Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9) (3 page)

BOOK: Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9)
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“What are you thinking about?”

“Oh, just about you, and how wonderful you are,” Natalie said.

“Don’t get carried away. I’m not that wonderful. You’ve only been married to me for less than a day. You better wait and see.”

“I’m not worried.”

“You should be.”

There was the fleeting look. What was up? A touch of worry crept into her otherwise perfect day. This was her honeymoon. She’d been through so much with Tanner; she wasn’t going to let anything ruin their time together now.

“Well, I’m not. I’m not worried at all. I can handle you, Tanner.” She was teasing, but a shadow crossed his perfect face.

“Let’s hope so.” And then, as if nothing had been said, his mood shifted. He leaned up and held her hand. “I love you so much, baby. I hope you know that.”

“I do, Tanner. I do.” Before she could follow up on that thought, the waiter brought their meals. The fragrance of the herbs dusting her baked snapper mingled with the aroma of Tanner’s pasta with cream sauce, and Natalie’s stomach rumbled. The first bite elicited a “Yum” from her. The fragrances and flavors were skillfully crafted, and the food was extraordinarily good.

The light dimmed in the sky as they ate their meals, touching each other under the table. Dessert was out of the question, as Natalie couldn’t eat another bite. They sat back, sipping the rest of their wine and enjoying the pleasant evening weather, soaking in the postcard-perfect view.

Tanner’s comment bugged her. For him to imply she should be worried was disconcerting. It was like drifting back to the beginning of their relationship, when he stressed that he was bad for her. They were long since beyond that—or so she had thought. Were they back where they started? They couldn’t be.

“I have a surprise for you,” Natalie blurted out.

Tanner raised an eyebrow.

“Come, it’s in the room. I have to show you.”

She led him back to their suite, butterflies in her stomach the whole way. At this point, being shy made no sense. That didn’t change how she felt, because she wasn’t exactly sure what Tanner’s reaction would be. And there was only one way to find out.

5 – Enticement

Once they were inside the suite, Natalie let go of Tanner’s hand. “Be comfortable. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Without risking looking back at him, or losing her nerve, she went straight toward the bedroom.

“I thought you had a surprise.”

“You’ll see,” she said, and shut the door behind her. Natalie’s hands shook—from nervousness or excitement, she wasn’t sure.

Glancing at the closed door to make sure Tanner wasn’t following her, and taking a deep breath, she opened a drawer where she’d put several garments when unpacking. Lifting out the tantalizing outfit made her wonder if it was going to be a good surprise or not.

Undressing completely, and holding the garment up, she faced the full-length mirror to see what she was doing. It could be a little tricky, although in the store it had seemed simple. The item was called a pearl body necklace, which was a good description, considering that it was composed of nothing but strings of pearls.

The garment could hardly be called lingerie. The top part went on like a bra but did not cover her breasts at all. The pearl straps met a double strand of pearls that went around each breast, offering no support or modesty. The whole effect was the opposite—to entice. There was a tiny pink bow on each side where the straps connected with the cups.

The thong was a strip of elastic that went around her hips and connected to a small silver ring in the front. The crotch consisted of three strands of pearls, but nothing else, which dropped over her sex, between her legs, and up the back to connect to the elastic band. The feel of the pearls reminded her of the time Tanner made her come with a strand of pearls, and it felt so good.

Looking in the mirror, Natalie decided that “body necklace” was exactly what it was. Her body was completely revealed, but, better than naked, accented with the lovely strings of pearls.
The pearls and bows lent a demure flavor to the presentation, while the overall effect was anything but.

As she fluffed out her hair with her fingers and readjusted the strands, doubt crept in. Sure, Tanner liked kinky. But this was possibly too forward. Reminding herself that she was married, so the idea of being too forward was silly, she took a deep breath and stepped toward the door.

One glance back to the mirror reflected her bare rear, and reaffirmed her boldness in testing limits with Tanner. Now or never, she thought. She placed her hand on the doorknob, trying to subdue her jumpy stomach and rapid heartbeat. With one motion, she opened the door and stepped out.

No drama ensued, because Tanner had his back to her. He’d stripped down to a cotton shirt and briefs. Feet bare, hair ruffling in the warm breeze, he looked good enough to eat. Soft music played and he gazed out at the water blanketed in darkness, waiting for his surprise.

He’d been thinking only of Natalie, his wife of less than a week, and the effect she had on him. Marriage was new territory, and it shocked him how much the status fueled his desire. Finding he wanted her more than ever, and having to reign in his urges, was a bit uncomfortable.

Loving her as he did, Tanner wanted her to have time to adjust to marriage. That was what the honeymoon was all about. If he unleashed his worst on her, there was the chance he’d go too far—which he might anyway. But he was trying, giving his best effort at growing into the relationship. Not something he was experienced with.

Hearing a noise inside, Tanner turned to look. The sight of Natalie, dressed—or actually undressed as she was—gave him pause. Deep urges consumed his senses before he could think. Rationality played no part in what he felt at that moment. Staring at Natalie wrapped in skimpy strands of pearls stirred emotions in him best left alone.

It was too late for that. Tanner stood and walked back inside. “What do you think you are wearing?”

Natalie swallowed, unsure if the stern look on his face was anger or lust. With Tanner, it was hard to tell. “This is…your surprise.” She waited, her heart pounding so hard she wondered if the pearls where vibrating.

Tanner put both hands on her waist. His piercing look unnerved her and made her wish she’d waited a few more days, or even weeks, before wearing the pearls. Looking into eyes of blue steel, she trembled slightly, while at the same time, moisture seeped between her legs and over the pearls.

“You’re naughty, you know,” he said sharply.

Natalie didn’t move, unsure if that was good or bad.

“Do you know what seeing you in this outfit does to me?” Tanner paused. “Do you?” he barked.

“I thought you’d like it.” Despite his gruff question, she noticed the bulge under his shorts, and barely resisted the impulse to cover it with her hand, to feel his arousal.

A predatory look flashed in Tanner’s eyes. “Too much,” he said without emotion, leaving Natalie to wonder if this whole scene was too much.

Tanner slipped his shirt off over his head. Holding each end of it, he put it behind Natalie’s neck and pulled her to him. Holding her firmly in the wrap of cotton, he leaned down and kissed her hard. His tongue rubbed along hers furiously, and she kissed back with equal violence.

The feel of Tanner’s lips pressed hard against her; the taste of him, and the male scent, drugged her. Thoughts or regrets evaporated, and she wanted him to take her. Boundaries melted under the onslaught of his masculine touch. Reaching out, she felt the smooth marble skin of his chest and arms, tight over rock-hard muscles.

Leaning back from kissing, Tanner bit her lower lip, over and over. Natalie whimpered softly, wanting him more than she’d ever wanted anything. He nibbled her earlobe and tugged,
the shirt still holding her to him. Then his mouth found her nipples presented to him in a circle of pearls.

Tanner groaned, sucking on her nipples, hard and greedily. It felt so good, and when he bit and pulled, it felt even better. “Tanner,” she whispered.

Dropping to her feet, free of the cotton shirt, she grabbed the waistband of his shorts and yanked them down, with no thought of repercussions. His gorgeous cock stood swollen between his legs, and she gripped it with both hands. Letting one hand drop lower to cup his balls, she wrapped the other around the thick base. Leaning in, she flattened her tongue on the stiff stalk and licked up to the top.

Tanner moaned deep in his throat, like an animal trapped. Without looking up, Natalie covered his knob and let her lips slid down over the wide rim. Then she sucked. He tasted salty, and masculine, making her sex clench. Making noises of pleasure, she sucked and stroked, lost in the erotic smell he exuded when turned on.

“Up,” he said. Natalie slowed her motions, regret seeping into her at the knowledge he wanted her to stop. Making him come, hard and under her control, was tempting. But she followed his order and stood up.

Tanner licked her lips, tasting his own flavor, and dipped his tongue inside her mouth. Natalie ran her hands over his hard stomach and tea
sed his erection, tempting him.

“Very naughty,” he said, stepping over to the bed. “Come here.”

His commanding voice had a sharp edge, and a prickle of fear went through her. Knowing not to resist, Natalie stepped over to the bed and stood before him. There were many ways she could have felt, or should have felt. Yet she only felt impossible desire. Desire for everything he would do to her, with her, flooded her veins.

“What should I do, baby, if you are naughty?”

Natalie offered no solution.

Taking her hand, Tanner pulled her closer. “Tell me.”

In a whisper, Natalie voiced the only possible answer. “Punish me.” Her own words caused untold excitement deep in her core, and her clit swelled painfully.

Taking both her hands, Tanner pulled her onto the bed. She was on her belly with her hands over her head. There was no protection from whatever punishment he had in mind. And Natalie had a good idea what it was going to be.

The heat of his hands against her bare ass sent erotic sensation through her sex. Holding them there, he squeezed and massaged. “You bared this for me. I’m not one to resist.”

He ran a hand down her spine, over the curve of her lower back, but all she could feel was the tingle of her buttocks from his recent touch. “Spread your thighs,” he commanded.

Natalie spread her legs, feet wide, bare ass open to view.

“Put your hands behind your back and press your nipples against the blanket.”

Natalie complied, feeling all the more vulnerable with her hands behind her back. It naturally arched her back more, raking her nipples against the fabric under her. She pressed against it, feeling the roughness against her, and her nipples stiffened.

Tanner’s hand rested on her ass. “You will find out what happens when you tempt
me like this,” he said softly.

Before she could prepare, Natalie felt a sharp sting as Tanner spanked her bare butt. She gasped. Again, Tanner spanked her and the sharp sound cracked through the room. Each time, his palm hit her t
ender skin in a different spot.

The spanking was controlled, and each blow was of such strength that the vibration pounded through her sex, bumping her clit against the bed. “Ah, God, Tanner,” she gasped.

His hand stopped and caressed her burning skin, gently massaging. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” he said.

“Yes, yes.” Natalie knew it was true. Submitting to Tanner was insanely pleasurable. The sting of her skin only magnified the intensity

, he spanked her again. Twice more, and her clit was like a rock. The more her ass burned, the closer she got to release. Pressing her nipples harder to the bed under her and rubbing her sex against the mattress, she sought relief.

“No,” Tanner said. “I’m not done with you.”

Agony assaulted her when the spanking stopped. And he wouldn’t allow her to get any relief.

“It’s going to get worse,” he said.

Natalie felt the pearl crotch of her thong move over her tender tissues. The smooth jewels slipped in her juices and caressed her. With one hand on her ass, Tanner held her still. With the other hand, he moved the pearl strands against her exposed sex.

Varying the rhythm kept her from release. Just as the pearls teased her to the brink of explosion, Tanner shifted them. He was torturing her on purpose.

“Please, Tanner.”

“Please what?”

“Please, please.”

“Tell me what you need.”

“I need you to keep going. I can’t take any more. I can’t wait.”

“It’s painful, isn’t it?”

“Yes, yes.”

“You will get release when I think you’ve suffered enough, and not before.”

“Ahhh. Ahhh.”

“Begging will delay it. If you anger me, your punishment will be longer.”

Natalie’s heart sagged. She needed release soon. He was making her lose her mind.

Gently, he guided the pearls across her wet slit, easing back on the pressure. Natalie whimpered. With a slight increase of pressure, Tanner ran the pearls back and forth over the precise apex where her clit shuddered. Reaching under, he cupped her sex in his palm with the pearls pressed against her wetness.

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