Fight For Her Heart: Tattooed Seduction (Rock Hard Doms) (10 page)

BOOK: Fight For Her Heart: Tattooed Seduction (Rock Hard Doms)
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With that, I dropped off my gear and threw on my normal
clothes. When I left the locker room, William had dialed a cab.

The temperatures in the city were too dangerous to be
waiting outside at all, even five or ten minutes for a bus.
Sometimes, the cold snaps lasted for weeks. And if this kept up, the
fight with Little Georgie might be delayed.

My heart pulsed angrily at the prospect. I wanted him
all to me again, not sharing my man with a gigantic Swede who wanted
to beat him a pulp.

Hello, jealousy. It's been a long time.

Actually, I wasn't sure that I'd ever made her
acquittance in quite the same way I was being introduced to her now.
It didn't take long to figure out that Ms. Jealousy could be a real
stone cold bitch.


His voice droned into the phone. It took me a moment to
realize it was just his voice mail, the fourth time I'd gotten it in
just as many days.

The weekend came and went without a call. I wanted to
slam my phone onto the cheap granite counter in frustration,
shattering its glass screen to smithereens.

I started to hate Little Georgie more and more by the
day. Worse, some of that bitter irritation was beginning to tarnish

Why hadn't he at least

I frantically paced my apartment. It was early and still
painfully cold, the bluish haze sparkling across the sleeping city,
almost indistinguishable from night.

I had to work. And as soon as I left the firm, I was
going to pay him a visit. Training or not for the fight of his life,
I didn't deserve to be treated like this.

It's always a funny, frightening thing to watch how fast
the workday flies by when you're pissed. I spent the day whipping
through spreadsheets, my fingers stabbing at the keyboard like little
engines running on angry steam.

I walked several blocks to the studio, rounding the
dark, cold alley to approach the front. I hadn't gone down it without
William with me. Saving a few minutes wasn't worth bringing back bad
memories, or else opening myself to a new assault.

The winding staircase carried me up to the space he
rented. I tried the doorknob and it popped open.

William was flat on his back, an overweight man with a
gray mustache holding him on the ground. I slid against the wall,
next to the entrance, listening to my lover's feral grunts.

They reminded me of sex. But beneath his opponent –
his trainer? – William wasn't getting pleasured. Far from it.

For a second, I forgot my blustery anger. I watched in
fascination as he struggled with the heavy man. His muscular face
grew beet red, neck hardening like a stick of dynamite.


The big man went into the air and crashed onto his back.
William rose, his shield-like chest huffing and puffing for precious
air. Finally, he saw me.

Still panting, William walked over to the stranger and
extended his hand. The big man took it, grunting as he found his way

Good match, Carl. I know I've got a ways to go
with that response time. Georgie wouldn't let me kick him away
without landing a few knockout punches first.”

The big man laughed. “You're doing fine, Will.
When do you want to try this again?”

William glanced at me, his eyes dark and protective. He
probably expected the hell I was about to let loose on his private

Sorry, sir. I may be the submissive here, but I have
a right to know where we stand. You owe me that much.

He lowered his voice and muttered a few times. With
that, the chubby trainer shook his hand, and nodded as he walked past
me toward the door leading into the locker rooms.

I listened to the door click shut. At last, we were
alone, sizing one another up like several seasons had passed, rather
than a matter of days.

I didn't hear from you this weekend. Not one
call,” I said bitterly, coming closer to him.

William held one hand up, as if to stop me in my tracks.
“I got sidetracked. Even then, we're not joined at the hip. I
told you how much I've got riding on this fight. It could make or
break my career in this crazy business.”

I guess your reputation is more important than
me.” I clenched my lips tight, hating the bitter aftertaste the
words left on my tongue.

Is that what you think?” his face hardened
as he approached, reaching out to me. “You're wrong, Rosie.
Dead wrong.”

At first, I wanted to resist. But he caught me by the
shoulders, pulled me into his chest, and held me there.

I broke. Tears blubbered out and my chin trembled
against his hot, moist body.

Damn him. I should've walked out when I had the chance.

I rubbed my watery cheek against his sweat, as if mixing
fluids would somehow create a potion to fix all our problems.

important to me. As important as
the underground circuit. I didn't expect this...beautiful
distraction.” He sucked in a deep breath. “You've put me
between my two passions. Big, unforgiving passions. You think you
know me, little Rose, but there's a lot you still have to learn.”

Oh?” I looked up, suppressing the tears.

My nerves burned with heat. His touch made me feel
better, but his words hadn't soothed my heart. Not yet.

When I find
something worth fighting for, I don't let go. I don't give up and
walk away. It's up to fighting, or up to you, to leave
behind. Not the other way around.”

I felt his fingers moving across my back. His gloves
came off and fell on the ground, the better for his fingers to find
my flesh and drag me into his beautifully hard heat.

I...think I get that,” I said at last. “I'm
not asking for the world. Damn it, William, you could've at least
called. I would've understood. I could have been there to support you
through these sessions.”

You're right.” He waited for me to look up,
waited with baited breath and sparkling bright eyes. “Sometimes
I indulge one passion more than the other, and I get distracted. I
admit that. I fucked up.”

I let out a heavy sigh of relief. This wasn't what I

And I welcome your support, little Rose –
when it's the kind of support that helps me.” His eyes glowed
brighter, on the verge of spilling their glowing stars.


I welcome a
woman, a companion. I need a submissive.” His hands slid lower,
cupping my ass through my pants. I gasped with surprise. “Right
now, you're acting more like a spoiled brat. You deserve a phone call
and a little attention, Rosie. But you can't smother me. That's my

The shaking in my nerves doubled as he increased his
grip. He held me in place, lowering his face to mine, kissing my hot,
mad lips with his.

Anger puled as our mouths opened and our tongues found
one another. It was a different, hotter throb, a pulse moving with
its own evil tempo.

Strange, seductive, and irresistible.

It didn't care if it was out of place. And it didn't
take “no” either.

I swallowed his kisses. Lightning flashed inside me, the
earlier tension surrendering to a storm. Lust surged, washing away my

In seconds, I was reduced to a mess in his hands, wet
and eager to be hate fucked. Brat or not, I was ready for my
punishment. My temperature spiked another degree each time I sensed
his strong fingers moving a little harder against my ass.

Come on,” he growled, breaking the kiss.
“This is what you get for doubting me. Let me banish all that
nasty energy, baby. You need to make way for love, and nothing else.”

I struggled to keep up as his feet pounded on the matted
floor. He was leading me toward the locker room door.

Inside, he pulled me into the small men's room. Luckily,
the big man he'd been training with was long gone. He slammed the
door tight and made sure it was locked.

The lights were down, a pale orange luminescence that
reminded me of the streetlamps burning through the winter fog.

William moved like a handsome tornado. I whimpered with
surprise, and kicked my legs once as he threw me over his shoulder
and started pawing at my clothes. My boots dropped, loosened by my
feet striking out.

He went for my khakis. Good thing they weren't the
tightest, or it might have hurt. Once he popped the button, it only
took a few firm jerks to drag them to the floor, and then he went
straight for my panties.

They rolled off my legs in a wet, warm heap. My socks
touched the cool dry tile, and he held me close as he spun me around.

Hands on the bench. I'm going to paint your
pretty little ass bright red. Wear it as a reminder of what happened
here. Every time you sit down and feel the sting, that's my love. I
don't need to be at your side for you to know how much I care.”

My heartbeat picked up. As if it wasn't enough to know I
was about to be on the receiving end of his powerful hands, he had to
hit me with that L-word too!

The wood was cool beneath my hands, icy and ominous. As
soon as I steadied myself, I felt a hand fisting my ponytail.

This is so you remember, Rosie. Tell me you're

Yes!” I hissed, a soft eagerness in my
throat that surprised even me.

William's palm sliced through the air. The impact
rattled me so hard I yelled, and tried to jump away, but his grip
held me in place.

I understood what the makeshift leash he'd made in my
hair was for.

Smack. Smack. Smack. Crack!

My flesh sizzled, jerked, and turned a little redder
with every slap. After the first three, he slowed down, angling his
palm at my flesh a little harder.

I became a full body pendulum, an ornament for sir's
enjoyment. It didn't hurt like I expected.

Quite the contrary. Deep down, I fucking loved it.

My cheeks were tingling. If I could've seen them, I knew
I'd see vivid crimson splashed across their surfaces, globes of fire
painted by the man I loved and defied.

I pushed them toward his head, counting the strokes in
my head.

Never forget, Rosie. Never. Never, never.”
William's words echoed softly in the lonely chamber.

The smack of his flesh on my mine resounded even louder.
The locker room had no padding to blunt the sounds, and the noise
became a mirror for the fiery pillar coiling up inside me.

More blows. More fire. More lust.

Almighty desire was all that possessed me as he struck
my curves. His powerful energy entered my flesh, where it was
transmuted into pure heat curling straight for my womb.

William the Dom was an alchemist. Except instead of
turning base into gold, he turned pain into pleasure, changed
peppermint bites into bare, wet desire.

My swollen lips leaked their cream. Knees trembling, I
started sliding to the floor, especially now that the regular spanks
had stopped.

Not so fast,” William said. He reached out
and grabbed my hips, holding me up. “I want to burn too. Turn
around, baby. Now!”

He spun me around and forced me to stand straight. I was
looking right at him, panting and folding my hands over my naked sex.

I wanted to touch myself so bad.
relieve the monstrous heat throbbing up my tanned ass, circulating
around my clit. But that wasn't going to happen while his godly eyes
were on me like that.

Down, beautiful. You know what to do.”

He took my hair in hand and pulled lightly. I followed
the motion, sinking to my knees, letting them rest on the hard floor.

I was face to face with the bulge beneath his dark red
trunks. He gave me a small nod as I reached out, feeling it with my
hand, oozing awe through my lips as I fully stroked his erection.

His large hand went to his waistband and pulled. William
pushed all the fabric down, straight to his knees, freeing the thick,
curved rod to tease.

Suck it,” he commanded. “Suck it deep
and hard. Show me we have an understanding, Rosie, a contract sealed
in skin and sex.”

Understanding? I'll give you an understanding.

I suppressed a smile as I reached up to touch his balls.
They were big, round, and hot in my hands. I cradled them and lowered
my lips, flicking out my tongue and running it along his length,
until I stopped at his head.

One kiss there. And then I opened my lips wide to draw
him in, sliding my small mouth over his rigid steel.

William's head rolled on his muscular shoulders. His
hand tightened in my hair, encouraging me to bob along his thickness.

His flesh ignited new determination, rippling deep and
persistent on me like slow moving sweat. I sucked him a little
harder, pushing myself to swallow as much of him as I could.

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