Fever (16 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Fiction / Romance

BOOK: Fever
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he rocked into her, deeper, harder, penetrating to her very soul.

Overwhelming? Definitely. Everything about Jace rocked the foundations of her existence. He’d

upended her life in a matter of hours and yet she didn’t feel panic. Maybe she should. She was back in

his bed—after only hours of being back with him—and yet it didn’t feel wrong. It didn’t feel cheap.

And wasn’t that what was important?

She closed her eyes, still clinging fiercely to him. She was utterly wrecked by the enormity of what

was happening even if she didn’t fully comprehend it.


Jace’s tender voice pulled her from her scattered thoughts.

“Look at me, baby.”

She opened her eyes to see him staring intently down at her. There was concern in his expression

and a look of tenderness that matched his tone.

“Are you all right?”

She nodded, not trusting herself to voice her response.

“You sure?”

Again she nodded and hugged him tighter. “Kiss me.”

“You never have to ask for that.”

He kissed her. Fierce. Possessive. She shivered and arched her body, only wanting to be closer to


“How close are you?” he whispered.

“Almost there,” she whispered back.

“Tell me what you need to get there.”

“You,” she said. “Just you.”

His eyes flashed and his jaw clenched. Then he was kissing her again. Harder. Hot. Until she was

breathing his air and he was breathing hers.

They were locked together so tightly that she didn’t even know how he managed to keep thrusting.

Her release built low and deep—so deep that it felt like she was being turned inside out.

It was scary and huge, overwhelming in the best possible way. This she didn’t fear. Not this time. It

felt so very right. That should have scared her too. It was then she realized that no matter how

ridiculous it sounded, she trusted him. She trusted him to take care of her. No matter that she didn’t

really know him. That they’d only been together twice and only for a matter of hours. She knew he

wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. She just knew it.

“I trust you,” she whispered.

She had to give him this. Knew how important it was. He wanted her trust and at the same time he

acknowledged that it would take time. But she wanted to give this to him now because he was giving

her so much and this was all she had to give him. Nothing else. There was nothing she could give him

that he didn’t already have. Except herself. It wasn’t enough but it was what he wanted—what he said

he wanted—and it was the only thing she had to give.

“Ah, baby,” he groaned. “You undo me.”

He began to move faster, harder. It was as if her words sent him right over the edge. His control

was gone and she reveled in the ferocity of his possession.

She went slick around him and he moved easier, pushing into her until she gasped at his depth.

And then she began to unravel. Everything she’d held so tightly within for so long began to loosen.

It was too much. He’d said she undid him, but in truth she was the one coming completely undone.

She squeezed him tight, never wanting to let go. She wanted to live in this moment where nothing

could touch her, where nothing else mattered. It was so easy to forget her life, her circumstances.

Because in his arms she was strong. She was worthy.

Gasping his name, she closed her eyes against the sudden surge of tears, but even then she felt them

slide hotly down her cheeks. Never had she been so devastated by an orgasm, and it seemed such a

tawdry word, completely incapable of describing what was happening.

The world blurred around her. All she could feel was him. Inside her. His mouth on her skin. His

cock buried deep. Two halves of a whole.

She floated downward, her body weightless, her mind completely adrift. She wasn’t even sure she

was conscious.

And then she became aware of Jace’s weight covering her. He was limp and his chest heaved with

exertion, but he felt so good, so solid on top of her. She never wanted him to move.

She pressed her lips to the hollow indention at his collarbone and savored this connection.

Savored the feeling of being wanted. Of being cherished and cared for on an emotional level.

He shifted and she started to protest but then she caught sight of his expression and she stopped. He

levered up enough that he brought his hand to her face and she realized that her cheeks were wet with

her tears.

“Hey,” he said gently. “What’s this?”

She was embarrassed over her reaction. How could she explain the enormity of this feeling? She

tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let her. He lowered his head and kissed away the damp trails and

then lifted his head to stare into her eyes once more.


There was concern in his voice, which made her feel all the more foolish.

“I’m okay,” she choked out.

“Are you?”

“I’ve never been more okay,” she said softly.

He seemed to understand then. He smiled and kissed her again.

“Let me get rid of the condom and then we need to talk,” he said.

Alarmed, she let him roll off her and waited as he discarded the condom. Then he was back on the

bed, reaching for her to tuck her into his side.

He stroked through her hair, silent as he held her against him.

“I don’t want anything between us,” he finally said.

Not fully understanding what he meant, she stayed quiet as she waited.

“We need to get you an appointment so we can have tests and then we need to put you on birth

control. I don’t want to wear condoms. I want no barrier between us. I’ll, of course, continue to use

them until it’s safe, but you’re mine and I want unfettered access to you. All of you. Are you okay with


Even though she knew—he’d certainly made himself clear—hearing that he had every intention of

them having sex on a regular basis threw her for a loop. It all sounded so . . . permanent, and she

knew a relationship between them could be anything but.

“Baby? Talk to me. You’re too damn quiet. Are you freaked out? Am I moving too fast?”

She nearly laughed. Now he was worried about moving too fast? She didn’t even know he had any

concept of moving too fast.

“I don’t have a problem with birth control. But Jace, we have to talk.”

He kissed her, effectively silencing her.

“We don’t need to talk about anything other than getting you what you need. What we need,” he

amended. “It’s a fact that you’re going to be in my bed. Eventually my apartment. I’m trying to give

you space to work this out. I don’t want to overwhelm you but you need to know that I’m serious

about this. And I’m going to fight any statement from you that begins with you not being with me.”

“Wow,” she breathed.

“Anything else you need to say?” he asked, amusement coloring his voice.

“I guess not,” she murmured.

“Good. Then let’s have breakfast and then I’ll take you shopping.”

“But Jace, what about work? You can’t just take off shopping with me on a whim.”

“There are perks to being the boss,” he said smugly. “One of them being that I can take a few hours

off. It’s not like I’m going to get fired.”

“Well, okay then.”

He patted her on the ass and then rolled out of bed, leaving her lying there on her side.

“I’m going to shower right quick and then you can have the bathroom while I start on breakfast.

Sound good?”

She nodded, unable to keep the smile from curving her mouth.

He smiled back, his eyes lighting up. “You need to do that more often and if I have my way, you


Her brow furrowed in puzzlement. “Do what?”


chapter fourteen

Shopping with Jace was an exhausting, thrilling, completely
experience. He swept through

the department stores and countless boutiques like a man on a mission and he was exacting in his

requirements. It occurred to her that he had a lot of experience in shopping for a woman and she

didn’t like the jealousy that seized her. Until Jace wryly commented that he’d made countless

shopping trips with his younger sister over the years.

When it became obvious that Bethany wouldn’t choose any of the dreadfully expensive items that

Jace was convinced she needed, he forewent asking her altogether and took charge. He bulldozed his

way through the stores, pointing out what he wanted in her sizes and had the saleslady collect them.

After outfitting her in all the necessities, from underwear—which was horribly awkward—to bras

—equally awkward—to jeans, shirts and dresses she had no clue why she’d ever need, he then

purchased sweaters, two coats—one short and one long—and three pairs of fur-lined boots.

“I don’t want your feet getting cold,” he told her.

She was appalled and at the same time her heart melted at the care he took in picking out every

single purchase.

By the end of the five-hour marathon, Bethany’s head was spinning and Jace’s driver had to help

carry all the purchases to the car. There was a veritable mountain of bags and boxes in the trunk and

they still had to stuff many of them in the front seat.

Bethany sagged into the seat, bewildered by the way the day had shaped up. Yes, he’d said he was

taking her shopping. She figured he’d buy a coat—since he was so pissed that she didn’t own one—

and maybe a few items. She’d never expected an entire wardrobe and enough clothes to wear every

day for a month without duplication! She didn’t even want to know what all this had cost. She’d

refused to look at the price tags after she’d made the mistake of peeking at the first one. She’d nearly

fainted and Jace had frowned and promptly directed her gaze elsewhere.

Jace reached over for her hand and squeezed. “Everything okay?”

She nodded. “I’ve never done that before. I mean obviously, but not even on a smaller scale. Most

of my shopping—if you can call it that—has been at thrift shops and Goodwill stores.”

He scowled. “Those days are over, Bethany. I want you to forget them.”

She sighed. Over until he moved on, got over his . . . She wasn’t even sure what to call his seeming

attraction to her. Whatever it was wouldn’t last forever and going back to her life would be even

harder afterward. Before it had been all she knew but now? Jace was giving her a taste of how

different things could be.

They pulled up in front of a sleek, modern-looking building on the Upper West Side and Jace got

out, extending his hand to help her from the car. After instructing his driver to see that the bags were

brought up, he directed Bethany toward the entrance.

Once inside, he introduced her to the doorman. Evidently Jace had already notified him that she’d

be staying in the apartment because it was more a case of formality than introducing a new situation.

Then Jace gave her a tour of the facilities and the amenities offered by the building. She couldn’t

imagine taking advantage of any of them. Having an actual apartment was a luxury she couldn’t even

wrap her mind around. To have all of the extra perks blew her mind.

She was relieved when they finally got on the elevator and rode up to the apartment. Her nerves

were shot. She was frazzled by all the shopping and she desperately wanted a quiet place to


Jace unlocked the door and then held it open for her. “Let’s go see your apartment, baby.”

Her apartment. She still couldn’t comprehend being given an entire apartment. It was insane. Jace

was insane. But then she’d already covered that ground.

When she walked in, her breath caught and she stopped dead in the middle of the floor. And she

stared. Tears welled and a sob crept out of her throat.

Jace wrapped an arm around her and squeezed. “Baby.”

He dragged out the word in an aching voice that made her heart turn over in a fluttery cartwheel.

“It’s beautiful, Jace,” she whispered.


“It’s perfect.”

He smiled and kissed her on the nose. “And you haven’t seen it all yet.”

“I’ve seen enough to know it’s perfect.”

And it was. The living room and kitchen blended together in one large room with an open concept

she loved. But the color scheme was what made it absolutely perfect. Done in earth tones, the room—

the entire apartment—had a homey, cozy feel that was the epitome of everything she’d ever wanted in

a place to live.

And the kitchen was state-of-the-art stainless steel appliances. A chef’s stove. And it looked to be

fully stocked with cookware and cutlery. Her hands itched to get into that kitchen and cook.

“Come on,” he said. “I’ll show you the rest and by then your bags should be up.”

They did a brief tour of the bedrooms and the bathrooms and when they came back there was a

growing pile of bags being deposited inside the door. A moment later, a tall, very muscular man

strode through the door followed by a slightly shorter and stockier man. They both looked like guys

out of a bodybuilding magazine. Beefed-up arms. They just
like badasses.

The man in the lead had shades that he flipped up and Bethany instinctively pushed in closer to

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