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Authors: C.M. Seabrook

Fighting Blind (11 page)

BOOK: Fighting Blind
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It’s him who’s perfect. I can never be enough. But right now I don’t care. I just want this moment. Even if it’s the only one I get.

“This is where you belong.” His gaze never leaves me as he pulls out and slams back in. “With me.”

Gripping his shoulders for support, I gasp at the pleasure of it.

“Never leave me.”

I don’t have time to respond, before he thrusts into me again.

I love you. I need you.
The words catch in my throat. The
for him is almost overpowering. I know if I think about it, I’ll freak out.

Instead, I focus on the pleasure of his body inside me, the weight of him on top of me.

I never imagined it could be like this. The connection between us is almost tangible. And I know that after tonight, I’ll never survive without him.

He runs his hand down my thigh, bringing it up around his waist, thrusting deeper. I wrap my fingers in the sheets, bracing myself as he slams into me harder.

“God, Mac,” he groans, rolling his hips.

I can’t speak. Electric pleasure shoots through me, sizzling along every nerve. Every motion brings me closer, until I cry out, back arching, body clenching, pulsating around him with my release.

He slams into me once, twice, then comes hard, my name on his lips.

“Holy shit.” He collapses on top of me, breathing heavy.

When he finally rolls over, he brings me with him.

As I lay spread out across his chest, I know I can trust him with the truth. I also know that there’s no way in hell I’m going to ruin this moment with it.









Chapter 16




With Mac spread out on my chest, I inhale her scent. Breathe her in like a man drowning.

I could stay here forever. Lost in her.

“You okay?” I ask, running my fingers down her back. God, her skin is so soft.

When she doesn’t answer, I flip her over on her back so that she’s pinned beneath me.

A small gasp escapes her parted lips.

She stares up at me with those eyes. Amber flecks catch in the evening light. So fucking beautiful. And

“How long does my mom have Logan?”

“She’s keeping her overnight.”

“Good. So you can stay with me.” I kiss her swollen lips, her chin, down her neck, across her collarbone. “I’ll make us dinner and then–”

I stop when my mouth brushes against a faint, raised scar. Frowning, I trail a finger over the white line that grows wider until it stops just above her breast.

“What’s this?”

I feel her body tense under me, and she squirms, trying to pull the sheet over her chest.

“It’s nothing.”

More lies. Damn it, even now she still doesn’t trust me.

“How did you get that?” My voice is a low growl, but I can’t help it. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. “Mackenzie.”

Her eyes snap to mine, and I can see emotions warring behind them.

I sit up, shaking my head.

My right eye twitches as I stare down at her. “I asked you how you got the scar?”

“And I told you, it’s nothing.” Her breathing is uneven, eyes wide as she jumps from the bed, grabbing her discarded clothes from the floor. She pulls her shirt over her head quickly, not bothering with her bra.

Oh, for fuck sake.

“Where are you going?” I shove my legs into my pants, then follow her to the living room.

I’m going to get whiplash from her hot and cold spells.

“I need to have a shower,” she mumbles, not looking at me.

I grab her hand before she reaches the door. Was she seriously going to run without an explanation?

She’s hyperventilating now. Her skin ice cold.


I pull her against my chest, not letting go when she struggles against me. “Calm down.”

“I-I can’t.” Her voice is edged with panic.

I know not to push her, but how the hell am I supposed to help if she doesn’t trust me enough with the truth?

With my thumb under her chin, I tilt her face up towards mine. Her lips are trembling when I brush my own over hers.

“Whatever happened, you’re safe now.”

She shakes her head vehemently. “No.”

I go cold. Ice forms at the base of my scull making light dance at the corner of my eyes. What, or
, didn’t she think she was safe from?

“If someone hurt you–” My entire body tenses at the thought. I see the truth in her eyes, as if she’s replaying some horrific event over and over again in her mind. “Who? Who was it?”

Her fingers curl into fists at my chest and when she speaks, it’s so low, I barely hear her. “Stefano.”

“Stefano?” I try to keep my tone steady, searching my memory. Trying to match the name, I come up short.

“He was living with my mom …” She closes her eyes and rests her forehead against my chest. “Right before I left.”

I remember now. The man was bad news. But all of Terri’s boyfriends were. He was the one who gave her the scar? How? Why? It doesn’t really matter. I’ll fucking destroy the bastard when I get my hands on him.

“What happened?” Acidic anger rises in my throat, burning my esophagus.

“He cut me. It wasn’t that deep.” She shrugs like what she’s telling me shouldn’t make my blood boil.

“Jesus,” I breathe out, dropping my hands from her shoulders. I’ll kill the fucker. “Why didn’t you come to me?”

“I did.” She moves to the couch, sinking down slowly.

“When?” I narrow my eyes at her, a tightening starting in my chest.

“It was the same night we…” She swallows visibly. “After we…when I went home he did this to me.” Her fingers linger over the scar. “I came back, but…”

I don’t need her to finish. I know the rest of the story. And even though I can’t remember the night, or how the other girl got into my apartment, guilt consumes me.

“Shit, Mac. I’m so sorry.” I know I should comfort her, but I need to pace, need to work out my anger, my own sense of responsibility. “Did you report it?”

“No.” She rubs her hands over her bare arms.

I curse violently under my breath making her flinch.

“Do you know where he is?” My nostrils flare, jaw clenching as I think about what I’m going to do to the asshole.

“No.” She looks down at her hands and takes a shaky breath.

I feel like she’s still holding back. Then a gut wrenching thought occurs.

“Did he do anything else?” I rub my neck, trying to ease some of the tension.

Her eyes grow wide when she realizes what I’m asking and she shakes her head.

“No. His fist and knife did enough.”


“I should go.” She shifts on the couch, then stands.

“Like hell you should. You’re staying here.”

“You’re upset and you’ve got a flight in the morning.”

“I’m not upset with you and I can sleep on the plane.” I pull her to me, kissing her roughly, possessively. “Come with me.”


“Come to Vegas with me.” I don’t want to be away from her. Especially now. I need her to know she’s safe. That
keep her safe.


“She can stay with my mom. Come with me.”

Her lips curve up, just slightly, and she shakes her head. “I can’t.”

“Then at least stay the night.” I take her hand in mine and lightly kiss her palm.

Her brows furrow and I think she’s going to say no, then I feel the shiver that races through her body, and I know I’ve won.


“Okay.” I lean in and kiss her, long and hard, until I feel her melt completely in my arms.

Her little moans and whimpers make my cock harden. There’s no doubt she wants me just as much as I want her.

“Now that we have that settled,” I say, scooping her up.

She squeals when her feet leave the floor, then laughs, slapping me on the chest.

God, I love that sound.

“What’re you doing?”

“I’m going to make sure you’re too tired to think about running away from me again.”

I can’t help but grin at the startled look on her face.

“Sweetheart, I have every intention of spending the entire night making you scream my name over and over again.”

And I do.









Chapter 17




“Logan, stop.” I take the pack of cookies from her greedy little hands, and she lets out a piercing wail.

The two other women in the isle turn their heads and give me a disapproving look.

“Cookie,” Logan screams.

“Not now. You haven’t had dinner.” I place the package back in the grocery cart.

She continues to cry all the way through checkout, even after I’ve strapped her back into the fold-up stroller, threatening to do a side dive from the buggy.

By the time we make it back to the apartment, my head is ringing.

“Fine.” I pull the package from the grocery bag and hand it to her. “You carry this and I’ll give you
cookie when we get upstairs.”

She instantly calms, a broad smile lighting her face.

I roll my eyes knowing I’ve just let my two-year-old win. But hell, between her temper tantrum and the freak September heatwave that’s turned the air into a scorching sauna, my nerves are shot.

I unbuckle her straps and set her on her feet, then grab the remaining bags.

“Damn it.” I drop my keys, spilling the contents of my purse when I reach to pick them up.

Logan looks up at me and laughs.

“Yeah, real funny.” I grin, shaking my head.

Collecting my wallet and the other items from the pavement, a heavy lump forms in my throat and a heaviness settles on my chest. I’ve felt it before, like eyes watching me. With a quick glance over my shoulder, I scan the parking lot.

I’m just being paranoid.

With Theo gone, I haven’t felt as safe. I’m counting down the days until he comes home. Everything just seems more complete when he’s around.

After what happened the night before he left for Vegas, there’s no more denying what’s between us. At least with him gone, I’ve had the chance to think about what I want.

What I want is

I fumble with my keys, finally getting the right one in the lock.

There are days when I curse Theo’s damn security system. Today is one of them. Juggling the groceries, I lift my hand to type in the code.

Shit, shit, shit.

Several small wires stick out the side of the system, and there are deep scratches across the metal as if someone used a screwdriver to try to pry it open.

I try to type in the code. The screen remains blank, as if it’s been turned off.

Oh God.
Despite the heat, a coolness travels down my spine, making me shiver.

I put the groceries down and swallow past the growing lump in my throat.

“Nice place you’ve got here,” A deep, growl from the shadows confirms my fears.

I jump, picking Logan up and swing around.

Dressed in a leather vest over a torn Harley Davidson t-shirt and old jeans that sit just below his large belly, Stefano sneers, walking towards us.

I inch back, eyes darting to the closest escape route, ready to run.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He lifts his vest, exposing the handle of a gun.

No, no, no. This can’t be happening. I’m such an idiot. I stayed too long. Dropped my guard.

I pull Logan tight against me, covering her head with my hand and she starts crying.

Stefano is only a few feet away, and his stench of alcohol mixed with cheap aftershave and body odor makes my stomach churn.

“Wha-what do you want?” I know what he wants. To hurt me.

“Thing is. At first, I just wanted you to suffer. But now…” He sucks his lips against his teeth, making an awful hissing noise. “Now you’ve got something I want.”

His eagle-like gaze lowers to Logan and I lose it. Every cell in my body goes on protective mode. It’s one thing to threaten me, another to threaten my daughter.

“I’ll rip your fucking eyes out if you even look at her.”

When he takes a step towards me, one arm outstretched, I kick him hard, right above his kneecap. With Logan in my arms, the strike doesn’t have the impact I intended, but it’s enough to make his leg give out enough to give me a chance to run.

I only get a few feet before my head snaps back, his fingers tangling in my hair.

“Stupid bitch. You think this is a game?”

Logan is screaming now, her tiny arms wrapped around my neck in a death grip.

Stefano is behind me, his rancid breath in my ear. Something hard presses into my spine.

“Try that again and you both die.” He yanks my hair again, so hard I have to grit my teeth from crying out.

What do I do?
This is my worst fear. The one I’ve been running from for three years.

“If you want to live, then I suggest you listen closely.”

The metal digs deeper in my back and his fingers tighten at the base of my skull. Pain shoots through my scalp and my legs feel like rubber beneath me.

“I looked into that boyfriend of yours.”

“Theo has nothing to do with this.”

Stefano chuckles darkly. “See, I’ve heard otherwise. What do you think you’re worth to him? One million? Two?”

Two million dollars. Was he serious?

“He doesn’t have that kind of money. Even if he did–”

Stef grabs my shoulders and spins me around so quickly it takes all my strength to hold onto Logan. I’m slammed back against the wall.

The back of my head hits the brick so hard, for a moment, my vision darkens.

“You’ll get me the money.” The muzzle of the gun pushes into my jaw with bruising force.

He’s insane, I can see it in his eyes. Black dots intent on harm.

Logan continues to cry, her tears soaking through my t-shirt.

“Shut her up.” He points the gun at her and fear like none I’ve ever known washes over me.

“She’s scared.” I barely choke the words out, crushing her against my chest.

The gun points back at me, and he grips my arm, fingers biting into my flesh so tight, I know it’ll leave a mark.

“Let’s go.” His hand rests on the back of my neck and he shoves me forward.

“Wh-where are you taking us?”

“You think I’m taking a chance that you’ll run again?”

No. I can’t. I won’t go with him. He’ll kill us both.

I dig my heals into the ground.

“No.” My voice is a strangled cry that mixes with Logan’s.

“You’ll do what I fucking say. Or I’ll just take the brat.”

He backhands me, the barrel of the gun hitting my temple. My vision darkens for a moment, and my knees give out on me. A small moment of clarity allows me to fall backwards, rather than forward, crushing Logan.

“Get up.” His fingers bite into my arm, yanking me up. My stomach rolls and I swallow back the bile that rises in my throat.

The sound of tires on gravel makes Stef turn, releasing my arm when a blue pick-up barrels towards us. When the breaks squeal to a stop, Moody jumps from the truck, his gaze quickly assessing the situation, mouth drawn in a tight line.

Stefano takes a step away from me, his gun now holstered and hidden under his vest.

“What’s going on?” Moody slams the truck door and takes three long strides towards me.

“None of your fucking business.” Stefano takes a step away from me, his hand inching under his vest.

“She’s my friend’s girl and this is his place. So, yeah, it is my fucking business.” Clearly ready for a fight, Moody reduces the distance between us, never giving his back to Stef. He glances at me, reaching out to touch what is most likely already a bruised bump on my cheek.

“He’s got a gun,” I mumble, loud enough that only Moody can hear.

His nostrils flare, eyes narrowing, and his jaw clenches the way Theo’s does when he’s angry. “Get in the truck.”

I glance at Stefano. His eyes are wild, like an animal caught in a trap. Dangerous. Unhinged. I’m afraid to move.

“Get in the truck, Mackenzie,” Moody repeats.

He shields me with his body as I walk slowly towards the vehicle.

Without the gun, Stefano wouldn’t stand a chance against Moody, but if he pulls the weapon…

“I’m not done with you,” Stefano moves further into the shadows.

“You’ll stay the fuck away from her.” Moody opens the passenger door and helps Logan and me in, never turning his back on Stef.

“One week, bitch,” Stef says, ignoring Moody. “Get me what I want.”

When the door shuts, I let out an unsteady breath and say a silent prayer that Moody won’t go after the bastard.

For a moment, I think that he’s about to, then he slams his palm down on the hood of his truck and says something to Stefano that I can’t hear.

When he gets in the driver’s side, he’s breathing hard. He puts the truck in reverse, looks over his shoulder and squeals the tires as he backs out of the parking lot.

The last thing I see before we turn onto the street is Stefano watching me, fingers pointing at me like a gun. His thumb comes down as if firing.

Fuck. I’m in so much trouble.

Logan lies heavily on my chest, thumb in her mouth. I take a deep, unsteady breath. She’s okay. For now, we’re both all right.

Thank God, Moody showed up.

“How did you know?” My voice is tight, full of the tears I’ve held back.

He glances at me from the corner of his eyes, knuckles whitening over the steering wheel.

“The alarm was tripped. I got a call from the security company. I told them I’d check on it. Didn’t want them sending the cops if it was nothing.”


There’s a long tense silence, then he asks, “Want to tell me what the hell’s going on?”

I look out the window and shake my head. “He thinks I owe him something.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah,” I mumble.

He raises his eyebrows and gives a quick shake of his head. “You really are trouble, aren’t you?”

“You have no idea.” I lean back and close my eyes, rubbing Logan’s back.

What am I going to do?

Now that Stef knows Theo’s part of my life, he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he thinks I owe him.

This is my entire fault. Coming back to this godforsaken town was stupid. Getting Theo involved even stupider. I’ve dug myself into a hole that I have no idea how to get out of. All I know is I can’t let that bastard hurt my daughter. But I also won’t let Stefano blackmail Theo.

The thought of him makes my chest tighten.

There’s not a doubt in my mind that he’ll try to come up with the sum. But even if he does have that kind of money, Stefano will never be satisfied. I know him too well.



He’ll suck Theo dry, and then do what he always intended to do. Kill me.

I open my eyes as Moody takes a sharp left turn. His expression is severe, jaw clenched tight, eyes narrowed on the road ahead.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Police station.”

“No.” The panic in my voice is clear, even to me. “I can’t go there. Please.”

He pulls the truck over to the side of the road and slams it into park, then flips down my visor, pointing at the small rectangular mirror.

“Have you seen your face?” His words are low, steady, but still laced with anger.

I look up and wince. Already my left eye is starting to swell shut.

“It’s not that bad.”

Moody’s mouth drops open, and he looks like he’s about to say something, then he clamps it shut.

“If you could take me to the bus station, I–”

“Are you fucking serious?” He looks at me as if I’ve just asked him to drop me off in the middle of the Atlantic.

“I can’t stay.”

“You can’t leave. Fuck, Theo will…” He rubs his palms over his eyes. When he looks at me, again his expression has softened. “What does the guy have on you?”

The breath I take pinches my chest. I can’t meet Moody’s gaze, so I look out the side window and mumble, “Enough to keep me running.”

The silence that follows is almost deafening.

Finally, he asks, “And Theo?”

My eyes burn and I blink back tears, but not fast enough. One slips down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. I promised him I wouldn’t run, and I meant it. But if I stay, Stefano will destroy us both.

“He’s better off if I go,” I say, holding Logan just a tiny bit tighter.

Moody snorts, his lip curling up in disgust. “Are you really that ignorant? I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but you can’t take his kid from him.”

His words only confirm what I already know. What I’ve already come to grips with.

Logan deserves more than what I can give her. If I leave, no one gets hurt. Stefano has nothing on Theo. It’s me he’s after. Theo can keep Logan safe. She’d have a family. A stable home. He can give her the life I never can.

BOOK: Fighting Blind
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