Fifty Shades of Grey (26 page)

Read Fifty Shades of Grey Online

Authors: E. L. James

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Grey
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“Hey, are we doing coffee?” He sounds like the old José. José my friend, not a – what did Christian call him? Suitor. Ugh.

“Sure. I’m at work. Can you make it here for say twelve?”

“See you then.”

He hangs up, and I go back to restocking the paintbrushes and thinking about Christian Grey and his contract.

José is punctual. He comes bounding into the shop like a gamboling dark-eyed puppy.

“Ana,” he smiles his dazzling toothy all-Hispanic-American smile, and I can’t be angry with him anymore.

“Hi José.” I hug him. “I’m starving. I’ll just let Mrs. Clayton know I’m going for lunch.”

As we stroll to the local coffee shop, I slip my arm through José’s. I’m so grateful for his

– normality. Someone I know and understand.

“Hey Ana,” he murmurs. “You’ve really forgiven me?”

“José, you know I can never stay mad at you for long.”

He grins.

I can’t wait to get home. The lure of emailing Christian, and maybe I can begin my research project. Kate is out somewhere, so I fire up the new laptop and open my email. Sure enough, there’s an email from Christian sitting in the inbox. I’m practically bouncing out of my seat with glee.

Christian Grey

Working for a living

May 23 2011 17:24

Anastasia Steele

Dear Miss Steele

I do hope you had a good day at work.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

I hit reply.

Anastasia Steele

Working for living

May 23 2011 17:48

Christian Grey

… I had a very good day at work.

Thank you.


Christian Grey

Do The Work!

May 23 2011 17:50

Anastasia Steele

Miss Steele

Delighted you had a good day.

While you are emailing, you are not researching.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

Anastasia Steele


May 23 2011 17:53

Christian Grey

Mr. Grey, stop emailing me, and I can start my assignment.

I’d like another A.


I hug myself.

Christian Grey


May 23 2011 17:55

Anastasia Steele

Miss Steele

Stop emailing
– and do your assignment.

I’d like to award another A.

The first one was so well deserved. ;)

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

Christian Grey just sent me a winking smiley…
Oh my.
I fire up Google.

Anastasia Steele

Internet Research

May 23 2011 17:59

Christian Grey

Mr. Grey

What would you suggest I put into a search engine?


Christian Grey

Internet Research

May 23 2011 18:02

Anastasia Steele

Miss Steele

Always start with Wikipedia.

No more emails unless you have questions. Understood?

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

Anastasia Steele


May 23 2011 18:04

Christian Grey


You are so bossy.


Christian Grey

In Control

May 23 2011 18:06

Anastasia Steele

Anastasia, you have no idea.

Well, maybe an inkling now.

Do the work.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

I type Submissive into Wikipedia.

Half an hour later, I feel slight queasy and frankly shocked to my core. Do I really want this stuff in my head? Jeez – is this what he gets up to in the Red Room of Pain? I sit staring at the screen, and part of me, a very moist and integral part of me – that I’ve only become acquainted with very recently, is seriously turned on. Oh my, some of this stuff is HOT. But is it for me? Holy shit… could I do this? I need space. I need to think.

For the first time in my life, I voluntarily go for a run. I find my nasty, never-used sneakers, some sweat pants, and a t-shirt. I put my hair in pigtails, blushing at the memories they bring back, and I plug in my iPod. I can’t sit in front of that marvel of technology and look at or read any more disturbing material. I need to expend some of this excess, enervating, energy. Quite frankly, I have a mind to run to the Heathman hotel and just demand sex from the control freak. But that’s five miles, and I don’t think I’ll be able to run one mile, let alone five, and of course, he might turn me down which would be beyond humiliating.

Kate is walking from her car as I head out of the door. She nearly drops her shopping when she sees me. Ana Steele in sneakers. I wave and don’t stop for the inquisition. I need some serious alone time. Snow Patrol blaring in my ears, I set off into the opal and aquamarine dusk.

I pace through the park.
What am I going to do?
I want him, but on his terms? I just don’t know. Perhaps I should negotiate what I want. Go through that ridiculous contract line by line and say what is acceptable and what isn’t. My research has told me that legally it’s unenforceable. He must know that. I figure that it just sets up the parameters of the relationship. It illustrates what I can expect from him and what he expects from me – my total submission. Am I prepared to give him that? Am I even capable?

I am plagued by one question - why is he like this? Is it because he was seduced at such a young age? I just don’t know. He’s still such a mystery.

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