Fight For Her Heart: Tattooed Seduction (Rock Hard Doms) (12 page)

BOOK: Fight For Her Heart: Tattooed Seduction (Rock Hard Doms)
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These events were hard, no holds barred knock out fight.
These fighters didn't wear helmets, and no protection for their hands
except those shallow, open fingered gloves.

The grim possibility that William might be defeated and
hurt by this gargantuan Swede terrified me.

William kept his distance, using speed to his advantage.
I saw the blazing focus in his eyes, seeking an opening with his
rival, anywhere on the big man's body where he could land a few
punches that would actually count.

Little Georgie paused, waving to the crowd. The referee
placed his hands on the rope at the sides, obviously as irritated at
the spectacle as I was.

Come on, William. Come on!

Like a charging ram, he burst forward, sudden and
surprising. William's fist shot up in an uppercut, nailing the giant
straight in the jaw.

His huge, bald head rocked back, but he still had those
monstrous guns attached to his shoulders under control. William
narrowly dodged two more slow, powerful punches, bouncing backward
and curving out of harm's way.

Georgie turned,
following him a little faster than before. The arrogant smile had
gone. More than that – he looked downright
– ready and eager to make William pay for getting in a good

The crowd's explosion simmered after half a minute. I
strained my ears through the strange silence, hoping to hear my sir's
footsteps pounding on the padded floor.

Now, he resembled a shark circling a bloated whale,
waiting for just the right moment to charge. Little Georgie staggered
unsteadily. The way William battered his head must have actually done

Go!” I hissed, as if my words would make
all the difference. “Hit him again. You can win this.”

William burst forward. I braced myself to see Georgie's
head blow back beneath my lover's fist, but it never happened.

The giant raised his leg at just the right moment for a
kick. Georgie missed, but the surprising swiftness in his big leg was
enough to break the attack, sending William sprawling to the floor.

And as he fell, Little Georgie got in a punch. His fist
graced William's head, hitting him just above the temple.

No!” I screamed more loudly. It didn't

My words were drowned out by the crowd going ape.
Several local politicos were in the small row in front of me, and
they stood like almost everybody else, roaring their approval.

I leaped up, struggling to see over their heads. What I
saw made me want to press my hand over my eyes.

Georgie's huge frame leaned over William. My lover's
lean, muscular body scurried on the ground, struggling to get away as
those wrecking ball fists rained down.

What the fuck! He's killing him!” I

I climbed over the seat in front of me, hopping to the
very first row, pushing two men in suits out of the way. Adrenaline
shot through my system, forcing me forward, forward, all the way to
the metal banister separating us from the ring.

Watch it, lady!”

I shot the nastiest stare at the bloated city councilman
next to me. His mustache twitched once when he saw my eyes, and then
he backed away.

I gripped the metal railing until the blood left my
fingers. Little Georgie's punches had stopped.

The overgrown barbarian was moving away from William's
body, hands stretched high above his head, relishing in the standing
ovation from all his fans.

I started to scream; shrill, long, and ferocious. I just
screamed and screamed. I didn't give a shit that the men next to me
were covering their ears.

All I saw was William, limp on the ground, the referee
standing over him to start the official count.


William was barely conscious. He groaned silently,
rolled over, peering out the bottom ropes, right in my direction.

His face was red, wet, and already slightly swollen. I
jumped up and down, adding gestures to my shrieks, anything to make
him see me.

Even in defeat, his beautiful eyes glowed like emeralds
and glaciers. And then they opened a little wider, bathing me in his

I waved. I stared. It was my turn to pour energy from my
gaze, all my love and strength to him, to feed his battered body.

I wasn't expecting much. But the referee popped back as
William planted his palms on the floor.

Slowly, but surely, he lifted up. Shock rolled through
the crowd, and through me.

I thought he was done for sure. Obviously, William still
had a few surprises, drawing on his last full measure for one more

Little Georgie reacted like a sloth. I was sure he
thought the renewed shrieks and howls were from the referee ending
his count.

Too late. He turned just in time to meet William's choke

I bellowed like an idiot. My nerves were roasting, like
I'd just shot myself up with some wonderful, addictive drug. If
William survived this fight, I had a feeling it wouldn't be the last
one I watched, and enjoyed.


William moved fast and pounced. He threw his hold around
the giant, grappling his neck, angling himself across his back so he
couldn't use his fists. Georgie went down, crashing to the floor like
a falling statue.

They rolled. William's face turned bright red, hot and
breathless as he labored under the giant's bulk. He was still able to
use his fists.

Little Georgie flailed,
knocking at the floor around William with his own fists. Meanwhile,
my lover battered the side of his head with one hand, pulling the
Swede deeper into his harsh grip every time he tried to break away.

It wasn't just a fight anymore. I was watching a

Not that I was ready to count my lucky stars yet.
William's face turned redder and redder, a dangerous, dark hue, like
he was on the verge of a stroke from sheer exertion.

Every muscle inside me tensed. The crowd watched in
eerie silence, literally on the edge of their seats.

My fingers ached, grasping tighter and tighter on the
metal railing. Then everything inside me dropped like an elevator
when Georgie rose.

More screams filled the enormous venue. The seven foot
monster wasn't moving like normal anymore.

He took one halting step forward as William rose behind
him. William fell on the ropes, totally exhausted and out of breath,
using their tension to hold himself up.

And he wasn't the only one falling. Another step forward
for Georgie, even more wobbly than before.

It was all the big man could take. William's blows had
worked in slow motion.

Little Georgie's mammoth body hit the mat hard. He
twitched once, and then the referee ran over as William struggled to
right himself.

He stood next to them, fists raised. He wasn't going to
make Georgie's mistake if his opponent suddenly popped up.

Time slowed. The countdown began.

The crowd's low buzz filled my ears, a chaotic droning
noise exaggerated by my overworked brain. I watched William
excitedly, but I couldn't hear the fateful “ten!”

A thousand roars broke out at once, correcting my
hearing in one broad stroke. The referee held William's fist up, and
the announcer said something no one could hear over the savage

Smiling, I cupped my hand over one ear, aiming it up at
the nearest speaker attached to the big screen overhead. What had he

There's a new sheriff in this frozen city, boys
and girls! Will the Kill, the man who just made something huge out of
something little!”

It took forever to get out of the arena.

Security waived me through the back entrance, through
the pack of local media hounds snarling for a crack at either William
or defeated Georgie.

The VIP section of this place was almost as glamorous as
the rest. It was a lot longer than the shoddy hallway I'd tread
before, opening up into a big carousel leading into multiple rooms,
just past a booth where one last security guard took my name.

Second door to your right, Miss. Just remember he
might not be in his room yet,” the guard said.

I saw Little Georgie off to the side. He was conscious
again, surrounded by an entourage of older men who looked like
miniatures next to him. They resembled a bunch of engineers trying to
keep a steam engine under control.

The guard was right. William faced away from me, but I
would've recognized his stripey tattoos anywhere. A man with bushy
hair in a suit had his attention.

...oh, believe it, Mr. Gaulle!” The
stranger spoke excitedly as I approached. “After tonight, you
can pack up your things and close down that little side business you
run. You're going to have a stipend, a travel allowance, a personal
physician – everything! Welcome to the big leagues.”

Just let me see the contract first. I don't do
anything without seeing the fine print, Klaummer.”

William!” I shouted, butting in between the

His eyes sparkled. He had an ice pack pressed tight to
his face, which he lowered as soon as he saw me.

Ah, I see you've got company. You're right, Will,
we can talk about all this later. My aide will forward you the
details. Enjoy the afterglow!”

I stared at the neat dressed man as he stepped away,
raising one eyebrow when I looked at William again.

It's a good night, Rosie. Mr. Klaummer's been in
the professional business for a long time. He's offered me a

Yeah?” I couldn't hide my excitement.

I was happy for him,
but I wanted to hear all about the contract for selfish reasons too.
I needed to know where it was going to take him, for how long, and
what it would mean for

William opened his mouth to speak. Thank God those
beautiful lips hadn't been cut or bruised in the big fight. Most of
the inflammation was around his ear, and not nearly as horrible as
I'd thought.

Oh, let me help you with that,” I

Business could wait. I reached for his ice pack, and he
let it fall into my hand. All my nurturing instincts kicked in, and I
smiled, lifting the pack up to blot beneath his temple.

I only had a split
second to notice the huge shadow creeping up behind him. At first, I
thought it was Klaummer returning – but he was shorter than
William, and no trick of light would've given him a shadow like

William, watch out!” I screamed, ducking
just in the nick of time.

My sir's instincts were on fire. He fell with me,
wrapping me tight in his arms, carefully sliding me several feet away
on the smooth tile.

I caught my bearings and looked up in disbelief. Little
Georgie was screaming and throwing his bare fists. William had to
roll on the ground to escape the rocket-like punches.

You stupid little fuck! Who said you deserve
this? Who!”

It wasn't a question. Georgie was blubbering like a
madman, a sore loser turned raging killer.

The security guard ran past me, but he hesitated. Of
course, these private rent-a-cops weren't armed, and I doubted the
man was brave enough to tangle with Little Georgie himself instead of
calling the police.

I rose, dusting myself
off. I lingered for a moment, unsure about the impulse rising inside

It was crazy. But if
someone didn't do
one of those punches from that gorilla was going to find its mark
sooner or later. Deadly consequences guaranteed.

I ran, as fast as my little knees would carry me. It
wasn't until my hands went around Georgie's neck that I wondered if
I'd lost my mind.

The feel of his hot, rabid flesh was like grappling onto
a bull, or maybe a living cedar tree. I raked my nails into his
flesh, hard as I could. There was no way I could overpower the
behemoth myself, but if I could give him a distraction...

William popped up, fists flying. His punches tapped
Georgie's bald head over and over, a scary sound like large hail
hitting the sidewalk.

The giant was too much, whipping his big body around. I
couldn't hold on any longer.

I went flying across the floor, screaming my lungs out.
By some dumb luck, the security guard caught me and saved me from
going headfirst into his marble desk.

Down, you son of a bitch!” William's words
echoed off the high ceiling. Other men were running around us now,
forming a circle and watching the spectacle like excited High School
kids. “This time, you stay down for good.”

William spat. His shoulders were shaking as he stared at
Georgie's huge body sprawled on the ground. The defeated champion was
out for a second time, and I hoped it was for good.

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