kid you not, butterfly was a whale don't tell her I said that. So anyway
three healthy cute as fuck boys they're my fuck you to the naysayers, if that's
not politically correct I don't give a fuck.

Anyway back to
the career front like I was saying in the last year we got more movie offers
and endorsement deals than ten people could handle we had to beg for a break,
there's no way we could've done them all so we chose the ones that were best
for us.

We did three
movies a piece in the last year try doing that shit while pregnant, breast
feeding or getting up for three am feedings.

This coming
year we're taking a break I'm taking my family to our private island for at
least three months besides Suzette has me doing double duty as a stud, she says
she got jipped on the baby front since she's seriously outnumbered. Fuck yeah
I'm down with it.

So business is good,
family life is phenomenal, my boys are growing like tumbleweeds, some fuckwad
magazine wanted to sign our kids to a modeling deal or to do commercials or
some fuck, I told them to kiss my ass. My kids could choose that life if they
want I'm not choosing it for them.

Oh I know what
you're waiting for, the whole revenge thing, well see that fucker James had an
ace up his sleeve all along my nana on my father's side.

See James is a
distant relative and apparently he didn't like my more volatile suggestions
regarding those fucks so he squealed like a little bitch. I hadn’t told anyone
that I was responsible for the supposed mugging of Peter Poole that got so much
notice in the press, the cops were hunting for a madman that had attacked one
of Hollywood’s up and comers in a New York alley, everyone was convinced it was
a random act of violence but I’d received some piercing looks from a few family
members including butterfly. I didn’t admit to anything but let’s just say they
knew what they knew. I was still thinking of ways to fuck with him though, I
wasn’t through by a long shot and no one could get me to change my mind, but
James wasn’t buying my innocent act and he was convinced I was going to land my
ass in jail so like I said he sang like a fucking yellow bird. It was a good
six months after the beat down and I was still muttering about getting his ass.
Butterfly was pregnant by then I mean really pregnant you could see that shit
from the space station. One day I let slip that I still wasn’t happy with the
way things ended with the guilty parties getting away with what they’d done.
James that fuck had listened to every word without a rebuttal; I didn’t know
all along he was planning to put a monkey wrench in my shit.

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