Fifteen Going on Grown Up (37 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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“So what happened after that?”

Hally prompted. Wes gave her a little squeeze.

“Well Sophie’s mum looked down at mum and haughtily announced ‘If she has it’. Then she took Sophie’s hand like she was a little girl and headed for the door, her dad following. Mum followed them and shut the door before any of them could say any more. Then we all sort of sat down and took deep breaths. I was in as much shock as mum and dad and for a while none of us spoke. Then dad got up and went into the kitchen. He came back with three bottles of lager, he handed one to mum and held the other out for me. He said ‘I know you’re not old enough, but one will be alright.’ Then for a little while we just sat quietly and sipped. Of course I had to say something and the only thing that came out was I’m sorry. Mum came straight over to me and hugged me. She said ‘Darling you have made a very big mistake, a stupid big mistake, but whatever happens your dad and I will support you.’ Well that just made me cry and then we were both crying and hugging and then dad came over and put his arms round both of us.”

Hally could imagine the scene at Wes’ home. It sounded like the many times her own parents had hugged and cried with her, giving her support and comfort. She stayed silent, waiting whilst Wes took a break from telling his past and just remembering it. She didn’t have to wait long before he was ready to tell her more.

“We didn’t see or hear from Sophie or her family for months. There was the obvious gossip at school, some of her friends going round telling anyone who would hear that I had got her pregnant and then dumped her. I got quite a lot of stick over that. I told my close friends the truth and they sided with me, but school became really difficult. Sophie had gathered quite a large group of girlfriends and they definitely had it in for me. Sophie herself wasn’t even at school, someone said her parents had taken her out and brought in a home tutor. By that, me mum and dad sort of guessed that she was carrying on with the pregnancy. Anyway, exam time came round, and things eased a bit because we were not in school all of the time. So I had a chance to get on with my revision and sit my GCSEs without being hassled so much. It was actually a relief to take the exams because I didn’t have to see these girls all of the time and be subjected to their bitching.”

Hally made a huffing sound and Wes looked at her.


He asked. She gave him a little frown.

“Wes you were being bullied, why didn’t you say something to your teachers?”

Wes looked at her confused.

“You know I never looked at it like that. I mean I hated the constant comments and name calling, but never considered I was being bullied by them. I just sort of tried to block it out and get on with each day.”

Hally took his hands and held them. She looked deep into his eyes reading the pain he had endured and completely understanding how it had felt. Though circumstances were very different, she herself knew only too well what it was like to have to live almost day by day wishing some people would just disappear. She also knew that the type of bullying they had both suffered was the most difficult for schools to deal with. Low level but constant name calling, jeering, teasing and ridicule. Never physical, but the mental torture went deeper than any punch or slap could. Now sitting on his lap she knew that it was because of their own inner strengths and the love and support from their families, that they were both able to come through fairly unscathed, but there were still some scars.

“I know exactly what you mean.”

Hally told him and for a moment there was nothing between them and they smiled at each other. Then Wes became serious again and continued.

“So, the exams were finally over and those of us hoping to go into sixth form had to spend a bit more time at school than those who didn’t. Luckily for me, Sophie’s gang all wanted to go to college to do hairdressing, or beauty or nails, which meant none of them would be in school anymore. Wow what a relief, at last I thought things were getting back to normal. I suppose then I didn’t even think about the baby, I didn’t even know when it was due. Well the holidays started and we had a week in Spain ‘cos dad had a big job starting and he could only take one week off. Then when we got back, actually it was the morning after, there was a knock on the door and it was Sophie’s parents. She wasn’t with them, but the baby was. Mum had answered the door and when she called out to dad and me, her voice, well we thought something had happened to her. We both rushed to her and saw it was Sophie’s parents. They stood there with a pram and a huge bag. Her dad just looked at us and then stated without any emotion at all. ‘Well it’s a girl. Here she is. All you need is in the bag. She’s a week old and we haven’t had her registered yet, we’ll leave that to you. But you should know that in two weeks time we are emigrating to Australia, the whole family and we won’t be back, nor do we want anything to do with your daughter (he looked right at me). Sophie wants to forget this whole business. In the bag is also a signed letter from our solicitor relinquishing any and all rights and responsibility to the child.’ Then they just left, turned round and walked away leaving the baby asleep in her pram.”

Hally was speechless. She couldn’t believe how anyone, especially a mother and her parents could just walk away from a new born baby without showing the slightest sign of emotion. They had treated the child like an object, something that could just be disposed of, like an old sofa that someone was giving away. Hally could not comprehend how Wes and his parents must have felt.

“We were all flabbergasted, completely shocked at the callousness of what they had done. Mum was the first to recover and told dad to pick up the bag and got me to help lift the pram into the house. I didn’t know how to react, what to say, or what to do. I didn’t even know if the baby was mine. At that point there was just a tiny baby with no name and it seemed no parents. It was almost like you see on the news where a baby gets left and the mother’s done a runner. But obviously this time, the father was probably present. Anyway, the baby was still asleep and looked as though she had at least been looked after. Mum went through the bag and found bottles and sterilizer, baby milk, nappies and clothes and various other bits and pieces. She also found the letter. Dad turned to me and said ‘Well son, first we get a paternity test then go from there.’ I still couldn’t speak. Mum put her arm around me and said ‘Wes this is all going to be ok. If she’s yours we will work this out as a family.’ So at that moment all I could do was nod and look at the tiny baby in the pram not knowing what to believe.”

There was a sound from the kitchen and Hally realised that her parents were home and that she was also still wearing her nightwear. The morning had virtually passed without notice, Wes talking and her listening intently. Hally stood and went into the kitchen to see her parents leaving Wes in the lounge. Mum was putting shopping away and dad was as usual struggling to remove muddy football clothes from Nathan. Mum glanced up.

“Everything ok?”

She asked, noticing Hally still in her dressing gown. Hally nodded.

“We are still talking. It is a very long and complicated story and I will tell you everything as soon as I can.”

Mum smiled and said.

“Do you want me to bring some sandwiches and drinks in a bit?”

Hally realised she hadn’t eaten and thought Wes probably hadn’t either.

“Thanks mum that would be great.”

She gave her mum a kiss on the cheek and returned to the lounge to Wes who gave her a worried and almost frightened look.

“They hate me don’t they?”

He said almost in tears again. Hally sat back on his lap and brushed his hair away from his face.

“No they don’t. They were angry and concerned for me, but mum’s bringing us some food and drinks in a little while. She wouldn’t do that if she didn’t care.”

Wes leaned into her and closed his eyes resting for a while. There was a knock on the door and mum came in with a tray, on it two mugs and a plate of chocolate biscuits.

“I’ll get the sandwiches in a minute.”

She said with a gentle smile. Hally and Wes both thanked her and she returned to the kitchen.

“See, she’s fine.”

Hally told him. He gave her a tiny smile but didn’t look very reassured. So, tugging lightly at his hair she said.

“Look Wes, my parents will be ok with whatever I decide. They will be there for me and offer me advice, which I usually take because it’s usually what I’m sort of thinking anyway.”

Wes gave her a very anxious look.

“What do you mean whatever you decide? Are you thinking of breaking up with me?”

He was on the verge of tears and Hally realised she had said the completely wrong thing.

“Oh Wes I didn’t mean it like that. I mean I have a lot to think about, you know all you’re telling me.”

He nodded dejectedly.

“Well I’d better tell you the rest then.”

“Look, I have to go to the loo and I think I’d like to get out of my night clothes. So let’s take a break, mum will bring the sandwiches in bit.”

Wes looked terrified.

“You’re going to leave me on my own? Won’t your dad come in here and make mince meat out of me?”

Hally stifled a giggle.

“No he won’t. Don’t be daft. Look I’ll go and tell them where I am and that you need a catnap, actually you look like you do. Then I’ll be back. You know how fast I can get ready.”

Reluctantly Wes let her go and she disappeared into the kitchen. He leaned back into the comfort of the sofa and closed his eyes. He was very tired and almost immediately he dropped into sleep. Hally on the other hand felt wide awake as she let the hot shower flow over her. She intended to keep her word and quickly dried off and dressed, dragging a comb hastily through her hair. She trotted downstairs and back into the lounge. Mum had already been in and left a tray of very tasty looking sandwiches. Wes was where she had left him, but was sound asleep. For a few minutes she just watched him. He looked peaceful and handsome and her heart swelled to bursting point at the love she felt for him. But she felt afraid and she trembled for nothing could ever be the same. Placing her hand on his shoulder, Hally gently shook him awake. He blinked at her, at first confused about where he was, then he sat up quickly.

“Oh. I suppose I actually did drop off.”

He mumbled rubbing his face. Hally could see he was still worn out, but knew they needed to get everything out in the open now.

“Mum brought sandwiches.”

She said, pointing to the second tray on the coffee table. There were also two cans of cola there too. Wes leaned forward taking a plate and a handful of sandwiches. He bit into one with relish and smiling said.

“Mmmm your mum makes really nice sandwiches.”

Hally smiled wistfully. Wes had said very nearly the exact same thing just a few short weeks ago, yet now it seemed a lifetime ago when everything was perfect and she didn’t know about Ellie. But that was a false perfect, she thought, and with a crushing feeling she felt tears well up in her eyes. She put her sandwich down, unable to eat anymore, the bite she had taken almost getting stuck. Wes noticed the change in her and put down his own plate.

“Hally babe, what is it?”

The tears bubbled over and flowed down her cheeks. Wes tried to put his arm around her but she put out her hand to stop him. He looked at her, grave concern etched into his face. He couldn’t do anything to help her, to soothe her.

“I’m sorry. It’s just…”

She sobbed. Wes reached for her again and this time she let him pull her to him sobbing into his shoulder.

“Everything… is… different now. It was all so good…I…thought…I…it was perfect…now none of it was real”

Wes held her and his own voice trembling said.

“I know Hally and I am so sorry. But please don’t ever think it’s not real. What we have is very real. What I feel for you will not change. I know I should have told you a long time ago, to give you the chance to decide what you wanted to do about it. Now please, let me tell you the rest and maybe then you can at least forgive me a little and see that I am still the same person.”

Still sobbing, Hally nodded. Wes handed her the tissues and her plate of sandwiches. She took both and after drying her eyes, sat back and nibbled at her partly eaten sandwich. Wes swallowed and took a deep breath.

“So, mum took time off work and they paid for a paternity test, which came back confirming she was mine, so at least Sophie had told the truth about that. Together we chose her name and with some legal advice got her registered. It was very difficult for me. I was sixteen going on seventeen and was a father. Mum gave up work all together to look after Ellie full time and I felt very guilty about that. But they wanted me to carry on with my studies. But right then, school was not high on my list. The more time I spent with Ellie the more I knew I loved her. She was just a normal baby, doing all the stuff babies do, but she was mine and I adored her. I had never in my wildest dreams thought about having a baby, my life had been all about hanging out with my mates; getting good exam results and probably going on to uni. Now all that had changed. But there were problems too. Even though Sophie’s friends were no longer at school they were still about. I knew a lot of people right across the city and so did my parents and even though we weren’t ashamed of what had happened, some people did make our lives difficult. Then the following spring I failed my first year’s exams and that’s when mum and dad sat me down and suggested we think about moving away and starting fresh. It was a lot to take in. I had lived in Oxford all my life, my dad ran his business from there and we all had a large circle of friends. But they were very sure that none of it mattered. They wanted a settled life for me and Ellie and mostly they wanted me to be able to have a life with new friends who wouldn’t judge me because of my past. So, they looked into moving and found this town. We visited quite a few times and checked out everything from school for me, how dad’s business would work, medical facilities and pre-school and other things for Ellie. It was never our intention to make anyone believe that Ellie was my sister, nor to keep her parentage hidden. Mum and dad just didn’t want to broadcast it for my sake. They wanted me to have as normal a life as possible. Of course we now realise that was going to be impossible. I had no idea that I was going to meet you and fall for you.(He blushed deeply and Hally’s heart skipped a beat at his words) I had no idea that I would find such a wonderful group of friends and be so readily accepted and now I just hope I haven’t ruined every…every…thing.”

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