Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9) (8 page)

BOOK: Fierce Possession (Touched By You 9)
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Standing over him, Natalie was puzzled that he didn’t respond. Wondering if something had happened, she touched his cheek. “Are you okay?”

His refusal to look at her was upsetting. Sitting on his lap, she ran her hand over his shoulder affectionately.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he barked.

Startled, Natalie yanked her hand back. “What’s wrong?”

“You know what’s wrong.”

Alarmed, she tried to think, but her mind was blank. “I don’t know. What happened?” Seeing his jaw tense and looking into his blue eyes of steel, she stood and took a step back. In the terrace lighting, he looked menacing.

“Where were you?” he said, glaring at her.

“At a meeting…you know that…with Brandon and…”


Rinaldi, the owner of GR Fashion, I told you. It was important meeting.”

“Yes, I assume so.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Annoyance was replacing her concern.

“You go for cocktails with the most eligible bachelor in the New York fashion scene, and you call that a business meeting?” Tanner’s tone was abrasive.

“It wasn’t a date.”


“No. Tanner, you are being ridiculous.”

Tanner stiffened and grabbed her wrist. “Never say I’m ridiculous. You are my wife, and I won’t have you out drinking with other men.”

His comment stunned her, and Natalie was momentarily at a loss for words. “Out drinking?” she repeated. “I was with Brandon and other business associates. I can’t believe you are accusing me of having a date with Gianni.”

“I saw the way he looked at you,” Tanner said morosely.

“What? I don’t know what you are referring to. And you weren’t there to see anything, so I don’t know why you are making false accusations.” Natalie was beginning to have a very bad feeling about the way the conversation was going.

Tanner pulled his phone from his pocket and held it up for her to see. There, lit on the screen, was Gianni holding her hand; their eyes were locked and they were smiling at each other. With nothing else to go on, the snapshot looked like a man and woman attracted to each other.

But that wasn’t what bothered Natalie. It was the fact that Tanner had the picture at all. “How did you get that?”

“It’s not your business.”

Enough was enough; now she was furious. “It
my business. Did you have Andre take pictures of me?”

“No,” Tanner said simply, not offering to elaborate.

Horror struck Natalie; she hoped she was wrong but doubted it. “You are having me followed?”

“You are my wife. I need to know what you are doing,” Tanner said unemotionally.

“Why would you have me followed?” Natalie said, aghast, having trouble getting her wits around what was happening.

“I have every right to know what you are doing and who you are with,” Tanner said, showing no indication that he was aware of any fault in his logic.

Shaking, Natalie began to shout, “No, you don’t have every right. What is wrong with you, Tanner? Why are you behaving this way? You have no reason to mistrust me. The fact that I’m your wife should mean that there is mutual trust between us.

"Your actions are unacceptable. I won’t tolerate being followed like some errant child you have to keep an eye on. I am a grown woman. My business demands that I interact with others, and the fact that one of them is an attractive, desirable male should make no difference to you.”

“So, you admit he’s a desirable man.”

“Of course.
I’m not blind. I’m just stating the obvious. But that does not mean he’s any threat to you. Although, I have to say he treated me better this evening than you are.” Natalie stopped before she went too far and said something she didn’t mean. Fuming, she turned and walked to the railing to gaze out at the trees outlined in the darkness below.

Tanner wasn’t sure what to do. He’d felt a fury, deep in his gut, when the picture of Natalie with Gianni was emailed to him. The idea of her being with another man, drinking with another man, made him insane. His tolerance for it was nil.

But why had he hired a company to follow her in the first place? He had a feeling he’d gone too far. Natalie was more upset than he’d seen her in a long time. But he didn’t know if he could promise to stop. There was some fear that festered inside him. Unable to free himself of it, he’d given in to it.

“Listen, baby,” he said. “Can’t you understand how much I love you?”

Natalie turned. She was so beautiful in the tight blue suit she wore. Her long, dark hair curled wildly as if in response to her anger. Even in the semi-dark, her deep brown eyes glowed with rage. Rage at him. Yet, even furious, she was so sexy. His craving for her had a stronger pull than reason.

He should back away, apologize. That was what she’d want. He should assure her that he was wrong. But he didn’t feel wrong. He felt desperate.

Yes, that was it: he felt desperate. And the actions of a desperate man were never good. Still, as he looked into her eyes and moved closer, picking up her feminine scent, reason moved further into the background. Taking another step toward her, Tanner was encouraged that she didn’t move away but just looked back.

He knew that look; he loved that look. Barely able to see anything on the dark terrace, Tanner could tell that she was flushed. It was the soft look in her eyes, the soft radiance of her skin,
the swell of her breast. Oh God, he was losing it.

Now barely an inch from her, Tanner looked down at the one woman who could drive him crazy. And she was doing a good job of it now. The faint aroma of her floral perfume, mixed with her womanly scent, made him lightheaded. He wanted to touch her, pull her to him, and drow
n her with kisses. Did he dare?

Whether she would or not, Tanner knew he’d be unable to resist. It just wasn’t in him; he wanted her too much. Reaching out, he fisted his hand in her hair and saw her eyes half close. Her sweet breath touched his lips, and she quivered as he pressed her to him. Without thought for consequence, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her as if she were life to him.

Whatever unnamed fear that haunted him earlier, and precipitated his actions, was shattered by the animal passion that exploded inside him. Holding a fistful of her hair, he pulled her head back and kissed wildly all over neck. Wanting to drink her up, and possess her completely, he grabbed her in his arms and stalked inside, toward the playroom, intending to have his way.
to have his way.

15 – Fierce Possession

Natalie was unable to resist him, though maybe she should have. Angry, frustrated, and confused, she’d looked out into the blackness of the park. Unable to subdue the violent emotions racing through her, the only safety was in turning away before she regretted her actions.

Feeling Tanner’s approach before she saw him, heat flooded her body, serving to further fuel her frustration. Her own reaction baffled her. Desire flared in her belly and her heart raced. Turning, she looked directly into Tanner’s piercing blue eyes. His look was unapologetic; in fact, it was predatory.

The lust boiling inside him was evident in his every motion: the way he strode toward her, like an animal closing in on prey, the glisten of his radiant blue eyes, the tautness of his form. Even his breath, as he stood only an inch away, raked heat against her jaw, conveying his need.

Anger, no longer a barrier, fell away. Under his glare, all resistance was gone, as if it had never been there at all. Like a razor-sharp knife, Tanner’s desire for her cut through to the depths of her being. The stark truth was that she wanted him as much as she ever did; maybe more. When he lost his hand in her hair and kissed her deeply, she melted in his arms.

As he carried her to the playroom, holding her firmly against his chest, Natalie felt his virile strength and wanted only to be taken. Submitting was her only wish, as love and desire were her only feelings. Possibly, she should fight against him. But she didn’t want to.

Relief washed over her when he opened the door to the playroom and stepped inside. Alone and at his mercy, Natalie’s body tingled. A momentary pang of anxiety hit her stomach, but she pushed it away. He may be possessive and demanding, but he’d never hurt her. Overcome with the desire to give him whatever he would take from her, she kissed his jaw.

Tanner released her legs, lowering her to the polished wood floor. It was cold on her bare feet, adding to the flood of sensation weakening her. “Take everything off,” he said sternly, and walked across the room.

He turned on music, a deep, morose melody that was frightfully sensual. He opened the cupboard and took out several red sashes. Seeing them made Natalie’s heart pound. She fumbled with the buttons of her jacket.

As he turned back to look at her, Tanner’s eyes were hard. It made him more impossibly gorgeous. He yanked his shirt off, ripping the buttons off the front; they clattered to the floor. His bare chest was chiseled and smooth; that sight alone making Natalie’s lower body burn with molten heat.

She struggled out of her jacket and bra then undid her skirt and dropped it to the floor. Standing in panties only, her legs felt shaky. The anticipation and excitement overpowered her, and she breathed in deeply before shoving her thumb under the waistband of her satin panties and shoving them to the ground.

Tanner’s eyes blazed. “Come here,” he ordered.

Natalie stepped cautiously forward until she was inches away from him. Placing her hands on the sides of her thighs, she waited. Her nipples were embarrassingly hard. The sight of the bright sashes tightened her clit. She swallowed and licked her bottom lip.

Holding her gaze, Tanner undid his pants and let them drop. Under his shorts his cock looked huge and the tip peeked out the top of the waistband, no longer able to cover his length. He lowered the inadequate briefs and stepped away from them, his gorgeous cock in full view, swaying with his motion.

“Get in the chair,” Tanner said, nodding toward a chair that was r
eally a tall stool with a back.

Natalie walked over to it, knowing Tanner was watching; her naked ass in full view. Reaching the chair, she turned and lifted up, her breasts bouncing as she hopped onto the seat. Tanner brushed the handful of sashes over her naked skin and she shuddered.

The feel of the silky sashes made every nerve in her body come alive. She let her head fall back and arched her back. She felt Tanner’s mouth on her nipples, and she kept her head back, letting him have his fill. His hot mouth felt so amazing, but she knew she’d be in trouble if she came too soon.

With one hand behind her head, Tanner guided her to look at him. “I’m going to restrain you,” he said, his tone letting her know he expected no argument.

Natalie’s feet rested on a tiny ledge partway down the legs of the stool. Tanner wrapped a sash around each ankle, securing her legs apart, tied to the stool. Then he stepped behind her. The touch of his fingers to her neck sent a thrill through her sex. He pulled her hair to the side and kissed her neck. His kiss was hot and fierce; his lips sealed to her tender skin.

“Put your arms at your sides.” And Natalie complied. With the other sashes, he secured her upper arms to the back of the chair, rendering her restrained for his pleasure. Coming around to the front of her, he stared at her, bound to the chair.

The high stool must have been made to specifications, because it positioned her pussy directly in front of his cock. All he needed to do was slide into her. But he didn’t.

Tanner reached out and caressed her gently, teasingly. It was excruciating since Natalie could not move—or not much, anyway. He ran his fingers along her jaw and down her neck, fondling her breasts and nipples at length, seeming to ignore her discomfort. With his hands on her thighs he leaned forward and tugged at her lower lip with his teeth.

The gentle tug was inviting—so much so, the moisture between Natalie’s legs flowed out, wetting her inner thighs. Tanner kissed her so softly it made her beg for more. “Please, Tanner,” she moaned.

“Begging already, are you?” The sharpness of his voice only turned her on more.

Tanner ran his fingers over her ribs and along her inner thighs, then back up to her pussy. He cupped her sex in his palm and whispered, “So sweet. You’re so sweet.”

Natalie whimpered.

Tanner bent low and kissed the smooth skin at the apex of her thighs, then laved it with his tongue. “Ahh,” Natalie groaned.

Dipping his tongue through her outer lips, he swirled around her clit, making her squirm. With his mouth so close she could feel his breath on her, he said, “You will want to come, but you won’t. I will have my way with you, and you will feel the agony. Do you hear me?”

Natalie didn’t respond.

“You will come when I allow it. I need for you to say yes.”

Weakly, Natalie spoke. “Yes.” But all she could focus on was Tanner’s hot breath between her legs, and her clit, so hard it was painful.

Tanner kissed her sex and licked the cream flowing between her legs. It would have been tantalizing, except she needed more, and he knew it. Slowly, he tortured her, kissing and licking like he had all the time in the w

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