Fifteen Going on Grown Up (40 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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They all laughed, mum trying to admonish Nathan for talking with his mouth full.

“So a barbeque it is then.”

Dad announced and Nathan interjected with.

“Good, I love barbeques and it means I won’t have to put up with loads of Hally’s friends trying to make me dance.”

This was said clearly and without food in his mouth, but the others still found it amusing. Corrinne ruffled his hair and he tried to duck away from her. She giggled and said.

“We can still dance at a barbeque you know?”

Nathan gave her a frown that clearly stated she had no chance and brought more laughter to the table.

Hally told mum and dad she and the girls would clear the kitchen and to go through and spend the time with Nathan. Mum kissed her on the cheek and taking a cup of tea did exactly that. As the three girls loaded the dish washer, washed up saucepans, dried and put away they chatted about Hally’s upcoming birthday.

“I want your families there too.”

Hally told them. Corrinne and Clia accepted with smiles.

“What about Wes’ parents and Ellie?”

Clia asked tentatively. Hally stood holding a tea towel twiddling with a corner.

“Well that’s one of the reasons I want my birthday at home, so they can all come too. I mean I haven’t even spoken to them since I found out and have no idea what they will say. And of course Wes doesn’t know yet either and I will have to talk to my parents too.”

Corrinne patted her arm and said.

“Your parents will say it’s a very good idea then keep a really close eye on you to make sure you don’t get upset.”

Hally smiled knowing her friend’s words were absolutely true. Her phone chirped in her pocket and she pulled it out knowing it would be a message from Wes. She opened the message menu and quickly read what he had sent.

“He’s coming round at seven.”

She told the girls a little nervously.

“Do you want us to make ourselves scarce?”

Clia said. Hally shook her head.

“No, in fact what were you two planning tonight with Gregg and Rhys?”

Corrinne looked at Clia questioningly. Clia answered.

“We hadn’t really planned anything. I mean together that is, Rhys said he would come round tonight but what about you Corrie?”

“Same thing.”

Corrinne replied.

“So do you want to call them and ask them if they want to come here?”

Hally asked. Both gave her an inquisitive look and so she explained.

“Wes wants everyone to know about Ellie and I think it would be easier if we were all together to tell them. I know you two said you would tell them, but maybe Wes should be the one. Also (with a brighter look) we can discuss my birthday.”

Her friends grinned and both took out their phones and rang their boyfriends. Hally found it amusing at the way each of her friends arranged the evening with her boyfriend. Corrinne sweetly asked Gregg if he would come round to Hally’s because they were all going to be there; whereas Clia simply announced to Rhys that they were all going to be at Hally’s and added importantly that he should be there too. However, each boy agreed a time to come round.

“I better text Wes and let him know.”

Hally said sounding a little worried. She quickly tapped in the message to Wes and waited for his reply. It didn’t take long.

ok hally that’s cool i should tell the lads myself anyway and i could really do with your help doing that.

Hally sighed with relief already feeling better about the evening ahead.

Wes arrived exactly at seven and gave Hally the usual hug and kiss. Mum and dad smiled and said hello and he looked at them embarrassment all over his face. Hally, Corrinne and Clia stood side by side, Hally nervously waiting to see what her parents would say. Mum put her hand on Wes’ arm and gently squeezed it.

“Wes we can’t say we are not shocked by what Hally’s told us, but we do understand. Your parents needed to protect you and your…daughter. So please don’t be embarrassed, or nervous, we are not going to bite your head off.”

Wes smiled at mum and managed a meek ‘Thank you’. Dad stood up from the armchair and came over to him. He held out his hand and Wes took it.

“Things happen son, things that can’t be changed or undone. I only ask that you are now always open and honest with our daughter.”

Wes looked at dad and nodded.

“I hurt Hally by not doing that. I won’t ever let that happen again. She means too much to me.”

He said the last part blushing furiously and thankfully Nathan came bursting into the room relieving his discomfort.

“Mum mum! can I stay up a bit later tonight?”

Mum turned to her son.

“Please. Remember your manners.”

She said a little sternly. Nathan screwed up his face at being reprimanded.


He said giving his mum his widest most innocent look. This inevitably achieved the intended and she bent down to her son.

“Before I agree what for?”

Nathan launched into an explanation of a programme that was coming on television that would go beyond his usual bedtime. Mum listened and then agreed he could watch it sitting on the sofa in the study because Hally and her friends would be in the lounge. Nathan didn’t argue, in fact he was quite pleased because he knew both his parents would be in the study too and dad especially would most likely watch the programme with him. So he smiled, wrapped his arms around his mother’s neck and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Come on let’s get you into your pyjamas then.”

She told him taking his hand and leading him from the room.

“I’ll give you a hand.”

Dad said following.

Rhys and Gregg arrived together with a large pack of soft drinks a bag of snacks and a new DVD. Corrinne and Clia greeted their boyfriends and the six moved into the lounge ready to settle down and watch the film. However before the two boys unpacked the goodies and the DVD, Wes told them to sit down because there was something important he had to tell them. Rhys looked worried but Gregg just looked puzzled.

“Everything’s ok with work isn’t it?”

Rhys asked hesitantly. Wes looked a little puzzled himself then realised Rhys thought he had something to tell him from his father.

“Hey mate; this is nothing to do with your job. My dad would tell you himself if there was anything you needed to know. No this is about me.”

Rhys gave a very audible sigh of relief and Clia nudged him and smiling whispered.


Rhys grinned at her and sat back to let Wes get on with his explanation.

The group were well into the pack of soft drinks by the time Wes finished, the snacks and DVD untouched. He had not gone into as much detail as he had with Hally and there were no signs of tears. Hally felt that he probably felt a lot better telling his story again after keeping it a secret for so long. Almost like lifting a huge weight from his shoulders she thought. Rhys and Gregg both sat almost stunned into silence by his tale.

“So that’s all of it”

Wes said turning his palms face up and sighing.

“Wow mate, that’s one heck of a big thing to keep to yourself.”

Gregg announced.

“Yeah, sounds like this bird was a real bitch.”

Rhys told him. Hally looked at Corrinne and Clia and together they smiled. She sensed they understood as she did, that it was very important to Wes that his friends didn’t rebuke or chastise him for keeping it from them or offer any opinion about him being a father. Hally believed she was as relieved by this as Wes obviously was, from the smiles and looks he and the other two boys were giving each other. She thought this could very well bring them all closer together.

Gregg was about to unwrap the DVD when Corrinne put out a hand to stop him. He looked at her a question in his eyes and she giggled. Taking the disc from him she laid it to one side but started pulling the snacks from the bag.

“Hally wants us to talk about her birthday.”

She said pulling a bag of tortilla chips open.

“So we’re not going to watch the film then?”

Gregg asked whipping the packet from her. She giggled again and pulled them back out of his hand.

“Maybe, but Hally’s birthday is more important.”

The others laughed at this little interchange between them. Hally and Clia knowing full well that Corrinne would win the packet of tortillas from Gregg. They were right and once Corrinne had complete control of the packet she then passed it around to all of them leaving Gregg until last. He took a handful with a loud ‘Humph’ and they all laughed again.

“So what’s happening on your birthday then?”

Wes asked, so Hally explained her idea.

They all agreed that Hally’s idea of a barbeque was a very good one. Hally extended invitations to include Gregg and Rhys’ families too which were met with enthusiasm. Gregg had two brothers one thirteen years old and one ten. Rhys had twin younger sisters a year younger than Nathan so with Ellie there would be a few children to run around the garden and play with. Wes had no doubts that his parents would willingly take part in Hally’s birthday celebrations.

“They really want to talk to you themselves about Ellie.”

He told her as they were all putting together plans and ideas for the barbeque. Hally’s nerves jolted but she had expected this.

“You’ll be with me though won’t you?”

She asked and he told her he would be right by her side. This comforted her and she leaned into him lovingly.

“So DVD right?”

Gregg said rubbing his hands together. They all laughed and agreed it was time to settle down to the movie.

Late Sunday morning Hally sat in the kitchen with her family, including Granddad. Dad had gone round and picked him up early so they could all have breakfast together. Nathan didn’t have a football match on so it looked like being a normal Sunday. The main difference being that Granddad had to be told about Wes and Ellie. Gratefully mum did the telling relieving Hally of this difficult task. Now they sat at the table, tea and biscuits in front of them. Nathan was happily playing in the garden making his toys act out some daring feats in his sand box.

“Well I’m not as shocked as you thought I would be.”

Granddad stated after mum finished telling him. Hally, mum and dad looked at him in surprise.

“What do you mean dad?”

Mum asked. Granddad gave her his lovely gentle smile.

“Your mum had some inkling that the boy had some secret. Don’t ask me how she knew; maybe her illness gave her some sort of sixth sense, all I know is she said to me a few times. ‘Will watch out for our Hally when I’m gone. Wes is a lovely lad but he’s keeping something from her.’ Well I didn’t want to say anything, you know in case she was wrong.”

He gave a little shrug and looked at each member of his family.

“She said something like that to me too.”

Hally said barely above a whisper and very close to tears. Mum covered her hand and squeezed it gently.

“It’s ok baby, really. You couldn’t possibly know before Wes told you.”

Hally looked down at the biscuit she was holding.

“I know, but I should have taken notice of her and asked him sooner. I mean there were things I was determined to ask him about, like his exams but I kept putting it off.”

Mum gave her hand a little shake.

“Hally don’t put so much onto yourself. It was Wes’ responsibility, and just because mum had a feeling about something doesn’t mean you let her down by not acting on it.”

Hally still felt wretched, and then Granddad spoke out.

“My angel, if you are going to beat yourself up about this then give me a couple of punches too because I didn’t do anything about it either. I just let it go, partly because I didn’t want to interfere with you and your boyfriend, and partly because I just didn’t know how to go about it. I suppose I should have talked to your parents, but you were happy, I didn’t want to do anything to disrupt that.”

Hally stood up and moved to her Granddad’s side. She put her arms around him and hugged him tightly. In her heart of hearts she knew she was being too hard on herself, but more than anything she didn’t want Granddad to feel he had let her down, he was the most caring loving person in the world.

“Ok Granddad, let’s have a punch up together.”

He laughed as they play threw punches at each other like two very untrained boxers.

The front doorbell chimed making everyone jump a little. It was very rare that anyone used the front door as everyone they knew came round the back. Only the postman and strangers used the front. Mum got up and went to answer the door and seemed to be gone for quite a while. Just as dad was about to go and see where she had got to, she came back into the kitchen followed by Wes, his parents and Ellie. Hally looked at him in surprise.

“Mum and dad thought it would be rude to come round the back.”

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